Not looking good for the Wii is it?

:lol: So you are saying that the amount of games units it's sold on the Wii = the amount it would have sold on the XB360?

What about hardware sales?

The point is that if it had been an XB360, PS3, PC release it would have sold more copies.

Hardware sales are a given in this case, as it only ran on the Wii, and due to what the Wii is, they made a profit on that. However, it's not the Nintendo core games that sold the Wii, otherwise N64 and GameCube sales would have been much stronger. Wii was sold in the main to an entirely different audience, and the majority of those do not play Mario Galaxy.

No, it fell to idiots who say competition above innovation.

No, it fell because of a variety of reasons, and I'll take that to the appropriate thread.

Right so how, exactly will the Wii fail?

Oh what's your point?

The point there is clear to see, but you for some reason refuse to see it. The Wii has not eaten into the traditional gaming market at all, it's done something else.

That must explain why Sony and Microsoft want to copy it then :rolleyes:

Again, I'm sure that you are acting stupid on purpose. Because they want a bit of the pie that Wii created. It's a 50% bigger pie than it was before.

Right, the same thing happened to the N64 and Gamecube, yet they were both better pieces of hardware than the generation of their time. Why not try (and succeed) with something different?

But again, the fact that you keep failing to see is that they failed in terms of long term 3rd party support. Wii is no different, it's just that Wii did something in the market (I'd guess 50% of them at least are a Wii with a balance board and nothing else), and now they are not going to be able to pull the same rabbit out of the hat. 3rd party to 1st party game sales on XB360 and PS3 are 70% to 30%, it's a place where 3rd parties can make money. 900,000 units in one week on the PS3 and XB360 for FIFA 11 compared to 8,000 for the Wii is not a good thing, they'll say, why the feck bother!

Yet, it's old hardware and you don't like the Wii because it's old hardware:

I don't see how a ball stuck on a pen is old hardware, Eyetoy is a camera, if anything those old demos were old software.

You must be the most livid Nintendo supporter I have ever come across, and your use of smilies make you look rather silly to be fair. You always avoid the core argument, and then go back to the same silly cyclical arguments that have nothing to do with the argument in the first place. Get a grip man!
Quite possibly the biggest load of shit I've ever read! A huge generalisation, and a terrible one at that.

What the king said.

For what its worth, my brother works in high care dementia and the old people love their Nintendo's. It gets them active in a safe environment and even gives them that little bit of competition. Apparently they'd pwn a couple of noobs on here.
The point is that if it had been an XB360, PS3, PC release it would have sold more copies.

Hardware sales are a given in this case, as it only ran on the Wii, and due to what the Wii is, they made a profit on that. However, it's not the Nintendo core games that sold the Wii, otherwise N64 and GameCube sales would have been much stronger. Wii was sold in the main to an entirely different audience, and the majority of those do not play Mario Galaxy.

Ah, so it's ok to create one franchise and give them unlimited money and 6 years to complete to make unit and hardware sales shoot through the roof, but not another?

No, it fell because of a variety of reasons, and I'll take that to the appropriate thread.

Fair enough.

The point there is clear to see, but you for some reason refuse to see it. The Wii has not eaten into the traditional gaming market at all, it's done something else.

So people only bought the Wii for WiiFit then?

Again, I'm sure that you are acting stupid on purpose. Because they want a bit of the pie that Wii created. It's a 50% bigger pie than it was before.

Nope, I love pointing out your hypocrisy.

But again, the fact that you keep failing to see is that they failed in terms of long term 3rd party support. Wii is no different, it's just that Wii did something in the market (I'd guess 50% of them at least are a Wii with a balance board and nothing else), and now they are not going to be able to pull the same rabbit out of the hat. 3rd party to 1st party game sales on XB360 and PS3 are 70% to 30%, it's a place where 3rd parties can make money. 900,000 units in one week on the PS3 and XB360 for FIFA 11 compared to 8,000 for the Wii is not a good thing, they'll say, why the feck bother!

Ask the people that make those games. If you are asking about 3rd party support, then ask Nintendo why they made the Gamecube and Wii then.

I don't see how a ball stuck on a pen is old hardware, Eyetoy is a camera, if anything those old demos were old software.

So you've made my point invalid by invalidating your own point?

