The Old Republic

Team Brian GB

Baby Cameron loves X-Factor
Jan 11, 2008
It doesn't seem to have it's own thread so now it ought to considering it isn't far off. Normally I wouldn't go near an MMO with a barge pole but I'll make an exception for this one seeing as it looks like it will actually be an RPG as opposed to the mindless nonsense that online games tend to be.

Been waiting for this for well over a year. Needed something badly to pick up from SWG and up to date with graphics and gameplay.

Sadly, I don't think this will be an answer for those of us looking to relive the pre-CU SWG experience, this game seems to put all it's eggs on the story as opposed to crafting, economy and community.

It'll be interesting to see how BioWare do in MMO waters, its very brave of them to venture into this market especially considering how most MMOS since 2004 have bombed badly. I do wish TOR succeeds though since I'm getting a case of WoW-fatigue now.
Sadly, I don't think this will be an answer for those of us looking to relive the pre-CU SWG experience, this game seems to put all it's eggs on the story as opposed to crafting, economy and community.

It'll be interesting to see how BioWare do in MMO waters, its very brave of them to venture into this market especially considering how most MMOS since 2004 have bombed badly. I do wish TOR succeeds though since I'm getting a case of WoW-fatigue now.

I think they started producing this game in early 2007, that would make it one of the longest continually in development games and from what I've seen of late I think it is going to blow Kotor and Mass Effect out of the water in RPG stakes. It is for all intents and purposes a single player game with key moments multiplayer squad based, I don't think a story driven MMO would work otherwise.

When I made this thread last night I was bored so watched alot of the backstory clips on the swtor website, the amount of thought they have put into this I have not known in any game before, needless to say it manages to tie into Kotor and Kotor II very well which seems impossible considering the story of the second and that it was incomplete.

I have gone off video games in the last few years but I very much anticipate this.
Well there's no doubt they've got the production values for TOR, but I'm still intrigued with how they're going to engineer a story-driven MMO. This wasn't a problem in the KOTOR games which really immersed you since your decisions would shape the galaxy, in TOR however that concept seems a little far-fetched considering there'll be thousands of 'heroes' simultaneously online also shaping the galaxy.

The one thing I hope they get spot on though is class balance - I don't want this to be like today's SWG where everyman and his dog is a Jedi waving their light sabres around everywhere as if it were one big psychedelic rave.
I think they started producing this game in early 2007, that would make it one of the longest continually in development games and from what I've seen of late I think it is going to blow Kotor and Mass Effect out of the water in RPG stakes. It is for all intents and purposes a single player game with key moments multiplayer squad based, I don't think a story driven MMO would work otherwise.

When I made this thread last night I was bored so watched alot of the backstory clips on the swtor website, the amount of thought they have put into this I have not known in any game before, needless to say it manages to tie into Kotor and Kotor II very well which seems impossible considering the story of the second and that it was incomplete.

I have gone off video games in the last few years but I very much anticipate this.

I would expect that. You have the franchise that pretty much started the culture which is stereotypically referred to as nerds. It's a very old concept so there are a bunch of people who can have great ideas to add to it's story.

I hope it's going to be creatively as good as EVE Online.
I hope it's going to be creatively as good as EVE Online.

Again, if thats the experience you're looking for then you're looking at the wrong game. BioWare are going for one epic cinematic KOTOR game with online aspects, all the other creative aspects such as crafting, housing and economical management will all be heavily simplified subsidiaries.
anybody wanna team up as guildies?? (if they have guilds)
Again, if thats the experience you're looking for then you're looking at the wrong game. BioWare are going for one epic cinematic KOTOR game with online aspects, all the other creative aspects such as crafting, housing and economical management will all be heavily simplified subsidiaries.


I'm not looking for an economy. I'm looking for it to be as good creatively. IE, same standard of quality.

Every 12 year old can level up to 80 (or whatever the lvl cap is) in WoW without having played and RPG game before. Other RPG's pretty much rip off WoW but place it in a different world with some twists.

It's like comparing Shawshank to Godfather. It's not about the same stuff but you can rate them both as high.

I'm not looking for an economy. I'm looking for it to be as good creatively. IE, same standard of quality.

Every 12 year old can level up to 80 (or whatever the lvl cap is) in WoW without having played and RPG game before. Other RPG's pretty much rip off WoW but place it in a different world with some twists.

It's like comparing Shawshank to Godfather. It's not about the same stuff but you can rate them both as high.

The 'again' wasn't personally aimed a you mate, I'd just mentioned earlier that this wasn't going to be SWG2 as some would hope it to be.

I'm not expecting it to be highly creative in the EVE-mould but I'm at least hoping it does have that polished feel to it, something radically different to WoW which I believe many gamers are beginning to grow bored of - even with new content and goals.

