2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Ah, cheers.

Anybody else think that this sounds like a stupid-ass move? Clinton's already got bad favourables, and now she's going to up the nasty in trying to halt the sympathetic senator's progress?

I'm no political genius, but it sounds like it's bound to back-fire, at least in this election climate.

of course it is a stupid ass move. But then they are desperate. If they hate Hillary now....just wait after this. Personally I hope they do go Ultra negative.

She Can lose this. She has feck all policies to generate enthusiasm. and she is only 252 I think on pledged delegates ahead.
Ah, cheers.

Anybody else think that this sounds like a stupid-ass move? Clinton's already got bad favourables, and now she's going to up the nasty in trying to halt the sympathetic senator's progress?

I'm no political genius, but it sounds like it's bound to back-fire, at least in this election climate.

Its a horrible move that makes her look desperate to blunt his momentum. Could cost her big time in NY.
There's a reason why he is doing better, because Hillary made a massive error in attempting to pivot away to Trump while Bernie continued campaigning hard.
You're saying he's won states because of that rather than demographics?
Except for when it comes to govt telling a woman what she can and can't do with her body...then again, you're not a woman, so not your problem.
I'm not a woman so I'm sure to get flak for this, but I don't think abortion is as clear cut an issue as liberals make it sound. Point one, it's the baby's body too. Point two, why is it required for the man to pay family support but not OK for him to have an input on whether she keeps the baby in the first place?

Typical right wing propaganda. Cruz would love to expand government largesse when it means militarily, military industrial complex, police, incarceration, drug war, cultural wars (especially womens' issues), religion based government, borders, spying . . .
The current administration has done nothing to assure me Democrats are not also for expanding the drug war and spying. Obama's also put into place various anti-immigration policies that Bush never did (like automatic social security deductions even if you're not eligible for social security). Don't really see what cultural wars have to do with government largesse.
You're saying he's won states because of that rather than demographics?

Definitely a combination of both. He is surging at the moment because of his populist ground game. The parts of the country where he didn't do well (the south) are all done now, and they never go to Dems in the gen elections anyway. He will do well in the remaining states although likely not enough to catch her, but possibly prevent her from winning without having to embarrassingly resort to superdelegates or a convention fight. In terms of narrative momentum, she is extremely shaky right now.
I'm not a woman so I'm sure to get flak for this, but I don't think abortion is as clear cut an issue as liberals make it sound. Point one, it's the baby's body too. Point two, why is it required for the man to pay family support but not OK for him to have an input on whether she keeps the baby in the first place?

Definitely a combination of both. He is surging at the moment because of his populist ground game. The parts of the country where he didn't do well (the south) are all done now, and they never go to Dems in the gen elections anyway. He will do well in the remaining states although likely not enough to catch her, but possibly prevent her from winning without having to embarrassingly resort to superdelegates or a convention fight. In terms of narrative momentum, she is extremely shaky right now.
I'd bet that she extends her pledged delegate lead, the big prizes left all lean her way.

She'll unquestionably need superdelegates at the convention unless Sanders concedes, you need 60% of pledged delegates to get a full majority, and she's currently at 55%. Obama would have as well, given his lead over Clinton was smaller. Bill Clinton won 51%. Two recent ones that didn't - Kerry and Gore. In other words, doesn't seem much of a limitation.
I'd bet that she extends her pledged delegate lead, the big prizes left all lean her way.

She'll unquestionably need superdelegates at the convention unless Sanders concedes, you need 60% of pledged delegates to get a full majority, and she's currently at 55%. Obama would have as well, given his lead over Clinton was smaller. Bill Clinton won 51%. Two recent ones that didn't - Kerry and Gore. In other words, doesn't seem much of a limitation.

I'm hoping this goes all the way to the convention. Hillary is fundamentally a weak candidate who needed to be coaxed into running and has really not displayed the sort of energy or enthusiasm to go all the way. I think Cruz would hammer her (despite the current polls) because he's an excellent debater who can morph in and out of the mainstream. She has a long way to go before inspiring the sort of confidence that is needed to win.
At the end of the day, if the best you could do with the black vote outside of the South is -40, there's no viable path to the nomination.
I'm not a woman so I'm sure to get flak for this, but I don't think abortion is as clear cut an issue as liberals make it sound. Point one, it's the baby's body too. Point two, why is it required for the man to pay family support but not OK for him to have an input on whether she keeps the baby in the first place?

wow! :annoyed:

