2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Does this include Muslims? Because that's an Abrahamic religion as well, but a muslim is unlikely to go far in presidential politics.

It's a shame in many ways that religion is such a big thing in the US. The propaganda that vaccines cause autism, climate change is a hoax, even gun politics has a religious hand in it.

Sad to say, but yes. With the exception of Kennedy, who was Catholic, and of course Obama - the US has never had anything but protestant, white males as Presidents (although quite a few of the early ones dabbled in Deism).
Move the healthcare chat to the dedicated healthcare thread. Back to 2020 presidential politics.
I could get behind Kennedy. I prefer someone around 40 so he is the right age.

The problem with Kennedy would be that he falls under the "privileged white guy" umbrella? I'm not sure it helps being a part of a political dynasty anymore either as that was used against both Hillary and Jeb.

Personally, I like the idea of him though.
The problem with Kennedy would be that he falls under the "privileged white guy" umbrella? I'm not sure it helps being a part of a political dynasty anymore either as that was used against both Hillary and Jeb.

Personally, I like the idea of him though.

If he gets his policy positions correct, he could go a long way. The Kennedy name could hurt or help him depending on whether he gets on board with the key policies the base are looking for in 20.
Funding for CHIP has been increased in the budget. Also for the opioid epidemic.

Unfortunately, it looks like infrastructure doesn't have any funding. That was actually one of Trump's policies that may have helped.
Yeah, that's true. He campaigned on a $1 trillion infrastructure plan also. Even Bernie was in support of that. But is there a chance Ryan and McConnell will try to pass an infrastructure bill before the mid terms?
Trump certainly does not care about the opioid problem. He's given the responsibility to Kellyanne Conway
Aren't they doing a trillion dollar infrastructure bill this year?

Its a watered down version of what he ran on. Apparently only 20% of the money is coming from the federal government, which should send alarm bells ringing. The Dems are also putting forth a plan where 80% comes from fed funds.
If he gets his policy positions correct, he could go a long way. The Kennedy name could hurt or help him depending on whether he gets on board with the key policies the base are looking for in 20.

Yeah, Trump will be kinda limited in how he can attack Kennedy's family etc, especially compared to Hilary which was a major line of offence for him.
Party candidate... Only there because of his name... Crooked super delegate process... just like crooked Hillary... Etc etc

Could argue that (and it'd be partly justified) but unlike Hilary the allegations of corruption wouldn't be as solid or sustainable, and unlike Hilary he's young and fresh, even if his family background is largely remembered for an America that no longer exists.
Hilary was disliked by a lot of Americans. The 3,897 Benghazi inquires tarnished her somewhat and the email scandal was exploited beyond reality. I went to an event at the fairgrounds here in Tampa and it was sickening how many people had "Lock Her Up" T-shirst and caps on.

No way Kennedy would is anywhere near as vulnerable to a hate campaign.
Hilary was disliked by a lot of Americans. The 3,897 Benghazi inquires tarnished her somewhat and the email scandal was exploited beyond reality. I went to an event at the fairgrounds here in Tampa and it was sickening how many people had "Lock Her Up" T-shirst and caps on.

No way Kennedy would is anywhere near as vulnerable to a hate campaign.

On another board, I'm seeing a lot of conservatives start to go after Bernie as if they think he will be the next nominee. Their central argument is that he once made a comment about Venezuela being model for the American dream, which was lifted in the last paragraph from a 2011 article on his Senate web site.


So clearly, they are going with the he's a socialist who would like to turn America into Venezuela angle.
On another board, I'm seeing a lot of conservatives start to go after Bernie as if they think he will be the next nominee. Their central argument is that he once made a comment about Venezuela being model for the American dream, which was lifted in the last paragraph from a 2011 article on his Senate web site.


So clearly, they are going with the he's a socialist who would like to turn America into Venezuela angle.

You know my feelings about Bernie's vulnerabilities in a POTUS race. He has said too many things that can be exploited.
You know my feelings about Bernie's vulnerabilities in a POTUS race. He has said too many things that can be exploited.

