I think Trump would protect Christian values better than Clinton. What Christian values are being threatened? You can still worship, praise, and go to church in peace. Nonsense point.
I'd probably prefer Trump's choice of judge(s) in Supreme Court. Fair enough.
I think he'd restore a sense of pride in their country to many Americans. At least half of Americans along with the rest of the world would be outright embarrassed.
I prefer Trump's views on guns. Democrats are not coming to take the guns. Background checks are fair.
I prefer Trump's immigration policy. Build a wall, round up people, and kick them out, and likely on a very expensive budget. Not very Christian of a policy don't you think?
I think it would be refreshing to have someone less ensconced in the political theatre to take charge. So someone deep in reality TV theater is the solution?
I just don't like Clinton and her lying about emails, Emails did no harm to the nation. Trump lies considerably more. This can cancel out.
Bill's history etc. Trump's history... Again, cancels out.
As someone put it, when she smiles she has the look of a crazy grandmother who's put the grand kids in the oven. Lol k.