1. Because he doesn't have to carry the thing around in his uterus for 9 months
2. Because his health/life won't be at risk if any potential problems arise
3. Because if men have any sort of legal say over abortion then abuse of the system will inevitably take place, also men that want to have a say in what women do with their bodies are generally not men who have much respect for women.
4. Because it'll will give licence for abusive men to assert control over a spouse/girlfriend and for vindictive twats to punish women who have since left them
5. Because it could give rapists the potential to inflict further misery & pain on their victims.

and that's even ignoring any reasons beyond birth about whether or not the woman/man/parents are even mentally capable or have the income to raise a child in a healthy environment.
I'm not a woman so I'm sure to get flak for this, but I don't think abortion is as clear cut an issue as liberals make it sound. Point one, it's the baby's body too. Point two, why is it required for the man to pay family support but not OK for him to have an input on whether she keeps the baby in the first place?

The current administration has done nothing to assure me Democrats are not also for expanding the drug war and spying. Obama's also put into place various anti-immigration policies that Bush never did (like automatic social security deductions even if you're not eligible for social security). Don't really see what cultural wars have to do with government largesse.

Erm, cultural wars such as getting involved in and controlling and spreading govt largesse in womens´reproductive rights, LGBT discrimination, anti Islamic affairs, voting rights government overreach, drug testing welfare recipients govt programs, blurring the separation between church and state, etc. Please don´t tell me you don´t get this? Although seeing as where your right wing sympathies lay, I would´t be surprised. You hypocrites just don´t seem to consider this as big gov.

Just like you guys just don´t get that the military, the police, the prison and judicial system and intelligence programs are GOVERNMENT, and you guys absolutely love them and love spending big time on them and impinging on our citizens and foreign countries with them. Especially when armed and in a uniform.
I'm hoping this goes all the way to the convention. Hillary is fundamentally a weak candidate who needed to be coaxed into running and has really not displayed the sort of energy or enthusiasm to go all the way. I think Cruz would hammer her (despite the current polls) because he's an excellent debater who can morph in and out of the mainstream. She has a long way to go before inspiring the sort of confidence that is needed to win.
She's a weak primary candidate unquestionably, I think she'll be a good general election one though.

I'm also surprised you mention that Hillary getting only 55% of Dem votes would lead to a problem with her image of strength, but Cruz getting the second most in the GOP and put as the nominee via shenanigans wouldn't affect him. In reality, he's a nothing candidate. He'd have more of a chance than Trump, but this isn't hard.
Tempted to place a tenner on Mittens.If they go to a 5th, 6tb or 7th ballot at the convention, it's basically a free for all. Even Jeb! could make a comeback.
Tempted to place a tenner on Mittens.If they go to a 5th, 6tb or 7th ballot at the convention, it's basically a free for all. Even Jeb! could make a comeback.
Might go all the way to Clint Eastwood's chair. Would probably win Utah anyway.
wow! :annoyed:

1. Because he doesn't have to carry the thing around in his uterus for 9 months
2. Because his health/life won't be at risk if any potential problems arise
3. Because if men have any sort of legal say over abortion then abuse of the system will inevitably take place, also men that want to have a say in what women do with their bodies are generally not men who have much respect for women.
4. Because it'll will give licence for abusive men to assert control over a spouse/girlfriend and for vindictive twats to punish women who have since left them
5. Because it could give rapists the potential to inflict further misery & pain on their victims.

and that's even ignoring any reasons beyond birth about whether or not the woman/man/parents are even mentally capable or have the income to raise a child in a healthy environment.
Well my point is (assuming sex was consensual) that its a responsibility they both took on together from that point on. I think they should both have an input into how it proceeds. Obviously if there are health risks to the mother then that should be evaluated by a medical professional.

I don't really get points 3 and 4. I'd think any father-to-be would care about what was happening with his unborn child. Don't see how wanting to have an input into his baby's life means he disrespects his partner. There can also be clauses that father input rights are lost in case of history of abuse or in case of permanent separation.
Its a fair question.
I think the fair question is whether men should be forced to assume paternity. They certainly should have no say whether a woman should or should not take a pregnancy to the end.
Well my point is (assuming sex was consensual) that its a responsibility they both took on together from that point on. I think they should both have an input into how it proceeds. Obviously if there are health risks to the mother then that should be evaluated by a medical professional.