I'm sure he has a few of these types of statements but all things said, the broader electorate won't care. They will want to get rid of Trump so most Dems will get a mulligan on things they may have said or done in the past.
I'm sure he has a few of these types of statements but all things said, the broader electorate won't care. They will want to get rid of Trump so most Dems will get a mulligan on things they may have said or done in the past.

Not really. Hilary ran on anti-Trump vehicle and see where she landed. If any people we can hope voters will be be more discerning on who they elect and Bernie's comments ain't helping him. I really don't see people clamouring to "get rid" of Trump.

Hereabouts strictly based on personal experience almost every blue collar worker still supports Trump and this is a blue state!
Not really. Hilary ran on anti-Trump vehicle and see where she landed. If any people we can hope voters will be be more discerning on who they elect and Bernie's comments ain't helping him. I really don't see people clamouring to "get rid" of Trump.

Hereabouts strictly based on personal experience almost every blue collar worker still supports Trump and this is a blue state!

Are you joking?
Not really. Hilary ran on anti-Trump vehicle and see where she landed. If any people we can hope voters will be be more discerning on who they elect and Bernie's comments ain't helping him. I really don't see people clamouring to "get rid" of Trump.

Hereabouts strictly based on personal experience almost every blue collar worker still supports Trump and this is a blue state!

Don't take this the wrong way but aren't you a finance professional in New York City? How many working class people do you really know?
Not really. Hilary ran on anti-Trump vehicle and see where she landed. If any people we can hope voters will be be more discerning on who they elect and Bernie's comments ain't helping him. I really don't see people clamouring to "get rid" of Trump.

Hereabouts strictly based on personal experience almost every blue collar worker still supports Trump and this is a blue state!

The sentiment has changed significantly from November of 2016. Women for one, are leaving the Trump train in droves after the MeToo movement and other incidents.
Don't take this the wrong way but aren't you a finance professional in New York City? How many working class people do you really know?

There are a number of construction workers in the city. Many of them sport MAGA or Trump signs in their hat stickers and such. The convention center near my home had a event featuring some steel workers union. Near everyone sporterd Trump signs too. The owner of both the pubs near my home are Trump supporters (but the employees aren't). You don't see very public displays, but it's not as sparse as many think.

Strangely, there's a good chunk of co-wokers who support Trump too.
Not really. Hilary ran on anti-Trump vehicle and see where she landed. If any people we can hope voters will be be more discerning on who they elect and Bernie's comments ain't helping him. I really don't see people clamouring to "get rid" of Trump.

Hereabouts strictly based on personal experience almost every blue collar worker still supports Trump and this is a blue state!
You mean having 3 millions more votes?
You mean having 3 millions more votes?

You know election is not decided on popular vote, right? It's an irrelevant statistic. Winning California by 2mio votes more means feck all.

I don't know, but am curious....Has the opinion in any of the swing states has swung the other way? It's in Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio etc where he can be beaten. Not in NY and California.
I don't think Dems have made any significant headway in any of the Swing States. Is Bernie really popular in any of the swing states?

You know election is not decided on popular vote, right? It's an irrelevant statistic. Winning California by 2mio votes more means feck all.
I don't know, but am curious....Has the opinion in any of the swing states has swung the other way? It's in Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio etc where he can be beaten. Not in NY and California.

There are few factors that have to be taken into consideration. Trump's approval numbers are the lowest of any President since the early 70s. That alone speaks badly for him getting reelected. On top of that, he is under investigation by the FBI for potential crimes, which wasn't openly the case during the campaign, so that when compounded with his already bad numbers is bad for his chances. On top of that, he is losing white women voters by the droves over the past year after all of his nonsense protecting wife beaters and sexual offenders. So while you may bump into the odd construction worker wearing a maga hat near your offices, the numbers suggest he is in far worse shape than where he was in October of 2016.
I don't think Dems have made any significant headway in any of the Swing States. Is Bernie really popular in any of the swing states?


Strange choice of values for the type of graph it is. 40-49% in 19 states. That tells you absolutely nothing when 44% can win you some states and 46% lose in other states. There is literally nothing you can read from that graphic.
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