2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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How is it so easy to find vote counting offices? Is this public information ? Ffs

4500 votes added, 5:1.


Oh yeah I know you meant the first three years, it's obvious that Trump was riding on a growing economy and that he didn't have any influence on it. But in the reverse we know for certain Democrats would have done exactly the same thing. It's just how it works, completely seperate from Trump's usual bullshit that really is just completely making things up. Here he's not making things up he's just using a convenient frame of analysis that feels intuitive to the voter and has been presented by every president in the same position for literally centuries.
The neediness of the collective mind on the right to believe as fact he had an amazing impact on the economy is palpable to almost all strata of their electorate. It’s this adherence that is so mystifying, pure culture of personality yet so foundationally existent in so many of them (not sure foundation ally is actually a word or not).
Yep. American adults who live vicariously through someone else are dangerous.

See: armed crowds at a vote counting facility (wtf)
Can’t impinge on 2A rights, slippery slope & all that.

How you going to deal with the kids, give them one class to get out all their feelings, allow them to decompress or float then put a ban on it? Or just let it play out?
Parents / attendees of the games to an Ivory soap purity level.
Yep. American adults who live vicariously through someone else are dangerous.

See: armed crowds at a vote counting facility (wtf)
Aye. Doesnt a TX high school have one that even rivals a major college stadium or something? We obviously have U of M and State here when it comes to super-sized school stadiums but that's obviously college. Not sure ive ever seen anything remotely similar around here for a high school.

I see. Can't even begin to comprehend something like this, especially in HS.

Shocking really.
I see. Can't even begin to comprehend something like this, especially in HS.

Shocking really.
Now consider that most of those folks who lose their shit about HS athletics in the South are also GOP voters.

Kinda makes all this bullshit done by them make more sense, eh?
Aye. Doesnt a TX high school have one that even rivals a major college stadium or something? We obviously have U of M and State here when it comes to super-sized school stadiums but that's obviously college. Not sure ive ever seen anything remotely similar around here for a high school.
From 2018, probably holds mostly true now (there’s some multi-use stadiums in here, but most are high school specific):

It's weird. I don't care for high school football these days but still have friends in their 40s that go to random games around DFW area.

Check this out - in 2018 there were 270 high school coaches making a six-figure salary in Texas. https://fanbuzz.com/high-school/texas-hs-football-coach-salaries/
Not sure what’s more insane - 270 making six figures or the level to which the quitter Jimbo, etc. gets paid in college. At least the college coaches can point to profit they make the school.
Despite only holding 6 electoral votes, it looks like Biden managing to hold his lead in Nevada might well be the difference between him winning and losing. Feels like that’s the most likely state that could flip.
Good point by Bakari Sellers on CNN. Black voters are swinging states in favour of Biden. No wonder Republicans hate them.
Fair enough, I will add my responses on a line below:

I'll have a go at this: see in-line.

With Hillary/Biden/Pelosi in helm we would've had twice as many deaths. Democrats would never put a ban on China. Pelosi was literally dancing in Chinatown when the pandemic broke while Trump was working on banning travel from China. The US mainly acquired its virus cases from Europe and the China ban was ineffective anyway.

- Like I said before it is easy to draw conclusions in retrospect while nobody can know for certain what could have been. I am bringing the Hilary/Pelosi example to show that it can be speculated forever.

Horrible economy? Far from that. Due to covid for obvious reasons, before the pandemic we had the best economy in decades. (a) That's questionable. (b) Even if true, it's in the first years always mostly due to the previous president's work. (c) Even if it's due to Trump, inequity is through the roof, so economic growth doesn't mean better lives, which should be the ultimate goal.

- (b) Crediting the first few years to the previous president is a big precedent. Let's say Biden is elected and the economy recovers sharply, will it be credited to Trump? I doubt it. From the day Trump took office the economy rallied. (c) Can't really talk about inequity and better lives, I'm just bringing cold facts about poverty and unemployment rates.

He's not a saint obviously but many (not all) of those allegations are not true and were disproven time and time again. I agree, his personal life should be irrelevant.

I don't like him and I don't care about his mental issues, it's not a popularity contest. What I do like is things he had done such as
1.Trying to reopen the country and end the lockdowns Too soon, causing enormous unnecessary suffering and death without gains. (For comparison: Sweden's economy crashed as hard as anybody else's; Canada did much better in terms of health and similar economically.)

- Fair enough, however I am speaking from my personal selfish reasons, and I am not at a group risk, therefore for me personally it would be better for schools to open up, for example.

2. Great for the economy, taking the economy to record highs, reducing unemployment and poverty to historic lows Covered above.

3. Slashing taxes For the rich mostly, and it ballooning national debt enormously.

- I keep hearing the 'for the rich' argument everywhere, however my taxes got lower because of Trump, and I am not rich, just regular middle class. Regarding the national debt, it's a cumulative work of many administrations before Trump, so he is no different.

4. Dealing with China Which hasn't deterred or slowed down China in the slightest; their path upwards hasn't changed at all. See their Belt & Road program.

