2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Is that worse than losing the SCOTUS?

Do you think Biden would get his nomination through a McConnell lead Senate? If he did, what sort of judge do you think it would be?
You are right.

That is not what I was saying.
If you want to win an election, you have to listen to what voters want and deliver. Not just say the other guy is bad.

That is what Hillary did.

i'm afraid you have to deal with the fact that major progressive change can only be incremental.
Do you think Biden would get his nomination through a McConnell lead Senate? If he did, what sort of judge do you think it would be?

Yes because he would pick one that some senators would vote for. There's no way Mitch can block a nomination for years so he has to confirm somebody.
Yes because he would pick one that some senators would vote for. There's no way Mitch can block a nomination for years so he has to confirm somebody.

This is McConnell. He answers to nobody.
The senate can't be won this time around. I can see moderate repubs voting for Joe, but not for Bernard.
Hard but doable. Jones will (likely) lose Alabama. Dems will flip Colorado quite easily it seems, both seats in Georgia are in play, as is Arizona. Collins is the second most unpopular senator in the US, so Maine can be in play too. There are another few longer shots, but still can be done. And it definitely can be done in 2022.

The only Republicans who seem to be willing to break the party lines (occasionally) are Collins, Murkowski, and Romney. Even if them would join the Dems, McConnell wouldn't allow a vote to happen (same as he did for Obama's last pick). So even if you go as centrist as possible, it still won't matter.
i'm afraid you have to deal with the fact that major progressive change can only be incremental.

Grin. I'm merely pointing out the reality.
Trumps voters will be ginned up. The narrative of him being impeached because of Biden resonates.
Biden will not bring in new voters which will be needed to win states like WI.

You need a wave election. That can only happen if Sanders is the nominee.
the Dems will then also have Congress.
The reality though is the DNC considers Sanders a worse result.
Why? Money.
Grin. I'm merely pointing out the reality.
Trumps voters will be ginned up. The narrative of him being impeached because of Biden resonates.
Biden will not bring in new voters which will be needed to win states like WI.

You need a wave election. That can only happen if Sanders is the nominee.
the Dems will then also have Congress.
The reality though is the DNC considers Sanders a worse result.
Why? Money.

A wave election requires moderate repubs to vote for you. I don't think they will vote for Bernard, they would vote for Joe. That's my point.
By simply not allowing it to take place. He did it for a year, and there were 0 consequences, with a lot of rewards. McConnell has always been an obstructionist, but he has been going more extreme with each year passing. In the last 3 years or so, he isn't even bothering to pretend.
By simply not allowing it to take place. He did it for a year, and there were 0 consequences, with a lot of rewards. McConnell has always been an obstructionist, but he has been going more extreme with each year passing. In the last 3 years or so, he isn't even bothering to pretend.

Well that will definitely happen then if Bernard gets in
I just don't see how a vote can be blocked for several years.

McConnell currently has something like 500 pieces of legislation on his desk with something like 400 of them getting bi-partisan backing in the House and he’s just ignoring them. Why would a SCOTUS pick be any different? They will create a huge drama around something and use it as reason why they can’t have a vote. A senate investigation into x or y.
Well that will definitely happen then if Bernard gets in
Absolutely. Hope it to flip the senate either now or in 2022, and then fill the court with left-wing SCOTUSes. My point is that it won't matter who is the Democratic president, I don't see McConnell appointing judges picked by the Dem president.
A wave election requires moderate repubs to vote for you. I don't think they will vote for Bernard, they would vote for Joe. That's my point.


A wave election brings in voters who have not voted before and are excited about voting now.
That is what Trump did.

Going to the middle which is what you are talking about will not bring in enough crossover voters to compensate for loss of new voters.

But to address your point, people across all spectrum will respond to what benefits their pocketbooks.

Health care and Climate Change are huge concerns now. education too.
Why Sanders is polling so well. That is not just progressives. its across all demographics.
McConnell currently has something like 500 pieces of legislation on his desk with something like 400 of them getting bi-partisan backing in the House and he’s just ignoring them. Why would a SCOTUS pick be any different? They will create a huge drama around something and use it as reason why they can’t have a vote. A senate investigation into x or y.

Because hamstringing a co-equal branch of Govt. is a big deal. He got away with that Obama nonsense but I can't see him doing it again.
Because hamstringing a co-equal branch of Govt. is a big deal. He got away with that Obama nonsense but I can't see him doing it again.

He got away with it. It’s normal behaviour now, simply his prerogative as Senate Maj Ldr.
Let’s not forget it’s the lack of spine of mainstream Democrats that led to Trump in the first place.
It's worth checking out that show on EPIX based on the Watergate podcast. They do a good explanation of how Nixon neutralized Humphrey and Muskie in 72 so that he ended up running against McGovern. I see parallels of that here.
Those famously reliable people, political analysts.
They've adjusted to the new reality, for the most part.

Regardless, it is a rather simple calculus for a non-analyst even. There are only a few states that matter in this electoral process, and all trended blue in the last elections.
So to flail in dismay that Donald almost has it in the bag is silly.
There's currently a lot of talk that Trump is preparing to ignore the SCOTUS on it's ruling on his tax returns if it's unfavourable. They have no enforcement power so there's little could be done about it. He wouldn't be like Nixon who considered it, but ultimately decided that the Republic was more important.
I see several constitutional crises in the future.

Put them on the top of the pile. A constitutional crisis used to be a big deal. Now it’s just another thing to shrug your shoulders about. There’s no consequences.
There's currently a lot of talk that Trump is preparing to ignore the SCOTUS on it's ruling on his tax returns if it's unfavourable. They have no enforcement power so there's little could be done about it. He wouldn't be like Nixon who considered it, but ultimately decided that the Republic was more important.

Nixon looks like a true patriot compared to this nutter.
They've adjusted to the new reality, for the most part.

Regardless, it is a rather simple calculus for a non-analyst even. There are only a few states that matter in this electoral process, and all trended blue in the last elections.
So to flail in dismay that Donald almost has it in the bag is silly.
I'm not sure folks are flailing in dismay. I think they're just giving their 'I reckon'. There's a lot of sensible arguments that he has it in the bag, there's a lot of sensible arguments that he'll likely lose.

What some nerds think many months out is to be taken no more seriously than whatever Grinner reckons though. We don't know what the state of the country or the world will be, before we even try and guess how voters will react.
I'm not sure folks are flailing in dismay. I think they're just giving their 'I reckon'. There's a lot of sensible arguments that he has it in the bag, there's a lot of sensible arguments that he'll likely lose.

What some nerds think many months out is to be taken no more seriously than whatever Grinner reckons though. We don't know what the state of the country or the world will be, before we even try and guess how voters will react.

well we can only make our arguments based on the now
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