2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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You probably haven´t heard either of Jeb´s crackhead daughter Noelle who´s been in all kinds of drug related felonies, nor of Ted Cruz´s drug addict half sister who died, nor of any the George W. Bush tales of alcoholism and cocaine use, and very probable cocaine selling. These are the leaders of the drug war party who continually clamor for harsher sentences and bigger budgets for the drug warriors. Not to mention the family values party.
I've sat in the same seat at the bar GDubya used to sit in and get plastered.

The food is surprisingly good.
Was feeling really down today after the Nevada results came in. Really thought Bernie would win. :(
Always the danger when a momentum narrative builds and it isn't fully delivered upon, turns what is in reality a quite narrow 6-point win for Hillary that she'd previously expected to be far higher, into a success that will now lead into the expected big wins in South Carolina and on Super Tuesday.
This thread has gone bonkers, people actually trying to legitimize Trump as a president.

Think most people are hoping that he is the nominee because they feel that if he's the nominee there's no chance he'd actually win.
Was feeling really down today after the Nevada results came in. Really thought Bernie would win. :(

Don't hang around in this thread - apparently according to the wise Clinton supporters, we are all economically illiterate misogynistic Berniebros.

Anyway, I think he still has an outside chance. According to 538, the margin would have been 3 points to Hillary if he was tied nationally, and 11 points if he was -12 nationally. He ended up at -5.5, which means he's getting within 3-4 points of her probably (can't be bothered to do any maths). The latest national pools support this, in fact, he is leading in 2 of them.

The problem for him is the schedule, there is now a block of diverse states where is unlikely to do well. Which is bad for media/momentum.
:lol: This thread has a hell of a lot more Sanders supporters in it than Hillary ones. Pick out any given page and you'll see a couple of posts saying how much they hate her.
Don't hang around in this thread - apparently according to the wise Clinton supporters, we are all economically illiterate misogynistic Berniebros.


The main criticism I've seen of Sanders so far is that he has little chance of getting things done in a divided Congress.

There's been some downright nasty and personal stuff said about Clinton in this thread.

The main criticism I've seen of Sanders so far is that he has little chance of getting things done in a divided Congress.

There's been some downright nasty and personal stuff said about Clinton in this thread.

Check out the posts during/after the NV counting. Every second post had either some half-baked rumour or #berniebros or something.
I am somewht hoping that Clinton has been playing the long game. All those years of taking money and being snidey to get into the WH. Once she's there she does amazing things for America and the people.
This thread has gone bonkers, people actually trying to legitimize Trump as a president.
I think this thread is 70-30 'Democrat', possibly even more.

Most in here know, Trump is not a Republican and a ton of his policies are actually pretty centrist. Not to mention, away from the rhetoric, you get the feeling he could be convinced one way or the other with facts.

Can you see that happening with any of the other republican candidates?

CRUZ - all on his own goes, I'll move US embassy to Jerusalem...you get the feeling, he celebrates everytime a Palestinian dies.

Or that a son of a bitch like John Bolton would be a good cabinet appointment.

RUBIO - weak little bitch, will be like Dubya at the hands of Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz.

As a muslim american, of course Trump demonizing myself and other muslims is something I condemn and am disappointed that, it's now acceptable not only for the Republican leadership but their supporters to be openly bigoted.

But, as a President, he'd veer a million miles away from most of his outlandish utterences.

So, again...if a Republican candidate had to win, Democrats would much rather Trump than the other two big hitters.
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There seems to be a pattern developing. This is the second time a Hillary supporting civil rights icon has basically dumped on Bernie and/or supporters in a very nasty, deceptive manner. Sort of a proxy attack. Typical things one would have come to expect from the Clinton camp.

This is exactly why I think it is important and valid for the world to see Bernie being arrested in civil rights protests as compared to the age 17 + Hillary as a young Republican working for Barry Goldwater.
I'd love it if Trump won the presidency. He'd be shit for America and knock their international standing down a peg or two. He'd also be a cautionary tale for every other democracy on the planet. He'll be held up as an example of a demagogue for generations to come.
There seems to be a pattern developing. This is the second time a Hillary supporting civil rights icon has basically dumped on Bernie and/or supporters in a very nasty, deceptive manner. Sort of a proxy attack. Typical things one would have come to expect from the Clinton camp.

