Realistally how much longer could the Glazers go on?

They could easily have another 5-10 years of the same rinse and repeat. Patch up infrastructure when no other choice, change managers multiple times. It wouldn’t be pretty but from their perspective it works and fans would go along with it.

Well do not include me in that.

With the infrastructure, they will only make incremental changes without putting their own money in.

However, people want to tolerate this disease then more fool them. I will check out.
Well do not include me in that.

With the infrastructure, they will only make incremental changes without putting their own money in.

However, people want to tolerate this disease then more fool them. I will check out.

Hard not to check out isn't it
Well do not include me in that.

With the infrastructure, they will only make incremental changes without putting their own money in.

However, people want to tolerate this disease then more fool them. I will check out.

But enough will go along with it, you can keep selling false hope to football fans that’s what makes owning them so attractive. They can replace Woodward with two people who helped him run the club and sell it is a positive rebuild and it gets lapped up. New managers, new signings, a new season, fresh starts etc etc.

They’ll leave when they want on the terms they want it’s just a case of how long we all have to suffer or if we check out.
Hard not to check out isn't it

I think they are a disease. They have implemented a system and mentality where mediocrity is acceptable. In elite sport, this is unacceptable. Old Trafford has become a hiding place for players to be remunerated handsomely for doing Jack sprat.

I also criticise certain types of supporters because they visit Old Trafford for a day out and treat it like museum. People may say I am harsh but that is what I believe. What is more, is that the Glazers prey upon that type of support.

Also a sporting institution with efficiency should not have dithered with decision making on notable issues during the course of the summer , ( people do not have to think too hard, to what I am referring to). That is another weakness.

I disagree with Ten Hag when he has just just said "this not a crisis." It is. To lose three games and ship 10 goals is horrendous.

The implosion will be greater and there will be consequences.
They will stay for as long as they can bleed the club dry. I've been reflecting on their time at the club and as much as we say they don't invest in the squad that simply isn't true based on the amount of money we have spent on transfers.

A more accurate assessment is that they have consistently made decisions that aren't in the best interest from a footballing standpoint to try and make more money. Some of the signings we have made in recent years like Sanchez, Pogback, Cavani, Ronaldo's return have all been commercial decisions rather than footballing decisions that have set us back massively as a football team.

The only chance of getting them out is either a huge offer too good to resist or the fans force their hand by really boycotting games and buying merchandise which realistically won't happen.
If we continue going the way we are going they will leave soon. If getting relegated got rid of them then so be it.
The way things are happening for us. They will be here for another 5 years
The defaitism in here, what the hell?

If this is all we got as a fan base, we really deserve no better than the our american parasite owners.

I maintain that if we start to consistently make enough of a ruckus outside of Old Trafford on game nights to get matches canceled, they will be forced to sell.

How many protests have you been to/organised?
It's a risky game for them. Our value is going to start dropping pretty soon, this summer with things looking somewhat on the up was an ideal time. Now they will be holding out for something happening with streaming rights, if a Netflix model is adopted then the 10 billion they wanted is modest, if not then they are leaving a huge amount of money on the table.
But enough will go along with it, you can keep selling false hope to football fans that’s what makes owning them so attractive. They can replace Woodward with two people who helped him run the club and sell it is a positive rebuild and it gets lapped up. New managers, new signings, a new season, fresh starts etc etc.

They’ll leave when they want on the terms they want it’s just a case of how long we all have to suffer or if we check out.

There has to be a boiling point with that though. For me, this feels like it. I no longer believe that anything matters until the Glazers go.

New manager, new players, top four finish none of it matters. Can’t enjoy it while the parasites are in any longer.

Might start following Baseball or Tiddlywinks…
They are gonna run the club to the ground and sell for a lower value. Maybe they are just dumb businessmen who can't see the inevitable. No amount of manager musical chairs is gonna help the club.
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This club has to fall in order to potentially, someday rise again and get rid of that family of goblins(Glazers). The real question is - how far it has to fall and how long it will take. Midtable irrelevancy, relegation battle, bankruptcy(administration)? At what point will Glazers finally give up and sell this depreciating asset? Can the club at that point recover to be even remotely what it has been before the Glazer Apocalypse era(2005 - ?).

Just give up on being emotionally invested in Manchester United while the Glazers are still owning it. It's really bad for mental health, do something better/healthier for yourselves. You(all of us) don't deserve this shit. Ten Hag(and this potentially disastrous season) could be the last "sacrificial lamb" to finally get parasites out of the club and cure the tumor that is spreading/developing since 2005, but even that doesn't seem likely at this stage. We'll have to fall further than that. Glazers are, indeed, "very patient" people, according to reports(especially Joel).

