2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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How is that anti-American? You think Sanders had a chance in the election if nominated? Because I'd be all for that.
I'm not American, but I don't see why he wouldn't have a chance in the election if nominated. It's getting nominated against Clinton that will be the really hard part. I asked an American poster why he thought Sanders didn't have a chance in the general election in the Labour Party thread, I'll bring it in here...

I'm basing it on the fact that extreme candidates never win general elections in the US. There's also the median voter theorem that supports the historical record. That's without addressing him specifically. As for him, he won't raise enough money to win the election, he'll be 75 next November, he has limited voter recognition, he's an old white man, and he's avowedly a socialist. While some portion of the American populace is supportive of parts of Sanders' platform, it is either a) not a majority or b) not the people who matter politically ($$$). Ex: The majority of people support decriminalizing marijuana, but those in Congress and those in the FDA don't. Most of the policies that the public likes are policies that Clinton also supports, or any other major candidate for the Democratic nomination.

As for polls, it's August. Sanders is the only person campaigning hard on the Democratic side right now and has the benefit of several things going on for Clinton that are dragging her numbers down. Biden and Webb either haven't announced or aren't campaigning seriously right now. Both are more moderate and likely to gain the votes of average Americans.


You make some strong points I partially agree with, particularly that he won't be able to raise much money.. and if it's him up against a Republican, no matter who it is, all of the corporate money in the country will flood that one candidate, very much unlike the two elections Obama contested where the money raised was more or less evenly split. Something to consider though is that in a general election, it will be simply impossible for the media or anyone to marginalise Bernie Sanders's voice, and I don't think you really need much money to get the electorate to pay attention in a presidential election; which is very much unlike a mid-term or Senate/House election where money really means the difference between people having heard of you or not when they're filling in their ballots. That definitely won't factor in here.

I don't think the point about his limited voter recognition makes sense for the same reason. You also have such long and drawn-out election campaigns that everyone who is willing to pay the slightest bit of attention to politics will surely be forced to know who he is by voting time. I'm not persuaded at all that his being an old white man will be held against him. I also think the idea that he is too 'extreme' or far-left to win an election is based on really flimsy evidence and logic, and is something the establishment believes only because they tell it to themselves over and over again, partly to justify themselves selling out for campaign $$$. I bet most of his policies that are considered the most extreme by Washington pundits are popular with the electorate.

I hope he wins the nomination, because it will be one of the most exciting presidential elections ever.
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Sounded like you were making a snide comment with that line about "Americans getting the President they deserve". My apologies.

Well I guess I meant it less snide than resigned. (Besides, every country gets the election results they deserve.) All the GOP would have to do if Sanders is nominated is throw out the word "socialist" a few times and they'd have the electorate by the nose.

I'm not American, but I don't see why he wouldn't have a chance in the election if nominated. It's getting nominated against Clinton that will be the really hard part. I asked an American poster why he thought Sanders didn't have a chance in the general election in the Labour Party thread, I'll bring it in here...

I actually think he has a decent chance against Clinton in the primaries, or at least a better chance than against a Republican in the general election. I think his support comes from the parts of the Dems who still remember what the left looks like, and he's not really a populist candidate in American terms because the class whose sympathies he's appealing to are so ideologically swamped on the right. To be a populist in America, you'd really have to be nationalist and libertarian. The Tea Party has that position all tied up from the right.
Ha ha, all the Fox minions get in an orderly line to have a rousing, twittering go at the Donald. Roger will be so so pleased, dahlings.


I love the last one by Frankenstein´s godson, Brit Hume . . . "Is this guy a seven-year-old?"

At some point they all must look at themselves in the mirror and think, fook, this is the guy who has a substantial lead in the polls of the political party we´ve been giving our bum to and have helped build, and he´s been a frequent guest on our show for years . . . wtf???
Trump is truly playing with fire with his Megyn Kelly spat, as well as yesterday's Jorge Ramos ejection from his presser. If all journos turn against him, his days will be numbered in the Pres race.
Trump is truly playing with fire with his Megyn Kelly spat, as well as yesterday's Jorge Ramos ejection from his presser. If all journos turn against him, his days will be numbered in the Pres race.
Maybe this is his exit strategy. Blame the media when his numbers go down and quit.
Trump is truly playing with fire with his Megyn Kelly spat, as well as yesterday's Jorge Ramos ejection from his presser. If all journos turn against him, his days will be numbered in the Pres race.

