2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Impressed with Trump tbh. He's a blowhard but he isn't afraid to speak his mind. Can't imagine any other GOP candidate straight out saying the 'disservice to humanity' line.
I read Jeb Bush's comments online in a written format and they seem relatively eloquent and reasonable, and then I actually watch the video and he's choking and spluttering and sounding half as convincing as a dead fish. The way you can visibly see Trump hurting his feelings with every insult he lands is especially bad.
Three clips from tonight's debate courtesy of NPR. There is a fourth vid embedded in the article where Jeb Bush goes after Trump for his remarks about banning Muslims.

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Impressed with Trump tbh. He's a blowhard but he isn't afraid to speak his mind. Can't imagine any other GOP candidate straight out saying the 'disservice to humanity' line.

feck me....

Anyway..anyone else looking into this theory of Trump being a Clinton plant gone rogue? Apparently he had a decent previous relationship with the Clintons with rumors that Slick Willie envouraged him to run.

A lot of GOP activists wondering if he was a plant thats since gone rogue and decided he wants to be president. Most probably bollocks but an entertaining theory anyway.
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Christie is a grade a assh0le. The stuff he's saying about Obama is disgusting. The same Obama he hugged when he needed a Presidential visit. Can you imagine the awkwardness if Obama had to go to NJ again?
feck me....

Anyway..anyone else looking into this theory of Trump being a Clinton plant gone rogue? Apparently he had a decent previous relationship with the Clintons with rumors that Slick Willie envouraged him to run.

A lot of GOP activists wondering if he was a plant thats since gone rogue and decided he wants to be president. Most probably bollocks but an entertaining theory anyway.
Didn't Trump just brush it off by saying something along the lines of ''I did it to get business relative favours '' which as shite as that answer is could be true as the Clinton will pretty much see and do anything for the right amount of cash.

Actually what am I doing, here's the Trumpster saying it -

Christie will scare Putin by showing him his belly.

utter idiot.

CHRISTIE: “When I stand across from King Hussein of Jordan and I say to him, ‘You have a friend again sir, who will stand with you to fight this fight,’ he’ll change his mind.”

THE FACTS: He won’t, because he died in 1999. Jordan’s king now is Abdullah II.
CHRISTIE: “When I stand across from King Hussein of Jordan and I say to him, ‘You have a friend again sir, who will stand with you to fight this fight,’ he’ll change his mind.”

THE FACTS: He won’t, because he died in 1999. Jordan’s king now is Abdullah II.
Burr noted that he had not actually seen the exchange in question. "The Voice was on. It was the final episode," he said.
Had to double check if it was an Onion article.

The PPP polls were accurate last election cycle and this one shows Trump ahead of Cruz in Iowa.

Trump Edges Cruz in Iowa
December 15, 2015

PPP’s newest Iowa poll finds Donald Trump and Ted Cruz at the top of the heap with 28% and 25% respectively. Marco Rubio at 14% and Ben Carson at 10% are also in double digits with Jeb Bush at 7% the only other candidate who clears even 3%. Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina, and Mike Huckabee all hit that level with John Kasich and Rand Paul each getting 2%, Lindsey Graham and Rick Santorum each getting 1%, and Jim Gilmore and George Pataki both having literally no support.

The PPP polls were accurate last election cycle and this one shows Trump ahead of Cruz in Iowa.

Trump Edges Cruz in Iowa

PPP’s newest Iowa poll finds Donald Trump and Ted Cruz at the top of the heap with 28% and 25% respectively. Marco Rubio at 14% and Ben Carson at 10% are also in double digits with Jeb Bush at 7% the only other candidate who clears even 3%. Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina, and Mike Huckabee all hit that level with John Kasich and Rand Paul each getting 2%, Lindsey Graham and Rick Santorum each getting 1%, and Jim Gilmore and George Pataki both having literally no support.
The polls on page 6 suggest that a handful of dropouts would give the lead to Cruz. Seems Trumps biggest advantage is that his defectors are spread among many candidates.

In fact, the only head to head he's winning is against Jeb! :lol:
The early primaries are proportional and not winner take all for delegates.

