2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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It has changed a lot in fact. Weren't the Democrats over a century back the party the southern landowners? It's really since the 50s that you see the current divide developing, deepening, widening. And a lot of that is conscious strategy from politicians, sensing that they can lock in voting groups by taking strong stances on specific issues, that thus become divisive. Just last week I was reading that, back in the 60s (70s?), the GOP was in favour of abortion as part of their support for family planning, and supported gun restrictions. Back then, they thought of these things as general policy issues that require a rational stance; fast-forward to now, and they have been made into identity-defining issues that have to be nurtured. (Which is why stances can seem so out of touch with reality: rational discourse is not the point.) Or at least, that's my understanding of it.

Yup radical republicans were all about ending slavery and enfranchisement. Democrats were all about slaves and Jim Crow.

The party of Lincoln Stanton and grant is not the party of the orange eejit
You really hate him :lol: :D

I love the other guy. Anderson Cooper has no clue either.

10% of Pennsylvania votes left = 600k vote. Theb says is 120k = all the votes left in states.

Serious lack of math education with this crew on CNN. the midnight team are miles more informative.
As someone who's had a close family member involved with a cult, I'd say most trump supporters share a lot of common characteristics with cult members. They are quite normal until you attack their cult leader and then all hell breaks lose.
Yes. Some of my cousins would fit that description. Strangely my grandma didn't even care too much, she just wanted a christian president and was convinced that's what she would get with Donald.
My grandpa would have voted for Trump as well but he passed away in Oct 2016. My grandpa was a father to me as I never met my real dad (he was around for a bit when I was an infant). He was a good person, served as a LRRP in 'Nam but held a racist view towards Asians thanks to that war. Very giving, devout Baptist, compassionate, not a single ounce of narcissism. Trump was the antithesis of him.

My grandma did vote for him as she always votes R. She would have voted this year but passed away two weeks ago, almost four years to the date granted they had divorced like twelves years ago. I don't know if she voted early or mailed-in before her stroke. She became more bitter as she aged and got to the point that I reluctantly shut her out of my life. She held some traits like Trump, bit of a bully-streak, a defeatist attitude, prone to attack, etc. It really saddened me to see this woman I held in high regard my first 35 years or so turn out to be she a mean person.
I'm sorry for your loss. Sometimes very old age changes people drastically :(.

I have no clue if my grandmother would have voted for him again, she passed 2 years ago. However one of my aunts gave up on the republicans because of him since, and she doesn't appear to be the only one in Michigan :drool:
Condolences on your grandma.

I completely understand what you are saying here. My father is the antithesis of Trump in every way, but he is an avid Fox/Breitbart consumer and refuses to watch anything else. I think we convinced him to not vote for Trump, but there is no way he voted for Biden. Politics are a banned topic of discussion and the number of times we chat has plummeted the last 2 months. It truly has been like watching your hero be unmasked.
My pop was so fecked up in so many ways, so destructive on the family, but the one area we could always find common ground & reset was being Democrats. It was essential in salvaging a relationship with the man that taught me everything, but napalmed so much of it at the same time.

Hope it’s just a short term trend with your pop.

Condolences on the grandma as well, @MrMarcello.
Based on this page alone, John King truly is the Ole of CNN.
He's more like Antonio Valencia of CNN with just one trick up his sleeve. I've been watching CNN occasionally for over a decade and I can't remember him doing anything other than this during elections.
I love the other guy. Anderson Cooper has no clue either.

10% of Pennsylvania votes left = 600k vote. Theb says is 120k = all the votes left in states.

Serious lack of math education with this crew on CNN. the midnight team are miles more informative.
More like purposely mis-representing it imho. I love how they keep talking about Trump winning but then keep falling back into everything about what a Biden presidency will look like as if its a done deal. Which one is it??
Madness. This is what happens when the 'family' in power all get their news from random Facebook and Twitter sources and treat it like it's iron-clad. It's like if someone's boomer parents ran the country.
Speaking of ‘The Family,’ that is a series worth a watch on Netflix.
He's more like Antonio Valencia of CNN with just one trick up his sleeve. I've been watching CNN occasionally for over a decade and I can't remember him doing anything other than this during elections.
Nah, Arjen Robben, we all know what he’s going to do but he’s so good at it you can’t stop it

3 things I read before/since the election:
1. Colleges in Philadelphia have fewer/no students
2. There was a actual GOTV operation in Detroit (Rahida Tlaib)
3. Detroit turnout in 2016 was abysmal (though that might have been true for Philly as well?)
Location of them inside the US also played a part.

In one of the massive apparent swings on the Texas border, something like 50 points down by Biden, is it okay to label that as potentially just a Mexican area or does it need to drilled down to from what part of Mexico or even down to the potentially significantly less populace of other non-Mexican countries? This will be interesting as a sociological experiment as well. Unprecedented in scope perhaps. Not much chance of not potentially feeling like a bug on a pin as a Latino in the coming years.

Would this Texas subset need an additional tag - career/job? Because if many of these Latinos/Hispanics are indeed employed by the oil & gas industry then the Dems need to provide solutions to future jobs.
I think this slow ass counting just doesn't favor King's playstyle. He needs a faster pace of counting to really shine, being fed new information every few minutes.
He's more like Antonio Valencia of CNN with just one trick up his sleeve. I've been watching CNN occasionally for over a decade and I can't remember him doing anything other than this during elections.
He announced Bin Laden’s death on CNN. He’s done some shit, best currently known for elections though.
Biden always talks about being a Catholic and quotes religious expressions to emphasis a broader point while keeping it out of his policy decision making. Dems have an ex president Jimmy Carter who is a Bible study teacher. They can make some inroads with religious voters if they talk on that level and embrace their own resonance of faith rather than write them all off as right wing conservatives. Biden was never going to win that bloc because of the right wing decades long dominance but he cut into the margins better than previously. He may have eased the fears of some people who only heard that Dems are satanists for years just by talking about his own religious experience.
Brilliant for those people with low IQ.

Yeah, we need more Baz instead.

bazalini replied to the thread 2020 US Elections.
Anyone mention Betfair has seen a massive shift in favour of Trump last few mins. Was 4-1 now in to 5/2
Yesterday at 18:47

bazalini replied to the thread 2020 US Elections.
There is half a billion dollars on it. I'm telling you, Betfair is an instant barometer on the election.
Yesterday at 19:02

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