- Not aware of that program so I won't comment on that, however I will argue to his credit that he did put them up there as a major global threat, and rightfully so. There is still work to be done.

5. Keeping Putin quiet What now? How has Putin been kept quiet?

- Putin is been way less of his aggressive self in the last four years and I think the Trump detriment got something to do with that. During Obama's presidency he invaded two countries and has been extremely provocative towards the west.

6. Dealing with Iran Nothing has changed for Iran itself, but the US has become isolated and is now considered untrustworthy by all of its partners in this matter.

- Getting out of the terrible Iran deal which funneled American tax payers money to them while they were secretly developing their nuclear program, assassinating that general terrorist (forgot his name) who was responsible for thousands of civilians deaths. Setting a tone.

7. Demolishing ISIS The Syria campaign was ended too soon.

- Maybe so, but during Obama's last year ISIS were controlling huge portions of Iraq and Syria and expanding. Where are they now?

8. Opening a dialogue with the North Korean clown To absolutely zero effect. Trump got played like everyone before him while giving Kim Jong-un credibility.

- Fair enough.

9. Brokering historic peace agreements in the middle east Minor diplomatic agreements between Israel and states of lesser importance. You can't broker peace between countries that aren't at war; they just weren't talking to each other

Maybe so, I will change that from peace agreement to normalization of relations, but it is something no other president could've done, and those deals while they seem small in reality they will bring huge financial benefits to the countries involved, plus it sets a precedent to a new middle east.

10. Being the most pro-Israel president probably in history I don't know why that's of particular importance to the US or world peace, but he may indeed wel have been.

America's biggest ally in the region who were treated very unfairly during Obama's presidency.

I'll add that I don't care much for Biden. I just think Trump has gone about pretty much anything the wrong way, in the sense that he didn't advance his own goals or help conservatives - except for the judges appointments, Israel, and the tax cuts (which are intended to and will help rich people).
Now consider that most of those folks who lose their shit about HS athletics in the South are also GOP voters.

Kinda makes all this bullshit done by them make more sense, eh?

Damn. :nervous:

It's weird. I don't care for high school football these days but still have friends in their 40s that go to random games around DFW area.

Check this out - in 2018 there were 270 high school coaches making a six-figure salary in Texas. https://fanbuzz.com/high-school/texas-hs-football-coach-salaries/

Website says unable to allow international traffic :lol:.
But I googled. Hefty sums! Although given it's popularity in the US in general, it's not too surprising. The extreme fanfare though.. Yikes.

Assuming the last 17k Fulton votes break 4:1, that brings the difference to exactly 15k. Dekalb is currently 83-17 D and Gwinnett 59-41 D, but these are mails so it’s likely to be at or above 70-30, combined. There are 20k left or thereabout, that’s another 8k, lead down to 6/7.

There are a bunch of counties out at 85-88% reporting with 80/90/100k, so cumulatively that should be another 40k votes or so, at minimum. A 60-40 split -> Biden wins by 2 or 3k (balanced for the small red counties left).

Confirmation we will get at least one more batch from AZ tonight.
I'm an American and I don't believe anything you are saying. I don't get all of my news from CNN, which I can't stand most of the time myself but I look at both sides of an issue and try to find the best position. When you get all your news off Facebook, OAN, or some bs like that, your brain turns to mush. I saw an ad on OAN about Portland, Oregon burning and I laughed, the rioting was literally limited to one block of downtown that I drive by often, real amazing how stupid people who fell for that crap are. Trump is on his way to lose and I'll give you a hint, its not because of some crazy conspiracy with secret ballots but because educated people see him for what he is, an idiot and a clown. You mention Kim Jong Un, he made Trump his b*tch and is close to a nuclear tipped ICBM, real benefit that dialogue served. The economy he had was Obama's, which he proceeded to run into the ground with his stupid handling of the pandemic. We would have 160,000 less deaths if Trump had spent less time in his stupid briefings and just consistently encouraged everyone to wear a mask and social distance, I say this as a biomedical researcher who understands the coronavirus (and by the way, I agree with Trump that an effective vaccine will be out soon, no thanks to him as its due to us having amazing scientists who would get it done under any president).

I wish you and others well but in the long run you are shooting yourself in the foot by not viewing all sources of news with equal skepticism. There's a big world out there believe it or not and you are missing out by consuming narrow sources of news.

I hear you, but I don't know what OAN is and I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't watch CNN - right/left propaganda garbage. Finding news outlets without an agenda is hard as is and each side spending millions to spread misinformation, both on the left and the right. I listen to both sides, look at facts and form my own opinions.

Assuming the last 17k Fulton votes break 4:1, that brings the difference to exactly 15k. Dekalb is currently 83-17 D and Gwinnett 59-41 D, but these are mails so it’s likely to be at or above 70-30, combined. There are 20k left or thereabout, that’s another 8k, lead down to 6/7.

