2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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They include Biden who hasn't declared but don't include Andrew Yang by name even though he has declared?
It’s not surprising because he’s just not widely recognized yet, let alone on MSM. If he can get the unique donation goals he needs then he can get onto the debate stage and who knows to where from there.
Even dumbledor got tired of the 'For the greater good' nonsense from the Clinton supporters during 2016 (I shouted as much in no small part). It's time for them to shut the feck up and vote Sanders. As they so much eloquently put it, it's the choice facing Humanity.
Not hard at all. Republicans have called every democratic nominee socialist for as long as I can remember. Obama was one of the most centrist dems and they did it to him. Might as well get the real thing.
Just to illustrate my point a bit, check out this interview he did on Fox Business. And furthermore, check out the responses in the comments and how of them are generally positive.
How do you know they didn't include Andrew Yang? "Someone else" has 5%. He's just not popular. And of course they're going to include Biden, you can't possibly think that's strange.

If they did they would have listed his name. Someone Else is the generic "none of the above" answer.
Andrew Yang talks a good game. He could be a good VP Pick as would Buttigieg. Even Warren would make an excellent VP Pick as long as it's not a joke appointment like Pence was
I follow US politics more closely than probably 75-80% of Americans, and yet I have absolutely no fecking idea who Andrew Yang is. I suspect he is not winning a damn thing. :lol:
I follow US politics more closely than probably 75-80% of Americans, and yet I have absolutely no fecking idea who Andrew Yang is. I suspect he is not winning a damn thing. :lol:
He's a shoe in for best podcast unless one of the other candidates accidentally starts a facebook stream and can't figure out how to end it
I follow US politics more closely than probably 75-80% of Americans, and yet I have absolutely no fecking idea who Andrew Yang is. I suspect he is not winning a damn thing. :lol:

Nobody expects him to win anything. His policies are however going to infuse the debates with ideas that may not ordinarily see the light of day among the usual progressive v establishment narratives.
I follow US politics more closely than probably 75-80% of Americans, and yet I have absolutely no fecking idea who Andrew Yang is. I suspect he is not winning a damn thing. :lol:
He will gain a lot of traction once he’s on the debates, the setup of which will be different than the 1st tier/2nd tier the GOP had in 2015. Even if he still can’t win, he has great policies that would do well to be adopted by the likes of Bernie and co.
So basically exactly what Bernie did last time..

Her being more like Sanders in this regard is less relevant than what it will do to the other faux no PAC candidates who are obviously jumping on the bandwagon to endear themselves to progressives this cycle - people like Harris, Booker, and one or two others. The pressure will now be on them to follow suit, which they likely wont do since they don't have enough populist/people funded support to completely abdon fundraising off high paid dinners, donor calls, cocktail parties etc.
Her being more like Sanders in this regard is less relevant than what it will do to the other faux no PAC candidates who are obviously jumping on the bandwagon to endear themselves to progressives this cycle - people like Harris, Booker, and one or two others. The pressure will now be on them to follow suit, which they likely wont do since they don't have enough populist/people funded support to completely abdon fundraising off high paid dinners, donor calls, cocktail parties etc.

I think the likes of Harris, Booker are only running for some exposure. They haven't a shred of authenticity and they are going to end up unraveling when they have to speak on the specifics of policy.
I think the likes of Harris, Booker are only running for some exposure. They haven't a shred of authenticity and they are going to end up unraveling when they have to speak on the specifics of policy.

Harris definitely thinks she can win. Its how she rolls.
Solid answer to the drug prices question, went into the policy and made it understandable.
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