You must be the most livid Nintendo supporter I have ever come across, and your use of smilies make you look rather silly to be fair. You always avoid the core argument, and then go back to the same silly cyclical arguments that have nothing to do with the argument in the first place. Get a grip man!

No, in this argument I'm making you look silly. Primarily because you won't directly answer my questions and are talking rubbish. You know for a fact i'm not bothered about hardware manufacturers and have no favourite, I just like to balance the argument :D

But hey, I'm sure you can log back into the Newbies with one of your other profiles and call me a wanker again :lol:
No, in this argument I'm making you look silly. Primarily because you won't directly answer my questions and are talking rubbish.

No, you are not you viral Nintendo fanboy, because you're not even addressing the point of the thread, but rather taking it off at all sorts of irrelevant tangents to avoid the issue at hand. Let's compress your nonsense instead of trying to reply to it, as it's tripe not related to the point of the thread, and ask you three straight questions.

1. Is there any real firm 3rd party software support on Wii?

2. Why should a 3rd party support it?

3. Is it a viable platform for 3rd parties?

You need to bear in mind here that one of the largest 3rd party games there is, FIFA, has just sold 8,000 copies in a week, despite decent reviews.
No, you are not you viral Nintendo fanboy, because you're not even addressing the point of the thread, but rather taking it off at all sorts of irrelevant tangents to avoid the issue at hand. Let's compress your nonsense instead of trying to reply to it, as it's tripe not related to the point of the thread, and ask you three straight questions.

1. Is there any real firm 3rd party software support on Wii?

2. Why should a 3rd party support it?

3. Is it a viable platform for 3rd parties?

You need to bear in mind here that one of the largest 3rd party games there is, FIFA, has just sold 8,000 copies in a week, despite decent reviews.

No, what I'm doing is highlighting your hypocrisy and blatant fanboy attitude when it comes to these machines.

To answer your questions:


The same reason they still do, sales.


By picking a specific game, one which appeals to a market more suited to the other machines no less, you are trying to prove a point which means nothing. Now let me ask you three questions:

1) Why when you claim to like hardware, do you dislike the Wii?

2) Why when you keep saying the Wii is old hardware, aren't you so against the Move - which you claim pre-dates the Wii?

3) Why, if you aren't such a fanboy, are your only negative posts about the 360, Wii and PC?
Oh, I have another question.

Can you provide an up to date weekly hardware and software sales figure for us? Or a 2010 yearly one? It'll be interesting to see just how much more the PS3 has sold.

I can show you the VG Chats.. They're a week old and not supremely accurate but they give you a good picture.

Worldwide Hardware
Console Yearly (change) Total
DS 11,355,565 (-61%) 134,707,865
Wii 8,726,068 (-60%) 74,242,584
PS3 6,675,653 (-47%) 37,864,891
X360 6,482,155 (-37%) 43,531,641
PSP 4,302,209 (-58%) 60,089,849
PS2 1,624,325 (-68%) 136,925,737

Worldwide Software Totals
Console Yearly (change) Total (tie ratio)
Wii 84,819,894 (-53%) 515,871,876 (6.95)
X360 66,995,728 (-41%) 382,420,852 (8.78)
PS3 65,812,638 (-28%) 268,741,703 (7.10)
DS 63,468,352 (-55%) 579,832,905 (4.30)
PSP 21,441,529 (-40%) 162,424,436 (2.70)
PS2 8,784,361 (-68%) n/a
PC 2,808,653 (-) n/a
Total 314,131,155 (-47%)

Now as you can see the Wii still leads sales both Hardware and software, but these also include copies of games sold with consoles. I believe Wii Sports comes with every console sold??? which is tallied into their sales.

You can also see that Sales on the Wii have dropped massively even with a price almost half that of the PS3. Now while i'm not taking side Redlambs, but even you can see the trend for the Wii. Weaste is right in saying that its running downhill, but its not as if it isn't a fantastic money grab. Sony also have its biggest title being released in a few weeks time so that should bolster sales.

Interestingly enough, even with a new console Microsoft are only just out selling Sony software wise and trailing hardware wise. If and when that price drop comes for the PS3, its going to sell gangbusters. Sleeping giant one might say.
I can show you the VG Chats.. They're a week old and not supremely accurate but they give you a good picture.

