Not looking good for the Wii is it?

The reason the Wii sold so well was because it was original enough to convince people like Biscuit to buy a second console. Games like FIFA/PES aren't suited to the Wii so these people won't buy them for their Wii. The other big chunk of the market owned by the Wii are people who never owned a console before and wouldn't have any interest in a football simulation. Young girls, basically.
It could be that most Wii consoles are chipped like mine. Or it could be that footy games are utter gash on it like others have said.
The problem with the Wii is that it tried to appeal to completely the wrong audience.

People who play computer games have absolutely no interest in keeping fit. If they did, they wouldn't be playing football on a games console, they'd be out playing bloody football!

Sitting on their arse in front of a screen for 14 hours a day with nothing but cheesy puffs and eight cans of lager for sustenance is what they want.

If you've ever tried doing Wii Fit with a bag of cheesy puffs in one hand and a can of lager in the other, you'll know what I mean when I say it's a total shambles.
The problem with the Wii is that it tried to appeal to completely the wrong audience.

People who play computer games have absolutely no interest in keeping fit. If they did, they wouldn't be playing football on a games console, they'd be out playing bloody football!

Sitting on their arse in front of a screen for 14 hours a day with nothing but cheesy puffs and eight cans of lager for sustenance is what they want.

If you've ever tried doing Wii Fit with a bag of cheesy puffs in one hand and a can of lager in the other, you'll know what I mean when I say it's a total shambles.
Not everything on the Wii involves keeping fit!
You can use a classic controller with the Wii. Saying FIFA and PES don't work with it is odd, because one hell of a lot of people played them during the PS2 days, and the PS2 (which in most places is gathering dust, been already chucked in the bin, or is in its box in a cupboard somewhere) just went and sold around the same amount of copies of FIFA 11 as Wii.
You can use a classic controller with the Wii. Saying FIFA and PES don't work with it is odd, because one hell of a lot of people played them during the PS2 days, and the PS2 (which in most places is gathering dust, been already chucked in the bin, or is in its box in a cupboard somewhere) just went and sold around the same amount of copies of FIFA 11 as Wii.

The point is that people don't buy them to play games like FIFA, they either have a 360 or PS3 to play those type of games or are casual gamers.
The point is that people don't buy them to play games like FIFA, they either have a 360 or PS3 to play those type of games or are casual gamers.

I don't buy the argument that Wii owners also own a PS3 or an XB360, and that's half of the point. I'm also sure that all of the people that bought FIFA or PES on the PS2 were not what you would call hardcore gamers. The whole premise of the thread was that of Wii owners buying 3rd party games, and that if they do not, it doesn't really matter in terms of hardware sales numbers, it will die a very sharp quick death if those 3rd parties pull out. Not only that, but it will also make the 3rd parties a little apprehensive about getting onto the bandwagon of the next Nintendo platform. As I said, it shot its load way too early.
The fact that they had a PS2 meant they were at least slightly serious about games, unless they wanted an ugly expensive dvd player.

The games that sell the Wii are the Nintendo games and those that make effective use of the control system, not the major cross platform 3rd party games.
I don't buy the argument that Wii owners also own a PS3 or an XB360, and that's half of the point. I'm also sure that all of the people that bought FIFA or PES on the PS2 were not what you would call hardcore gamers. The whole premise of the thread was that of Wii owners buying 3rd party games, and that if they do not, it doesn't really matter in terms of hardware sales numbers, it will die a very sharp quick death if those 3rd parties pull out. Not only that, but it will also make the 3rd parties a little apprehensive about getting onto the bandwagon of the next Nintendo platform. As I said, it shot its load way too early.

Don't mean to be argumentative just for the sake of it but in our house, we have a Wii in the front room and a 360 in the back room.

The older lad tends to play exclusively on the 360 (FIFA, mainly) but has been known to indulge in a bit of Wii on occasion. The Wii was bought "for all of us" but I only played on it a bit and decided it was too much like work, my missus went on the Wii fit for a while until she got pissed off with that stupid woman's voice and our youngest lad just likes waving the pads around and making new Mii's (we now have about ten thousand of them walking around the front screen).

I think it is fair to say, however, that people who bought both systems (Wii and Xbox/PS3) (probably deluding themselves that the Wii would be great exercise) will have ditched the Wii by now and will be playing almost exclusively on the Xbox/PS3.

A complete generalisation based on little more than a number of friends', relatives' and my own personal experiences but there you go.
People who play computer games have absolutely no interest in keeping fit. If they did, they wouldn't be playing football on a games console, they'd be out playing bloody football!

Sitting on their arse in front of a screen for 14 hours a day with nothing but cheesy puffs and eight cans of lager for sustenance is what they want.