I don't really get points 3 and 4. I'd think any father-to-be would care about what was happening with his unborn child. Don't see how wanting to have an input into his baby's life means he disrespects his partner. There can also be clauses that father input rights are lost in case of history of abuse or in case of permanent separation.
The vast majority of abuse goes undocumented, so those protection clauses mean nothing. Men already have input when they're in a relationship, by talking to the woman just about everyday about everything, but the point is when the woman goes to the doctor and asks for an abortion the man can either hold her hand or feck off.
The vast majority of abuse goes undocumented, so those protection clauses mean nothing. Men already have input when they're in a relationship, by talking to the woman just about everyday about everything, but the point is when the woman goes to the doctor and asks for an abortion the man can either hold her hand or feck off.
My view is that abuse is an issue that should be dealt with separately from abortion law. Obviously more needs to be done about domestic abuse, both of partners and of children.
I think the fair question is whether men should be forced to assume paternity. They certainly should have no say whether a woman should or should not take a pregnancy to the end.
Babies are expensive. I'm sure women would be alright with getting the financial help from the state instead of dealing with a man who doesn't want to get involved, but the same ring-wing that wants to ban abortions will cry about it being her responsibility. It's rough, but the bills gotta get paid.

My view is that abuse is an issue that should be dealt with separately from abortion law. Obviously more needs to be done about domestic abuse, both of partners and of children.
..But the point is, your safeguards for women don't work. The only one that works is letting her make the decision. It doesn't matter if you want more to be done about abuse, it won't be enough.
That's the biggest contradiction with the Republicans and supporters. They constantly bang on about smaller government yet are all for increasing military and Police forces etc, yet you mention that you want universal health care and better education and you are called a SOICALIST and laughed out of the room.
Fecking selfish hypocrites.

They should just be honest and say they don't want to pay towards anything that will benefit anyone else. At least that would be honest. Trouble is, if anything bad ever happened to them and they ended up poor they would be the first to feckin moan about the government not doing enough for them.

I'd think any father-to-be would care about what was happening with his unborn child.

Sorry mate, but that is so naïve. Why are there so many single mothers around? Because so many men just feck off as soon as they find out the woman is pregnant. Even more feck off half way in to the pregnancy when the realism hits them.
I don't really get points 3 and 4. I'd think any father-to-be would care about what was happening with his unborn child. Don't see how wanting to have an input into his baby's life means he disrespects his partner. There can also be clauses that father input rights are lost in case of history of abuse or in case of permanent separation.

3 and 4 are relevant, not all pregnancies occur in a loving stable family environment and children are often used as pawns in difficult or abusive relationships either to assert control or to keep the woman (or man) within reach, unborn children will also fall victim to this kind of behaviour. In fact, I'd hazard a guess at stating the types of people who will go to lengths to exercise legal rights to control whether or not a woman should have a child will mostly be the kind I mentioned in those points, normal civilised people in a good relationship will talk to each other and reach a joint decision about what to do in the event of an unexpected pregnancy.
Babies are expensive. I'm sure women would be alright with getting the financial help from the state instead of dealing with a man who doesn't want to get involved, but the same ring-wing that wants to ban abortions will cry about it being her responsibility. It's rough, but the bills gotta get paid.
Yeah, I don't really want the taxpayer to have to pay for someone else's babies tbh. I've seen friends constantly having to pick up the tab at work while their co-worker takes their third long maternity leave in as many years; that's as far as someone should have to go in supporting someone else's children as far as I'm concerned.
Sorry mate, but that is so naïve. Why are there so many single mothers around? Because so many men just feck off as soon as they find out the woman is pregnant. Even more feck off half way in to the pregnancy when the realism hits them.
Ok, that's fair enough, I should have said its reasonable for any father to care.
3 and 4 are relevant, not all pregnancies occur in a loving stable family environment and children are often used as pawns in difficult or abusive relationships either to assert control or to keep the woman (or man) within reach, unborn children will also fall victim to this kind of behaviour. In fact, I'd hazard a guess at stating the types of people who will go to lengths to exercise legal rights to control whether or not a woman should have a child will mostly be the kind I mentioned in those points, normal civilised people in a good relationship will talk to each other and reach a joint decision about what to do in the event of an unexpected pregnancy.
Yeah, I doubt there'd be much conflict in a good relationship, but a conflict doesn't mean its an abusive relationship either. I'd agree that the father should never get to force a mother to have an abortion, but I think he should have some say if they are living together, there's no history of abuse nor medical issues, the sex was consensual and he wants to keep the baby and she doesn't. Either that or scrap the spousal child support requirement.
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