2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Yeah, but it's like a vendetta or obsession, i'm starting to think maybe IB is Eric Trump.

part of the problem is some who have no vote see this as a horse race. It is not. This is bloody serious. For those who do have a vote like Raoul, I have a big difference of opinion with him. But I respect his right to disagree with me. I simply have fundementally very different views on the economy, governance and how this country is doing.

We who can vote must think seriously about our vote. Who we are voting for and why. No one can be said to be wrong. People Must vote. I have thought through this carefully and will finally decide close to the election. I may very well end up voting for Hillary..on condition....though it is difficult for me to see that now.

There is only a wasted vote when you surrender. To say I do not have a choice.

You DO have a choice. This is how Democracy works.
The whole point of that collection of tweets IB posted a few pages back (did anyone actually read them?) was that Bernie's now committed to going to a conference no-one cares about to do the square root of feck all and not meet the Pope in the process, rather than campaign around New York for the upcoming primary that he absolutely has to win if he really believes he can be the nominee. He's either done that because he didn't realise it was a conference no-one cares about that he'd do the square root of feck all in without getting to meet the Pope, or he did know that and thought he'd get a publicity bonus from it regardless. Either way, bit dumb.
The whole point of that collection of tweets IB posted a few pages (did anyone actually read them?) was that Bernie's now committed to going to a conference no-one cares about to do the square root of feck all and not meet the Pope in the process, rather than campaign around New York for the upcoming primary that he absolutely has to win if he really believes he can be the nominee. He's either done that because he didn't realise it was a conference no-one cares about that he'd do the square root of feck all in without getting to meet the Pope, or he did know that and thought he'd get a publicity bonus from it regardless.

He will be covered by the Hispanic networks. NY is 40% Catholic, CA is heavily Hispanic.
As a joke on Hillary, he himself seems to believe that the invitation has something with Francis. And the fundraising letter certainly indicates that they were mischaracterising it to their benefits. If I'm stretching, then 'Pope feeling the Bern' is as well.

I don't know why it's preposterous to point out that his campaign fecked up. This happens every cycle, especially when a campaign is failing. After March 15, when the 'flipping Supes' was first touted by Devine, it's been a series of feck-ups, but yeah, it's just a campaign increasingly confident on 'momentum'.

Uh, not sure what your first sentence means. Care to rephrase? And the campaign's letter just said that he was invited to speak at the Vatican. Clearly, them inferring that the Pope might be feeling the Bern isn't exactly a strong assertion on their part.

You're trying real hard to find problems with Bernie and his campaign. And to say that after March 15 the campaign's been fecking up terribly, I'm not sure what you mean? For every example with Bernie that you'd like to bring up, I'm sure I can find examples from Clinton's campaign that are more egregious.
He will be covered by the Hispanic networks. NY is 40% Catholic, CA is heavily Hispanic.
I'm sure it'll swing a whole ton of them. Waaay more than actually campaigning there.
I wouldn't be surprised. It would reach an audience not into politics.
That Bernie managed to sit through an obscure discussion on an old Papal document? To be fair I'll give him credit if he gets through without having a doze.
This is bloody serious

I understand that completely, hence why I sympathise with the situation you are all in. I get the rest of your post as well, I just don't agree with who you (or many others here) would vote for. But it doesn't matter, as I don't have a vote. I actually refrain from discussing UK politics or elections, especially here on the caf because it irritates me so much. Especially when I think people are being ignorant and selfish or are just plain wrong or being purposely obtuse and dismissive.

From a European point of view all I can say is I hope you don't vote for a Republican, because it effects us too. Hillary would do as a last resort to prevent that. From a personal point of view and from the view of the family and friends I have in the USA, I (and they) want to see Bernie elected. I avoid arguments because I can't be arsed to argue with people. That's an age thing and also because of my illness, I can't get worked up or stressed out and unfortunately being an emotional and passionate and caring person, I can't help that when discussing things that effect real peoples lives. That's why I just read here and mainly post stuff I find on the net that others haven't and just involve in a little light hearted chat and minor policy discussion, but stray away from anything else really.