Or he´s just so entertaining and ratings friendly, it´ll be a boon for him, as it has until now.


CNN Blows Off Anderson Pooper´s Katrina Anniversary Special For Donald Trump

CNN bumped Anderson Cooper's special on the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina for extended coverage of Donald Trump's presidential campaign.

The network was billing the special as a deeply personal journey where "Cooper observes the tenacity of the survivors who continue to struggle every day, grieving for loved ones while trying to rebuild their lives." The report was scheduled to air at 9 p.m. ET on Tuesday, but was postponed to Wednesday night instead . . .
Or he´s just so entertaining and ratings friendly, it´ll be a boon for him, as it has until now.


CNN Blows Off Anderson Pooper´s Katrina Anniversary Special For Donald Trump

CNN bumped Anderson Cooper's special on the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina for extended coverage of Donald Trump's presidential campaign.

The network was billing the special as a deeply personal journey where "Cooper observes the tenacity of the survivors who continue to struggle every day, grieving for loved ones while trying to rebuild their lives." The report was scheduled to air at 9 p.m. ET on Tuesday, but was postponed to Wednesday night instead . . .

Hardly unexpected. News organizations are in the ratings business and Trump is delivering just that, for now. Like all self-aggrandizing charlatans, he will eventually get found out, at which point his fans will vanish just as fast as they appeared.
Hardly unexpected. News organizations are in the ratings business and Trump is delivering just that, for now. Like all self-aggrandizing charlatans, he will eventually get found out, at which point his fans will vanish just as fast as they appeared.

Everyone keeps telling us he´ll be "found out." He´s been overt and over-the-top loud mouthed to any microphone in sight with his racism, sexism, general bigotry, obnoxious hyper ego, childish, simplistic solutions, and it´s no secret his past ties to the NY and Atlantic City mafias, hiring illegals . . . so when exactly will he be "found out." Found out about what?
Everyone keeps telling us he´ll be "found out." He´s been overt and over-the-top loud mouthed to any microphone in sight with his racism, sexism, general bigotry, obnoxious hyper ego, childish, simplistic solutions, and it´s no secret his past ties to the NY and Atlantic City mafias, hiring illegals . . . so when exactly will he be "found out." Found out about what?

Its early days - we're only in the beginning of the first trimester if you will, of the Presidential race. He wont be able to maintain this sort of grandstanding indefinitely and once the bubble bursts it will be fast, furious, and ugly.
Everyone keeps telling us he´ll be "found out." He´s been overt and over-the-top loud mouthed to any microphone in sight with his racism, sexism, general bigotry, obnoxious hyper ego, childish, simplistic solutions, and it´s no secret his past ties to the NY and Atlantic City mafias, hiring illegals . . . so when exactly will he be "found out." Found out about what?

I'm with Nobby here.
I hope he wins it just for the laugh of it. The US is fecking Europe over already big time so he can't do us much more damage. Would be so damn hilarious if that clown was to be president of the United states.
Its early days - we're only in the beginning of the first trimester if you will, of the Presidential race. He wont be able to maintain this sort of grandstanding indefinitely and once the bubble bursts it will be fast, furious, and ugly.

To be fair those 3 words can already be used to describe Trump.
The more the media attack Trump, the more popular he gets with Fox audience.

The problem the GOP has is all the 'normal' candidates are bloody boring.

What will eventually defeat him is that he wont have money to run. The big money backers will obviously back the safe candidates.
The same people who voted George Bush because they would rather have a beer with him than Kerry.

I can sort of understand wanting to have a beer with Bush - he seems like he'd have some good craic. But Trump? I'd imagine it'd be like getting stuck with a stereotypical full on loud mouth coke head.
The more the media attack Trump, the more popular he gets with Fox audience.