Now as you can see the Wii still leads sales both Hardware and software, but these also include copies of games sold with consoles. I believe Wii Sports comes with every console sold??? which is tallied into their sales.

You can also see that Sales on the Wii have dropped massively even with a price almost half that of the PS3. Now while i'm not taking side Redlambs, but even you can see the trend for the Wii. Weaste is right in saying that its running downhill, but its not as if it isn't a fantastic money grab. Sony also have its biggest title being released in a few weeks time so that should bolster sales.

Interestingly enough, even with a new console Microsoft are only just out selling Sony software wise and trailing hardware wise. If and when that price drop comes for the PS3, its going to sell gangbusters. Sleeping giant one might say.

Your sony slant is amusing! Don't get me wrong, i'm not having a pop here, i'm just saying that it's not good (though not unexpected of course) that industry wide sales have dropped.

However, for the purpose of this thread, even though it's a drastic change, the Wii is still outselling the PS3. Oh, and I wonder if you'll question the GT5 sales? ;)
Your sony slant is amusing! Don't get me wrong, i'm not having a pop here, i'm just saying that it's not good (though not unexpected of course) that industry wide sales have dropped.

However, for the purpose of this thread, even though it's a drastic change, the Wii is still outselling the PS3. Oh, and I wonder if you'll question the GT5 sales? ;)

Of course. I'd say probably 1 3rd of sales of GT will be with a new console. It is after all a console selling game. I think Sony dropped the ball. They should have had a revamped GT4 to go out with the launch of the PS3 'which really wouldn't of meant much difference for GT5' but it would have pushed a fair few units.
You are right, even I would have bought that for my PS3!

But back to this thread, do you agree with Weaste? Or should we turn this thread into an intervention for his obvious silicon and plastic (strictly black though!) fetish?
I found Weaste on another forum


Oh, I have another question.

Can you provide an up to date weekly hardware and software sales figure for us? Or a 2010 yearly one? It'll be interesting to see just how much more the PS3 has sold.

I've never said Wii vs PS3, if you could be bothered to read the thread properly from the start and follow its premise. I've said that the PS2 market share has been eaten into by XB360, and that PS3 + XB360 as a market is larger than Wii. This year PS3 is outselling Wii in Japan, and XB360 is starting to outsell it in North America.

I'll find you some figures. However, using Marchi's dodgy figures, add up XB360, PS3, and PC in software terms, then compare that to Wii. Then look how much of those two is made up with 3rd party software sales.
So what you are saying is that apart from the classic Nintendo franchises, something like Move or Kinect will totally wipe out whatever advantage Nintendo seemed to have this generation? They might as well do a SEGA for the next one then, and become a software publisher, because I doubt that Wii has sold in the numbers that is has for Mario and Zelda, because if that were the case, N64 and GameCube would have had similar results to Wii in terms of hardware sales. That's the problem, Wii sold in its millions to people who would have never even dreamed of buying a game console before, they have their Wii Sports, Fit, etc. and they are not interested in much else - thus the problem that the 3rd parties are having.

No, That's what you're saying. I don't want move or kinect and I can't see why anybody else with a Wii would either. I think you would be surprised by how many people own a Wii and either an Xbox or Ps3.

Despite having purchased the Wii mainly for Nintendo games, I have about 6 3rd party games and 8 Nintendo ones. Not a bad split, however the only ones I tend to go back to are the Nintendo ones.
I haven't purchased a Wii game for ages, but I will be picking up Mario Galaxy 2, Goldeneye and Kirby.

When the 3DS comes out, third parties will be back on side with Nintendo because it will be the must have gadget. 3D is the technology of the moment and if third parties put some decent games out then I'm sure they will sell.
No, That's what you're saying. I don't want move or kinect and I can't see why anybody else with a Wii would either.

I wasn't talking about current Wii owners, but rather future potential Wii owners.

When the 3DS comes out, third parties will be back on side with Nintendo because it will be the must have gadget. 3D is the technology of the moment and if third parties put some decent games out then I'm sure they will sell.

This isn't about the DS.
I've never said Wii vs PS3, if you could be bothered to read the thread properly from the start and follow its premise. I've said that the PS2 market share has been eaten into by XB360, and that PS3 + XB360 as a market is larger than Wii. This year PS3 is outselling Wii in Japan, and XB360 is starting to outsell it in North America.