Oh, and I mock Drumpf and the other Republicans because it's fun and there aren't many here that voice their disagreement with that. If and when they do, I back out quickly to avoid getting in to a discussion or argument about it. That's also why I have stayed away from many other parts of the Caf recently too. However, I do spend hours a day reading up and researching these elections because they are interesting and because of how much they affect us in Europe, and my friends and family in Florida and California. It is deadly serious, the same as elections everywhere are deadly serious because it all affects peoples lives hence why I care about it so much. I find it completely fascinating the vast differences between our culture here in the UK and yours in the USA, especially when we are so similar in many other ways. I also find it fascinating that the USA can be so advanced in so many ways, yet so completely backward in others and so kind and caring in some and so completely selfish and ignorant in others, it really is bizarre.

I don't think I have explained what I meant very well, or got across what I was trying to say, but it's 3:30am here and I am really tired, I am also wrecked on meds too. :lol: So I apologise.

As you were..........
That Bernie managed to sit through an obscure discussion on an old Papal document? To be fair I'll give him credit if he gets through without having a doze.

Because that's what will be reported/broadcast :lol:

It's a gamble for sure. Who knows whether a few more public meetings would get more votes or goodwill-by-association from one of the few figures more popular than him nationally (;)) would.
Like with IB speaking about 2020, I don't get the point of completely pointless speculation.
Because that's what will be reported/broadcast :lol:

It's a gamble for sure. Who knows whether a few more public meetings would get more votes or goodwill-by-association from one of the few figures more popular than him nationally (;)) would.
Like with IB speaking about 2020, I don't get the point of completely pointless speculation.
This is the MSM we're talking about here. Riding Hillary's tank like Dukakis.
Uh, not sure what your first sentence means. Care to rephrase? And the campaign's letter just said that he was invited to speak at the Vatican. Clearly, them inferring that the Pope might be feeling the Bern isn't exactly a strong assertion on their part.

You're trying real hard to find problems with Bernie and his campaign. And to say that after March 15 the campaign's been fecking up terribly, I'm not sure what you mean? For every example with Bernie that you'd like to bring up, I'm sure I can find examples from Clinton's campaign that are more egregious.

The tweets he posted were memes, but langster seems to be under the impression that Bernie getting approved by the Pope were true. There were several others who quoted him with green smilies like RD who obviously agreed. It's a case of the Internet said it so it must be true.

I'm not trying that hard, really. It's the folks who think that I'm drumming up stuffs to create hysteria who miss the point. We are people talking politics on a football forums, it's the equivalent of 0.000001% of the population. After March 15, it was first Devine, then Sanders himself who touted the idea that they should get super delegates and the nomination even if they are behind in both delegates and popular votes, because 'momentum' and 'general election polls'. Then his campaign put out the supers's contact and BernieBros started abusing them on social media and phones. Then the fossil fuel donation attack, then unqualified comment, then Jeff Weaver, campaign manager, going on television and said Hillary made a deal with the devil, hustle for money. Now this Vatican stuff, which 1) helps him none in the incoming NY primary and 2) is a desperate move, because the campaign looks pretty stupid now with this meet-the-Pope-or-not, and the conference is a gathering with stellar human being like Correa, who while being ostensibly leftist, is a free press suppressor and corrupt piece of filth (John Oliver got in a spat with him last year or 2014 over one of his segment). Hardly an environment for speaking out against inequality. Plus, the Vatican itself is no fit place for it anyway. The embodiment of suppression and corrupt wealth.
I understand that completely, hence why I sympathise with the situation you are all in. I get the rest of your post as well, I just don't agree with who you (or many others here) would vote for. But it doesn't matter, as I don't have a vote. I actually refrain from discussing UK politics or elections, especially here on the caf because it irritates me so much. Especially when I think people are being ignorant and selfish or are just plain wrong or being purposely obtuse and dismissive.

From a European point of view all I can say is I hope you don't vote for a Republican, because it effects us too. Hillary would do as a last resort to prevent that. From a personal point of view and from the view of the family and friends I have in the USA, I (and they) want to see Bernie elected. I avoid arguments because I can't be arsed to argue with people. That's an age thing and also because of my illness, I can't get worked up or stressed out and unfortunately being an emotional and passionate and caring person, I can't help that when discussing things that effect real peoples lives. That's why I just read here and mainly post stuff I find on the net that others haven't and just involve in a little light hearted chat and minor policy discussion, but stray away from anything else really.

