2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Good numbers for Trump this morning. Unemployment down again and the fastest rise in wages in over a decade. Much of this is built on Obama's polices but the voters think in the now.

Yes numbers are definitely good, which will probably result in a bit of a bump for Trump.
Yes numbers are definitely good, which will probably result in a bit of a bump for Trump.

For folks not obsessed with Trump, politics or news in general the economy is paramount. Believe it or not that would be majority of the electorate. Even the folks that are keen followers of the news will still be swayed by improving economic conditions. My wife and I both received pay checks today that reflect the new tax rates. Although I am not in favor of lower taxes, and would prefer slightly higher taxes and more public services, our take home is noticeably higher. Most Americans are extremely sensitive to tax and love getting more take home pay. I read this week 65% (?) of Americans had less than $500 in the bank. The economy and taxes is far more relevant that anything Trump does on Twitter.

*edit. Running the numbers I am shocked how much the tax cut effects us. It sickens me to think how much truly rich people will benefit from it. We didn't need a tax cut, period!
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So which Democratic Party person will be going up against Trump then?

As it certainly will not be either Bernie or Hillary, so it will be interesting to see which name pops up as a leading contender.
So which Democratic Party person will be going up against Trump then?

As it certainly will not be either Bernie or Hillary, so it will be interesting to see which name pops up as a leading contender.

Probably Bernie.
So which Democratic Party person will be going up against Trump then?

As it certainly will not be either Bernie or Hillary, so it will be interesting to see which name pops up as a leading contender.

Still too early to tell. We'll have a better idea around this time next year when candidates start to announce they're forming exploratory committees. One thing that is certain is that it'll be a bit of a circus on the Dem side where we'll see around 10-15 candidates involved.
Still too early to tell. We'll have a better idea around this time next year when candidates start to announce they're forming exploratory committees. One thing that is certain is that it'll be a bit of a circus on the Dem side where we'll see around 10-15 candidates involved.
Presumably those serious will start fundraising pretty soon as well as money (sadly) seems to play (far to big) a part in the process
Probably Bernie.

Tier 1: Joe Biden & Bernie Sanders
Tier 2: Sherrod Brown, Kamala Harris & Kirsten Gillibrand

I don't think Warren will run if Bernie does. And I don't think Bernie will do it either. He'd more run the campaign, but put forth someone else as the head, like Tulsi. Standalone, she's a lightweight, but with Sanders and Warren backing...it'll be a different matter.
Tier 1: Joe Biden & Bernie Sanders
Tier 2: Sherrod Brown, Kamala Harris & Kirsten Gillibrand

I don't think Warren will run if Bernie does. And I don't think Bernie will do it either. He'd more run the campaign, but put forth someone else as the head, like Tulsi. Standalone, she's a lightweight, but with Sanders and Warren backing...it'll be a different matter.

Definitely agree with Biden and Bernie as the frontrunners. After that its the wild west since we really have no idea how anyone will be received, since the Dem based itself is going through an identity crisis with younger millennials demanding progressives only and the grown ups in the party preferring a more pragmatic blend of moderation with some progressive policies thrown in. Biden and Bernie would be wise to pick Kamala Harris as a VP since she seems to straddle the fence of both factions, and though she'd be a shaky Presidential candidate, she would definitely work as a VP. Gabbard is a non starter imo as for better or worse, a person who doesn't ascribe to the Abrahamic religions isn't likely to go far in Presidential politics.
Definitely agree with Biden and Bernie as the frontrunners. After that its the wild west since we really have no idea how anyone will be received, since the Dem based itself is going through an identity crisis with younger millennials demanding progressives only and the grown ups in the party preferring a more pragmatic blend of moderation with some progressive policies thrown in. Biden and Bernie would be wise to pick Kamala Harris as a VP since she seems to straddle the fence of both factions, and though she'd be a shaky Presidential candidate, she would definitely work as a VP. Gabbard is a non starter imo as for better or worse, a person who doesn't ascribe to the Abrahamic religions isn't likely to go far in Presidential politics.

Oh god, the next few years are going to be very surprising for you.
Definitely agree with Biden and Bernie as the frontrunners. After that its the wild west since we really have no idea how anyone will be received, since the Dem based itself is going through an identity crisis with younger millennials demanding progressives only and the grown ups in the party preferring a more pragmatic blend of moderation with some progressive policies thrown in. Biden and Bernie would be wise to pick Kamala Harris as a VP since she seems to straddle the fence of both factions, and though she'd be a shaky Presidential candidate, she would definitely work as a VP. Gabbard is a non starter imo as for better or worse, a person who doesn't ascribe to the Abrahamic religions isn't likely to go far in Presidential politics.

