2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I used to referee high school soccer matches in Florida & did a few centers in major city rivalry games in Tallahassee, Orlando, & Tampa. Couple of times I actually had a police escort a couple of blocks til I was away from the grounds. That was always a touch disconcerting heading through irate crowds. Imagine being the poll workers of any political ilk in that building right now.

I'm sorry, did you say Police escort for a High school game?!

With Hillary/Biden/Pelosi in helm we would've had twice as many deaths. Democrats would never put a ban on China. Pelosi was literally dancing in Chinatown when the pandemic broke while Trump was working on banning travel from China.
Horrible economy? Far from that. Due to covid for obvious reasons, before the pandemic we had the best economy in decades.
He's not a saint obviously but many (not all) of those allegations are not true and were disproven time and time again.

I don't like him and I don't care about his mental issues, it's not a popularity contest. What I do like is things he had done such as
1.Trying to reopen the country and end the lockdowns
2. Great for the economy, taking the economy to record highs, reducing unemployment and poverty to historic lows
3. Slashing taxes
4. Dealing with China
5. Keeping Putin quiet
6. Dealing with Iran
7. Demolishing ISIS
8. Opening a dialogue with the North Korean clown
9. Brokering historic peace agreements in the middle east
10. Being the most pro-Israel president probably in history
You know that after Trump issues that travel ban, about 40,000 Americans flew back home from China with no quarantine requirements, crowding airports and spreading the virus?

Praising Trump for the travel Van is daft. He sat on his hands for weeks doing nothing after that.
Fulton County's election director told CNN he expects to report all outstanding mail votes between midnight and 3 a.m.

Even Fulton County are slacking less than @WI_Red tonight. Sad days.
So they slept in early yesterday to pull an all night tonight. Bloody procrastinators.
I'm sorry, did you say Police escort for a High school game?!

Four times - twice in Tallahassee, once each in Orlando & Tampa. Only for a couple of blocks each time. I didn’t officiate badly in any of these matches, I did have to make some big calls against the home teams a few times though.

Oi. Lemurs are awesome.

With Hillary/Biden/Pelosi in helm we would've had twice as many deaths. Democrats would never put a ban on China. Pelosi was literally dancing in Chinatown when the pandemic broke while Trump was working on banning travel from China.
Horrible economy? Far from that. Due to covid for obvious reasons, before the pandemic we had the best economy in decades.
He's not a saint obviously but many (not all) of those allegations are not true and were disproven time and time again.

I don't like him and I don't care about his mental issues, it's not a popularity contest. What I do like is things he had done such as
1.Trying to reopen the country and end the lockdowns
2. Great for the economy, taking the economy to record highs, reducing unemployment and poverty to historic lows
3. Slashing taxes
4. Dealing with China
5. Keeping Putin quiet
6. Dealing with Iran
7. Demolishing ISIS
8. Opening a dialogue with the North Korean clown
9. Brokering historic peace agreements in the middle east
10. Being the most pro-Israel president probably in history

I think you're on the wrong forum? Redcafe doesn't mean GOP cafe.
You know that after Trump issues that travel ban, about 40,000 Americans flew back home from China with no quarantine requirements, crowding airports and spreading the virus?

Praising Trump for the travel Van is daft. He sat on his hands for weeks doing nothing after that.

I don't think he knows that, nor does he care that Trump also allowed plenty of Americans to travel back from Europe after COVID had spread there as well.

Like Trump, Giggsy86 loves spreading fake news.
‘Own the libs’ is literally the whole point. 60% of Floridians voted for the $15 minimum wage, a policy Biden defends in the debate against Trump, and ended up voting for Trump all the same.

Democrats should stop wasting their time courting Republicans and right leaning independents who are just closer Republicans with exactly the same ideology and voting behaviour. It’s a fight until one side is beaten into submission so badly that they must conform with the new order, and neoliberal pearl clutchers won’t have the stomach to win that fight.

Biden obviously doesn't support a fifteen dollar minimum wage and most people understand that.
You know that after Trump issues that travel ban, about 40,000 Americans flew back home from China with no quarantine requirements, crowding airports and spreading the virus?

Praising Trump for the travel Van is daft. He sat on his hands for weeks doing nothing after that.
Remember when all those returning Americans were funneled through just a few airports with six hour wait minimums way back in Trump’s halcyon days of owning the virus in March?
You know that after Trump issues that travel ban, about 40,000 Americans flew back home from China with no quarantine requirements, crowding airports and spreading the virus?