Regardless I'm looking forward to it since its BioWare and Star Wars - two elements which have worked very well together if history is anything to go by. :)
Well there's no doubt they've got the production values for TOR, but I'm still intrigued with how they're going to engineer a story-driven MMO. This wasn't a problem in the KOTOR games which really immersed you since your decisions would shape the galaxy, in TOR however that concept seems a little far-fetched considering there'll be thousands of 'heroes' simultaneously online also shaping the galaxy.

The one thing I hope they get spot on though is class balance - I don't want this to be like today's SWG where everyman and his dog is a Jedi waving their light sabres around everywhere as if it were one big psychedelic rave.

As I say it is supposed to be a one player game with MMO segments. In terms of the story and planning of the game, that apparently began in 2006 which is quite incredible.

There is a video on the game website that specifically deals with how classes balance out against each other, on top of that there is a series of narrated videos lasting two hours that develops and sets out the background storyline. The amount of effort that has gone into this is unprecedented.

Based on the statements out of EA and how many subscribers they will need to break even and that it is the most expensive project they have ever been a part of, the consensus is that this is costing upto $150 Million to develop.
Unfortunately, I am not a PC gamer so I will not be able to play this. Really would like to though

Well that is going to be the question for many people, not so much whether they play PC games but rather can their PC handle such a game? On top of that how good and reliable is your internet connection going to have to be?

Though I imagine the second question ought to balance out the first and you can see that the graphic style shouldn't be too taxing.
Can I be a Wookiee Jedi then?

No, there are eight character classes on top of which you can choose gender:

Jedi Knight
Jedi Consular
Sith Warrior
Bounty Hunter
Sith Inquisitor
Imperial Agent
Star Wars: The Old Republic | HOLONET

They all get their own specialised companion characters and their own class of ship. Speaking of ships, I read the other day that the space battles are going to be on-the-rails shooters.
Star Wars: The Old Republic | HOLONET
How they are going to balance the classes so everyone doesn't just go as a Jedi / Sith should be interesting
Well that is going to be the question for many people, not so much whether they play PC games but rather can their PC handle such a game? On top of that how good and reliable is your internet connection going to have to be?

Though I imagine the second question ought to balance out the first and you can see that the graphic style shouldn't be too taxing.

If designed well, MMOs are not that taxing on most PCs. The zones look like they're going to be instanced too so I wouldn't imagine you'd get too much lag issues either.
about 2 years ago or just less when i had a less powerful computer i asked the quesiton on their forum what are they looking to aim for system requirements.

they replied this game will be able to run on 80% of machines

Yeah, but who is going to want to use guns when you can use a fudging lightsabre? The Sith and Jedi classes look far cooler in those videos. One of the best thing about KotoR was getting and using your lightsabre. Even when the Republic Trooper kills the Sith there, the Sith still manages to look much more badass.
anybody wanna team up as guildies?? (if they have guilds)

I probably would to be fair. Though I'm not really sure what a guild is, MMO's have never really been my thing.

Baggsy the Sith Warrior though :D
Yeah, but who is going to want to use guns when you can use a fudging lightsabre? The Sith and Jedi classes look far cooler in those videos. One of the best thing about KotoR was getting and using your lightsabre. Even when the Republic Trooper kills the Sith there, the Sith still manages to look much more badass.

I would have thought that the Bounty Hunter appeals to lots of people, jet packs, huge firepower, being able to freeze and shatter enemies etc.
I would have thought that the Bounty Hunter appeals to lots of people, jet packs, huge firepower, being able to freeze and shatter enemies etc.

Yeah it's true I guess, but that is the sort of weaponry you get on a host of different games- mainly FPS's. The lightsabre is unique to Star Wars games.
Yeah it's true I guess, but that is the sort of weaponry you get on a host of different games- mainly FPS's. The lightsabre is unique to Star Wars games.

I imagine the choice of ships will come into it as well.
I hope this gets good reviews. This was a dream of mine (and I'm sure loads of you) growing up. Actually playing in a Star Wars universe with tons of other people. Class. Can't wait.
I hope this gets good reviews. This was a dream of mine (and I'm sure loads of you) growing up. Actually playing in a Star Wars universe with tons of other people. Class. Can't wait.


in terms of this SWG pre Cu was the shit, i was in a guild for Xwing alliance and we moved into SWg, and it was class but after a while the grind of SWG got shit, im really looking forward to the story driven mmo. Mainly because i get bored of MMO's with repetitive grind, therefore i can play this for x months/years and feel i can finish up satisfied.

KOTOR was so f'en good, i couldn't believe how rushed KOTOR2 was.
Me and a mate have pegged down BH already, carrying on from SWG. I hope to god they bring in player hunting for bounties.

We played Eve for 8 years but it's too boring and monotonous now. Really been looking forward to this for so long, something fresh to get into.
BH on SWG was the shiz.

I remember getting my first super high-quality T21 rifle :drool:

It was so satisfying to finally make BH after having to tediously grind both marksman and explorer.

/nostalgic nerdgasm.
It looks like the release may be moved forward from the expected early autumn to early/mid summer.