2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Needs to flip, right?. Biden winning but Turtle still being in charge would be a nightmare.
Turtle being in charge of the senate would feck a Biden presidency. 50 votes though and a Biden win means that Schumer is in charge.

The problem though is that Dems needs 52 votes to be able to go for big things (statehood for PR/DC, assuming that there is a will). I do not see Manchin and Sinema being reliable votes for big things, despite that Schumer seems to have some control over them. And in the case of Manchin, he comes from such a red state, than you cannot primary him successfully, so he can do what he wants.
I think it's likely to go blue. Trump shot himself in the foot with the constant bashing of John McCain. Cindy McCain endorsed Biden.
Yup, and so did Flake for what it matters. Probably not too much, but the margins are very thin.

Bashing McCain who was popular, after his death, was pure stupidity from Trump.
As an Arizona resident I am fairly confident it's going blue. The thing is that right-leaning moderates living in the suburbs have left Trump + increased Latino vote. Expect AZ to go the way of CO or VA in the coming years in terms of political shifts.

If AZ and TX go the way of CO, the GOP are proper screwed. :drool: Your early data all looks good. For me, it's almost a sure thing. By my very very conservative estimate, D are 48k up right now. 200-300K should vote on the day. He'd need something like 300k and to carry it 60:40 to have any chance. Your state is a bit complicated because of how party registration works. If 82.2% of R voted Trump, he'd have over 1.24M votes alone meaning he carried 100% of the on the day vote. If that's correct, NO independent voters (or D voted) voted for him.) Which would be an impossibility, because to carry on the day voting like that, he'd need them.
tldr: Turnout is up, Trump vote is down. Should be good.

@owlo drop some knowledge on us

I've none left matey, only nerves :devil: Just adjusted my sleep pattern for the election, so there's that!
Yep that's my wild punt. Because the only people I've seen polling NE-1 are those useless fecks at SurveyMonkey, but a few months back there was a poll from someone slightly more reputable showing NE-1 as a surprisingly small lead for Trump. So hey I'm feeling wildly optimistic, so why not go for it. :lol:
Fair enough, I can't much talk, did a wildly optimistic map back in 2015 that put the Dems at about 450 EVs :lol:
So what bets are people making? I'm thinking play it safe and just whack a big'n on Biden. I don't know the race well enough to be clever about it.

Renewable energy derivatives. Dollar shorts. Fossil shorts. ETFS, Gold. Probably too late for any big gains in direct voting or in gold though
I bet it's the same with the politicians, Jamm and that dude who keep having affairs.
Renewable energy derivatives. Dollar shorts. Fossil shorts. ETFS, Gold. Probably too late for any big gains in direct voting or in gold though

Still think solar, china stocks and weed stocks have upside.

The ‘Libs celebrate jubilantly by 9 pm West Coast only to shit themselves gradually until the next morning’ map...
Fecking Pennsylvania, what is wrong with those people to even get near this conversation? Well, aside from historic reliance on Coal transitioning to Big Oil I guess.
These turnout numbers can only be bad for Trump...

... right?


Republicans win when there's mass voter apathy and low turnouts.

Record breaking numbers of people voting , especially young people as seen in Texas is always a good thing for Democrats
These turnout numbers can only be bad for Trump...

... right?
#Silentmajority #MAGA #Redwave #TrumpPence2020
Fecking Pennsylvania, what is wrong with those people to even get near this conversation? Well, aside from historic reliance on Coal transitioning to Big Oil I guess.

As they say, it’s Alabama between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.

And for Floriduh watchers:
So here are some things I am going to watch for tomorrow.

First - the "swing counties." There were four: Jefferson (rural North Florida), Monroe (The Conch Republic), St. Lucie (Palm Beach media market), Pinellas (St. Petersburg/Clearwater). Beyond this, there are two counties that I suspect will flip if Biden wins: Duval (Jacksonville), and Seminole (suburban Orlando). I will likely go look at Pinellas and Duval first - mostly because they both have a history of returning VBM/EV pretty quickly.

