Not looking good for the Wii is it?

No, you're changing the subject and derailing threads as you always do. The thread is about the rise, fall, and ultimate death of the Wii, not that the PS2 had a DVD player or not.

You turd!

You've directly compared the Wii's sales with the PS2 sales in this very thread, now if Brian feels that the DVD player was a factor in the PS2 sales, then surely it makes sense for him to bring it up?
How can a person despise a video gaming company and a console? How is it even possible to think about video games and rage, hate and despise?
The Wii never failed.....a company made a product....that product made them epic profits...why am I taking the bait even replying, weaste knows this.
I get the impression that Weaste only see's the technical side to hardware development and not the sales part. Which given his background in computer engineering 'or what ever the feck he does, something complicated' is probably normal.

It's why I brought up the point that sony will not wait for a year after the next Microsoft console comes out again which weaste thinks they will. They lost a massive amount of market share and they won't let it slip again.
I get the impression that Weaste only see's the technical side to hardware development and not the sales part. Which given his background in computer engineering 'or what ever the feck he does, something complicated' is probably normal.

It's why I brought up the point that sony will not wait for a year after the next Microsoft console comes out again which weaste thinks they will. They lost a massive amount of market share and they won't let it slip again.

He knows what he knows, and his knowledge of hardware is definitely to be respected. However his weakness is failure to believe that the industy is more dynamic and still relatively young and thus things don't always happen according to his logic. Plus he doesn't understand games and gamers, and he certainly doesn't understand me.

You only have to look at the first couple of pages of this very thread where I start talking about the new machines, and he just couldn't accept what I was saying even though he knows full well I'm usually right when it comes to this industry and the games.
It's very weird. Even more so when you think Nintendo popularised gaming and if it wasn't for them, the PS1 wouldn't have even happened!

Wii has been nothing but succees. They sold 18m units when they released GameCube, it was a major failure and they needed something special to compete again - so they created a system that at the end of the day will sell way over 100m. In the meantime they've also sold millions upon millions of DS and 3DS. When you look at sales you can't really label Nintendo's policy for the last half a decade a failure, now can you?
How can a person despise a video gaming company and a console? How is it even possible to think about video games and rage, hate and despise?

If I ever see the schmuck responsible for coming up with the idea of the Wii, or anyone who helped develop it, or anyone who worked on the marketing, or even anyone in the fecking press office, I will feck them up. I will destroy them. I will make sure they are never in a position to assist in such a travesty of corporate / gaming history again.
If I ever see the schmuck responsible for coming up with the idea of the Wii, or anyone who helped develop it, or anyone who worked on the marketing, or even anyone in the fecking press office, I will feck them up. I will destroy them. I will make sure they are never in a position to assist in such a travesty of corporate / gaming history again.

Well you'd better start killing people over at Sony. It was them who invented the casual gaming market, them who came up with the idea of dumbing down and making console games easier, and if you believe Weaste, it was them who came up with motion control gaming.

Have fun!
For me, any movement at all is to be regretted. If I can get through a day without moving anything except my fingers (and maybe, briefly, my arms and wrists (when I am drinking a cup of tea)) I have done well for myself.
For me, any movement at all is to be regretted. If I can get through a day without moving anything except my fingers (and maybe, briefly, my arms and wrists (when I am drinking a cup of tea)) I have done well for myself.

Oh to win the lottery and have a sexy young maid do literally everything for us! I'd even give her the controller and tell her how to play the games for me :)
In such a scenario I might well be forced to get up from the sofa to give this sexy specimen the seeing to she clearly deserves. But then I will resent her for it and will have to add her to my list. The list of things that are quite fun but must be destroyed for making me move.
In such a scenario I might well be forced to get up from the sofa to give this sexy specimen the seeing to she clearly deserves. But then I will resent her for it and will have to add her to my list. The list of things that are quite fun but must be destroyed for making me move.

What? Get her to do all the work! You could even pop a viagra for even less effort on your part! I'm thinking the young maid from American Horror Story ;)
I can pick up a pre-owned wii for 50 quid, i'm not in too much of a hurry right now anyway but i will get it at some point. I've only read and heard good things about the game? I'm sure it's no OOT but i did enjoy Twilight Princess
My kid has a Wii, I hooked it up to the big TV a few months ago to see what it was like. It was the 1st time I really noticed how spoilt we are now with HD games. It looked really poor.

But I will get the latest Zelda game at some stage
It is a great game. Best Zelda since OOT for me.

What, the Wii or the game? Not that it matters. Weaste wannabe!


It's a turd! Old technology! No 3rd party! Shite!
Like it or not it's old technology and it's a dead turd now!

Beat that Nintendo!
To be fair I haven't liked a Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo E3 press conference in several years now. They always disappoint.
I agree but 6 months away from a console launch and the WiiU is not exactly screaming "Buy me"
Yeah, but they normally release the more exciting hardcore stuff at the developers table. I'm sure they'll pander to the hardcore market closer to launch.

Sigh. Looks like that time has come around again, where I'm going to have to decide whether to buy a console just for a handful of first party games.
Yeah, but they normally release the more exciting hardcore stuff at the developers table. I'm sure they'll pander to the hardcore market closer to launch.

Sigh. Looks like that time has come around again, where I'm going to have to decide whether to buy a console just for a handful of first party games.

Surely the point of E3 is to sell the console to the media and therefore the final customer. In that respect they did a bad job. Absolutely nothing for casual gamers to get excited over as it is mostly the same old stuff. It also had next to nothing to cater for the hardcore crowd.