That means Trump gets an awful lot of delegates. He is winning the next two primaries.

Jeb Bush is already toast.
But if Jeb! drops out before the primaries, and Cruz offers someone else with a reasonable share (Rubio) the VP job in return for him dropping out he might win the first couple and then sweep the nomination. Just depends how thin the stage is by the time that happens. How long to go until people pick the nominees?
25% of Iowa GOP caucus-goers are in favour of banning Islam. Would love to see a crosstab with those that also think the right to bear arms is a sacred constitutional right.

Unsurprisingly, the main bulk of that group are Trumpers.
But if Jeb! drops out before the primaries, and Cruz offers someone else with a reasonable share (Rubio) the VP job in return for him dropping out he might win the first couple and then sweep the nomination.

True. But did you see Trump and Cruz forming a partnership last night? Both of them do not like nor trust the establishment candidates. Rubio is an establishment candidate.
Thing about Trump is he does well everywhere, whereas Cruz doesn't - he's waaay behind in New Hampshire for instance. Huckabee and Santorum are the previous two winners in Iowa. If Trump somehow gets second in Iowa and wins New Hampshire, he is the frontrunner. At that point, the GOP establishment basically have to force everyone but Rubio out and put everything on him.
Thing about Trump is he does well everywhere, whereas Cruz doesn't - he's waaay behind in New Hampshire for instance. Huckabee and Santorum are the previous two winners in Iowa. If Trump somehow gets second in Iowa and wins New Hampshire, he is the frontrunner. At that point, the GOP establishment basically have to force everyone but Rubio out and put everything on him.

Rubio would probably have the best chance against Hillary. But he would not be able to get past the Primaries because of the immigration bill he co-sponsored with Schumer. And he has said some crazy things that would hurt him in the generals, even if he sneaked past Trump.
Rubio would probably have the best chance against Hillary. But he would not be able to get past the Primaries because of the immigration bill he co-sponsored with Schumer. And he has said some crazy things that would hurt him in the generals, even if he sneaked past Trump.
I've been getting an increasing feeling lately that if Rubio got the nomination, he'd win the GE. Not really based on anything but a gut feel though. Immigration does seem to be his achilles heel from both directions - the nutjobs think he's too lax and the hispanic voters he needs to win over from the Dems think he's too strict. Hopefully he doesn't get the nom anyway as I want Hillary to have the easiest path possible, but if you're a GOP higher up you should be organising things around him straight away - Bush and Christie are no-hopers.
Doesn't need a landslide, just needs a few key groups to go his way or not turn up to vote. I'm very confident she'd beat every other candidate, but he poses a threat.
Doesn't need a landslide, just needs a few key groups to go his way or not turn up to vote. I'm very confident she'd beat every other candidate, but he poses a threat.

Yeap. Cuban machinations in Florida draw some votes from the Hispanic population, Ohio and Virginia lost due to folks wanting change for the sake of it I.e no more Dem prez and suddenly it's no longer a landslide.

Hillary still has the upper hand. Resources, organisation, personnel, connection, name recognition, qualification. But she has very little populist appeal and Jim Messina or not, people won't turn out to vote for her as much as they did for Barry.
For Republicans, bigotry is the new normal
Editorial Board

THE REPUBLICAN Party, once small government’s champion, is now the party that breeds presidential contenders who would monitor schools and mosques, shut down parts of the Internet and exclude certain immigrants for no reason beyond the faith they profess. In the GOP debate Tuesday, those ideas — along with can-you-top-this rhetorical barrages aimed at illegal immigrants and Syrian refugees — received a generally polite reception, with constitutional, legal and practical questions contemptuously dismissed as “political correctness.”

True, the extremism that now passes for mainstream Republican thought, robbed of its shock value by the unfiltered ravings of Donald Trump, was punctured from time to time with expressions of dismay, incredulity and doubt.

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush and Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) skewered Mr. Trump’s plans for the United States to ban all Muslim immigrants or murder the families of terrorists, and Mr. Paul, along with Ohio Gov. John Kasich, rightly dismissed Mr. Trump’s blithe suggestion that he could somehow censor the Internet in parts of the world where jihadist sentiment runs deep.

