2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Would be nice to see Rand Paul's name mentioned a little more in these threads.. given that (as an outsider looking in) he seems to be the only candidate who isn't a total scumbag and actually loves his country more than himself.
Would be nice to see Rand Paul's name mentioned a little more in these threads.. given that (as an outsider looking in) he seems to be the only candidate who isn't a total scumbag and actually loves his country more than himself.

He's a lightweight version of his more dignified father, but like his father his economical policies are batshit insane.

He does seem to be the only candidate though that has sensible views on foreign policy and civil liberties, unlike his loco counterparts.
Would be nice to see Rand Paul's name mentioned a little more in these threads.. given that (as an outsider looking in) he seems to be the only candidate who isn't a total scumbag and actually loves his country more than himself.

and like his dad he'll never got close to a nomination even if he is the most qualified candidate this time around across both parties. Libertarians are seen as novelty and he has to evolve a bit beyond that.
The causal way it's put in the ad is amazing(So bad it's almost admirable). Isn't the whole exploiting other countries for their resources idea seen as a bad thing.
Technically wouldn't it be Syrian oil they were taking - Once they have cut the head off isis.
Not sure how his mate Vlad will feel about nicking the Syrian oilfields... I'm sure he had earmarked them for himself / mother russia
Oh come on.. how much harm could he do in 4 years?

Make it happen

He would be a center right President and would not be as harmful as many may think. Certainly less harmful than any of the other Republican candidates.

I will of course vote for the Democratic nominee which looks like it will be Hillary, though I am not her biggest fan.
He would be a center right President and would not be as harmful as many may think. Certainly less harmful than any of the other Republican candidates.

Warming up to that wall?

I think of all GOP candidates with a realistic chance at winning, Rubio will be the least harmful. He's shown he would cave when the pressure gets to him, while Trump might just be deluded enough to go with his deportation and registration plans, for instance.
and like his dad he'll never got close to a nomination even if he is the most qualified candidate this time around across both parties. Libertarians are seen as novelty and he has to evolve a bit beyond that.

That's laughable.

Both his and his father's problem is that they are right wing libertarians who have very questionable stances on race. And like all right wing libertarians, they are also hypocrites when it comes to gender issues. Libertarians are not really a novelty but the right wing candidates like the Pauls have skewed the principles of this ideology. Just look at the birth of the tea party.
Warming up to that wall?

I think of all GOP candidates with a realistic chance at winning, Rubio will be the least harmful. He's shown he would cave when the pressure gets to him, while Trump might just be deluded enough to go with his deportation and registration plans, for instance.

its all rehtoric that gets his base excited. Just like his deportation ideas. Compleletly unworkable. The difference between Trump and Rubio is that Rubio is owned by the establishment Republican party. Trump is pretty independent. I would take Trump anyday over Rubio or any of the others. Jeb (ashamed of his family name) is dangerous. Guranteed to get us into another war. Christie is a joke. The rest are worse.
That's laughable.

Both his and his father's problem is that they are right wing libertarians who have very questionable stances on race. And like all right wing libertarians, they are also hypocrites when it comes to gender issues. Libertarians are not really a novelty but the right wing candidates like the Pauls have skewed the principles of this ideology. Just look at the birth of the tea party.

both Pauls are absolute loons. And they are bloody racists.
its all rehtoric that gets his base excited. Just like his deportation ideas. Compleletly unworkable. The difference between Trump and Rubio is that Rubio is owned by the establishment Republican party. Trump is pretty independent. I would take Trump anyday over Rubio or any of the others. Jeb (ashamed of his family name) is dangerous. Guranteed to get us into another war. Christie is a joke. The rest are worse.