Oh, and I mock Drumpf and the other Republicans because it's fun and there aren't many here that voice their disagreement with that. If and when they do, I back out quickly to avoid getting in to a discussion or argument about it. That's also why I have stayed away from many other parts of the Caf recently too. However, I do spend hours a day reading up and researching these elections because they are interesting and because of how much they affect us in Europe, and my friends and family in Florida and California. It is deadly serious, the same as elections everywhere are deadly serious because it all affects peoples lives hence why I care about it so much. I find it completely fascinating the vast differences between our culture here in the UK and yours in the USA, especially when we are so similar in many other ways. I also find it fascinating that the USA can be so advanced in so many ways, yet so completely backward in others and so kind and caring in some and so completely selfish and ignorant in others, it really is bizarre.

I don't think I have explained what I meant very well, or got across what I was trying to say, but it's 3:30am here and I am really tired, I am also wrecked on meds too. :lol: So I apologise.

As you were..........


Dont think too hard about this or anything else. Just rest and look after yourself.

As for voting, I believe so long as you are sincere about what you do, you are fine. Most important is we Must all vote if we are able to.
The tweets he posted were memes, but langster seems to be under the impression that Bernie getting approved by the Pope were true. There were several others who quoted him with green smilies like RD who obviously agreed. It's a case of the Internet said it so it must be true.

I'm not trying that hard, really. It's the folks who think that I'm drumming up stuffs to create hysteria who miss the point. We are people talking politics on a football forums, it's the equivalent of 0.000001% of the population. After March 15, it was first Devine, then Sanders himself who touted the idea that they should get super delegates and the nomination even if they are behind in both delegates and popular votes, because 'momentum' and 'general election polls'. Then his campaign put out the supers's contact and BernieBros started abusing them on social media and phones. Then the fossil fuel donation attack, then unqualified comment, then Jeff Weaver, campaign manager, going on television and said Hillary made a deal with the devil, hustle for money. Now this Vatican stuff, which 1) helps him none in the incoming NY primary and 2) is a desperate move, because the campaign looks pretty stupid now with this meet-the-Pope-or-not, and the conference is a gathering with stellar human being like Correa, who while being ostensibly leftist, is a free press suppressor and corrupt piece of filth (John Oliver got in a spat with him last year or 2014 over one of his segment). Hardly an environment for speaking out against equality. Plus, the Vatican itself is no fit place for it anyway. The embodiment of suppression and corrupt wealth.

The fossil fuels attack was by Greenpeace (who don't endorse), and her reply was about Bernie. She had refused to seign a pledge circulated by Greenpeace months ago, and the question was asked by Gp.

I agree the superdelegates was badly handled but right from his 1st interview he mentioned states he won, and that is the stand he is taking now. Supers from his states should represent their voters.

The hitlist attack is (yet another) misleading headline from NPR. This is from the article body:

In fact the campaign's website lists hundreds of organizing events, many posted by volunteers, but the campaign has moved to remove any events related to reaching out to superdelegates.
But this hasn't stopped Sanders' enthusiastic supporters from taking matters into their own hands. This week, a Sanders fan named Spencer Thayer created the "Superdelegate Hit List," a website to compile and share the contact information of superdelegates, so they can be persuaded. It is not affiliated with the Sanders campaign, but a campaign spokesman didn't respond to multiple requests for comment.

Artful smears have nothing on NPR (They also said it wasn't Sanders being arrested in Chicago in the 60s, and that he won Wisconsin because of Minnesota spillover, and that Hawaii is a white state). And best of all she doesn't get her hands dirty with any of this nonsense.

Let's reserve the speculation about how stupid he looks for a bit? He's been invited by the Vatican. He said exactly that. And he's going there. As I pointed out, demographically this is the best time to visit it.