By and large, though, these ludicrous proposals went unremarked on by the Republican contestants, for whom bigotry, hatred and magical thinking are the new normal.

The GOP’s ideological sands are shifting with whiplash-inducing speed. Just a week after House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.)denounced Mr. Trump’s call to bar entry to any Muslim immigrant, Sens. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and Ted Cruz (Tex.) both said they could “understand” the impulse behind the patently un-American idea, although each politely disagreed. As for Mr. Trump’s four other main rivals, who flanked him on the stage in Las Vegas, none bothered even to address what surely counts as one of the most incendiary proposals ever made by a candidate seeking a major party’s presidential nomination.

It could be that the candidates quail at contending with the question of banning Muslims because polls suggest that about 60 percent of GOP primary voters like the idea. (A roughly equal proportion of all Americans don’t.) However, lunacy has always had a constituency in this country — plenty of people think the moon landing was a hoax and that the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks were an inside job. A litmus test for presidential candidates is whether they have the spine to speak truth to the fringe. By that standard, most of the current crop of Republican hopefuls fail.

The candidates were no more courageous on the question of admitting Syrian refugees victimized by a dictatorial regime and the Islamic State’s death cult. Despite the fact that neither the San Bernardino, Calif., assailants nor any of the known Paris attackers appears to have been Syrian — most in Paris were French nationals — virtually all the GOP contestants jockeyed to vilify Syrian refugees, with Mr. Trump raising the fact-free specter of “tens of thousands of [refugees] having cellphones with ISIS [Islamic State] flags on them.”

Fear-mongering and raw xenophobia were once the hallmarks of fringe candidates. Today the fringe candidates have stormed center stage, brandishing their zeal and hyperbole and, disturbingly, dragging the mainstream along with them.


The Washington Post Editorial Board really sticking it to the Republicans.
Jeb Bush was saying Trump is not a proper candidate. Yet he wants to send in ground forces just like his brother and look where that got us.

Trump for all the same bs he spouts like the rest (he is more raw) said we wasted Trillions in a war that could have been spent in the US. And he had supported single payer in the past.
I've been getting an increasing feeling lately that if Rubio got the nomination, he'd win the GE. Not really based on anything but a gut feel though. Immigration does seem to be his achilles heel from both directions - the nutjobs think he's too lax and the hispanic voters he needs to win over from the Dems think he's too strict. Hopefully he doesn't get the nom anyway as I want Hillary to have the easiest path possible, but if you're a GOP higher up you should be organising things around him straight away - Bush and Christie are no-hopers.


interesting. Though I don't know what happens to the delegates of candidates who drop out at the convention. Can they be 'given' to one of those remaining?
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this will drive up Cruz numbers. I see the right wing shows are saying Bush had a good night.


Trump bitch slapped him.

Watched it last night and not sure how Trump bitch slapped him. I thought Jeb Bush' points were very reasonable while Trumps only counter was that Bush doesn't beleive it and his poll numbers are down, campaign floundering etc..

While that is true that in no way affects the point he was making about trump and his looney proposals.

What kinda surprised me was nobody else went after Trump. He could have been attacked on so many avenues with examples and almost portrayed unelectable but no one dared.
Watched it last night and not sure how Trump bitch slapped him. I thought Jeb Bush' points were very reasonable while Trumps only counter was that Bush doesn't beleive it and his poll numbers are down, campaign floundering etc..

While that is true that in no way affects the point he was making about trump and his looney proposals.

What kinda surprised me was nobody else went after Trump. He could have been attacked on so many avenues with examples and almost portrayed unelectable but no one dared.

no one went after him because the majority of the Republican party agree with him even though they do seem looney.
no one went after him because the majority of the Republican party agree with him even though they do seem looney.

Tbf I reckon they want to gauge the base reaction first. Jeb! was desperate so he went for the big play, the others want to hold back and see how it goes. If Jeb number goes up or at least not going down in the new polls then they'll join in the party.
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