2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Tsar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies.
Its interesting how Red Florida has become.
Obama won it twice.
Well, Obama is/was an election machine. I’m sure there’s been voter suppression and gerrymandering out the wazoo since because, well, Florida. And while I’ve never been there, my understanding is that the large Latino community there is not THAT progressive (much like black voters in, say, SC). Families of those who fled Castro but lived under Batista might have something to do with it?

Florida did have one of the more stomachable Rep. Congressmen in Carlos Curbelo (relatively speaking!!) who at least began the Climate Solutions Caucus with Ted Deutch. But he lost his seat in 2018.
Joe Biden Makes Up Nelson Mandela Story That Never Happened

Not the first big lie he as made that was fact checked.
Borh states were expected to be weak for Sanders, so I wouldn’t dismiss the polls.
Sanders isn't finishing 4th in South Carolina. Most polls have him finishing 2nd, which is ok because he'll get a healthy amount of delegates while still having the possibility of finishing first. And I'm highly suspicious of the StPetePoll. Would rather see a more mainstream poll or DataForProgress.
This polling is wild It' either a <5 point narrow win or a 20-point blowout. I trust Emerson os 15-20 looks likely.


What is fairly consistent is Bernie's score in the 19-24 range. Biden goes from 27 to 40 based on the poll.
the fecking south :lol:

edit- it can't even be said that it's just demographics. in nevada the black vote went 36/30 for biden/sanders. too few for polls in iowa and NH but bernie did well there too by all indications. if those patterns repeated here too it would be very close. the southern vote as a whole is just different.
A lot of conjecture in that link. Is any of this backed by polls? Is it possible for other candidates to do worse in head to head polls yet come out ahead in the EC map, or is the assumption that Biden is more likely than Bernie to flip Texas?
He’s consistently polled behind Biden in FL, for instance, and of all the contests so far, the area he’s done worst in are affluent suburbs where Dems are making gains in places like GA or AZ.

I don’t think anyone flip Texas, even with BOR as VP pick, but the assumption is you are likelier to do well if downballot candidates in those places don’t run from you, which looks like the case with Biden rather than Sanders.

Of course, it must be said, in the case of Biden, polling is quite sketchy. He’s holding up well in the South but we’ve seen his large lead evaporated in the Midwest and northern/western states, so it’s likelier than not that his lead vs Trump in FL or AZ will collapse sharpish in a general election.
Sanders isn't finishing 4th in South Carolina. Most polls have him finishing 2nd, which is ok because he'll get a healthy amount of delegates while still having the possibility of finishing first. And I'm highly suspicious of the StPetePoll. Would rather see a more mainstream poll or DataForProgress.

Biden will win SC. Only question is whether he wins by 10+ or 15+.
All those who completely wrote off Biden after NH are going to have eggs on their face if Biden does have a resounding win in SC.
@Florida Man Monmouth also had Biden up by 20 in SC yesterday, I think there’s been a late movement towards him after the debate/Clyburn’s endorsement. Final range could be in the teens.
The polls are all over the place. Other highly rated polls have it close too. We'll see once the primary happens — expect a Biden win but not by 20. I also expect Sanders to be 2nd.

This newspaper worries that forcing Americans to decide between him and Mr Trump would result in an appalling choice with no good outcome. It will surprise nobody that we disagree with a self-described democratic socialist over economics, but that is just the start. Because Mr Sanders is so convinced that he is morally right, he has a dangerous tendency to put ends before means.

On the contrary I think they fear Sanders as a populist and anarchist.

I think this Russia backing Sanders narrative is part of an attempt to destroy Sanders credibility among the moderate Democrats.
Sanders' foreign policy would be a godsend for Russia. Trump campaigned as a non-interventionist, too (although he's obviously not kept to his word).
Sanders' foreign policy would be a godsend for Russia. Trump campaigned as a non-interventionist, too (although he's obviously not kept to his word).
It would be a godsend for any nation suffering from US sanctions/pressure. Not being the world's bully would be a good thing overall imo.
It's funny how the guy who has policies most similar to MLK is not widely supported by the demographic who actually lived to see MLK and choose Biden.
Why? Wasn't he always expected to do well here? Bernie will win Super Tuesday and that should be that.

If the Polls are right, then Biden will have done better than expected.
But this is a race for delegates and after Super Tuesday will know who the nominee will be.
Bernie has done a lot of work in Super Tuesday States. Lots of Early Voting.

As for voters in SC you cant blame older voters. They trust their representatives like Clyburn. Unfortunately they have done little for their own people.
Biden was Obama's VP after all.

But many young blacks are listening to what Bernie has said. So things are changing.

this is the poll i was waiting for, they called the 1st 3. this would be an ok result for both bernie and biden.
I really think the biggest threat to Trump getting re-elected could be the coronavirus. If it causes the economy to tank, then all bets are off for Trump. A lot can happen in the next 8-9 months.
I really think the biggest threat to Trump getting re-elected could be the coronavirus. If it causes the economy to tank, then all bets are off for Trump. A lot can happen in the next 8-9 months.