Everything has it's end, unfortunately. Mighty Roman Empire collapsed, British Empire collapsed(decolonization), dinosaur's reign over the planet Earth ended, our Sun will die eventually in about 5 billion years(run out of fuel). All stars will eventually die and turn into black holes which will swallow everything. And even then, black holes will very slowly evaporate due to Hawking Radiation in almost infinite(unfathomable amount of time). And then, finally, universe(time itself) will die when there's nothing left but eternal void(heat death of the universe).

Maybe it's slowly now time for Manchester United to die, sadly. There's nothing we can do. Nothing lasts forever. It was fun while it lasted. Don't be too sad. Decay(death) is intrinsic part of nature. Cheers.
There has to be a boiling point with that though. For me, this feels like it. I no longer believe that anything matters until the Glazers go.

New manager, new players, top four finish none of it matters. Can’t enjoy it while the parasites are in any longer.

Might start following Baseball or Tiddlywinks…

The boiling point will be sacking the manager and starting again, Arnold/Murtough briefing nothing is their fault and making empty promises. Spend some money and start again.

The club has no desire, ambition or plan to genuinely complete just do enough to keep money coming in. If they want to the Glazers could keep doing so for years.
Until it is no longer profitable for them. The protests don't mean a thing to them.
This club has to fall in order to potentially, someday rise again and get rid of that family of goblins(Glazers). The real question is - how far it has to fall and how long it will take. Midtable irrelevancy, relegation battle, bankruptcy(administration)? At what point will Glazers finally give up and sell this depreciating asset? Can the club at that point recover to be even remotely what it has been before the Glazer Apocalypse era(2005 - ?).

Just give up on being emotionally invested in Manchester United while the Glazers are still owning it. It's really bad for mental health, do something better/healthier for yourselves. You(all of us) don't deserve this shit. Ten Hag(and this potentially disastrous season) could be the last "sacrificial lamb" to finally get parasites out of the club and cure the tumor that is spreading/developing since 2005, but even that doesn't seem likely at this stage. We'll have to fall further than that. Glazers are, indeed, "very patient" people, according to reports(especially Joel).

Everything has it's end, unfortunately. Mighty Roman Empire collapsed, British Empire collapsed(decolonization), dinosaur's reign over the planet Earth ended, our Sun will die eventually in about 5 billion years(run out of fuel). All stars will eventually die and turn into black holes which will swallow everything. And even then, black holes will very slowly evaporate due to Hawking Radiation in almost infinite(unfathomable amount of time). And then, finally, universe(time itself) will die when there's nothing left but eternal void(heat death of the universe).

Maybe it's slowly now time for Manchester United to die, sadly. There's nothing we can do. Nothing lasts forever. It was fun while it lasted. Don't be too sad. Decay(death) is intrinsic part of nature. Cheers.
You sound worse than I do mate. You sound like a hostage victim with Stockholms just accepting his fate with the amount of abuse this club put you through. Your not alone mate
They are gonna run the club to the ground and sell for a lower value. Maybe they are just dumb businessmen who can't see the inevitable. No amount of manager musical chairs is gonna help the club.

the Glazers are not even "businessmen", they are just rich kids inheriting an asset from their deceased father.
10 of the 20 clubs are owned by Americans (heard it yesterday on the radio). Why would they give up the biggest asset in the league. They are hear to stay.
I think if the threat of relegation becomes a sudden reality (it won't), then the Glazers will start being serious about selling before the value of the club plummets.

At the moment, there seems to be a presiding sentiment that we'll somehow pull through and labour towards a CL spot.
3 home games postponed in a row. That's all it would take. Just a few short weeks and we could make sure they were highly incentivised to leave in a hurry.

We've always had the power to make them leave.

Luckily for the parasites, we have a fanbase who, on the whole, are happy to still buy shirts from them. To spend in the megastore, or on the concourse. To spend many £100s a year on the TV packages.

Not to mention the army of dickheads who like to criticise every single attempt made to put pressure on the glazers.

Maybe the day is coming where we reach the critical mass required to actually oust these bastards.

But, after 18 years of apathy, I can't help thinking we have what we deserve.
Serious question:

Would you accept relegation if it forced the leeches to sell?
Prepare to die in order to live, someone's quote! Is there a hardcore element of fans who can organise postponements- I'm not sure anymore.
We don’t need new owners. Bin off Ten Hag and get a proper manager in and we’ll be back challenging again.