And now, finally, the best part of that post. His questionable friends. The sheer cheek of a Clinton supporter to use that...
People who have endorsed her, donated to her, and praised her as SoS include:

Henry Kissinger (praise)
Robert Kagan (endorse)
Dick Cheney (praise)
Private prison contractors (donors, later denounced -- but their lobbyists are still involved in her events)
Chevron lobbyists
TransCanada (Keystone)
Exxonmobil lobbyists
Natural Gas alliance
Enbridge lobbyists (Keystone alternative which she approved as SoS)
UBS (they were about to be prosecuted when she became SoS, they donated heavily to the Clinton foundation afterwards and the prosecution did not move forward)
Goldman Sachs and whoever else at Wall Street thought $156m to the Clintons was a good investment

That's the villain list of the next Spiderman film.

And of course, no context about why Sanders has been invited in this particular papal reign on that particular topic.
The tweets he posted were memes, but langster seems to be under the impression that Bernie getting approved by the Pope were true. There were several others who quoted him with green smilies like RD who obviously agreed. It's a case of the Internet said it so it must be true.

I'm not trying that hard, really. It's the folks who think that I'm drumming up stuffs to create hysteria who miss the point. We are people talking politics on a football forums, it's the equivalent of 0.000001% of the population. After March 15, it was first Devine, then Sanders himself who touted the idea that they should get super delegates and the nomination even if they are behind in both delegates and popular votes, because 'momentum' and 'general election polls'. Then his campaign put out the supers's contact and BernieBros started abusing them on social media and phones. Then the fossil fuel donation attack, then unqualified comment, then Jeff Weaver, campaign manager, going on television and said Hillary made a deal with the devil, hustle for money. Now this Vatican stuff, which 1) helps him none in the incoming NY primary and 2) is a desperate move, because the campaign looks pretty stupid now with this meet-the-Pope-or-not, and the conference is a gathering with stellar human being like Correa, who while being ostensibly leftist, is a free press suppressor and corrupt piece of filth (John Oliver got in a spat with him last year or 2014 over one of his segment). Hardly an environment for speaking out against inequality. Plus, the Vatican itself is no fit place for it anyway. The embodiment of suppression and corrupt wealth.

The green smileys are laughing, IB. You can assume away, but how about asking people instead? I think you'll find you've been labouring under a misapprehension.

As for your supposed litany of bad maneuvers, the idea that people might want to encourage their elected officials to follow their voting electorate's wishes (especially if he's crushed her with something like 70% of the vote) is not an unreasonable one, though there will of course be a few people who go too far in what they say. The fossil fuel donation attack is fair enough, surely, and that kind of falls under the "deal with the Devil" comment, which, despite its colourful language, is a fair assertion.

The vatican stuff, whether it helps him or not, is not something we can state unequivocally yet. You feel free to give it a go, you have a 50/50 chance of being right on that.

Meanwhile, Hillary has tried to dump a bunch of dead children at Bernie and Vermont's doorstep, she has been asked about whether Bernie is qualified herself, and tap-danced around it quite deftly, but clearly wanted to leave the implication that he's not (making it a wash, I guess, despite him moderating himself later on), her campaign tried their best to weasel out of a New York debate, despite having agreed to two more debates in order to seal the one before New Hampshire, citing ludicrous nonsense about his tone and negativity, and I'd say the white noise machine doesn't exactly look too good either. Clearly it's not fit for public consumption what she says privately to donors, hence why she ducked the speech transcripts too.

To make it out that Bernie's imploding whilst the SS Clinton is sailing smoothly is absolutely ridiculous.
And now, finally, the best part of that post. His questionable friends. The sheer cheek of a Clinton supporter to use that...
People who have endorsed her, donated to her, and praised her as SoS include:

Henry Kissinger (praise)
Robert Kagan (endorse)
Dick Cheney (praise)
Private prison contractors (donors, later denounced -- but their lobbyists are still involved in her events)
Chevron lobbyists
TransCanada (Keystone)
Exxonmobil lobbyists
Natural Gas alliance
Enbridge lobbyists (Keystone alternative which she approved as SoS)
UBS (they were about to be prosecuted when she became SoS, they donated heavily to the Clinton foundation afterwards and the prosecution did not move forward)
Goldman Sachs and whoever else at Wall Street thought $156m to the Clintons was a good investment

That's the villain list of the next Spiderman film.

Talk about missing the point spectacularly. Precisely because he's such a purist that being associated with this man undermines his message.