There are a bunch of counties out at 85-88% reporting with 80/90/100k, so cumulatively that should be another 40k votes or so, at minimum. A 60-40 split -> Biden wins by 2 or 3k (balanced for the small red counties left).

Im hoping and (assuming) that while the Trump campaign is crying - the Biden campaign is busy looking for ACTUAL irregularities and things like USPS hold-ups to put it to bed comfortably and help counter any lawsuits more effectively.
By gosh, first they have to pay them for work, next they're allowed to vote... soon they might not even get shot for being black!
The audacity of them, those black folk used to just be chattel for christ’s sake.

Surprised we haven’t heard the ‘Republicans like Lincoln frees the slaves that Democrats owned’ alternative fact from our right wing brothers so far. It usually gets trotted out.
Whats the betting odds on @Giggs86 getting banned before Saturday?.

You're a bit obsessed with me mate, not sure why. Is it because I'm up for a debate and don't share the same confirmation bias as the majority at this thread? Just stick to the posts.
Dekalb only at 95.8% of the vote and its a big area in Atlanta.

Gap is down to 25,000 in GA
Actually, it’s a smaller area than the other surrounding Atlanta counties, but probably as deeply blue as it gets in GA. The other surrounding counties have all the ‘-etas’ & other wealthier suburbs to offset somewhat the Democratic lean. Dekalb decidedly does not.

Assuming the last 17k Fulton votes break 4:1, that brings the difference to exactly 15k. Dekalb is currently 83-17 D and Gwinnett 59-41 D, but these are mails so it’s likely to be at or above 70-30, combined. There are 20k left or thereabout, that’s another 8k, lead down to 6/7.

There are a bunch of counties out at 85-88% reporting with 80/90/100k, so cumulatively that should be another 40k votes or so, at minimum. A 60-40 split -> Biden wins by 2 or 3k (balanced for the small red counties left).

Supposedly there is another 16k net to Biden from Fulton that has been counted (separate to the final 17k) that has yet to be recorded on the ticker. So before Dekalb and Gwinnett report, the lead may actually be current margin - 16k - 15k from last Fulton tranche= 1k. Now I could be mixing it up but I believe the guy you quote says it himself (again someone should double check these numbers):

I hear you, but I don't know what OAN is and I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't watch CNN - right/left propaganda garbage. Finding news outlets without an agenda is hard as is and each side spending millions to spread misinformation, both on the left and the right. I listen to both sides, look at facts and form my own opinions.
You’re adopting alternative facts from somewhere, it’s hardly an unbiased font of information from where you source.
I hear you, but I don't know what OAN is and I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't watch CNN - right/left propaganda garbage. Finding news outlets without an agenda is hard as is and each side spending millions to spread misinformation, both on the left and the right. I listen to both sides, look at facts and form my own opinions.

The number of times I've heard this exact retort from someone that talks about supporting Trump, GOP, etc.

Damn. :nervous:

Website says unable to allow international traffic :lol:.
But I googled. Hefty sums! Although given it's popularity in the US in general, it's not too surprising. The extreme fanfare though.. Yikes.
Just remember what you are actually looking at when you see that cesspool Death Valley full again. Somehow Carolina Red wasn’t susceptible to the same ignorance that runs in zip codes in the south.
Supposedly there is another 16k net to Biden from Fulton that has been counted (separate to the final 17k) that has yet to be recorded on the ticker. So before Dekalb and Gwinnett report, the lead may actually be current margin - 16k - 15k from last Fulton tranche= 1k. Now I could be mixing it up but I believe the guy you quote says it himself (again someone should double check these numbers):

Still potentially 15% outstanding from Chatham County (Savannah). 60/40 spread currently for Biden, should widen if just mail in ballots are left to be counted.

Happy to say that I cautioned against calling Trump for Georgia last night, but I even lost faith a couple of hours ago.
Supposedly there is another 16k net to Biden from Fulton that has been counted (separate to the final 17k) that has yet to be recorded on the ticker. So before Dekalb and Gwinnett report, the lead may actually be current margin - 16k - 15k from last Fulton tranche= 1k. Now I could be mixing it up but I believe the guy you quote says it himself (again someone should double check these numbers):

The math I used was based on the latest Decision Desk number, but it’s true they are having issues uploading the result. So if that figure is true Biden would go into the lead once Dekalb and Gwinnett post their result, with the Savannah still out.
I hear you, but I don't know what OAN is and I don't watch Fox News for the same reason I don't watch CNN - right/left propaganda garbage. Finding news outlets without an agenda is hard as is and each side spending millions to spread misinformation, both on the left and the right. I listen to both sides, look at facts and form my own opinions.

If you don't watch OAN, Fox News or CNN, which you see as propaganda tools for either side, where is it you get the information from "both sides"? Typically they're communicated through a medium, and if you're ruling out listening to any media with a bias, then it seems hard to get information from either side never mind both as they'll all fall somewhere on that spectrum.
GA and AZ then for Biden with NV as the cream topping?
Tbh it’d be amazing if it’s AZ that puts Biden over the top what with trumps feud with the McCain family.
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