2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Making up own rules now, are we?

For a person who makes $50k a year...it is eminently possible to increase to $75k a year and to $100k a year, with personal changes, reskilling etc. The myth that a person can never move out of minimum pay because of some billionaire is just nonsense.
What does this have to do with the velocity of money?
Taking a thread off topic
Making up own rules now, are we?

For a person who makes $50k a year...it is eminently possible to increase to $75k a year and to $100k a year, with personal changes, reskilling etc. The myth that a person can never move out of minimum pay because of some billionaire is just nonsense.

That has nothing to do with what I said. An incremental dollar in the hands of a lower/middle income person will be spent, generating more activity in goods and services, and drive economic activity. An incremental dollar in the hands of a billionaire typically sits offshore in order not to be taxed.
Yep - he's really accelerating cashburn for all candidates in the race
1) He's driving ad rates up, basically making it more expensive to stay in the race. You want to get your message out, guess what - you'd have to pay 2-3x more than a month ago.
2) He's gobbling up all the talented campaigners at the state/local level by offering way above market rates.
3) He's asking traditional Dem donors to sit this round out, thereby starving his opponents of much needed cash.

He's gambling on Mike vs Bernie showdown - and hoping to convince the field that's he's a safer bet to defeat Trump than "socialist" Bernie.

Another somewhat unintended effect is that he’s galvanizing Sanders’ support among a growing number of people who may see Bloomberg’s entry as the last gasp of the establishment. Voting Sanders would therefore be a way to permanently change the fundamental power structure in Democratic politics.
There is a separate economics thread. Take the economics discussion there and leave this for the topic in the title.

Warnings incoming....
Making up own rules now, are we?

For a person who makes $50k a year...it is eminently possible to increase to $75k a year and to $100k a year, with personal changes, reskilling etc. The myth that a person can never move out of minimum pay because of some billionaire is just nonsense.
This is clearly separate to what the post you’re replying to was discussing, and I think it’s all probably separate to the subject matter of this thread.
Another somewhat unintended effect is that he’s galvanizing Sanders’ support among a growing number of people who may see Bloomberg’s entry as the last gasp of the establishment. Voting Sanders would therefore be a way to permanently change the fundamental power structure in Democratic politics.

It's a risky strategy, but brilliant in a crowded field as it is currently. He needs to make it Mike vs Bernie asap and then hope that Bernie doesn't breach the 40% threshold. He will then ramp up the socialism doesn't work and portray himself as a competent administrator that can run the country better than Bernie and Trump.

To expand on this, I think candidates like Bernie who are propelled by small donors are more resilient than those propelled by large donors. 2/3 of Biden’s and more than 1/2 of Pete's money comes from deep-pocketed donors as per opensecret.org. The money helps, but small donors keep candidates in the fight. Bernie by contrast relies less than 1/3 on big money contributions and is thus more immune to big donors.
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It's a risky strategy, but brilliant in a crowded field as it is currently. He needs to make it Mike vs Bernie asap and then hope that Bernie doesn't breach the 40% threshold. He will then ramp up the socialism doesn't work and portray himself as a competent administrator that can run the country better than Bernie and Trump.
The dirt on Bloomberg coming out to light has just started and soon enough everyone will know about it. He also sucks ass at debating and any logical person watching, despite their views, will not feel confident about his “electability”. Trump would annihilate him.
The dirt on Bloomberg coming out to light has just started and soon enough everyone will know about it. He also sucks ass at debating and any logical person watching, despite their views, will not feel confident about his “electability”. Trump would annihilate him.

I would counter argue that there was a lot of dirt on Trump and he still ran the table on the GOP primary and Hillary.

As for debating, Hillary killed Trump on the national debate, but he still won. Also imo, debating skills are not a great indicator of governing skills.
I would counter argue that there was a lot of dirt on Trump and he still ran the table on the GOP primary and Hillary.

As for debating, Hillary killed Trump on the national debate, but he still won. Also imo, debating skills are not a great indicator of governing skills.

Its about what people want.

Health Care tops the list followed closely by Climate Change.
Why a 78 year old man is the front runner.

If you debate on actual policies that people are passionate about, you win.
just calling trump bad gets you no where. In fact that merely energizes the other side.
I would counter argue that there was a lot of dirt on Trump and he still ran the table on the GOP primary and Hillary.