Next: the "base counties" - I want to see how Dade is doing. I don't expect Biden to hit Clinton levels, but I would like to see him hit margins around Obama 2012. I also want to see Broward next door. I think there is a decent chance Broward hits margins enough to make up any loss from Clinton in Dade. Palm Beach is usually slow to report - but they have changed some things up, so hopefully we will get an early read there.

"Red Florida" - Sumter County is hard core red - it is home to the Villages. Trump won it by 39 points in 2016. Almost all of its vote will report early - so I will be curious as to the margins. Same for Pasco, a bay area county that Trump won by 53K votes in 2016 and returns results very quickly. Do the margins look the same, or do they look different. Volusia on the east coast is similar - it moved hard from Obama to Trump -- can Biden claw some of that back.

Sarasota is sometimes fast, sometimes slow in returns. I want to see it before making any judgements. Then what is the lead in the eastern time zone before the central time zone votes come in? Trump should win those central time zone votes by a max of 150,000 votes -- so are we up by enough to absorb that around 8pm?

Last time, we had a pretty good read on it before 8pm. I don't know how that changes with so many more votes - but I suspect we will know pretty early in the night.

Basically it comes down to two things: Can Democrats somewhat keep up with turnout tomorrow -- and are the NPA and partisan votes breaking as the polls suggest they are (Biden winning NPA, and winning a bigger share of GOP than Trump is of Dem)? If the NPA/partisan breaks hold, Biden can very much win without a partisan lead. How much? Well that depends?

For example, if the GOP has a one point advantage among all registered voters, under a model where both candidates get the same percentage of their own partisan vote (let's say 90-10), Biden would need a 5 point NPA lead to win by something close to the recount margin. But let's say Biden win's 11% of Republicans (89-11) compared to Trump getting 10% of Democrats (90-10), Biden will win by almost a point. As the GOP partisan advantage grows in turnout - these margins go up as well.

The scary thing is that even if Biden wins convincingly, there is still some 40% of America who support Trump. It’s sheer lunacy.
Based on my own internal polling I think it's going to look more like this.

Not when you are born and raised in it but having spent a lot of time out of state for the last 5 years I have noticeably lost my endurance capabilities of dealing with the extreme summer dry heat. It's a fair warning to anyone who may have to move to AZ at some point. With that said, the winter months are paradise.

I went there during the month of February once as a child (lived on the Canadian prairies at the time so anything above 0 C or 32 F was shorts weather), people looked at me like I was a lunatic for wearing shorts, using the outdoor pool etc.
Not when you are born and raised in it but having spent a lot of time out of state for the last 5 years I have noticeably lost my endurance capabilities of dealing with the extreme summer dry heat. It's a fair warning to anyone who may have to move to AZ at some point. With that said, the winter months are paradise.

Winters are nice but not worth the ridiculous summer heat.
Ah. Recently free your mind made a thread asking about what it means when you invite a girl who has been suggesting she’s down to clown over to your place to do the no pants dance, but she falls asleep once she gets to yours. He made that thread (think it’s called “help me understand women”) just a couple of minutes after posting a comment somewhere else about his wife: so either he made the whole thing up, he’s pretending to be married, or he accidentally admitted to cheating on his wife.
Probably full of shit like the New York Post he reads daily. Free your mind and read "The Post".
Very interesting read. Doesn't seem to be much confidence from the Trump side (expected) Trump is concerned about future investigations and federal probes. No declare victory early strategy discussed with allies.

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Booked Wednesday off. Told my girlfriend it’s so I can make the most of the last day before lockdown with her and the baby.

Really I’m going to stay up all night watching election coverage.
Booked Wednesday off. Told my girlfriend it’s so I can make the most of the last day before lockdown with her and the baby.

Really I’m going to stay up all night watching election coverage.

This election is huge, not just for you Yankie Doodles and Cowboys. If the last four years have shown us anything it's that Trump showed democratic politicians around the world that you don't have to fear acting like an unscrupulous, offensive, idiotic twat. Nobody can touch you if you just lie all of the time.