Quite possibly the biggest load of shit I've ever read! A huge generalisation, and a terrible one at that.
The problem with the Wii is that it tried to appeal to completely the wrong audience.

People who play computer games have absolutely no interest in keeping fit. If they did, they wouldn't be playing football on a games console, they'd be out playing bloody football!

Sitting on their arse in front of a screen for 14 hours a day with nothing but cheesy puffs and eight cans of lager for sustenance is what they want.

If you've ever tried doing Wii Fit with a bag of cheesy puffs in one hand and a can of lager in the other, you'll know what I mean when I say it's a total shambles.

Wrong, the Wii appealed to all types of audience, hence the system sales. Unfortunately, like the Gamecube and N64 it got the wrong idea in casual gamers minds early that it was for kids.

The truth though, is that if you delve deep enough it's more than a flashy wand with some mildly amusing games.
I don't buy the argument that Wii owners also own a PS3 or an XB360, and that's half of the point. I'm also sure that all of the people that bought FIFA or PES on the PS2 were not what you would call hardcore gamers. The whole premise of the thread was that of Wii owners buying 3rd party games, and that if they do not, it doesn't really matter in terms of hardware sales numbers, it will die a very sharp quick death if those 3rd parties pull out. Not only that, but it will also make the 3rd parties a little apprehensive about getting onto the bandwagon of the next Nintendo platform. As I said, it shot its load way too early.

I have a Wii and a Ps3.

Wii is for Mario, Zelda etc. And to mess about on when friends/family come over.
Ps3 = everything else.
I don't buy the argument that Wii owners also own a PS3 or an XB360, and that's half of the point. I'm also sure that all of the people that bought FIFA or PES on the PS2 were not what you would call hardcore gamers. The whole premise of the thread was that of Wii owners buying 3rd party games, and that if they do not, it doesn't really matter in terms of hardware sales numbers, it will die a very sharp quick death if those 3rd parties pull out. Not only that, but it will also make the 3rd parties a little apprehensive about getting onto the bandwagon of the next Nintendo platform. As I said, it shot its load way too early.

Your bitterness tastes so sweet to me Weaste.

You dislike the Wii because of the age of it's technology, but you love to point out how old the Move technology is. How old is that again by the way?

You also claim to love hardware, yet you fail to see just how well put together the original Gamecube is and why Nintendo chose to use it again. I mean you hate Microsoft and DirectX, yet when Nintendo choose to go with OpenGL (well near enough) you fail to mention how good that is.
I've got a 360 and PS3. And a Gamecube, Dreamcast, XBOX, SNES and Amiga too.

I don't actually play many games. Which does annoy me.
feck me, I know I'm not funny but did it not occur to anyone that I was taking the piss there and was in no way serious at all?

Eight cans of lager obviously wouldn't even last 14 hours, ffs.
I've got a 360 and PS3. And a Gamecube, Dreamcast, XBOX, SNES and Amiga too.

I don't actually play many games. Which does annoy me.

I downloaded Super Metroid last night and started playing through it again. I think you should do the same. Just got the Varia Suit. The game is ridiculously easy but it's so much fun.
I've got a 360 and PS3. And a Gamecube, Dreamcast, XBOX, SNES and Amiga too.

I don't actually play many games. Which does annoy me.

Great taste.

feck me, I know I'm not funny but did it not occur to anyone that I was taking the piss there and was in no way serious at all?

Eight cans of lager obviously wouldn't even last 14 hours, ffs.

No, what you did wrong was try to be funny in a thread where Weaste is on his high horse. It's hard to see sarcasm when he's about :lol::lol:
I have a Wii and a Ps3.

Wii is for Mario, Zelda etc. And to mess about on when friends/family come over.
Ps3 = everything else.

So what you are saying is that apart from the classic Nintendo franchises, something like Move or Kinect will totally wipe out whatever advantage Nintendo seemed to have this generation? They might as well do a SEGA for the next one then, and become a software publisher, because I doubt that Wii has sold in the numbers that is has for Mario and Zelda, because if that were the case, N64 and GameCube would have had similar results to Wii in terms of hardware sales. That's the problem, Wii sold in its millions to people who would have never even dreamed of buying a game console before, they have their Wii Sports, Fit, etc. and they are not interested in much else - thus the problem that the 3rd parties are having.
I downloaded Super Metroid last night and started playing through it again. I think you should do the same. Just got the Varia Suit. The game is ridiculously easy but it's so much fun.