The problem the GOP has is all the 'normal' candidates are bloody boring.

What will eventually defeat him is that he wont have money to run. The big money backers will obviously back the safe candidates.

Just one whack job billionaire is all it would take. Start supporting Israel massively (which he already does) and promise to try and shut down online gambling and he could probably get some Sheldon Adelson bankroll.
He is a whack job billionaire - he could fund an independent run if he wanted
He is NOT going to fund a independent run - the man is obviously rich, but not so rich as to basically throw away a BILLION of his own money....

President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney spent a combined $30.33 every second this election cycle, as a binge of campaign spending deluged voters with rallies, banners, and of course, TV ads.

The figure comes from a grand total of more than $1.7 billion spent by both sides through mid-October. And that works out to more than $79 million per month, and more than $2.6 million every day, according to data provided by the Federal Election Commission.

No wonder both candidates spent so much time in fundraisers.

From January 2011 through October, the Obama campaign burned through over $553.2 million, with the Democratic National Committee spending another $263.2 million.

And the top three Obama "Super PACs" dumped in another $58 million. All that totals more than $874.6 million dollars spent — before the election.

On the Romney side, the campaign had spent $360.4 million in that same time frame, which was joined by $284.2 million by the Republican National Committee and $200.1 million from the top three Romney Super Pacs. All told, that’s more than $844.6 million.

The Obama team held the lead by about $30 million as of October.
He is a whack job billionaire - he could fund an independent run if he wanted

He´s also a supposedly shrewd businessman, so why not get some other silly-monied kook to fork out the cash. I´m sure there´s a billionaire out who would just love to bend over and be Trump´s cash cow. I know he spews bollocks about not accepting money so as not to be influenced (because he´s done it so often), but this guy is as corrupt as they come. He´s already starting to ask for cash, I believe. Plus, I think his own billionaire status can be attributed to some very dodgy and "creative" accounting and self agrandizement, just like most of his business acumen always has been.

By the way, when is the main stream media going to double down on his dealings with the New York, Philadelphia and Atlantic City mob ties. They´ve known this for years? You´d think with the constant howling about Obama and his radical black minister and Bill Ayers, this would get a bit of traction.
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They´re still plenty of Nanbois still polishing Nani´s yarbles after what, three years, three managers and whatnot, and they still don´t get it. Don´t sell the staying power of fanbois short.

Probably the most meaningful analogy ever. Well done indeed.
Ooops, didn´t want to step on any toes there.

Jesus, now look at GOP guru Frank Luntz. What would he know . . .

Frank Luntz, a longtime GOP zeitgeist guru, assembled 29 Donald Trump supporters in a white-walled room — and a gaggle of reporters behind one-way glass. The goal, he said, was to try to drill down on how lasting, how real and how strong is the Mack truck that has jackknifed his party this summer.

Two hours later, he declared his answer: “He is much stronger, his support is much more solid than I ever would have expected.” At times, Luntz appeared rattled by what he was hearing.

Will Trump be the nominee?

It’s now totally conceivable that he will be,” he said.
Ooops, didn´t want to step on any toes there.

Jesus, now look at GOP guru Frank Luntz. What would he know . . .

Frank Luntz, a longtime GOP zeitgeist guru, assembled 29 Donald Trump supporters in a white-walled room — and a gaggle of reporters behind one-way glass. The goal, he said, was to try to drill down on how lasting, how real and how strong is the Mack truck that has jackknifed his party this summer.

Two hours later, he declared his answer: “He is much stronger, his support is much more solid than I ever would have expected.” At times, Luntz appeared rattled by what he was hearing.

Will Trump be the nominee?

It’s now totally conceivable that he will be,” he said.
Does bear a resemblance to the Labour race over here where it went from "never gonna happen" to "oh god, it's happening" among the party establishment. The Donald still has a long way to go though.

Great little clip from earlier in the week. Easily the most talented politician running for president.

Great interview yeah, first time I've heard him speak.

My only problem is that he sounds exactly like Larry David's George Steinbrenner impression. It's all I could picture as he was speaking. :lol:
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