It's (a)sympto(te)matic of his campaign.
Ugh. I hate myself for that one.
So you should, that was disgraceful!

It's (a)sympto(te)matic of his campaign.
Ugh. I hate myself for that one.
So you should, that was disgraceful!![]()
It's (a)sympto(te)matic of his campaign.
I'll try not to resort to such base humour in the future....
I'll try not to resort to such base humour in the future....
Nichole Wallace says hi.
"Remember when we were young and we were studying history, and they talk about some of the great generals, and the great attacks? ... Wouldn’t it be nice if we attacked first, and talked about our great victory later?" the GOP nominee added.
"It's a very, very sad thing. We are being run by people that are incompetent."
The Brexit referendum outcome didn't surprise me the slightest. Each and every poll immediately before referendum day showed that it was extremely tight and indicated a 2-3% margin of error. Also, they showed that many British voters (15-20% AFAIR) were still undecided yet claimed immigration is their biggest concern.Maybe. The pollsters were miles off in the last two UK elections and the EU referendum. So Ill take what they say about this one with a pinch of salt.
Ok, so I'm a bit slow to catch up, I knew this coming debate was a Town Hall style debate, however, I thought the audience would be asking the questions, but I've just found out that EVERYONE can have a say, as the questions will be asked from and the most popular questions from each section will be asked to each candidate. Also, everyone can vote up which questions they feel need to be asked and which are the most important to them.
What an absolutely great idea. This was everyone can feel as if they have been involved in some way or another. I hope this works well and catches on, as so far it seems like a brilliant idea.
I posted that right after the 1st debate
(Btw, the networks hosting the debate are not legally bound to include those questions)
I posted that right after the 1st debate
Sorry mate, as I said I was slow to catch up, I must have missed your post.
YOWZA. Clinton campaign should be all over this one, and seeing how they've been so far, they probably will incorporate it.
YOWZA. Clinton campaign should be all over this one, and seeing how they've been so far, they probably will incorporate it.
I think @sun_tzu posted a question there that was promptly taken down, 'which country would you nuke first' iirc![]()
Grrrrrrrrr! Makes me so angry. He's been like it and allowed to get away with being such a cnut all his life. You can hear the "oh, oh really" disinterested and arrogant and disgusting reply from him when someone tells him something he doesn't like and obviously doesn't want to hear.
The fact that it's now made it to Twitter means this will surely be used to smash him. All you need to do is have patience![]()
When Republican Donald Trump arrives at Washington University Sunday to debate Democrat Hillary Clinton, he won’t have the formal backing of the campus’s largest Republican student group.
“We are afraid of Trump, too,” reads a sign that College Republicans have displayed on campus and will put up again at an event before the debate Sunday.
YOWZA. Clinton campaign should be all over this one, and seeing how they've been so far, they probably will incorporate it.
If I were her I'd try and wind him up so much that he had a meltdown.
He's made so many individually disqualifying remarks, it's insane.
If this piece of horse manure gets more of the black vote than Mitt Romney, I'm officially done with America.
Google Central Park 5 if you haven't heard of them.
With each passing day, and revelation after revelation, I believe this less and less. He's a trust fund kid who at every turn has lost the money his father gave him. His kids seem to have caught a break in that he will likely die before squandering it all.And he's not a dumb guy. I genuinely fail to understand his rationale behind his campaign.
I guess the rationale is narcissism in a very severe form. Add to that adult ADHS and BPD - et voilà: Trump's disease.If Trump wants to become president he has been hilariously wrong with his campaign so far. Yelling crap like he does might make you the #1 Republican candidate but it won't make you US president. And he's not a dumb guy. I genuinely fail to understand his rationale behind his campaign.
And he's not a dumb guy.