I've noticed this trend in your posts or other Bernie supporters to bring Hillary to counter my points, especially when Bernie did something quesyionable because 'she did it first'. I've stated repeatedly that honesty is not a trait I put much value on in politicians, rather their ability to govern, because they really don't give a shit about us all. You are usually fecked up somewhere in your head to enjoy all that spotlight. What's grating is that the cult of personality around Bernie has degenerated the discourse, he tells it like it is so its all good
Talk about missing the point spectacularly. Precisely because he's such a purist that being associated with this man undermines his message.

I've noticed this trend in your posts or other Bernie supporters to bring Hillary to counter my points, especially when Bernie did something quesyionable because 'she did it first'. I've stated repeatedly that honesty is not a trait I put much value on in politicians, rather their ability to govern, because they really don't give a shit about us all. You are usually fecked up somewhere in your head to enjoy all that spotlight. What's grating is that the cult of personality around Bernie has degenerated the discourse, he tells it like it is so its all good

Him being a senator means that he regularly congregates and works with people of ill-repute.
Him being a senator means that he regularly congregates and works with people of ill-repute.

He has a choice over attending the conference, especially when it's a platform about addressing inequality. The same doesn't apply to Congress.

It's a politically self-serving move, and it's being scrutinized as such by the media.

As for the rest of your previous post, I think I know where our disagreement lies. You look into my criticism from the prism of your ideals and what you consider fair, I look at it on a sheer barometer of political savvyness. My stance on the whole political revolution is that unless you are prepared to bring out the pitchfork, don't bother. Meanwhile, just play the game to preserve what we can and prevent the loons like the TP from killing us all with their zealotry.
More the images of him at the Vatican.
Think an extra day's worth of speeches talking about his childhood in Brooklyn as the son of immigrants may have been more effective than some tourist snaps in front of the basilica.
That Bernie managed to sit through an obscure discussion on an old Papal document? To be fair I'll give him credit if he gets through without having a doze.

He's actually giving a speech to the group. So it gives him a wide platform, and the way MSN works... a soundbite in a speech at the Vatican will get covered more than anything he else he does a day after the debate. The timings of it will get him plenty of coverage, big rallies on April 13, April 14th Debate, April 15 at the Vatican.

Dont think too hard about this or anything else. Just rest and look after yourself.

As for voting, I believe so long as you are sincere about what you do, you are fine. Most important is we Must all vote if we are able to.

:lol: Cheers mate, feck me. Morphine and codeine, what a combination.

I have always voted, and always voted for who I think will be the best for everyone. I live in a stanchly conservative area and know my vote is essentially pointless, yet I still always make it, so I agree completely that everyone should if they can.
If you check the different groupings of mentions (30 days, 15 days, 7 days) rather than just the 100 days, you'll see that it's only recently that his numbers have started becoming comparable. Prior to christmas, he was trailing fecking Biden in coverage. And then there's the matter of WHAT kind of coverage he's getting.

WaPo is a good example. 16 negative articles in 16 hrs, at one point. Can't say I've seen anything comparable with regards to other candidates (Trump might get close, but he feeds off coverage, any coverage, and says ridiculous disgusting shit just to get press).

I second RJ... if people really can bring themselves to believe that there's not been a concerted effort to ignore Sanders, or to ratchet up negative coverage, then they're in an echo chamber.

Sanders sweeps three states on a day when only Dems are voting, and yet his speech doesn't get coverage, or if it does it gets muted with talking heads pivoting to less pressing matters of the Republican race, the bias on display is absolutely breath-taking.

This thread is doing my head in.
I've been away for the last 10ish days and decided to read through this thread to catch up on as much as possible with the race - I can't believe how poor the posts in here have gotten.

Looks like it reflects how the Democrat race has dropped in tone as Bernie and his supporters are getting increasingly desperate pre-NY. I'd definitely vote for Bernie if I lived in the US but it's so grating to read some of the posts from his supporters on here, not everything is a conspiracy, and not every bit of media coverage that question him is an attack. There are flaws to all political ambitions, you can't please everyone all of the time. And anyone who decides they'll vote for Trump if Bernie loses is an idiot, no question.
I've been away for the last 10ish days and decided to read through this thread to catch up on as much as possible with the race - I can't believe how poor the posts in here have gotten.

