The Official "My Xbox 360 just Died" Thread

The Flying Potato

New Member
Jun 17, 2007
The air.
Saw this on another forum and it's quite a good idea. Just to get a feeling of how many 360's do break.

So if you're 360('s) have died on you then post it here. Oh and the thread on the other forum had a whopping 200+ pages!!

I'l start it off by saying that my first and only one died last week and is currently in Frankfurt waiting to be "repaired" and then it's going on eBay.

It was a 2006 Premium model and lasted just over a year and a half and then the RROD got to it.
1st one died after about 9 months. Got the old "To play this disk put it in an xbox 360 console"

Had 2nd one for about 15 months now....

A mate got the red rings after 2 months
Had two 360s.

First was a premium I got around launch, had it for over a year, no problems and I sold it to some guy who's yet to have problems to this day.

I then bought my current console, the 360 elite. Had that for some time too and still no problems whatsoever.
Mine, at repair shop now. Got it when they first came out (December 2005) and it broke about 2 months ago, been using the towel trick ever since.. finally gave up!

Hoping to get a HDMI port on a new one!
Mine, at repair shop now. Got it when they first came out (December 2005) and it broke about 2 months ago, been using the towel trick ever since.. finally gave up!

Hoping to get a HDMI port on a new one!

Whats the towel trick?
Exactly. Did mine for months, worked fine but got bored!
Had mine just over a year when it broke. Sent it for repair, got it back, broke after 2 months. Traded it in (Broken) at GAME for a PS3.
Had mine just over a year when it broke. Sent it for repair, got it back, broke after 2 months. Traded it in (Broken) at GAME for a PS3.

Did you get a straight trade no extra money just all your 360 stuff for the PS3? I don't know if I should trade mine in or risk it on eBay.
Did you get a straight trade no extra money just all your 360 stuff for the PS3? I don't know if I should trade mine in or risk it on eBay.

I traded in my 360, the remote, 2 controllers and 16 games, I got £390, so I had to put £35 of my own cash to get the console and then £40 to get Resistance.
Keep it. Yes it breaks, but its still a class console..

O no, I didn't just say the Xbox is on a level with PS3 did I? O Noes! :D
Mine has been fine and shall be 2 this December. It has had hundreds of hours PES time and never once played up. I went and got a PS3 yesterday so my 360 shall probably blow up in anger and jelousy within the week!!
Only had to send mine back once, had it since release date and after about 12 months lit up like a xmas tree - to which M$ sent me a reconditioned replacement. Think I've been pretty lucky (compared to others), in its peak I was probably spending 60 hours a week on my xbox.

For all the stick that xbox gets, its still made massives strides into knocking Sony of its pedestal, released 18 months earlier, and is more than holding its own against PS3 even now.

The next generation consoles should be a good battle.
Wrap it in three towels and leave it on for about 20 mins, this heats it up so much it actualy re-solders all the shit back together*....for a few days

*atleast, thats what I think happens

:lol: Are you serious, something tells me you are, fecking Microsoft
I traded in my 360, the remote, 2 controllers and 16 games, I got £390, so I had to put £35 of my own cash to get the console and then £40 to get Resistance.
Interesting, I have the 360, two controllers (wireless obv), bateery thingys for the controllers and the charger thingy for it and 13/14 games, hopefully mine will be the same sort of value cause all I need is £250 at the least :D
Keep it. Yes it breaks, but its still a class console..

O no, I didn't just say the Xbox is on a level with PS3 did I? O Noes! :D

Yeah, but I always said if the 360 ever breaks on me i'l get the PS3 when it's had it's price drop as the only reason I went for the 360 was because of the price and I have always preferd the PS3 what with blu-ray an' all
I am indeed serious, i'm surprised this is the first you've heard of it.

Yeah I guess I am that is hilarious, Microsoft probably recommends it in the instruction manual:

"Since our product is such a piece of shit, we recommend that you use the towel trick* if you are having issues with the product."

*Towels sold separately
Yeah I guess I am that is hilarious, Microsoft probably recommends it in the instruction manual:

"Since our product is such a piece of shit, we recommend that you use the towel trick* if you are having issues with the product."

