2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I'm fecking tired of this idea that market traders are some amazing geniuses who deserve their wealth, they're bloody gambling and the fact they deeply analyze the game they're playing doesn't make it any less a game
It's a job and they make money consistently for institution they're working. And after recent regulations most banks have shut off or spun off their proprietary trading. So everything the trader does is based on client needs.

You can say the same as any stock broker. Of if you trade online yourself, you're also gambling. Being angry at someone for doing an act that is common anyways reeks of faux outrage.
Brilliant night for Bloomberg imo. He got the Dem establishment to change the debate rules for him, got national exposure and imho didn't really get bodied on any issues Americans typically care about in my experience. They should have brought up his stance on Medicare and Social Security more and his support for the Iraq war and the veto and court case on the minimum wage.
You may use the white text.
It's a job and they make money consistently for institution they're working. And after recent regulations most banks have shut off or spun off their proprietary trading. So everything the trader does is based on client needs.

You can say the same as any stock broker. Of if you trade online yourself, you're also gambling. Being angry at someone for doing an act that is common anyways reeks of faux outrage.

It's quite a quandary. Almost everyone in America has a retirement account that relies on growth in the stock market. That means that our entire model is based on companies selling more and people buying more. I am not sure what anyone can do to slowly change that model but as much as I like Bernie and hope he wins, I do wonder what it will do to millions of people who are relying on that growth model.
The Democratic Party will do anything including giving the election to Trump if needed to stop Sanders.
The Snake was clearly auditioning for the VP post, but Sanders will not give it to her.

If Sanders is not the nominee because of DNC tricks, I will not be voting Democrat again.
The Democratic Party will do anything including giving the election to Trump if needed to stop Sanders.
The Snake was clearly auditioning for the VP post, but Sanders will not give it to her.

If Sanders is not the nominee because of DNC tricks, I will not be voting Democrat again.

I thought it was a VP audition too, but now she's out there giving him shit about not releasing his medical records, which is a pretty shitty move.
Brilliant night for Bloomberg imo. He got the Dem establishment to change the debate rules for him, got national exposure and imho didn't really get bodied on any issues Americans typically care about in my experience. They should have brought up his stance on Medicare and Social Security more and his support for the Iraq war and the veto and court case on the minimum wage.

Satire, yes?
I dunno. Maybe start with telling the truth and not lie about taking money from super pacs. That would be a start.

Thanks - in an ideal world, that's commendable. In the real world, that doesn't work - otherwise someone like Bloomberg can outspend and drown out everyone else.
Wait, so investing isn't like playing roulette like Kentonio suggests ?

Frankly, investing now is starting to feel like gambling. Notice the huge upturn in TSLA this month on basically no new news, or the huge upsurge in Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google and Microsoft (~52% rise over the past 12 months +$2TRn in combined value) and the concern is that investors have stoked a speculative bubble.
That is being generous. She attacked candidates on stage and prided herself on not taking any super pac money. This is just her being disingenuous and a liar.

Newsflash: Politicians lie

Reality is Citizens United has done untold damage to the electoral process in this country. She can be like Andrew Yang and bow out or she can accept PAC money. Neither choice is great, but I won't penalize her for choosing to stay relevant.
Again not all poor people work for billionaires. A person being poor has no correlation to someone else being rich.

Basic economics 101. Wealth is not finite. There is no fixed amount of money in economy that needs to be distributed. It's an absurd myth with no basis in reality.

Economics 102 - the velocity of money is greater when spread around rather than concentrated at the top.
i love making $62,000 per year, driving my 2012 gonda civic to work and then posting to redcafe on my lunch break to explain that actually its good this racist old guy has 60 billion dollars. actually he earned it. actually most founders dont retain that much equity because of the nature of venture capital. actually bernie and aoc have not worked in a corporate environment like me, an account rep for office depot, so it's not surprising they dont understand. we will have to continue this discussion later though, my boss with six figures of credit card debt hates it when i come back late from lunch.
Newsflash: Politicians lie

Reality is Citizens United has done untold damage to the electoral process in this country. She can be like Andrew Yang and bow out or she can accept PAC money. Neither choice is great, but I won't penalize her for choosing to stay relevant.