I'll find you some figures. However, using Marchi's dodgy figures, add up XB360, PS3, and PC in software terms, then compare that to Wii. Then look how much of those two is made up with 3rd party software sales.

I wasn't talking about current Wii owners, but rather future potential Wii owners.

This isn't about the DS.

I don't really understand how someone so intelligent can still be reduced to clutching at straws and having a go at any machine not a PS3! I mean typical fanboys are one thing, but you are just weird.

Still if having sales totals of almost the other two rivals combined, and outselling the PS3 weekly means it's doomed, then goodbye Wii :(
Compare the Wii to the PS2.



Ask yourself what's happening? Then look at this, which is an image from Nintendo themselves:


3rd parties in those two territories have sold more on the XB360 alone than they have on the Wii. Considering that most of those 3rd party games are on both PS3 and XB360, 3rd party games for both of them together beat the whole of Wii sales including its 1st party. And I have no reason to believe why the situation in Europe is any different.
I don't really understand how someone so intelligent can still be reduced to clutching at straws and having a go at any machine not a PS3! I mean typical fanboys are one thing, but you are just weird.

Still if having sales totals of almost the other two rivals combined, and outselling the PS3 weekly means it's doomed, then goodbye Wii :(

This is your problem, you are a Nintendo fanboy, nobody else is a fanboy of anything, they are simply trying to point out facts to you that you will for some reason not accept. In terms of software, the Wii is nowhere near PS3 and XB360 combined (which together are even pushing the DS for its money). Nobody is having a go at the Wii, simply pointing out that it's seriously on the wane, and that the way Nintendo treat 3rd parties, they are going to have a problem getting them onboard for their next machine, which is going to come quite soon by the looks of things, and they will no longer have a unique selling point other than their 1st party games.
I wasn't talking about current Wii owners, but rather future potential Wii owners.

This isn't about the DS.

I know it's not about the DS, but I thought you had said in an earlier post that 3rd party developers might not see the point of supporting the next Nintendo console. My point was that the 3DS is likely to do well and it might help Nintendo to keep 3rd party support.

To be honest, I don't think Nintendo will be too bothered if the Wii dries up or not. They've made their money from profitable console sales and their own games will continue to sell. If the 3DS does well, I'm sure they'll find a gimmicky way to connect the two consoles and spark a bit of life back into the Wii before they bring out the next gen console.
Compare the Wii to the PS2.



Ask yourself what's happening? Then look at this, which is an image from Nintendo themselves:


3rd parties in those two territories have sold more on the XB360 alone than they have on the Wii. Considering that most of those 3rd party games are on both PS3 and XB360, 3rd party games for both of them together beat the whole of Wii sales including its 1st party. And I have no reason to believe why the situation in Europe is any different.

If I was a nintendo exec hat graph would make me very happy.

It looks good in isolation but than when you also consider circumstances like economic climate it becomes even more impressive.

You might also consider business plans.

Sony used cutting edge tech and lost money on sales initially going for a long cycle.

Nintendo used old tech with profit margins and could well be looking a shorter lifespan.
This is your problem, you are a Nintendo fanboy...blah...blah...blah

I'm not the one who's every other post is an attack on machines that aren't Sony made. I'm the one who has defended all four machines on this very site from one time or another, whilst you've never had a bad word to say about the PS3, yet the Xbox is shit and the Wii and PC are dead.

But don't let that, and the fact the Wii has sold more than the PS3, get in the way of what you think you are pointing out :boring:
If I was a nintendo exec hat graph would make me very happy.

It looks good in isolation but than when you also consider circumstances like economic climate it becomes even more impressive.

You might also consider business plans.

Sony used cutting edge tech and lost money on sales initially going for a long cycle.

Nintendo used old tech with profit margins and could well be looking a shorter lifespan.

Yep. Nintendo obviously knew from the off the Wii would have a lower lifespan, however it's done so well they also know the next machine will sell shedloads too - even if it's a cardboard box with DON'T BUY THIS! on it.

Or, they could stick a ping-pong ball on a Wii remote and pass that off as the next big thing ;)
I'm not the one who's every other post is an attack on machines that aren't Sony made. I'm the one who has defended all four machines on this very site from one time or another, whilst you've never had a bad word to say about the PS3, yet the Xbox is shit and the Wii and PC are dead.

I haven't though, it's a myth! What am I attacking here exactly? You seem rather sensitive on the issue? I've never said that the XB360 is shit, however, am I not right to call it out for its poor build quality? The PC obviously has problems, and most of it is to do with piracy. Look at the support the even Microsoft are giving that platform - Why no Halo on PC? Why no Gears of War on PC? Why no Alan Wake on PC?, take recent comments by Capcom regarding Street Fighter IV onboard and why it will not be getting a PC version.

But don't let that, and the fact the Wii has sold more than the PS3, get in the way of what you think you are pointing out :boring:

I think that you miss the entire point of the thread. It's not how you start, it's how you finish, and as such, Nintendo, without a unique selling point to exploit a market that never existed before, are going to have a problem with the next generation.
I haven't though, it's a myth! What am I attacking here exactly? You seem rather sensitive on the issue? I've never said that the XB360 is shit, however, am I not right to call it out for its poor build quality? The PC obviously has problems, and most of it is to do with piracy. Look at the support the even Microsoft are giving that platform - Why no Halo on PC? Why no Gears of War on PC? Why no Alan Wake on PC?, take recent comments by Capcom regarding Street Fighter IV onboard and why it will not be getting a PC version.

Err Halo, Gears of War and streetfighter 4 are on PC. You mean the new ones right?

Still, my point stands.

I think that you miss the entire point of the thread. It's not how you start, it's how you finish, and as such, Nintendo, without a unique selling point to exploit a market that never existed before, are going to have a problem with the next generation.

Utter rubbish.
Yep. Nintendo obviously knew from the off the Wii would have a lower lifespan, however it's done so well they also know the next machine will sell shedloads too - even if it's a cardboard box with DON'T BUY THIS! on it.

Or, they could stick a ping-pong ball on a Wii remote and pass that off as the next big thing ;)

They cannot support a machine on their own though can they? You can clearly see that neither Sony nor Microsoft could either. Look at the DS and the Wii ratios of software sales 1st to 3rd party. If 3rd party jump ship, they have a serious problem. Their machines are far too reliant on their own games.

This means that Wii 2 has to have a normal up to date GPU in it. Unless 3rd parties can convert their games to Wii 2 without much hassle, then they will not bother. The FIFA sales figures are striking.
They cannot support a machine on their own though can they? You can clearly see that neither Sony nor Microsoft could either. Look at the DS and the Wii ratios of software sales 1st to 3rd party. If 3rd party jump ship, they have a serious problem. Their machines are far too reliant on their own games.

This means that Wii 2 has to have a normal up to date GPU in it. Unless 3rd parties can convert their games to Wii 2 without much hassle, then they will not bother. The FIFA sales figures are striking.

If they can't support the machine on their own, how do you explain the fact you've written off their third party support yet it's still selling more software than anything else?

You can keep rehashing old points over and over again, but by refusing to answer mine you are just being silly.
Err Halo, Gears of War and streetfighter 4 are on PC. You mean the new ones right?

Still, my point stands.

You point stands nowhere, it's somewhere aimlessly floating around Pluto. No Halo after 2 has been released on PC. Gears of War 2 was not released on PC, 3 will not be released on PC, Alan Wake was not released on PC, and these are Microsoft published games - they even closed their flight simulator studio. Super Street Fighter IV will not be released on PC, and it goes on!

Utter rubbish.

It's clearly not! Your head is full of a lot of it though.
I don't think the Wii was ever designed to be a long lasting console, it was created to fill a niche in the market. An interactive console for the family, its done that and more. I think Nintendo themselves are frankly surprised by just how much its sold, it's blown the Xbox360/PS3 out of the water in terms of unit sales.

Rather than looking at a specific game sale (which is a hilarous argument Weaste). Why don't you look at the total sales of each console from Day 1. I think you'll find that the Wii is miles ahead of the rest. The Wii was a huge success, the underdog butchering the professionals at their own game. It'll be interesting to see where Nintendo go next, meanwhile i'll carry on playing Mario Kart from time to time.