*Towels sold separately

I'm actualy surprised they havn't released a Microsoft branded towel specialy designed for the 360, they could make billions...or not.
Mine got the RROD a while ago. Had my current one for about 18 months I think.

I play in a online SWOS league (about 50 players over 4 leagues) and at least once per week fixtures get postponed due to system failures. It really is a joke.

I'm sure i'll get a PS3 soon enough, not really any reason to at the moment for me.
UPS picked mine up today for the second time, it's out of the door the minute it gets back, time for a PS3.

I've really enjoyed it to be honest but I'm looking forward to Blu Ray and the PS3 now.

The only thing I'm concerned about is the controller, I prefer the xbox one to the Playstation. I suppose I'll get used to it.
UPS picked mine up today for the second time, it's out of the door the minute it gets back, time for a PS3.

I've really enjoyed it to be honest but I'm looking forward to Blu Ray and the PS3 now.

The only thing I'm concerned about is the controller, I prefer the xbox one to the Playstation. I suppose I'll get used to it

I'm exactly the same. I picked up a PS2 controller the other day and feck me it's like a feather! And the sixaxis is supposed to be lighter! But the DS3 is apparantly abit heavier but I don't think it will be anywhere near the 360 pad.
I'm exactly the same. I picked up a PS2 controller the other day and feck me it's like a feather! And the sixaxis is supposed to be lighter! But the DS3 is apparantly abit heavier but I don't think it will be anywhere near the 360 pad.

I like first person shooters and just think the xbox controller is more comfortable.

I'm sure I'll adapt, mind you they could probably get monkeys to suss it quicker than I could.
I'm exactly the same. I picked up a PS2 controller the other day and feck me it's like a feather! And the sixaxis is supposed to be lighter! But the DS3 is apparantly abit heavier but I don't think it will be anywhere near the 360 pad.

Ditto, the one thing I hate about the Playstation consoles are the controllers. My hands are quite big so really the controllers feel too light and anorexic to me.

It seems OK for beat em ups, racing games or what have you but I find it AWFUL for shooters, in fact the 360 for me has the only controller bearable for FPS games besides a keyboard + mouse setup. Luckily though my problem should be solved with a bluetooth keyboard.

Anyway 2 days to go till I pick up my mean machine!
Ditto, the one thing I hate about the Playstation consoles are the controllers. My hands are quite big so really the controllers feel too light and anorexic to me.

It seems OK for beat em ups, racing games or what have you but I find it AWFUL for shooters, in fact the 360 for me has the only controller bearable for FPS games besides a keyboard + mouse setup. Luckily though my problem should be solved with a bluetooth keyboard.

Anyway 2 days to go till I pick up my mean machine!

Yeah, and they need to change where the analog sticks are too, just doesn't feel right. Though it felt perfetly normal pre-360 so I guess it is just a matter of getting used to it all over again.
I like first person shooters and just think the xbox controller is more comfortable.

I'm sure I'll adapt, mind you they could probably get monkeys to suss it quicker than I could.

Yeah I like the X-Box controller more for shooters, and the PS3 more for sports
So, so far we have 13 dead 360's out of 12 people who have one in this thread. not looking good for MS so far...

To be fair though you made a thread asking if anyone's 360 has died so naturally the vast majority of people posting on this thread will have been in this situation, otherwise why post. Before you ask, my post was to simply prove that not all 360 owners have had their console die on them.

Besides as technically unreliable as the 360 is, I very much doubt you'll find that 12/13 360 owners (or 92% for that matter) have had a faltering 360.
Isnt the figure roughly 31% or something? (Still way too high mind)
To be fair though you made a thread asking if anyone's 360 has died so naturally the vast majority of people posting on this thread will have been in this situation, otherwise why post. Before you ask, my post was to simply prove that not all 360 owners have had their console die on them.

Besides as technically unreliable as the 360 is, I very much doubt you'll find that 12/13 360 owners (or 92% for that matter) have had a faltering 360.

Yet two people have posted saying they have had no problems.