She could bow out and endorse the candidate who is the front runner and is running on a platform of the things she claims to believe in. Instead she's attacking bernie Sanders and staying in the race solely for her own ego. She knows there is no path for her to win. Shes a wrecker and a snake, plain and simple.
Your lousy attempt at bullying is noted. It's not working, and I am sorry that you are visibly struggling with something in real life that makes you be so bitter online.
I have nothing to be bitter about. I’m merely amused. Now let’s focus your anger on Bloomberg where it belongs.
Thanks - in an ideal world, that's commendable. In the real world, that doesn't work - otherwise someone like Bloomberg can outspend and drown out everyone else.

It was interesting listening to Yang talking about how Bloomberg is paying twice the going rate for his staffers (causing some to jump ship). He really is buying the election.
The vast majority of money the billionaires have is actually in stocks. Put a cap at 900m, you are essentially making people who build a company to lose control of the company when the company becomes successful, and giving the control of that company, to ... no idea, have yet to hear a proposal that does not totally suck.

I'm sure you've heard of dual class shares...

She could bow out and endorse the candidate who is the front runner and is running on a platform of the things she claims to believe in. Instead she's attacking bernie Sanders and staying in the race solely for her own ego. She knows there is no path for her to win. Shes a wrecker and a snake, plain and simple.

The one truth she did say is "She is a capitalist to the bone".

Just think. If the Democratic Party took a stand and said "On the Matter of Health Care we will no longer accept money from the Insurance Industry and the Pharmaceutical Industry because health care is a Human Right." They would win all 50 states.
Instead they are willing to let thousands die for lack of health care. Hundreds of Thousands go bankrupt.

Simply. They are taking money to let people die.
Its Murder.

Other than Sanders no one cares about people.

This will be make or break for me and many others I believe.
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It's quite a quandary. Almost everyone in America has a retirement account that relies on growth in the stock market. That means that our entire model is based on companies selling more and people buying more. I am not sure what anyone can do to slowly change that model but as much as I like Bernie and hope he wins, I do wonder what it will do to millions of people who are relying on that growth model.

I'm guessing that the market will take a plunge, could be bad news for those who are near retirement, good news for those who are in the accumulation phase. Don't think we will see anything dramatic though.
It was interesting listening to Yang talking about how Bloomberg is paying twice the going rate for his staffers (causing some to jump ship). He really is buying the election.

Yep - he's really accelerating cashburn for all candidates in the race
1) He's driving ad rates up, basically making it more expensive to stay in the race. You want to get your message out, guess what - you'd have to pay 2-3x more than a month ago.
2) He's gobbling up all the talented campaigners at the state/local level by offering way above market rates.
3) He's asking traditional Dem donors to sit this round out, thereby starving his opponents of much needed cash.

He's gambling on Mike vs Bernie showdown - and hoping to convince the field that's he's a safer bet to defeat Trump than "socialist" Bernie.
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Economics 102 - the velocity of money is greater when spread around rather than concentrated at the top.

Making up own rules now, are we?

For a person who makes $50k a year...it is eminently possible to increase to $75k a year and to $100k a year, with personal changes, reskilling etc. The myth that a person can never move out of minimum pay because of some billionaire is just nonsense.
I'm guessing that the market will take a plunge, could be bad news for those who are near retirement, good news for those who are in the accumulation phase. Don't think we will see anything dramatic though.
If the market takes a plunge, it could be more attributed to Trump’s policies once it becomes unsustainable. Sort of like how it went to shit after Dubya.

Disregarding that, it might dip initially because of the uncertainty but if you believe in the idea of the velocity of money, it should be very good for the economy — an idea I learned from some Wall Street guy who Gordon Gekko was based on.
Yep - he's really accelerating cashburn for all candidates in the race
1) He's driving ad rates up, basically making it more expensive to stay in the race. You want to get your message out, guess what - you'd have to pay 2-3x more than a month ago.
2) He's gobbling up all the talented campaigners at the state/local level by offering way above market rates.

He's gambling on Mike vs Bernie showdown - and hoping to convince the field that's he's a safer bet to defeat Trump than "socialist" Bernie.

The DNC is pushing the Socialist narrative. Just that question by the moderator which Bernie turned back on him.
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