Keir Starmer Labour Leader

There’s also a video of him being called out on his arrival in Scotland. Dunno how to share as I have it on WhatsApp.
There’s also a video of him being called out on his arrival in Scotland. Dunno how to share as I have it on WhatsApp.
I saw that posted elsewhere. Very happy he got called out on this issue!

Have to say he looked like he didn't give a shit.... :(
I'll only be voting Labour out of principle, but if I was a swing voter, I can't see what would motivate me to vote Labour beyond voting against the Tories, but then why vote Labour instead of Lib Dems, Reform, UKIP or some other protest vote? The strategy Labour are going for is "look, we're not Corbyn anymore", which I suppose might win back a few voters, but I don't think it's compelling enough to voters now. Starmer isn't competing against Corbyn, he's competing against the current Tory party, in an economic wasteland.

What are you basing this on?
Well to paraphrase and confirm my understanding; You believe Labour's current strategy to get elected is not the right way to attract swing voters.

All of the opinion polls indicate that voters have swung back to the Labour Party using this policy. You might think the polls are misleading, or you might mean something else that I'm missing?
Well to paraphrase and confirm my understanding; You believe Labour's current strategy to get elected is not the right way to attract swing voters.

All of the opinion polls indicate that voters have swung back to the Labour Party using this policy. You might think the polls are misleading, or you might mean something else that I'm missing?

No, I am not saying the polls are misleading (although they do tend to underestimate the Conservative vote). I think it's inevitable swing voters would vote against the Tories in the current climate, and they are not doing so as a result of Labour's cautious, Tory-lite campaigning. It's a golden opportunity to have a strong campaign that, whilst including some tactical Tory-lite messaging, pushed for genuine left wing policies such as taxation/wealth redistribution, adequate funding for public services, etc.
Well to paraphrase and confirm my understanding; You believe Labour's current strategy to get elected is not the right way to attract swing voters.

All of the opinion polls indicate that voters have swung back to the Labour Party using this policy. You might think the polls are misleading, or you might mean something else that I'm missing?

Which policy has swung back voters to the Labout Party?
Deciding asylum claims more quickly is perfectly sensible.

The problem, like so much wrong with the country, was caused by austerity.

As long as the system is fair and the pace of deciding doesn't undermine the quality of analysis and lead to vulnerable people being deported incorrectly...
The problem, like so much wrong with the country, was caused by austerity.

As long as the system is fair and the pace of deciding doesn't undermine the quality of analysis and lead to vulnerable people being deported incorrectly...

Obviously, but there is nothing wrong with putting resource into deciding claims more quickly, and if it can save money on things like hotel stays then it would be a good policy.
Leaving people in a state of suspense and temporary living accommodation is both costly and unfair on them.
Obviously, but there is nothing wrong with putting resource into deciding claims more quickly, and if it can save money on things like hotel stays then it would be a good policy.
Leaving people in a state of suspense and temporary living accommodation is both costly and unfair on them.

Agreed. The Labour Party should be committed to funding services properly, and it saves 'emergency' spending. Maybe that's the point though for the Tories, spend a tonne of money on private services and have a wedge issue.
Agreed. The Labour Party should be committed to funding services properly, and it saves 'emergency' spending. Maybe that's the point though for the Tories, spend a tonne of money on private services and have a wedge issue.

Absolutely. It's horrible politics over an issue where serious thought is needed about how to achieve fair outcomes for all involved.
What would you do with asylum claims? Do you think the time for a decision to be made should stay the same, or maybe longer?

I happen to think of aslyum claimants as human beings worth empathy, not a problem to remove 'more quickly'.
I'm not saying they aren't human, or not worthy of empathy. That's just a silly point.
I'm not saying they aren't human, or not worthy of empathy. That's just a silly point.

Rebuilding a functioning asylum system is a fine goal. "Removing people" rather than "deciding people's claims" seems pretty pointed language though.
I won't buy another one of those mugs until Labour can prove it was made through the forced labour of asylum seekers held on that floating prison in the Channel.

Don’t give them any ideas!

But we have to vote for him because... lesser evil or something
Tbf thats labour voters argument. Starmer argument is we are just like the tories but more effective!

When the tories say it then it’s incoming fascism but with Labour it’s called winning “traditional” voters.
Fresh after she burnt whatever left of the charade of a two state solution to the ground, Starmer poses for a photo with Tzipi Hotovely.

I'm sure he'll be arguing this meeting never happened by lunchtime tomorrow.

Let's be fair, every major politician in the US and UK are parroting that line. But if Biden tomorrow changed that line, Starmer would immediately follow.
Doesn't make him / them any less of a clown.
Let's be fair, every major politician in the US and UK are parroting that line. But if Biden tomorrow changed that line, Starmer would immediately follow.

Therein lies the whole issue, we shouldn't be waiting for our politicians to be following America's line. Even other nations who have close ties with the US are calling for a ceasefire.
He doesn't even know what working class means. Any time he's asked a question that he doesn't have a script written for, he's like a rabbit in the headlights.
He doesn't even know what working class means. Any time he's asked a question that he doesn't have a script written for, he's like a rabbit in the headlights.
I agree with Keir. When I look at the Labour Party I get a nagging voice that says this isn’t for me.
I don't quite get what this means. If the party isn't for him why is he in it?
Oh my bad I was just making a joke.

Starmer said in the interview working class people have a nagging voice of not fitting in(Whatever the feck that means)and I was just applying it to the Labour Party.

I would post the interview but tweets are working atm.
Oh my bad I was just making a joke.

Starmer said in the interview working class people have a nagging voice of not fitting in(Whatever the feck that means)and I was just applying it to the Labour Party.

I would post the interview but tweets are working atm.

I see. I rarely feel the need to watch him talk, I tend to come off none the wiser about what he thinks or wants anyway. The Fog of Keir perhaps.
I tend to come off none the wiser about what he thinks or wants anyway. The Fog of Keir perhaps.

That is exactly the reaction Starmer needs just now, nothing for the Tories to batter him over the head with. Once the GE run in begins you should start to hear more. If the polls are anywhere near correct as now he must be already 20 seats into a majority in the next government.
The committed voters have already all but penciled in their 'x' on the ballot; Starmers after the voters who haven't even thought about voting yet and who won't start to listen until the run-in to the GE starts.
That is exactly the reaction Starmer needs just now, nothing for the Tories to batter him over the head with. Once the GE run in begins you should start to hear more. If the polls are anywhere near correct as now he must be already 20 seats into a majority in the next government.
The committed voters have already all but penciled in their 'x' on the ballot; Starmers after the voters who haven't even thought about voting yet and who won't start to listen until the run-in to the GE starts.

That's great but he's not exactly a master strategist so just "not being the Tories" won't get him very far once he's in power and I don't think he's got anything beyond that. If he did he might have hinted at it by now whereas all he's done is dog whistle to things he's previously said he didn't believe in.