Why, he could easily deflect and blame to the coronavirus. Even if is not corona virus fault. They will lap it up. If you think that after what he pass through, locker room talk, russia, impeachment, etc... If you believe than the economy tanking for just 8 months having the perfect excuse (uncontrollable virus) just there, is that we didn't learn anything. He might even come up as the saviour of corona virus and how great health care in US is an not need for M4A and be president for life till he is 104 surpising kirk douglas like the greatest famous person in the world and printing bills of 1.000 dollars again with his face...and they will clone him.....yeahhhh... mmmm....I think is more feasable my story
Really good podcast. I liked Warren for years, and she was my favorite choice, but she is lying too much.
It’s sad because she could have been a really strong ally in the Senate but I’m in complete doubt now. True colors really do come out in desperation.
Why, he could easily deflect and blame to the coronavirus. Even if is not corona virus fault. They will lap it up. If you think that after what he pass through, locker room talk, russia, impeachment, etc... If you believe than the economy tanking for just 8 months having the perfect excuse (uncontrollable virus) just there, is that we didn't learn anything. He might even come up as the saviour of corona virus and how great health care in US is an not need for M4A and be president for life till he is 104 surpising kirk douglas like the greatest famous person in the world and printing bills of 1.000 dollars again with his face...and they will clone him.....yeahhhh... mmmm....I think is more feasable my story
I don’t think so. Economy is a whole different ball game. People put up with Trump’s bullshit solely because they’re happy with economy (even though it’s very misleading but that’s a different discussion). If that tanks, watch how fickle the “moderates” become.
I don’t think so. Economy is a whole different ball game. People put up with Trump’s bullshit solely because they’re happy with economy (even though it’s very misleading but that’s a different discussion). If that tanks, watch how fickle the “moderates” become.
1000 bill notes with trump's face...I am telling you. Of course you will be too poor to have them due to rampant inequality

Now, seriously. I don't see enough time for the economy to crush significantly to affect...that even if it tanks, maybe will still growing
1000 bill notes with trump's face...I am telling you. Of course you will be too poor to have them due to rampant inequality

Now, seriously. I don't see enough time for the economy to crush significantly to affect...that even if it tanks, maybe will still growing
A bungled response to natural disaster is also very damaging by itself, look at Bush and Hurricane Katrina.
A bungled response to natural disaster is also very damaging by itself, look at Bush and Hurricane Katrina.
And you see how no damaging was what happened in Puerto Rico for Trump even with his public gaffes and comments. Trump is immune to anything. I am sure he can't even catch the cov-19 the bastard
If they screw Bernie again. Time for a new Democrat Socialist party.

DNC: We Don't Care What Voters Want

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If they screw Bernie again. Time for a new Democrat Socialist party.

DNC: We Don't Care What Voters Want

If Sanders loses by way of superdelegates, it would be a result of the very rules he negotiated with Hillary in the summer of 2016 - namely that they can’t be used as they were in the past and would only come into play if a candidate didn’t accrue the minimum amount of delegates after all the primaries were finished.
Why, he could easily deflect and blame to the coronavirus. Even if is not corona virus fault. They will lap it up. If you think that after what he pass through, locker room talk, russia, impeachment, etc... If you believe than the economy tanking for just 8 months having the perfect excuse (uncontrollable virus) just there, is that we didn't learn anything. He might even come up as the saviour of corona virus and how great health care in US is an not need for M4A and be president for life till he is 104 surpising kirk douglas like the greatest famous person in the world and printing bills of 1.000 dollars again with his face...and they will clone him.....yeahhhh... mmmm....I think is more feasable my story

He actually mentioned this yesterday or the day before and blamed not the virus but the weak field of dem candidates for the plummeting stock market.
If Sanders loses by way of superdelegates, it would be a result of the very rules he negotiated with Hillary in the summer of 2016 - namely that they can’t be used as they were in the past and would only come into play if a candidate didn’t accrue the minimum amount of delegates after all the primaries were finished.
‘Negotiated’ is a fairly liberal characterization.

Basically the two campaigns got to nominate people to the Unity Reform Cmte., which wrote the rules for this cycle, something like a third were DNC representatives, a bit more than a third from the winning campaign (Clinton) and a bit less than a third from Sanders’s folks. He wanted to do away with supes entirely, but they didn’t agree so they arrived at the 2nd ballot solution, which none were really happy about. They however also fought to keep the caucuses, which they succeeded, and tried to get all primaries become open, which they didn’t.

Saying Sanders wanted to keep supes is wrong, but then again the reasoning that since they are still there, trying to make a play for them is ok since that was something Sanders himself did is valid.
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