Looks like it reflects how the Democrat race has dropped in tone as Bernie and his supporters are getting increasingly desperate pre-NY. I'd definitely vote for Bernie if I lived in the US but it's so grating to read some of the posts from his supporters on here, not everything is a conspiracy, and not every bit of media coverage that question him is an attack. There are flaws to all political ambitions, you can't please everyone all of the time. And anyone who decides they'll vote for Trump if Bernie loses is an idiot, no question.

I agree with that completely. However it has been noticed that much of the MSM have been completely ignoring Bernie or going out of their way to misquote him or spin his comments/results in a negative light. I agree not everything is a conspiracy but a lot has been done to negate his achievements. I think it was the Washington Post or The Guardian that reported last week how unfairly and unbalanced his coverage had been. Feck me, even SEAN HANNITY reported about I the other night, so that shows how bad it has been. The night Bernie won 5 states, CNN chose to show an empty dais at a Trump rally waiting for him to come and give a speech rather than show Bernie giving his victory speech at a packed house in front of thousands of voters. No channel covered that speech live and yet many were showing Trump spinning his poor night of results.

@Eriku has made many excellent posts like that, that are either ignored or mocked and it's a shame because they are usually factually correct, I reiterate again that I agree not everything is a conspiracy, and I agree many Bernie supporters haven't shown themselves in a good light, nor have they acted in an adult or respectful manner, but the spin against Bernie is pretty obvious to anyone. Also I've seen a few people mention they wouldn't vote for Bernie or don't like Bernie because of the behaviour of a small percentage of his supporters and I find that completely ludicrous and moronic. It shouldn't really matter how someone's supporters act, more how the person they follow behaves. After all, you are voting for the candidate not the people who support him.

Anyway, here's an interesting and amusing article I just finished reading about the state of the Republicans and their supprters at the moment.


You can 'cash out' on bets made on the election (meaning if odds go down, you can sell your bet back and profit). Anyone think it's worth a decent-ish bet on Paul Ryan, with all the hints around his candidacy seeming to grow? Don't think he'd be successful at all, but I do think it's a possibility that's only going to be talked about more and more, rather than just being hinted at, as now. Notable chance to make some cash.

You can 'cash out' on bets made on the election (meaning if odds go down, you can sell your bet back and profit). Anyone think it's worth a decent-ish bet on Paul Ryan, with all the hints around his candidacy seeming to grow? Don't think he'd be successful at all, but I do think it's a possibility that's only going to be talked about more and more, rather than just being hinted at, as now. Notable chance to make some cash.

Well the fact that many are flat out denying this means that it's worth a bet. I would have thought it would have just been ignored if it was a rumour, some of the denials appear to be a little too desperate to me. However, I personally don't think it will happen because it would piss too many people off, and if they do hijack their own convention and election in this manner, well they are effectively signing the death warrant for their own party. The GOP is in rough shape for sure, but it could be rescued, I doubt it could if this happens.
Talk about missing the point spectacularly. Precisely because he's such a purist that being associated with this man undermines his message.

I've noticed this trend in your posts or other Bernie supporters to bring Hillary to counter my points, especially when Bernie did something quesyionable because 'she did it first'. I've stated repeatedly that honesty is not a trait I put much value on in politicians, rather their ability to govern, because they really don't give a shit about us all. You are usually fecked up somewhere in your head to enjoy all that spotlight. What's grating is that the cult of personality around Bernie has degenerated the discourse, he tells it like it is so its all good

I didn't miss the point, the point was ludicrous. He isn't being endorsed or supported by Correa, nor is the invite from him. The invite is from the Vatican (I think this is the 10th time I'm repeating that line), to speak on a topic close to his heart, at a time when the Pope seemingly feels the same way.
That would be like me saying that Hillary tainted herself if she ever went into the UN. You taint yourself by association when you encourage association with shady people, which she proudly and happily does.

I am of the same opinion about most politicians and I'm sure Bernie has his psychopathic tendencies too. Never in 25 years (that's how old I am) have I seen a better candidate (for almost any political job anywhere in the world), and I don't expect I'll ever see one in the next 50. Having an idealist isn't enough, what made me join this thread with some passion was that he actually polls well, both against her and especially against Republicans.
More likely they bring out the Mittens again. Both him and Ryan denied getting in but Romney has a legitimacy as the last chosen by the majority, Ryan was just an add-on. Plus, the latter just became Speaker after an especially chaotic period after Boehner's departure. The GOP is in even deeper shit if they don't have someone who can rein in the TP nuts in the House.