Valid point on Tulsi. The Church votes do have major influence. It'd work well it Bernie and Sanders picks are younger face to spearhead the elections. Though I hear, it'd be Biden to take over from Trump and then in 2024 get a better candidate. Biden will be a shoo-in, popular and starts with default expectation of being able to beat Trump.

Oh god, the next few years are going to be very surprising for you.

I won't be surprised in either case. There is a split in the Dem party right now that needs to be adjudicated before the party is galvanized to actually made a difference in the Presidential race.
Valid point on Tulsi. The Church votes do have major influence. It'd work well it Bernie and Sanders picks are younger face to spearhead the elections. Though I hear, it'd be Biden to take over from Trump and then in 2024 get a better candidate. Biden will be a shoo-in, popular and starts with default expectation of being able to beat Trump.

Which is why (imo) Harris would seem much more logical than someone like Gabbard. Harris has gone single payer/free education which checks the two most prominent Bernie boxes, and even though they may have a few differences in other areas, she is far more seasoned and well spoken then most others who could be VP candidates.
Gabbard is a non starter imo as for better or worse, a person who doesn't ascribe to the Abrahamic religions isn't likely to go far in Presidential politics.

Does this include Muslims? Because that's an Abrahamic religion as well, but a muslim is unlikely to go far in presidential politics.

It's a shame in many ways that religion is such a big thing in the US. The propaganda that vaccines cause autism, climate change is a hoax, even gun politics has a religious hand in it.
Does this include Muslims? Because that's an Abrahamic religion as well, but a muslim is unlikely to go far in presidential politics.

It's a shame in many ways that religion is such a big thing in the US. The propaganda that vaccines cause autism, climate change is a hoax, even gun politics has a religious hand in it.

Vaccine/Autism non sense is mostly propagated by the liberals though.
Seems pretty clear that with Biden coming out of the gates firing with his comments about Trump, using reverse psychology to in essence dare him to speak to Mueller, and speaking at the DNC retreat that he did decide to set himself up for a new prominent role in the party. Not sure if the end goal is a presidential run or something else - but I sure welcome the man's return.
So which Democratic Party person will be going up against Trump then?

As it certainly will not be either Bernie or Hillary, so it will be interesting to see which name pops up as a leading contender.
Why wont it be Bernie?
Bidens age is a concern but he a popular guy, and very experienced on the international stage. I could get behind a Biden run, especially if he had someone like Sally Yates as VP nominee.
Seems pretty clear that with Biden coming out of the gates firing with his comments about Trump, using reverse psychology to in essence dare him to speak to Mueller, and speaking at the DNC retreat that he did decide to set himself up for a new prominent role in the party. Not sure if the end goal is a presidential run or something else - but I sure welcome the man's return.

Its between Biden and Bernie. Not exactly the best choices in terms of longevity.
Age is against him just like Biden. Some of his polices would get ripped apart as well IMO.
Right now if the Dems go with anyone other than either Bernie or Biden, then they are taking a big risk again. Those two have a very good chance of beating Trump, not sure about the rest of the candidates (including Hillary).
True but at least Biden has the international experience. If either of them win the nomination they have to go with a younger female VP nominee.

Are Biden and Bernie the only two realistic options for the dems? Surely there must be someone younger coming through the ranks? I’d vote for Bernie personally as I like his ideas, but they could really do with some new blood
Most Americans are not in favor of tax rates over 50%, let along the 90% rate Bernie has mentioned in the past. There really isn't a need to mess around too much with the US tax bands. Rates of 10/20/30/40% are sufficient, just tweak where they kick in. Maybe a 45% rate for earnings over a million.
Are Biden and Bernie the only two realistic options for the dems? Surely there must be someone younger coming through the ranks? I’d vote for Bernie personally as I like his ideas, but they could really do with some new blood

There are probably going to be a new wave of younger candidates coming through this time. Harris, Castro, and a few others.
There are probably going to be a new wave of younger candidates coming through this time. Harris, Castro, and a few others.
I'm I too cynical for believing a lot of Americans would never vote for Castro just bc of his name? I thought better of our voter body before the 2016 election.
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I like Bernie but he does not have the appeal to beat Trump.

