Dr. Dwayne
Self proclaimed tagline king.

Easily one of the best movies ever. These are facts.
The more I think about it, the more undeniable it is.
My personal fave Arnie film is undoubtedly The Running Man.
fecking brilliant film. Based on a book by Philip K Dick, one my favourite authors.
Nearly all Arnies films in the 80's were just great sci fi films at the heart, often dystopian sci fi. My personal fave Arnie film is undoubtedly The Running Man.
Are you serious? Over Terminator? Conan? Predator? To Catch a Pred- Kindergarten Cop?
Arnie then > Arnie now![]()
What are you, some kind of asshole?One of Annies worst films and the film that confirmed that his golden age was already over.
What are you, some kind of asshole?
According to you, COMMANDO is a better film?It's a turkey FFS!
You've obviously got the taste of a shit-licker.
It's a turkey FFS!
You've obviously got the taste of a shit-licker.
As far as Arnie turkeys go this wasn't really one of them as it does rank alongside some of his better movies.
It isn't terrible in terms of dialogue(isn't great either) has a pretty well told and complex storyline and has one of the most intelligent/ambiguous endings you will see in an Arnie movie. It also did good box office and one praise back then for its special effects, so it wasn't bad at all.
You are however probably right about most of films after this being pretty much dire except maybe True Lies.
It's awesome. It has a three-jugged lady for christ sake!
It's easily better than Commando and Predator - it's directed by Verhoeven FFS. Predator was an enjoyable film when I was younger but it has nothing in terms of a plot really.
"Baby, You Make Me Wish I Had Three Hands!"
This is my ringtone.
Ever heard of NSFW you bellend?
Ha ha ha, have some of that you fecking knob...
I mean honestly, what the feck. I thought it was common internet etiquette that everyone was aware of. Luckily enough the only person who can see my comp is my boss who wasn't at her desk, but I seriously doubt everyone is going to be as lucky as me.
Explaining away a triple set of titties ain't gonna be easy for some.
Could someone tell me where I could get one of these jobs where it's ok for your boss to see you on a football forum during working hours (so long as there are no photos of tits, of course)?