You can 'cash out' on bets made on the election (meaning if odds go down, you can sell your bet back and profit). Anyone think it's worth a decent-ish bet on Paul Ryan, with all the hints around his candidacy seeming to grow? Don't think he'd be successful at all, but I do think it's a possibility that's only going to be talked about more and more, rather than just being hinted at, as now. Notable chance to make some cash.

I think that could well be, but these guys make an important point, however - there's no reason to assume that Ryan himself wants it.


Ryan's got a great future ahead of him and he could well be President at some point, so there's no need for him to throw his hat into the ring this year, when the GOP will be ridiculously fractured and likely to get beaten if Trump's 30% are (justifiably) outraged and stay home.

Romney might well be it, though. Got nothing to lose and clearly wants it.

I am of the same opinion about most politicians and I'm sure Bernie has his psychopathic tendencies too. Never in 25 years (that's how old I am) have I seen a better candidate (for almost any political job anywhere in the world), and I don't expect I'll ever see one in the next 50. Having an idealist isn't enough, what made me join this thread with some passion was that he actually polls well, both against her and especially against Republicans.

I'm not responding to the first part of the post because clearly we aren't on the same page and needn't bother everyone else to death over that subject. If you want to continue the discussion feel free to PM.

As for Bernie's qualities, what I especially dislike about him is his staunch ideology. You must be able to compromise even against your own morals for effective governance, that's why Jimmy Carter was such a piss poor president. Plus, the fervor of a small but particularly vociferous segment of his supporters remind me too much of the Naderites. The world would've been infinitely better if Gore was elected but they are just repeating history now.

Do I like Hillary Clinton? No. She wouldn't give a shit about someone like me even if I'm American. She praised Kissinger who by his maneuverings prolonged the Vietnam War and brought much devastations to the country. However, her husband and she despite their flaws presided over a very prosperous economy and his diplomacy decisions have boosted my country to such a degree that I have now the opportunity to access Western education instead of a Communist's one. What people often didn't put much emphasis on is how everything the US does have a domino effect on the world, and a Sanders's presidency that may well lead to economic recession or paving the way for the next GOP administration can feck it up more than a Clinton's one.
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Introducing...President Trump

Introducing...President Trump


Glenn Greenwald will have a field day with the ISIS families one -- US drone strikes often target the first responders after the initial strike.
I've been away for the last 10ish days and decided to read through this thread to catch up on as much as possible with the race - I can't believe how poor the posts in here have gotten.

Looks like it reflects how the Democrat race has dropped in tone as Bernie and his supporters are getting increasingly desperate pre-NY. I'd definitely vote for Bernie if I lived in the US but it's so grating to read some of the posts from his supporters on here, not everything is a conspiracy, and not every bit of media coverage that question him is an attack. There are flaws to all political ambitions, you can't please everyone all of the time. And anyone who decides they'll vote for Trump if Bernie loses is an idiot, no question.

how about admitting your powers of comprehension are lacking.

To make stupid statements like the last one merely emphasises that you do not have a full grasp of these discussions.

Go away to cry over Arsenal's last match.


Just saw Vardy's beauty of a goal. more for you to cry about then .
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:lol: Cheers mate, feck me. Morphine and codeine, what a combination.

I have always voted, and always voted for who I think will be the best for everyone. I live in a stanchly conservative area and know my vote is essentially pointless, yet I still always make it, so I agree completely that everyone should if they can.

good shit ;)

Most important is you vote whom you believe to be the best candidate instead of following the sheep.
Glenn Greenwald will have a field day with the ISIS families one -- US drone strikes often target the first responders after the initial strike.

The funniest and most ominous bit was about Omarosa Manigault being Education Secretary. That alone is enough to vote NeverTrump.
how about admitting your powers of comprehension are lacking.

To make stupid statements like the last one merely emphasises that you do not have a full grasp of these discussions.

Go away to cry over Arsenal's last match.

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