2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Due to the Covid-19 virus Trump will suspend the election, declare a national emergency, apply absolutism and declare himself sole ruler of the US
You have to ask yourself why he feared Joe but not Bernie
Both him and Russia seem to think that Sanders is the easiest candidate to beat (thus why Trump is almost supportive of Sanders in the primary, and Russia is interfering to help Sanders). It might well be a miscalculation, I am sure that Hillary would have chosen Trump as the Republican nominee instead of Rubio or Cruz.
Both him and Russia seem to think that Sanders is the easiest candidate to beat (thus why Trump is almost supportive of Sanders in the primary, and Russia is interfering to help Sanders). It might well be a miscalculation, I am sure that Hillary would have chosen Trump as the Republican nominee instead of Rubio or Cruz.

These guys rarely miscalculate.
Both him and Russia seem to think that Sanders is the easiest candidate to beat (thus why Trump is almost supportive of Sanders in the primary, and Russia is interfering to help Sanders). It might well be a miscalculation, I am sure that Hillary would have chosen Trump as the Republican nominee instead of Rubio or Cruz.

On the contrary I think they fear Sanders as a populist and anarchist.

I think this Russia backing Sanders narrative is part of an attempt to destroy Sanders credibility among the moderate Democrats.
I don't think the Russians fear Sanders, but Trump worries that he might lose to him. But I'm sure they have an attack plan all laid out ready to go.
Due to the Covid-19 virus Trump will suspend the election, declare a national emergency, apply absolutism and declare himself sole ruler of the US
I know a lady out in Cali who was suggesting similar fears about Dubya back in 2006, that he’d declare a national emergency and suspend the 2008 election.
I'm not sure folks are flailing in dismay. I think they're just giving their 'I reckon'. There's a lot of sensible arguments that he has it in the bag, there's a lot of sensible arguments that he'll likely lose.
You must be a part-timer follower of the thread then. I envy you.

And there’s no sensible argument that he has it in the bag.
You must be a part-timer follower of the thread then. I envy you.

And there’s no sensible argument that he has it in the bag.
The economy hasn't collapsed and when it doesn't Americans re-elect presidents. He's more popular than he's ever been. No matter who his opposition is large amounts of democratic voters will be in despair at the choice.

That's a sensible argument that he has it in the bag.
On the contrary I think they fear Sanders as a populist and anarchist.

I think this Russia backing Sanders narrative is part of an attempt to destroy Sanders credibility among the moderate Democrats.
This. And if Bernie still wins the GE, Russia just have to lay out some crumbs for republicans to find of them trying to help Bernie (even if there was no help) and just contest the result of the election.
People forget, Trump has so so much to lose if he loses this election.
I assume you are referring to Vietnam. All subsequent POTUS bar Carter would have done much the same thing in that situation.
True but also I was more thinking about Nixon role in cointelpro. We are to see Tump reach to these levels - political murders done by the state on American sole(Although it's possible that this has happened but we don't know about it yet. A ton of BLM activist have died in very odd ways for example). Also Trump sheer incompetence seems to be the one ''positive'' of his foreign policy. Someone smarter/confident could of started a war with Venezuela or Iran.
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True but also I was more thinking about Nixon role in cointelpro. We are to see Tump reach to these levels - political murders done by the state on American sole(Although it's possible that this has happened but we don't know about it yet. A ton of BLM activist have died in very odd ways for example). Also Trump sheer incompetence seems to be the one ''positive'' of his foreign policy. Someone smarter/confident could of started a war with Venezuela or Iran.

COINTELPRO was terrible but Nixon had to let Hoover do as he pleased because Hoover had more dirt on him than anybody else. Everybody in DC was relieved when Hoover died and FBI agents had a little bonfire in his back garden with his personal files.
COINTELPRO was terrible but Nixon had to let Hoover do as he pleased because Hoover had more dirt on him than anybody else. Everybody in DC was relieved when Hoover died and FBI agents had a little bonfire in his back garden with his personal files.
The dirt on Nixon meant he couldn't be the most powerful person on the planet anymore, he was pardon for his role in watergate and never did any jail time. Yet letting Hoover do as he pleased result in actual political murder. Also something tells me that Nixon a man who believed in hierarchy of races didn't cared much for the outcome of the Black Panther Party.

I'm not saying Trump isn't terrible, he clearly is but we are so quick to forget just how truly awful past presidencies have been. Hopefully people will hold future presidents to the same standard they now hold Trump.
The dirt on Nixon meant he couldn't be the most powerful person on the planet anymore, he was pardon for his role in watergate and never did any jail time. Yet letting Hoover do as he pleased result in actual political murder. Also something tells me that Nixon a man who believed in hierarchy of races didn't cared much for the outcome of the Black Panther Party.

I'm not saying Trump isn't terrible, he clearly is but we are so quick to forget just how truly awful past presidencies have been. Hopefully people will hold future presidents to the same standard they now hold Trump.

Nixon was a terrible racist. Not arguing that.
Ignoring the SCOTUS has never happened. That's a huge deal if he does it.
He does seem to be getting his base ready for it. Must be great being a Fox news editor, trying to work out how they're going to spin that one.
On the contrary I think they fear Sanders as a populist and anarchist.

I think this Russia backing Sanders narrative is part of an attempt to destroy Sanders credibility among the moderate Democrats.
This looks a bit hypocritical IMO. We all believed that Trump was helped from Russia cause state officials (FBI) said so. Now crying 'nah, conspiracy about Bernie' is a bit weird.

Obviously Putin would prefer Trump, but Sanders is the next best thing (for example compared to Biden). He is quite non-interventionist and would concentrate his presidentship in improving the life of Americans, rather than do global policing. He has mentioned many times that he will reduce the defense budget.

I don't think the Russians fear Sanders, but Trump worries that he might lose to him. But I'm sure they have an attack plan all laid out ready to go.

Trump tweets repeatedly that Dems stole the election from Bernie, and he should not leave them to do it again. From the tweets, it doesn't look like he has any fear of Bernie.

Tbf, I think that Bernie is actually the worst matchup for Trump, but at the same time, I thought that Trump had no chance of winning the nomination, let alone the general elections.
The debate yesterday was a total mess. Rigged crowd, incompetent moderators and repetitive questions. To top it off, instead of concentrating on the real candidates they had to waste our time listening to empty suits like Pete, Amy, Warren and Steyer who will never be close to getting the nomination. Bernie needs to take the gloves off like Trump did and go into full attack mode against the establishment clowns.
Both him and Russia seem to think that Sanders is the easiest candidate to beat (thus why Trump is almost supportive of Sanders in the primary, and Russia is interfering to help Sanders). It might well be a miscalculation, I am sure that Hillary would have chosen Trump as the Republican nominee instead of Rubio or Cruz.

But that's what everyone did. When Trump won the nomination, there were big shit eating grins on everyone's face in the Democrat camp. Like, "did these fools really elect this guy?" That ramped up several times after the Access Hollywood tape came out.

Cue election night. Tears.

Hoping that happens in reverse this time, with Sanders.

Sans the Kompromat tape the commies saved from his honeymoon, of course.
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