Praising Trump for the travel Van is daft. He sat on his hands for weeks doing nothing after that.

What other president would have done is just speculation and wishful thinking at this point. Blaming 230k deaths on Trump is one of the most idiotic accusations. This is a global pandemic that caused millions of deaths all over the world.
What other president would have done is just speculation and wishful thinking at this point. Blaming 230k deaths on Trump is one of the most idiotic accusations. This is a global pandemic that caused millions of deaths all over the world.

You're right. Trump is only responsible for 130,000 to 180,000 of them. "Winning"

New Columbia Study Blames the White House for at Least 130,000 ‘Avoidable’ COVID Deaths
What other president would have done is just speculation and wishful thinking at this point. Blaming 230k deaths on Trump is one of the most idiotic accusations. This is a global pandemic that caused millions of deaths all over the world.
But that’s exactly what you just did in your previous post with Democrats & you’re spouting it like a fact. Trump has 230K dead on his watch, this is on him, just as it would be squarely on any Democrat that was in his place.

There’s just no way around this. You’ve literally taken a 180 from your previous post.
Santorum is so far up Trump's ass he can taste the santorum from when Putin was last in there.
Don't I can continue this all nighter. Hoping we have some nice news when I wake up.
Biden obviously doesn't support a fifteen dollar minimum wage and most people understand that.
You see the same pattern in state after state, progressive policies amendment/ballot initiatives were passed but voters still voted in droves for Republicans opposing those very same policies. Distrust in Democrats doesn’t explain that gap.
Oi. Lemurs are awesome.

I think you're on the wrong forum? Redcafe doesn't mean GOP cafe.

You mean Libcafe.

I know i'm on the wrong forum where there is a heavy liberal bias from non-US majority. It is basically a support group for people who share and encourage the same political beliefs while labeling and shutting down every thing that is not aligning with their political views as fake news. I know the majority here probably never been to the US, so please try and get your news from other sources as well besides CNN and other left propaganda machines.
Four times - twice in Tallahassee, once each in Orlando & Tampa. Only for a couple of blocks each time. I didn’t officiate badly in any of these matches, I did have to make some big calls against the home teams a few times though.

Ballsy. I would have probably done the opposite :lol:
You mean Libcafe.

I know i'm on the wrong forum where there is a heavy liberal bias from non-US majority. It is basically a support group for people who share and encourage the same political beliefs while labeling and shutting down every thing that is not aligning with their political views as fake news. I know the majority here probably never been to the US, so please try and get your news from other sources as well besides CNN and other left propaganda machines.
It's a European forum with completely normal European political views, mate.
You mean Libcafe.

I know i'm on the wrong forum where there is a heavy liberal bias from non-US majority. It is basically a support group for people who share and encourage the same political beliefs while labeling and shutting down every thing that is not aligning with their political views as fake news. I know the majority here probably never been to the US, so please try and get your news from other sources as well besides CNN and other left propaganda machines.
While you aggressively spread alternative facts that have no basis reality, yet you run to the foreigner who has suckled on the same misinformation teat from which you have gorged to let him know he is spot on.

It must be quite the burden you carry, being the beacon of truth as you make your way against the rushing tide.
But that’s exactly what you just did in your previous post with Democrats & you’re spouting it like a fact. Trump has 230K dead on his watch, this is on him, just as it would be squarely on any Democrat that was in his place.

There’s just no way around this. You’ve literally taken a 180 from your previous post.

How exactly did you get that from what I wrote?

My point is that blaming those deaths on Trump is idiotic, with it being a global pandemic that affected every country, lockdowns/masks or not.
How exactly did you get that from what I wrote?

My point is that blaming those deaths on Trump is idiotic, with it being a global pandemic that affected every country, lockdowns/masks or not.
Encouraging people not to wear masks, holding rallies that spread Covid and blocking lockdowns means not blaming him for some # of deaths is idiotic.
Ballsy. I would have probably done the opposite :lol:
One was a delayed second yellow where I played advantage & the visitors scored the tying goal. The sending off was the home team’s best player for the final 10ish. minutes. Second was replaying a free kick where the home team took the lead with only minutes left as I was still setting up the wall & had told them to wait on my whistle, but they took the shot anyway. So there was some anger in the air. But no apparent firearms in view.
It's a European forum with completely normal European political views, mate.