Yeah, it's my fav game ever. Must've completed it 5 or 6 times. I wish they'd make a proper sequel with 2.5D graphs a la LBP. I think I'd probably cream myself involuntarily if this were to happen.
Yeah, it's my fav game ever. Must've completed it 5 or 6 times. I wish they'd make a proper sequel with 2.5D graphs a la LBP. I think I'd probably cream myself involuntarily if this were to happen.

There's a couple of decent (though not as great as Super Metroid) metroid games on the AGB that you can play via an emulator.

Metroid Primes are still quality games though! The trilogy with Wii controls really is class.
Your bitterness tastes so sweet to me Weaste.

I don't quite understand what you mean!

You dislike the Wii because of the age of it's technology, but you love to point out how old the Move technology is. How old is that again by the way?

The Wiimote is not my beef with the Wii in terms of technology, it's what's inside of the box. The standard Wiimote isn't that complicated. Move is a lot more advanced, but I don't own one and don't have any real desire to own one, as you know how I feel about motion gaming. You are just trying to score a cheap argumentative point here, as you know damn well that when I talk about the age of Move, it's about its concept, not its technology per se.

You also claim to love hardware, yet you fail to see just how well put together the original Gamecube is and why Nintendo chose to use it again.

Nintendo chose to use it again because it was dirt cheap and sufficed in the market that they were aiming for. They chose well.

I mean you hate Microsoft and DirectX, yet when Nintendo choose to go with OpenGL (well near enough) you fail to mention how good that is.

I don't necessarily hate Direct X, but as with anything Microsoft stick their thumbs into it ends up as a bloated pile of shite. OpenGL isn't much better, but it was designed for a very different purpose.
The Wiimote is not my beef with the Wii in terms of technology, it's what's inside of the box. The standard Wiimote isn't that complicated. Move is a lot more advanced, but I don't own one and don't have any real desire to own one, as you know how I feel about motion gaming. You are just trying to score a cheap argumentative point here, as you know damn well that when I talk about the age of Move, it's about its concept, not its technology per se.

So point out to me what's wrong with the Wii technology then. Since I happen to think it's very streamlined and well made, if old.

Do you not like old technology?

Nintendo chose to use it again because it was dirt cheap and sufficed in the market that they were aiming for. They chose well.

Plus they knew that all gamers aren't about the graphics. Not that there's anything wrong with wanting higher polygon counts, it's just nice there's a cheaper option.

I don't necessarily hate Direct X, but as with anything Microsoft stick their thumbs into it ends up as a bloated pile of shite. OpenGL isn't much better, but it was designed for a very different purpose.

Yes it was, Silicon graphics. The same people who made the N64 much more advanced for it's time. It's cleaner than DirectX and really should be the way forward.

Imagine if Sony with their forward thinking and Nintendo, with their video game plan could bury the hatchet?
In all case Lambs, however, you detract from the original purpose of the thread, that the Wii is basically dead as platform because of 3rd party software sales in general. Nintendo cannot support it on their own. Where do they go now? Because I can't see vitality sensors taking off, unless they want to diverge into being the producer of home electronic gymnasium equipment.
No, what you did wrong was try to be funny in a thread where Weaste is on his high horse. It's hard to see sarcasm when he's about :lol::lol:

Fair enough. I'll bear that in mind. To be fair, his passion for the subject is on a level I have never encountered before.

I was brought up playing computer games, until I lost a lot of my love for them a few years ago, I would play them for hours on end and I had mates who I had grown up with who were exactly the same.

But Weaste is on a different level.

It's fantastic and a little bit scary all at the same time!
Yeah, it's my fav game ever. Must've completed it 5 or 6 times. I wish they'd make a proper sequel with 2.5D graphs a la LBP. I think I'd probably cream myself involuntarily if this were to happen.

Metroid 2 on the Gameboy was the only 2D game I really played. Very fun game, despite the B&W graphics.
In all case Lambs, however, you detract from the original purpose of the thread, that the Wii is basically dead as platform because of 3rd party software sales in general. Nintendo cannot support it on their own. Where do they go now? Because I can't see vitality sensors taking off, unless they want to diverge into being the producer of home electronic gymnasium equipment.

So what you are saying, is despite being an old school merchant, you want Nintendo to fail?

Fair enough. I'll bear that in mind. To be fair, his passion for the subject is on a level I have never encountered before.

I was brought up playing computer games, until I lost a lot of my love for them a few years ago, I would play them for hours on end and I had mates who I had grown up with who were exactly the same.

But Weaste is on a different level.

It's fantastic and a little bit scary all at the same time!

Weaste knows his stuff. However he tends to get too caught up in one particular company, which is strange seeing as his beloved Amiga fell to the kind of people that now make the Ps3/Xbox.