I hope Biden wins because it might put pressure on people like Boris Johnson to rethink their copy/paste "fake news" strategy, even if it's just a little bit. You need a President who leads by example. A President who is treated like royalty on the global stage to the point where foreign leaders get annoyed by the attention they get from the populace.

I also can't wait for that orange cnut to be out so he can go back to having the people of Aberdeen letting him know how hated he is. As soon as his bubble bursts and he has to face the embarrassment of being the "loser" that he often claims others to be, and he has nowhere to hide.

*No idea how old the little one is so I might be quite late

This is my "All goes to shit map." An absolute worst case scenario.

And it shows Trump needs everything to win. A single narrow loss in AZ NC OH FL GA PA would feck him. This illustrates why everybody is so confident. Biden has about 7 paths. Trump has ONE. The only state that is even in the realms of possibility turning red in this map is NV, and that's only 6 votes. (ie. A loss in PA FL OH GA NC would still doom him.)

He's fecked. There you go, my prediction.
I'm already feeling the anxiety. Took off Wednesday.

If we know Biden won NC, Georgia, or Florida on election night, that should basically end it. Turnout in NC has been extremely high with all of the major Democratic counties ahead of 2016 turnout before election day, except Orange County thanks to the University of NC's closing after failing on COVID. I just hope the urban counties and Black Belt counties can pull Biden through. The suburbs in the Triangle, Triad, and Charlotte could swing pretty heavily to Biden to seal it.

Not sure if it's been mentioned, but the best Nevada elections guru has already virtually called the state for Biden based on turnout.


This is my "All goes to shit map." An absolute worst case scenario.

And it shows Trump needs everything to win. A single narrow loss in AZ NC OH FL GA PA would feck him. This illustrates why everybody is so confident. Biden has about 7 paths. Trump has ONE. The only state that is even in the realms of possibility turning red in this map is NV, and that's only 6 votes. (ie. A loss in PA FL OH GA NC would still doom him.)

He's fecked. There you go, my prediction.
Based on the polls in NC, GA, FL, PA and AZ it's hard to see how Trump can win. He won a couple of those states by a close margin in 2016 and I don't think his support has grown since then.
People appear confident Biden will win but I can't help feeling it was the same with Clinton last time.

Her methods are quite controversial in the election analytic business, and I’m less than enarmoured with her affiliation with the Lincoln Project, but in the spirit of fairness, she did get closer than most in 2018.

For those not bothered to go through the whole thing, she predicts 334 EVs as either safe, likely or Lean D for president, and 50-48 D Senate with 2 toss-ups.
I have never been so nervous about an election in my life (48 years old). Staggering to think what is at stake here.

Personally given the choice between McTurtle losing the Senate or Trump staying another 4 years, I would take the McTurtle option. Trump's impotent without McTurtle.
People appear confident Biden will win but I can't help feeling it was the same with Clinton last time.
Not the same election. The polls tightened in key states, Trump had a lot of momentum behind him, a lot of undecided voters, Clinton wasn't popular and voters weren't enthusiastic. It's a different ball game.
Not the same election. The polls tightened in key states as the 2016 election drew closer, Trump had a lot of momentum behind him, Clinton wasn't popular and voters weren't enthusiastic. It's a different ball game.
Oh I have no doubt it is a different ball game, I'm watching from a far with a morbid curiosity.
Not the same election. The polls tightened in key states, Trump had a lot of momentum behind him, Clinton wasn't popular and voters weren't enthusiastic. It's a different ball game.
Trump also wasn’t president then and didn’t have the whole government apparatus behind him and a vociferous right wing militia at his disposal.

Every sane person would recognise that probabilisticly Trump doesn’t really stand a chance, but we are also shit scared nonetheless because there’s no depth that they wouldn’t sink to finagle this whole thing. They aren’t even hiding this. So our hope is on Biden not only winning but win well (and tbf, looks like he is).
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