Trump would beat him easily , the Democrats would just be making the same mistake as 2016 and ignoring the sheer number of idiots who adore Trump.

Biden would have a better chance but id still see him losing , it will take soneone fresher and a lot younger to take the imagination of people from Trump and his followers
I like Bernie but he does not have the appeal to beat Trump.

Trump would beat him easily , the Democrats would just be making the same mistake as 2016 and ignoring the sheer number of idiots who adore Trump.

Biden would have a better chance but id still see him losing , it will take soneone fresher and a lot younger to take the imagination of people from Trump and his followers
Erm, No! Do you remember how Sanders started his campaign? Take a look at his announcement video. And take a look at the support he garnered by the time he was done. Thats still when a majority of the country didnt know who Sanders was and the polls still had him beating Trump when compared to Hillary. 4 years on, he is way more popular and with this idiot in the office, his support will have grown by the time 2020 comes along. Democrats just have the play their cards to win, they dont need to do something drastic.
Erm, No! Do you remember how Sanders started his campaign? Take a look at his announcement video. And take a look at the support he garnered by the time he was done. Thats still when a majority of the country didnt know who Sanders was and the polls still had him beating Trump when compared to Hillary. 4 years on, he is way more popular and with this idiot in the office, his support will have grown by the time 2020 comes along. Democrats just have the play their cards to win, they dont need to do something drastic.

Hilary was also polling pretty well against Trump during the nominations. MOST Americans do not know Bernie yet, they have seen snippets. Once he is the nominee hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent on advert tearing him down. I have taken the time to read up on his polices and some of the things he has championed in the past. His tax polices will alienate a lot of people.

We voted for Obama and Hilary but we would not vote for Bernie.
Hilary was also polling pretty well against Trump during the nominations. MOST Americans do not know Bernie yet, they have seen snippets. Once he is the nominee hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent on advert tearing him down. I have taken the time to read up on his polices and some of the things he has championed in the past. His tax polices will alienate a lot of people.

We voted for Obama and Hilary but we would not vote for Bernie.

Yes they do. He isn't some obscure figure anymore. Trump endured a ton of scrutiny in 2016 and still won in the end. There are a lot of young people who'll support him regardless because they feel like they're fecked economically anyway, and 2016 demonstrated that US elections currently go beyond the economy and onto emotional issues.
Yes they do. He isn't some obscure figure anymore. Trump endured a ton of scrutiny in 2016 and still won in the end. There are a lot of young people who'll support him regardless because they feel like they're fecked economically anyway, and 2016 demonstrated that US elections currently go beyond the economy and onto emotional issues.

Nah not really. The majority of Americans do not get too wrapped up in the nomination cycle. Nominations are mainly about hardcore party supporters. I am telling you some of his policies will get ripped to pieces if he goes under the scrutiny of a POTUS race. Americans are generally tax adverse. I don't think too many people will be in favor of rates over 50% let alone a 90% rate. He will get painted as a far left socialist.
Hilary was also polling pretty well against Trump during the nominations. MOST Americans do not know Bernie yet, they have seen snippets. Once he is the nominee hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent on advert tearing him down. I have taken the time to read up on his polices and some of the things he has championed in the past. His tax polices will alienate a lot of people.

We voted for Obama and Hilary but we would not vote for Bernie.
His tax policies are FOR the lower and the middle class and tax the rich and the corporations. He is going to undo what this fecker has done and that will go down well with most of the populations. Needless to say the rich and the Wall Street will not be pleased but they are the minority.
His tax policies are FOR the lower and the middle class and tax the rich and the corporations. He is going to undo what this fecker has done and that will go down well with most of the populations. Needless to say the rich and the Wall Street will not be pleased but they are the minority.

Americans have a different outlook on taxation and wealth than your average European. If tax increases are levied purely on the really rich say earning over $1 million and the maximum rate is under 50% its maybe palatable. The unfortunate thing with that is it will raise no extra tax revenue because most of that group will be able to adjust their earnings and find ways around the new rates. Extra spending will have to be paid for by tax increasing on working middle class Americans.
The rich and business owners have lots of legal ways of simply not earning or not paying tax. I am a contractor on a 1099, which means I can put $53,000 of my net earnings into a pension as the employer, plus the $24,000 I can contribute as the employee. If taxation is perceived as punitive people will adjust accordingly.

Sounds like a loophole to me. Get rid of all loopholes. :)
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