No worries mate, I get that Europe is much more liberal than the US. Biden would probably be a right wing candidate if he was running in a western European country, right?
With Hillary/Biden/Pelosi in helm we would've had twice as many deaths. Democrats would never put a ban on China. Pelosi was literally dancing in Chinatown when the pandemic broke while Trump was working on banning travel from China.
Horrible economy? Far from that. Due to covid for obvious reasons, before the pandemic we had the best economy in decades.
He's not a saint obviously but many (not all) of those allegations are not true and were disproven time and time again.

I don't like him and I don't care about his mental issues, it's not a popularity contest. What I do like is things he had done such as
1.Trying to reopen the country and end the lockdowns
2. Great for the economy, taking the economy to record highs, reducing unemployment and poverty to historic lows
3. Slashing taxes
4. Dealing with China
5. Keeping Putin quiet
6. Dealing with Iran
7. Demolishing ISIS
8. Opening a dialogue with the North Korean clown
9. Brokering historic peace agreements in the middle east
10. Being the most pro-Israel president probably in history
I have to disagree with your assumption that deaths would be higher because Trump literally dismantled the pandemic plan that Obama team left behind. Yes, the democrats were behind the curve ball on the travel ban but I'd argue that if Hilary was the president and had the same information Trump had, She'd probably implement some sort of ban as well but She also would've informed the public in February which could've potentially saved a lot of lives. Also, the economy was on the upward trajectory under Obama so, it simply continued under trump and the tax cuts were geared towards ultra rich so, I'd say it's not a good thing for majority of americans. I'll give you that Trump has been good in terms of foreign policy somewhat in terms of avoiding conflict but he has massively undermined American interests abroad by propping up strongmen and undermining our allies.
How exactly did you get that from what I wrote?

My point is that blaming those deaths on Trump is idiotic, with it being a global pandemic that affected every country, lockdowns/masks or not.
Brother, your first line was a statement that a triumvirate of Dems would have had far more deaths on their hands. Then you say what any other president could have done is just speculation & wishful thinking. That’s about as a clear a 180 as one can make. You literally negated what your lede was in one post through the lede of another post.
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I'll have a go at this: see in-line.
With Hillary/Biden/Pelosi in helm we would've had twice as many deaths. Democrats would never put a ban on China. Pelosi was literally dancing in Chinatown when the pandemic broke while Trump was working on banning travel from China. The US mainly acquired its virus cases from Europe and the China ban was ineffective anyway.
Horrible economy? Far from that. Due to covid for obvious reasons, before the pandemic we had the best economy in decades. (a) That's questionable. (b) Even if true, it's in the first years always mostly due to the previous president's work. (c) Even if it's due to Trump, inequity is through the roof, so economic growth doesn't mean better lives, which should be the ultimate goal.
He's not a saint obviously but many (not all) of those allegations are not true and were disproven time and time again. I agree, his personal life should be irrelevant.

I don't like him and I don't care about his mental issues, it's not a popularity contest. What I do like is things he had done such as
1.Trying to reopen the country and end the lockdowns Too soon, causing enormous unnecessary suffering and death without gains. (For comparison: Sweden's economy crashed as hard as anybody else's; Canada did much better in terms of health and similar economically.)
2. Great for the economy, taking the economy to record highs, reducing unemployment and poverty to historic lows Covered above.
3. Slashing taxes For the rich mostly, and it ballooning national debt enormously.
4. Dealing with China Which hasn't deterred or slowed down China in the slightest; their path upwards hasn't changed at all. See their Belt & Road program.
5. Keeping Putin quiet What now? How has Putin been kept quiet?
6. Dealing with Iran Nothing has changed for Iran itself, but the US has become isolated and is now considered untrustworthy by all of its partners in this matter.
7. Demolishing ISIS The Syria campaign was ended too soon.
8. Opening a dialogue with the North Korean clown To absolutely zero effect. Trump got played like everyone before him while giving Kim Jong-un credibility.
9. Brokering historic peace agreements in the middle east Minor diplomatic agreements between Israel and states of lesser importance. You can't broker peace between countries that aren't at war; they just weren't talking to each other
10. Being the most pro-Israel president probably in history I don't know why that's of particular importance to the US or world peace, but he may indeed wel have been.
I'll add that I don't care much for Biden. I just think Trump has gone about pretty much anything the wrong way, in the sense that he didn't advance his own goals or help conservatives - except for the judges appointments, Israel, and the tax cuts (which are intended to and will help rich people).
Trump cultists have been gathering outside the Arizona election sight to protest democracy.

Some of them are carrying guns, as it’s an open-carry state.

Fecking hell.
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