Fair enough if you think so. IMO, a coward in power is better than a brazen blowhard.
both Pauls are absolute loons. And they are bloody racists.
Aye. I was trying to be a bit more diplomatic but this, pretty much :lol:

And to think once upon a time, the Pauls were the "extreme" version of the Republican party. They're like moderates now compared to half the candidates.
its all rehtoric that gets his base excited. Just like his deportation ideas. Compleletly unworkable. The difference between Trump and Rubio is that Rubio is owned by the establishment Republican party. Trump is pretty independent. I would take Trump anyday over Rubio or any of the others. Jeb (ashamed of his family name) is dangerous. Guranteed to get us into another war. Christie is a joke. The rest are worse.

Trump with executive power is a very dangerous prospect.
That's laughable.

Both his and his father's problem is that they are right wing libertarians who have very questionable stances on race. And like all right wing libertarians, they are also hypocrites when it comes to gender issues. Libertarians are not really a novelty but the right wing candidates like the Pauls have skewed the principles of this ideology. Just look at the birth of the tea party.

Today's version of tea party got very little to do with libertarian-ism besides advocating for less outreach of the federal government. Both of them have expressed issues with a single statute of the civil rights act out of their own ideology that the federal government should not set regulations on who a private business can and cannot cater to. That's extreme but yeah they follow libertarian principles to the letter. Rand Paul has since changed quite a bit, he's more of a fiscal conservative now and quite liberal socially in his own unique way and most importantly knows to separate church and state when drafting legislature.

Try reading Rand Paul's opinion on same sex marriage where he advocates treating marriages as civil contracts between two individuals with no involvement of the state and thereby tax benefits. That's an opinion that can be considered skewed yet novel when you give it a chance.
So everybody complaining about Trumps idea of a fence on our south border and a few countries in Europe are "building" fences to stop all the refugees, then he doesn't want refugees to come to US until they are completely checked for any ties to terrorism or crime and in Germany about 1000 attacks on women by refugees. I'm guessing he was right after all.
So everybody complaining about Trumps idea of a fence on our south border and a few countries in Europe are "building" fences to stop all the refugees, then he doesn't want refugees to come to US until they are completely checked for any ties to terrorism or crime and in Germany about 1000 attacks on women by refugees. I'm guessing he was right after all.
He doesn't want ANY MUSLIMS.
So everybody complaining about Trumps idea of a fence on our south border and a few countries in Europe are "building" fences to stop all the refugees, then he doesn't want refugees to come to US until they are completely checked for any ties to terrorism or crime and in Germany about 1000 attacks on women by refugees. I'm guessing he was right after all.

the 'fence' Trump is talking about refers to illegal migrants from Mexico. I addressed the stupidity of this suggestion as it relates to hiring illegal workers above.

We all want refugees properly vetted as we want all migrants to this country properly vetted. Not just Muslims.
So everybody complaining about Trumps idea of a fence on our south border and a few countries in Europe are "building" fences to stop all the refugees, then he doesn't want refugees to come to US until they are completely checked for any ties to terrorism or crime and in Germany about 1000 attacks on women by refugees. I'm guessing he was right after all.

Hey hey now just wait a minute.... get the facts right it's a WALL not a fence(And pretty dam big one too).
in this case he would be right. You cannot become the President of the United States if you were not born in the United States. Cruz was born in Canada.
The Supreme Court never ruled on what constitute a natural born citizen that would make Cruz ineligible, if I'm not mistaken. McCain was born oversea as well (granted, in an army base).

Anyhow, it's high time Grandpa Munster gets a dose of his own medicines. Tea Party nuts are the loudest birthers, aside from the Teflon Don.
The Supreme Court never ruled on what constitute a natural born citizen that would make Cruz ineligible, if I'm not mistaken. McCain was born oversea as well (granted, in an army base).

Anyhow, it's high time Grandpa Munster gets a dose of his own medicines. Tea Party nuts are the loudest birthers, aside from the Teflon Don.

I'm sure the infamous 5 in the Supreme Court will protect dingbat Cruz.
A glimpse at how nutty modern Republicans are compared to their more moderate predecessors....

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