This is exactly why I think it is important and valid for the world to see Bernie being arrested in civil rights protests as compared to the age 17 + Hillary as a young Republican working for Barry Goldwater.

I was following the live update on the Guardian where the journalists claimed that Sanders supporters are shouting 'English only'.


Here you go, on this page.
I was following the live update on the Guardian where the journalists claimed that Sanders supporters are shouting 'English only'.


Here you go, on this page.

Yes, I remember that. Maybe that's where I heard it 1st? I thought it was on this thread...

Anyway, there's a video now. Which has addressed the allegations. No chanting.

Also note that it was a retweet of someone else - no journalist actually heard it.
Yes, I remember that. Maybe that's where I heard it 1st? I thought it was on this thread...

Anyway, there's a video now. Which has addressed the allegations. No chanting.

Also note that it was a retweet of someone else - no journalist actually heard it.

I put America Ferrara's tweet here, which came from either the Guardian or CNN feeds..
Yes, I remember that. Maybe that's where I heard it 1st? I thought it was on this thread...

Anyway, there's a video now. Which has addressed the allegations. No chanting.

Also note that it was a retweet of someone else - no journalist actually heard it.

It was a moderator who said it, and supposedly that´s it, and with no malicious intent. But of course it all came out as yet another civil rights icon dumping on Bernie supporters.

How convenient . . . for Hillary
I am somewht hoping that Clinton has been playing the long game. All those years of taking money and being snidey to get into the WH. Once she's there she does amazing things for America and the people.

don't hold your breath.

She has no message. An empty pantsuit riding on Obama's coat tails.

Some say the Bernie supporters hate her. Not true. We hate what she represents. A corrupt politician who will say anything to gain power.

The Dem machinery wants Trump. They think he is unelectable. But he has enthusiasm on his side. The Bernie supporters will not simply follow her. Many will stay home, which more importantly will hurt the down ticket. But some will vote for Trump depending on his platform. That is why I am waiting to hear what he has to say when he wins the nomination. If I decide for Trump. I will vote for him and straight Democrat down ticket.

Though the Dems dread Rubio, he will be the easier opponent. He is an empty suit like her, though not as corrupt as her. His problem is that he is an ideologue. Trump is not. A Trump presidency will be successful imo, assuming he brings forward some of his ideas on Health care, taxing the Fund managers...a hint. rejecting the neo-cons big time. The very things people hate about him. His arrogance, his bullying nature will be the very things that will help him should he become president. A republican congress will not have the guts to deny a Republican president who has the mandate. You can imagine him walking down to congress and bitch slapping Ryan for holding up his agenda. He will get moderate republicans and democrats to pass his agenda. The T party will become irrelevent. All this nonsense Hillary can work with Congress. :lol: The Republicans, rank and file and politicians hate the Clintons more than Obama. The Republican politicians did not hate Obama. They had to not work with him because their voters hated him. It was simply about votes. Obama for all his promise has been a disapointment. He is very intelligent, he has heart. But he has no balls. To be president you need to be tough. No law becomes law unless the President signs it into law. He had teh mandate..twice and he did very little. He should have fought tooth and nail for the public option in that health care law. And finally he did very little for his own people.
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don't hold your breath.

She has no message. An empty pantsuit riding on Obama's coat tails.

Some say the Bernie supporters hate her. Not true. We hate what she represents. A corrupt politician who will say anything to gain power.

The Dem machinery wants Trump. They think he is unelectable. But he has enthusiasm on his side. The Bernie supporters will not simply follow her. Many will stay home, which more importantly will hurt the down ticket. But some will vote for Trump depending on his platform. That is why I am waiting to hear what he has to say when he wins the nomination. If I decide for Trump. I will vote for him and straight Democrat down ticket.

