Dr. Dwayne
Self proclaimed tagline king.
Explaining away a triple set of titties ain't gonna be easy for some.
You tell that Cohagen bitch that you'll see her at the party.
Start the reactor. Free Mars.
Explaining away a triple set of titties ain't gonna be easy for some.
It's easily better than Commando and Predator - it's directed by Verhoeven FFS. Predator was an enjoyable film when I was younger but it has nothing in terms of a plot really.
'Commando' is a terrible movie, you dolt.Verhoeven made a mess of the Total Recall - fact!
Thou Commando and Predator are the traditional revenge films that follow simple storylines, they are stories that are well told. Predator added a new twist to the revenge story in that the antagonist was an alien. And what an alien at that!
Verhoeven made a mess of Total Recall - live with it!
Thou Commando and Predator are the traditional revenge films that follow simple storylines, they are stories that are well told. Predator added a new twist to the revenge story in that the antagonist was an alien. And what an alien at that!
Total Recall had a several great and serious themes, all of which Verhoeven failed to handle big-time.
I disagree. I believe 'Predator' is a far superior film to 'Commando', although I enjoy both equally.I didnt think so. Perhaps the main trouble with the film was that Arnie was the lead actor, but seeing as he personally had bought the rights to the film and held power of veto over everyone else involved, there is probably not much Verhoven could have changed. Nevertheless, it retained much of his style. The only really good thing about Predator is the actual character design of the alien itself, it's not got much else going for it or that otherwise sets itself apart from the likes of Commando, really.
Commando was wank, Rossi. These are facts. We have fond memories of it because we all loved Alyssa Milano who starred in TVs Who's the Boss? at the time.
I watched it recently and it was God awful stuff, primarily because it was somehow based in reality.
Like Predator, Total Recall gets away with some things because it is science fiction.
Word to the wise, motherfecker....
Don't go on Redcafe at work and then blame others for posting pictures of tits.
Do some work or something, in your heart of hearts you must know there is a chance someone will post a pair of tits, or even elderly gay porn as some chap allegedly once did....
Commando and Predator are what it says on the label. They are based on comic book style heroes who deal with issues in a comic book way ie violence.
fecking brilliant film. Based on a book by Philip K Dick, one my favourite authors.
Nearly all Arnies films in the 80's were just great sci fi films at the heart, often dystopian sci fi. My personal fave Arnie film is undoubtedly The Running Man.
Predator is awesome, Commando is awesome, Total Recall is awesome.
Let off some steam Bennett!
Anyone who wears chain-mail, a moustache and wields a horrible Aussie accent deserves to be lanced through the heart.
Commando and Predator are what it says on the label. They are based on comic book style heroes who deal with issues in a comic book way ie violence.
Total Recall is something completely different. If you read the book that the film takes its title from you'd realise that it deals with major philosophical issues which are very much human: individuality, mind control, crime & punishment, exploitation and revolution.
Verhoeven has taken a great story from Dick's book and turned it into a bad version of Commando. Worst of all, the film needed a proper actor - something Arnie is not!
I remember watching Commando when I was nine and thinking, 'Lord have mercy, I'm at an age where you could pretty much sell me anything but sakes alive this is some kind of achievement in borefestery. Does this director know anything about shot framing and/or character dev.... And then Alyssa would come onscreen and I'd shut up. For a while at least.
I can't believe they're remaking this Arnie classic. I hope Colin Farrell doesn't say "Give da people da air" It won't be the same.
I can't believe they're remaking this Arnie classic. I hope Colin Farrell doesn't say "Give da people da air" It won't be the same.
First they remake Conan, now this. Why would anybody want to tamper with cinematic perfection?
No no no
feck, no
No way
No no no
feck, no
No way
Why is it in every Arnie film he makes this noise? It's like his trademark or some shit: