2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Where’s that guy who was giving it the biggun about his educated understanding of betting markets?

It's funny. He was talking about neural nets. As a fellow data scientist with a masters in machine learning (and I'm sure more qualified PhD folks like @Revan will agree) - no matter how good your model is, it's limited by the data you feed it. And there's just too many variables when it comes to stocks and elections, and you will always have a considerable margin for error because your feature set cannot simply include all the chaos of real life. With a carefully curated data set, an intuitively selected and constructed ensemble and a skillful tweaking of loss functions and hyperparameters, you can outperform other models, - but you can't become fecking Nostradamus.
So other than (what I assume was) the cuban diaspora in Florida, did Biden actually underperform with a given demographic to make it this close?

Or is it more a case of Trump very effectively mobilising his base to match Biden?
I actually think uncertainty because of Covid has also benefited Trump as much as it hurt him. We know there is an economic impact and voters would feel more comfortable coming out of this with a conservative government (ignoring how well Biden and Obama did post 08).
Haha this guy.

His base case was more than a 100EC win for Biden but now he is going to claim a narrow win as validating him.
To be fair, Biden can easily win by 80 electoral votes if he wins PA and GE. Or lose, if he loses Michigan (in which case he will lose PA and possibly Georgia). He needs N Carolina in order to go close to 100, but that doesn’t seem to happen.
It's only lacking in logic if you frame it in the context of losing the democratic primaries where it was really Black democratic support staying with Biden that turned things around when he has been floundering.
To win the overall presidency that demographic would always back you. What you needed to do was get voter turnout up and attract independents in swing states.

Biden didnt have a message other than being anti something. No hope for the future, no reengaging with working class voters in the rust belt offering prospects and a future.
Only a message of hope and aspiration would have been able to counter Trumps divisive message of hate and anger.
For some reason the democratic establishment made exactly the same mistakes as with HC. Hopefully it wont be as costly.
Maybe there is no new big idea for Dems in USA?
Is he expected to claw back the 600k in PA? If he does that then he's a massive favourite with everything else being as it is. He doesn't need it from where I'm looking and still favourite to win.
Its possible. Mail in from Philly, Pittsburg, those highly democratic suburbs
This is why I kept saying all night long that calling Biden an uninspired candidate is somewhat wide of the mark: clearly, he managed to enthuse a staggering amount of votes. He mainly did so by not being Trump, admittedly. But still: no presidential candidate ever received more votes. It's a bit odd to then turn around and say he should have done much better.

So he did not really do anything did he ? Whether it's voters from the left or the right, both were out in force because of Trump. Biden had nothing to do with it.
It's funny. He was talking about neural nets. As a fellow data scientist with a masters in machine learning (and I'm sure more qualified PhD folks like @Revan will agree) - no matter how good your model is, it's limited by the data you feed it. And there's just too many variables when it comes to stocks and elections, and you will always have a considerable margin for error because your feature set cannot simply include all the chaos of real life. With a carefully curated data set, an intuitively selected and constructed ensemble and a skillful tweaking of loss functions and hyperparameters, you can outperform other models, - but you can't become fecking Nostradamus.
I would actually be surprised if anyone is using neural nets for poll predictions. Statistical methods and maybe some basic ML (like random forests) seem much more suited for this task IMO (actually more likely it is just statistical models). And yes, obviously every learning/statistical model is only as good as the data you feed to it.

He had no clue what he was talking about.
Is he expected to claw back the 600k in PA? If he does that then he's a massive favourite with everything else being as it is. He doesn't need it from where I'm looking and still favourite to win.
Is he expected to claw back the 600k in PA? If he does that then he's a massive favourite with everything else being as it is. He doesn't need it from where I'm looking and still favourite to win.
Over 2.5 million mail-in votes to be counted and I remember reading at least 1.5 mil are expected to be registered dems. far from over
This is why I kept saying all night long that calling Biden an uninspired candidate is somewhat wide of the mark: clearly, he managed to enthuse a staggering amount of votes. He mainly did so by not being Trump, admittedly. But still: no presidential candidate ever received more votes. It's a bit odd to then turn around and say he should have done much better.

Eh, I know people who would have voted against Trump if his opponent was a pillar of salt. Animus against Trump drove the vote out, not being inspired by Biden (if you're inspired by Biden then I have some drugs to introduce you to)
Listen, I have been up for 30 hours, survived the Green Bay ink incident, led a rally against despair and procured a phone charger. I will not be denied my irrational hope!

At this point it's not even irrational! It's fecking happening! And this European has been up all night already... :D
my favourite

"Suddenly" :lol: Do they know how mail works.

Also where was this rhetoric when Biden lead Florida and Trump slowly took over? Why not cry of 'where did these votes come from?' then.
Is he expected to claw back the 600k in PA? If he does that then he's a massive favourite with everything else being as it is. He doesn't need it from where I'm looking and still favourite to win.

If he wins the absentees anywhere from 74-26 and above then he’s Gucci. Currently 78-21z
Is he expected to claw back the 600k in PA? If he does that then he's a massive favourite with everything else being as it is. He doesn't need it from where I'm looking and still favourite to win.
At current projections biden should get over 70% of the remaining PA vote, this could be well over 800k votes for biden.
Over 2.5 million mail-in votes to be counted and I remember reading at least 1.5 mil are expected to be registered dems. far from over
The 2.5m is the whole total, of which 1.4m is still to be counted.
Haha this guy.

His base case was more than a 100EC win for Biden but now he is going to claim a narrow win as validating him.

I've got to be honest if he had predicted a narrow win there would have been a lot less stress for a lot of us (and yes, I know I have to go away and properly understand polling before the next election so I don't go gray prematurely...)
Right now The Donald is sending a message to Ivanka “Last chance to bang a President.”
Mail vote has won Wisconsin for biden. Mail vote is likey to win Michigan and Pennsylvania for biden

Was getting very depressed when went to sleep!

So it was worth going to sleep. Hallelujah!
Biben gonna win: Hallelujah!
Eh, I know people who would have voted against Trump if his opponent was a pillar of salt. Animus against Trump drove the vote out, not being inspired by Biden (if you're inspired by Biden then I have some drugs to introduce you to)
Which is why I admitted that he inspired them by not being Trump. The main point is that it's hard to see anyone else doing any better. This election was always going to be about Trump: half of the US embraced him, the other, slightly larger half (I'm not good at maths) rejected him.
Can't believe how close it all is....given all the predictions in last two weeks I expected Biden to win by 55-45% margin.

Is it too simplistic to say Trump would've won this comfortably but for Covid crisis?
The next few months will be fun with Trump pushing executive order after executive order not giving two fecks.
He won't have to with the Senate remaining red. Turtle flaps and co will give him a clear run at whatever nonsense he wants to legislate.
Which is why I admitted that he inspired them by not being Trump. The main point is that it's hard to see anyone else doing any better. This election was always going to be about Trump: half of the US embraced him, the other, slightly larger half (I'm not good at maths) rejected him.

Ah, fair then.
A decent news to wake up to...I was super depressed and having a melt down before going to bed. Biden, come on man..
Eh, I know people who would have voted against Trump if his opponent was a pillar of salt. Animus against Trump drove the vote out, not being inspired by Biden (if you're inspired by Biden then I have some drugs to introduce you to)
Would all the center/center right voters would have voted for Sanders or Warren? I really doubt that any of them would have got Arizona for example, and who knows how Midwest would have gone.

Saying that, I think that a you get centrist would have done better. Like O’Rourke or Buttigieg if they did not suck.
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