Though the Dems dread Rubio, he will be the easier opponent. He is an empty suit like her, though not as corrupt as her. His problem is that he is an ideologue. Trump is not. A Trump presidency will be successful imo, assuming he brings forward some of his ideas on Health care, taxing the Fund managers...a hint. rejecting the neo-cons big time. The very things people hate about him. His arrogance, his bullying nature will be the very things that will help him should he become president. A republican congress will not have the guts to deny a Republican president who has the mandate. You can imagine him walking down to congress and bitch slapping Ryan for holding up his agenda. He will get moderate republicans and democrats to pass his agenda. The T party will become irrelevent. All this nonsense Hillary can work with Congress. :lol: The Republicans, rank and file and politicians hate the Clintons more than Obama. The Republican politicians did not hate Obama. They had to not work with him because their voters hated him. It was simply about votes. Obama for all his promise has been a disapointment. He is very intelligent, he has heart. But he has no balls. To be president you need to be tough. No law becomes law unless the President signs it into law. He had teh mandate..twice and he did very little. He should have fought tooth and nail for the public option in that health care law. And finally he did very little for his own people.
Well when yourself and plenty of others in this thread write the very phrase "I hate Hillary", we kind of get the idea that you might hate Hillary.
Well when yourself and plenty of others in this thread write the very phrase "I hate Hillary", we kind of get the idea that you might hate Hillary.

address the post if you care to debate. If I did say that I meant what she represents. I don't know her. But you seem to be comfortable with people who accept money/bribes. Hey that is your right too.
address the post if you care to debate. If I did say that I meant what she represents. I don't know her. But you seem to be comfortable with people who accept money/bribes. Hey that is your right too.

Since Friday:
both parties are corrupt. Hillary talks the talk. she is scum. I did not mind Bush Sr. He had two shits for sons though. Really enjoying Jeb being destroyed.
ok...I really can't stand that woman :)

Seems fairly personal to me!

And you're of course free to vote for a nativist whose rhetoric has probably (almost certainly) contributed to Muslims being abused recently.
Bernie was always a longshot. If he moves the debate to what really matter to voters. Their lives. He has succeded.
The debate would stand a better chance of being accepted if it weren't so personal against Hillary. It sort of undercuts the whole Sanders thing, especially the way some in this thread talk as if she's a criminal.
The debate would stand a better chance of being accepted if it weren't so personal against Hillary. It sort of undercuts the whole Sanders thing, especially the way some in this thread talk as if she's a criminal.


she is is corrupt imo. hey nothing unique. most of these politicians are the same. To claim you are not influenced when taking money is insulting your intelligence.

she is is corrupt imo. hey nothing unique. most of these politicians are the same. To claim you are not influenced when taking money is insulting your intelligence.

You seem to have bought into the Sanders narrative hook, line, and sinker. Unfortunately, that's not going to solve anything and attacking Hillary because of a systemic problem in politics won't either.
you still have not tried to debate. and you have confirmed you are happy to vote for someone who receives bribes/takes money.
I've debated plenty of times, yesterday I replied directly to you linking a piece that argued against that Elizabeth Warren accusation for you to have a look at, and you didn't respond.
I've debated plenty of times, yesterday I replied directly to you linking a piece that argued against that Elizabeth Warren accusation for you to have a look at, and you didn't respond.

Warren repeated that accusation in her book. She obviously didn't think the modifications were enough.
You seem to have bought into the Sanders narrative hook, line, and sinker. Unfortunately, that's not going to solve anything and attacking Hillary because of a systemic problem in politics won't either.

you are wrong. He is not saying anything out of the norm. Systemic problems need to be changed. She and others who take money are corrupt imo.
I find okay people not liking Hillary, and even Democrats not voting for her. However, I find impossible to understand voting for Trump (or any of the other Republican candidates) impossible if you are not
a) Republican
b) a giant bigot

Very weird to see Red Dream posts. Will be interesting to see how much (if any) the opinions will change when Sanders and Obama endorse her (and it is a when, not if).
you are wrong. He is not saying anything out of the norm. Systemic problems need to be changed. She and others who take money are corrupt imo.

Hardly a surprise since campaigns require money and everyone in politics accepts money. Its quite telling that these discussions degenerate into GOP style attacks on Hillary instead of centering on policy discussions.
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