It's the PS3 thing that's kind of amusing though, the fanboys for that are far worse than anything gone before. It's particularly amusing to me, since the ironic thing is Sony invented the casual gamer market - the very one the Wii is accused of attracting!
PS3 doesn't use Direct X nor OpenGL (even though RSX supports it). I don't see what you point is.


I meant hardware and software knowledge mixed. Whether you like to believe it or not, Sony are still way Behind Nintendo and Microsoft with software support.

Well, I suppose that Sony could have done a stripped down GSCube, stuck on an EyeToy and been done with it, calling it Pii in the process.

Or, they could just stick a ping-pong ball on a Wii remote and call it Move!
So what you are saying, is despite being an old school merchant, you want Nintendo to fail?

I don't want them to fail, no, I just can't see where they can go, at least in the home console space. If they had done Mario Galaxy for XB360 alone, it would have sold just as many copies.

Weaste knows his stuff. However he tends to get too caught up in one particular company, which is strange seeing as his beloved Amiga fell to the kind of people that now make the Ps3/Xbox.

My "beloved Amiga" fell to the incompetence of the company that owned it.

It's the PS3 thing that's kind of amusing though, the fanboys for that are far worse than anything gone before. It's particularly amusing to me, since the ironic thing is Sony invented the casual gamer market - the very one the Wii is accused of attracting!

The PS3 has nothing to do with this. The thread is about the incredible explosion and success of the Wii, and why it will ultimately fail. Not only in terms of life span, but in terms of a business model for the entire industry. We've gone over this in the thread already - XB360 and PS3 combined are a larger market than Wii, and both are well on track to beat the LTD sales of PS2, GCN, XB1, and DC - XB360 basically ate half of the PS2 market.

Wii exploded the market into very different places. In terms of hardware it has doubled the market, yet in terms of software, the machine is poor. There are only so many dancing and waggling games that you can make before it becomes all rather similar. The massive inflation of FPS games is no different either, and this winter we will be soaked in the bloody things.

If Wii is not a place where 3rd party publishers can find money, then they will stop developing for it. If Nintendo continues along this path, then those same 3rd party publishers are not going to bother with their next system. There is a reason why PS3 has RSX rather than some goofy god knows what Toshiba might have come up with. It's been bad enough with RSX.
I don't want them to fail, no, I just can't see where they can go, at least in the home console space. If they had done Mario Galaxy for XB360 alone, it would have sold just as many copies.

:lol: So you are saying that the amount of games units it's sold on the Wii = the amount it would have sold on the XB360?

What about hardware sales?

My "beloved Amiga" fell to the incompetence of the company that owned it.

No, it fell to idiots who say competition above innovation.

The PS3 has nothing to do with this. The thread is about the incredible explosion and success of the Wii, and why it will ultimately fail. Not only in terms of life span, but in terms of a business model for the entire industry. We've gone over this in the thread already - XB360 and PS3 combined are a larger market than Wii, and both are well on track to beat the LTD sales of PS2, GCN, and DC - XB360 basically ate half of the PS2 market.

Right so how, exactly will the Wii fail?

Oh what's your point?

Wii exploded the market into very different places. In terms of hardware it has doubled the market, yet in terms of software, the machine is poor. There are only so many dancing and waggling games that you can make before it becomes all rather similar. The massive inflation of FPS games is no different either, and this winter we will be soaked in the bloody things.

That must explain why Sony and Microsoft want to copy it then :rolleyes:

If Wii is not a place where 3rd party publishers can find money, then they will stop developing for it. If Nintendo continues along this path, then those same 3rd party publishers are not going to bother with their next system. There is a reason why PS3 has RSX rather than some goofy god knows what Toshiba might have come up with. It's been bad enough with RSX.

Right, the same thing happened to the N64 and Gamecube, yet they were both better pieces of hardware than the generation of their time. Why not try (and succeed) with something different?

But they were doing that in 2003 when Wiimote didn't exist. You keep going around in these cyclical arguments. They already had the ping-pong ball tracked in 2003 or earlier.

Yet, it's old hardware and you don't like the Wii because it's old hardware:

The Wiimote is not my beef with the Wii in terms of technology, it's what's inside of the box

The reason the Wii sold so well was because it was original enough to convince people like Biscuit to buy a second console. Games like FIFA/PES aren't suited to the Wii so these people won't buy them for their Wii. The other big chunk of the market owned by the Wii are people who never owned a console before and wouldn't have any interest in a football simulation. Young girls, basically.

Well, I bought Wii as my second console because I thought it'd be fun, especially in multiplayer and I was right - games like Grand Slam Tennis or Tiger Woods are really awesome when you gather a few friends to play.

I wouldn't buy FIFA because it doesn't make sense when I have a PS3 that has a much superior version of it.