2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Listening to Nina Turner at Bernie's first rally, I think she is the person Bernie was talking about as his VP pick.
Inspiring woman.

Yeah she's great at stoking the crowd. Would be a great VP pick for him.
She and Shaun King spoke from their hearts.

The only way the nomination can be taken away from Bernie is dishonesty by the DNC.

He will have to go out and earn it like anyone else. If he and his followers think its "his turn" they may be setting themselves up for a surprise.
He will have to go out and earn it like anyone else. If he and his followers think its "his turn" they may be setting themselves up for a surprise.

I don't think any of Bernie supporters think that. He has just had a few more years to expand grassroots support more than the others.

"Bernie Sanders’ fundraising is blowing the rest of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate field away.

Less than one week after Sanders officially announced his 2020 candidacy, his campaign has raised $10 million, according to his campaign. Perhaps even more impressive, the New York Times reported on Monday, Bernie Sanders’ fundraising total comes from roughly 360,000 different donors — suggesting true grassroots support, with an average contribution of less than $30 from each person."

Not a bad intro ad....although a guy like him would seem to face an uphill struggle given the amount of people running. He would need to differentiate himself in some way.

I am slightly surprised some of the these relatively unknown politicians actually think they have a shot of winning. A lot of the attention and focus will be on Biden, Beto, Sanders & Harris, so the rest will have to be creative in coming up with ways to stay relevant in the race.
I am slightly surprised some of the these relatively unknown politicians actually think they have a shot of winning. A lot of the attention and focus will be on Biden, Beto, Sanders & Harris, so the rest will have to be creative in coming up with ways to stay relevant in the race.

They're auditioning for VP and cabinet positions. Like how Trump brought in Ben Carson.
The Morning Consult poll (latest: Biden 31 Bernie 27 Harris 11) finally put out (limited) crosstabs:

PDF here: https://morningconsult.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Political-Intelligence-3.5.19.pdf
Yang raised 571k in Feb, very respectable for someone starting with 0 name recognition, potential to be a sleeper hit for sure.

My gut instinct is he’d draw more from the party loyalists rather than the progressives, even though his policies (esp. the UBI) align more with the latter. Time will tell.
Yang raised 571k in Feb, very respectable for someone starting with 0 name recognition, potential to be a sleeper hit for sure.

My gut instinct is he’d draw more from the party loyalists rather than the progressives, even though his policies (esp. the UBI) align more with the latter. Time will tell.

It's exceedingly unlikely that Yang is going to get anywhere near the nomination, at least not this cycle. I'm not convinced he'll even get near the primary debates. There are just too many candidates he'd have to leapfrog.
It's exceedingly unlikely that Yang is going to get anywhere near the nomination, at least not this cycle. I'm not convinced he'll even get near the primary debates. There are just too many candidates he'd have to leapfrog.
How are people selected for the debates? I've seen clips of Andrew Yang talking of his chances of being in the debate as an almost certainty.
It's exceedingly unlikely that Yang is going to get anywhere near the nomination, at least not this cycle. I'm not convinced he'll even get near the primary debates. There are just too many candidates he'd have to leapfrog.
He’s not getting the nomination, what I meant by a sleeper hit is someone who would do well enough to carve out a piece of the primary electorate and have their platform incorporated by the eventual winner, endorsement might even be sought after, rather than some completely useless figure there to make up the number like Lincoln Chaffee or Jim Webb last time around.
dont know if i should kyaeay* or not because its post-grads earning <50k

*TM(Matt Christman)
I mean I support free university eduction on the basis that education and better ones self should be a human right but if we were serious about socialism all we doing is create future middle management liberals. Hardly a great tactic.
:lol: sorry what’s this from?

I can recognise Thomas Sankara* but I'm curious about the exact source... AFAIK that screenshot is used as a meme.

*Really interesting leader: https://africasacountry.com/2016/10/thomas-sankara-the-upright-man

His reforms were widespread, both at a symbolic level and in terms of political and economic reforms. For one, in 1984 he changed the country’s name from Upper Volta, the name it kept from colonialism, to Burkina Faso. The country’s new name translates as “the land of the upright people.”

Sankara preached economic self-reliance. He shunned World Bank loans and promoted local food and textile production. (There’s a classic scene in Shuffield’s documentary where he had the whole Burkina delegation to an Organization of African Unity meeting decked out in local textiles and designs.)

Sankara outlawed tribute payments and obligatory labour to village chiefs, abolished rural poll taxes, instituted a massive immunization program, built railways and kick-started public housing construction. His administration aggressively pushed literacy programs, tackled river blindness and embarked on an anti-corruption drive in the civil service.

Women, the poor and the country’s peasantry benefited mostly from these reforms. His administration promoted gender equality in a very male-dominated society (including outlawing female circumcision and polygamy). As Sankara told a local audience in 1984: “Socially, [women] are relegated to third place, after the man and the child — just like the Third World, arbitrarily held back, the better to be dominated and exploited.”

He discouraged the luxuries that came with government office and encouraged others to do the same. He earned a small salary ($450 a month), refused to have his picture displayed in public buildings, and forbade the uses of chauffeur-driven Mercedes and first class airline tickets by his ministers and senior civil servants.

But Sankara’s regime was not immune to undemocratic practices.

He banned trade unions and political parties, and put down protests (most significantly one by teachers in 1986). Many people were the victims of summary judgments by people’s revolutionary tribunals, which sentenced “lazy workers,” “counter-revolutionaries” and corrupt officials. Sankara himself would later admit on camera that the tribunals were often used as occasions to settle private scores.

By 1987, he was politically isolated. His enemies – a mix of the French political establishment (he had humiliated President François Mitterand in public on a few occasions) and regional leaders (like Ivorian President Félix Houphouët-Boigny) – began to tire of him.

Compaoré is widely suspected to have ordered Sankara’s murder in order to do the French and regional dictators a favor. Though Compaoré pretended to publicly grieve for Sankara and promised to preserve his legacy, he quickly set about purging the government of Sankara supporters.

In contrast to the cool reception given Sankara earlier, Compaoré was welcomed by Western governments and funding agencies. Within three years, Compaoré had accepted a massive IMF loan and instituted a structural adjustment program (largely seen as one of the major causes for the ongoing economic crises in Africa). Compaoré also reversed most of Sankara’s reforms. Not surprisingly this included the insistence that his portrait hang in all public places as well as buying himself a presidential jet.
:lol: sorry what’s this from?
As berbatrick mentioned its Thomas Sankara. A Marxist leader of Burkina Faso. His most famous speech was on African debt

Just on a side note, I will be mis remembering parts of this but a journalist once asked Sankara why does he and government dress in military clothing and while we might expect ''To scary the imperialists'' ''To show our power'' etc. Sankara answer was more straight forward - we just do as a bit of a laugh.

Still my personal favourite is anti gamer Sankara


(Not a real quote of course)

And yes for those wondering Corbyn gave Sankara a shout out at he's speech to the UN.

I can recognise Thomas Sankara* but I'm curious about the exact source
I'm pretty sure its from this documentary at the 6:00 min mark.

Those dam owls and vipers. The documentary is well worth watching and is pretty great due mostly to the english voice over guy being a massive Sankara fan.
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