*From someone who plays on his xbox regually.
If they can't support the machine on their own, how do you explain the fact you've written off their third party support yet it's still selling more software than anything else?

It's not, look at the 3rd party figures for XB360, it's outselling the Wii on half the install base. These games also sell on PS3 and PC without too much trouble to convert them, giving these 3rd party games figures above all Wii titles as a whole. And that's not even placing value into the mix, because XB360/PS3 games cost more to buy than Wii games.

You can keep rehashing old points over and over again, but by refusing to answer mine you are just being silly.

I've answered all of your questions, you simply don't want to take them onboard. If you really do not believe that in the main, aside from half a million party game, fitness game, and looking after your granddad's haircut game, offerings from 3rd parties on the Wii have not sold very well, then that's your delusion.
It amuses me that you think you know better than Nintendo Weaste. You wrote off the Wii as a gimmick before it was even released, no doubt you did the same with the Gamecube after the N64 too.

What I don't get, is why you think that they won't stay in the hardware market, or if they do why they won't compete? Do you know something we don't? (and I'm not talking more of your guess work either).
I've answered all of your questions, you simply don't want to take them onboard. If you really do not believe that in the main, aside from half a million party game, fitness game, and looking after your granddad's haircut game, offerings from 3rd parties on the Wii have not sold very well, then that's your delusion.

What you're failing to grasp Weaste is that the Wii has a different target audience to the PS3 and the Xbox360. So naturally the games you're referring too won't sell well on the Wii. I don't think many housewives would want to play Fifa :lol:
It's not, look at the 3rd party figures for XB360, it's outselling the Wii on half the install base. These games also sell on PS3 and PC without too much trouble to convert them, giving these 3rd party games figures above all Wii titles as a whole. And that's not even placing value into the mix, because XB360/PS3 games cost more to buy than Wii games.

I've answered all of your questions, you simply don't want to take them onboard. If you really do not believe that in the main, aside from half a million party game, fitness game, and looking after your granddad's haircut game, offerings from 3rd parties on the Wii have not sold very well, then that's your delusion.

There you go again, slightly changing your answer so it doesn't directly answer my question.

I'll make it simple for you:

Which machine has sold most games to date?
Rather than looking at a specific game sale (which is a hilarous argument Weaste). Why don't you look at the total sales of each console from Day 1. I think you'll find that the Wii is miles ahead of the rest. The Wii was a huge success, the underdog butchering the professionals at their own game. It'll be interesting to see where Nintendo go next, meanwhile i'll carry on playing Mario Kart from time to time.

Go back into the thread a little, and look at A) the Wii figures compared to the PS2. It went out of the gate like a monster, but its staying power is not there. B) Take on the fact that Microsoft has basically eaten 50% of Sony's market, yet combine them together and that market is well on track to beat PS2 and then some. C) If the XB360 and PS3 market are on track to be larger than PS2+GCN+XB1+DC, what the Wii has done is open up the market to something quite different, they have created a market that never existed before. D) Is that market still there, or has it has its fun with the fad? If that market is still there and wants a new upgraded version of the experience, they are about to get it if Nintendo wants it or not. E) Nintendo have for the past 4 quarters been losing money. F) They will have to go to market with a new machine that will probably be on par with XB360 and PS3 with no unique selling point other than their own old school games. So, they are out of sync. G) 3rd parties in the main think that they are a waste of time.
Which machine has sold most games to date?

It doesn't matter, it's missing the point, it's not about how many have been sold, it's about what can now be sold and what can be sold in the future. The soccer mums that bought themselves a balance board with Wii Fit and got Wii Sports in their millions is happy enough with what she got. Nintendo expanded the market outside of the traditional box, they have run down a road at 200mph and found that the end of it is a cul-de-sac.

It's you that defend all of the time rather than trying to debate where they can go now. The game has changed, and they no longer have a unique selling point. It's not even known if this waggle market still exists, whether they want more, or whether they have had enough. If they do want more, then there are now 3 different options instead of one. It all depends on what Nintendo can bring to the table, and they will be the first to bring something to the table.
I love how you keep saying the DS is irrelevant, yet keep bringing up the PS2 and adding the 360 and PS3 together.

But you are right, Nintendo are fecked and the whole world will end tomorrow.

You also forgot H) Hate of Nintendo and I) Ignorance of their plans.