As for debating, Hillary killed Trump on the national debate, but he still won. Also imo, debating skills are not a great indicator of governing skills.
We’re talking about two entirely different voter bases. Republicans tend to not care about ethics so long as you sound patriotic and appeal to religion. Hillary may have killed Trump for most of us but Trump’s base thought he killed her. Totally different mindsets.
So you're talking strictly primaries? Then I would agree that Bloomberg has more than enough issues (stop and frisk, redlining, NDA's and God knows what else) to deal with and he's handled them very poorly. On stop and frisk he should have said his number one priority was keeping New Yorkers safe and leave it at that. I'd take that answer over the crime rate in Chicago for example. On NDA's he should have said it's a private legal matter between the company and another party so he can't unilaterally break that agreement.
So you're talking strictly primaries? Then I would agree that Bloomberg has more than enough issues (stop and frisk, redlining, NDA's and God knows what else) to deal with and he's handled them very poorly. On stop and frisk he should have said his number one priority was keeping New Yorkers safe and leave it at that. I'd take that answer over the crime rate in Chicago for example. On NDA's he should have said it's a private legal matter between the company and another party so he can't unilaterally break that agreement.

Including the ones his policies discriminated against? East New York isn't the Upper East Side in terms of New York'ness but still...
Trump would prefer to run against mini Mike than Bernie.

Absolutely. He will destroy beta Mike without breaking a sweat. With Bernie it's going to be a close race, probably decided by one or two battleground states. Bernie is the only candidate who can make it interesting, all the others are a guaranteed victory for Trump.
Love seeing CNN and MSNBC like headless chickens worried that maybe Bernie could wrap this up by Super Tuesday.
My fees would go up considerably according to this guy’s calc. Not that I would mind.
Same here, a shitload of money to pay, up more than 200% (considerably higher than what I paid in Switzerland which is the highest I ever paid), with taxes going significantly higher too. Though I would be ok with it, hard to fix a broken system without going to the other extreme in the beginning.
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So you're talking strictly primaries? Then I would agree that Bloomberg has more than enough issues (stop and frisk, redlining, NDA's and God knows what else) to deal with and he's handled them very poorly. On stop and frisk he should have said his number one priority was keeping New Yorkers safe and leave it at that. I'd take that answer over the crime rate in Chicago for example. On NDA's he should have said it's a private legal matter between the company and another party so he can't unilaterally break that agreement.
That’s not gonna fly with a lot of voters. Unconstitutional and racist policies just for the sake of “safety” is a losing message no matter which way you cut it. And keeping New Yorkers safe? Which ones? The yuppies and out of towners who come to gentrify it? I wonder how safe communities of color felt during his tenure of stop and frisk? The NDA bit is just a cop out answer in the era of #metoo. Even though it’s technically legal, he doesn’t come out looking good especially with his inability to answer clearly. Even the crowd weren’t having it.

My fees would go up considerably according to this guy’s calc. Not that I would mind.
The increased quality of life for those around you will also have a net positive on your situation despite it costing more. I take it you’ll be fine regardless. Maybe a couple fewer steaks than normal. :)
Why do you all have a problem with the rules the candidates agreed to playing out if needs be?
Because they’re dumb rules and anti democratic. These are also the same people who bitched and bitched because Hillary lost despite winning the popular vote. It just highlights the hypocrisy of it all and people see that. And if they feck with the outcome despite Bernie getting majority delegates, they will pay for it, I guarantee. It could very well be the end of the DNC so they better wisen up.
Come on @Grinner , I woke up, saw 5 replies to my post, answer one, saw your post to not derail the thread and immediately deleted my post. An infraction is a bit too harsh considering that it was an innocent mistake and immediately corrected it.
Safety has always been a bullshit concept sold to Americans to enact unfair, bad legislation and maintain the military-industrial complex. Yanks have been kept in a state of perpetual warfare since WW2 so that the defence industry can steal their money. It has always spilled over into domestic policing too.
Come on @Grinner , I woke up, saw 5 replies to my post, answer one, saw your post to not derail the thread and immediately deleted my post. An infraction is a bit too harsh considering that it was an innocent mistake and immediately corrected it.

Not my fault you can't read.
Not my fault you can't read.
There were 5 pages of discussion since I went to bed yesterday and just replied to the last post that quoted me. And deleted within two mins when I saw your post.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, I don't have any other infractions so it should be fine.
There were 5 pages of discussion since I went to bed yesterday and just replied to the last post that quoted me. And deleted within two mins when I saw your post.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, I don't have any other infractions so it should be fine.

I've expired it so stop crying ;)

A lousy point won't kill you and besides, you deserve it for moaning publicly.
Absolutely. He will destroy beta Mike without breaking a sweat. With Bernie it's going to be a close race, probably decided by one or two battleground states. Bernie is the only candidate who can make it interesting, all the others are a guaranteed victory for Trump.

Sanders will not just abandon Ohio and Florida and play safe.
He will go after people who had been lied to for decades.

He will bring in people who had not voted before.

I rarely go to the Doctor, so premiums would be the only thing I would benefit from. I will gladly pay more for the sort of experience I witnessed in Canada, where I drove a Canadian friend to a routine appointment - in and out in about 30 minutes, no money exchanged anywhere in the process. Not that I would expect this to be realized in a Sanders administration for reasons previously discussed.
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