Maguire | he stays!


Doesn't understand sportswashing.
Mar 17, 2008
The CL is a glorified FA Cup set to music
orderly disembarking on planes
Probably not, as people are now clearly exaggerating how useless Maguire is per default and how easy it would be to replace him as a useful squad player.

This is all theory, though. In theory Maguire could be a very useful backup/squad player (because he's actually not a horribly bad player per default).

But in reality he's not an ETH player and he most likely thinks it beneath him to be a sheer backup (what? 4th choice?).

Common sense says: get rid even if it means taking a hit financially (e.g. we lower the transfer fee in order to accommodate a buying club that understandably ain't keen on matching his overblown salary).
This is definitely going on, and it beggars belief, because if you think he is that useless, why do you expect him to fetch anything in the market??


Last Man Standing 3 champion 2019/20
Jan 4, 2014
You can see why we get stuck doing the same things over and over. City hardly give Laporte a game, Arsenal already replacing and giving competition to the like of White/Ramsdale even after a great season. Liverpool have likes of Jota on their bench.

We need to be more ruthless and stop “keeping” players as “decent backups”. We should be selling Maguire/McTominey/Fred/Henderson and buying a player that could potentially take a starting spot.

There is absolutely no benefit to Maguire staying and it is exactly moves like that that have us playing catch up. We need more ambition.


Full Member
Dec 8, 2020
EtH left the door open after hte match last night in his interview where he said it was up to Maguire if he wanted to stay or leave ......fuking ship him out b/c he was shit last night as was Lindelof


Full Member
Aug 9, 2018
Alabama but always Wales in my heart
We need to reject it. Clearly we are not signing a replacement in this window and the fees mentioned wouldn't fund a loan offer for Ben Cabango. He will get some minutes covering the domestic cups etc. when we need to rest and protect Licha and Varane and frankly that has value to us so if it is accept a pisstake offer and be short of cover or pay Harry another 9M in wages I choose the latter. Won't do his England chances much good but that is his problem not ours.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2014
Nah, we need to let him go. He sends bad vibes throughout the team whenever he's on the pitch. He isn't trusted and doesn't seem well-liked. The idea of having a 4th or 5th choice defender on 200k/week is ridiculous.

If the club can't find a decent young defender with potential who doesn't cost over 25m, the scouts need to be fired.


Full Member
Aug 28, 2021
Don't think i have ever seen a United player get booed in pre season before especially not in the states that's pretty crazy


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
This is definitely going on, and it beggars belief, because if you think he is that useless, why do you expect him to fetch anything in the market??
Yeah, I know.

It's not uncommon, though. A kind of dissonance. He's utter garbage, non-league standard, but somehow it's still reasonable to expect that a PL club should cough up fifty mill for him.

I dunno, if there is a "logic" to it at all, it has to be that the prospective (or at least vaguely potential) buyers are utter idiots and United should exploit their idiocy, some kind of buying a lemon scenario.


Full Member
Dec 8, 2020
it's clear that he and EtH don't have the best working relationship....just like Fergie would do....ship his ass out


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
The idea of having a 4th or 5th choice defender on 200k/week is ridiculous.
It is. His agent hopefully realizes this. Rather than thinking - short-term - that 200k is pretty sweet, and that he won't get that elsewhere (he won't but that's not the point).

As I've said before, it makes no sense for him to stay when it's sufficiently clear that ETH doesn't fancy him.

He isn't suited for a backup role at United. It is so very obviously best for both parties that he's moved on.


Full Member
Aug 27, 2014
Dublin, formerly Manchester
I'd be saying yes before they even finished saying ..."illion pounds"

He's the embarrassing company hire that you quickly learn to keep away from your customers and sideline on an "important project" for 3 months until he quietly gets shipped off somewhere else and "Thanks for you hard work".

Having him around as a talisman of failure and incompetence does noone any good. Take the hit and move on....something we should have done with a lot of the deadwood when Covid happened.


Full Member
Aug 11, 2013
Nah, we need to let him go. He sends bad vibes throughout the team whenever he's on the pitch. He isn't trusted and doesn't seem well-liked. The idea of having a 4th or 5th choice defender on 200k/week is ridiculous.

If the club can't find a decent young defender with potential who doesn't cost over 25m, the scouts need to be fired.
No reason we can't give a few minutes to whoever is the most promising youth team center back. We're talking about fifth choice!


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
Fergie would...
Well, Fergie probably wouldn't have found himself in a situation where the player's wages made it annoyingly difficult to offer him to clubs that would otherwise take him (to be clear: this is not ETH's fault, it's all on Woodward).

But: Fergie would have told him in no uncertain terms that he doesn't match the profile of the sort of player he, the manager, wants as an important part of his team going forward.


Full Member
Dec 8, 2020
Well, Fergie probably wouldn't have found himself in a situation where the player's wages made it annoyingly difficult to offer him to clubs that would otherwise take him (to be clear: this is not ETH's fault, it's all on Woodward).

But: Fergie would have told him in no uncertain terms that he doesn't match the profile of the sort of player he, the manager, wants as an important part of his team going forward.
i think EtH pretty much just laid that out by saying Maguire can go if he wants


Full Member
Oct 7, 2015
I do feel for him though. Harry Maguire is not a rubbish player, he joined under Ole and seems to have become a bit of a scapegoat for that carnage. I actually, personally, wouldn't mind him staying, but, but.. he will want to play, and he isthe most expensive defender ever or something, so sitting on the bench may be difficult for to swallow. But I don't detest him or anything, and I think it's an absolute disgrace that he is booed by some fans. That's shocking. Shocking. I hope ETH says something.
Last edited:


Full Member
Aug 2, 2018
California U.S.A.
I do feel for him though. Harry Maguire is not a rubbish player, he joined under Ole and seems to have become a not of a scapegoat for that carnage. I actually, personally, wouldn't mind him staying, but, but.. he will want to play, and he isthe most expensive defender ever or something, so sitting on the bench may be difficult for to swallow. But I don't detest him or anything, and I think it's an absolute disgrace that he is booed by some fans. That's shocking. Shocking. I hope ETH says something.
If i recall correctly, we had the chuckle brothers or something at the back - Jones and Smalling. We were looking for a more modern defenseman who could hold the ball with confidence and then pass it out reasonably well. Maguire could and still can do those things. It's just when we took it to the next level - high line - he couldn't do it as he doesn't have the pace and maneuverability. Still decent though. Problem is he thinks he's the cat's pajamas. So he's not all that likeable.

Valencia Shin Crosses

Full Member
Sep 30, 2015
"Martial...He's isolated Skrtel here..."
Ship him off to go defend some mid table clubs box and be done with it.

I also think his “ambition and desire to win his place back” has more to do with that wage increase keeping him here over anything else. He’s basically 5th choice at this point and clearly not rated by ETH


Full Member
Jul 11, 2017
I do feel for him though. Harry Maguire is not a rubbish player, he joined under Ole and seems to have become a not of a scapegoat for that carnage.
But he is a poor player for a team like ours. He simply doesn’t possess required abilities, nothing could be done about it.

He needs to go somewhere to a defensive team playing a low block, preferably in a back three - otherwise he simply gets exposed too much


Full Member
May 6, 2011
We need to reject it. Clearly we are not signing a replacement in this window and the fees mentioned wouldn't fund a loan offer for Ben Cabango. He will get some minutes covering the domestic cups etc. when we need to rest and protect Licha and Varane and frankly that has value to us so if it is accept a pisstake offer and be short of cover or pay Harry another 9M in wages I choose the latter. Won't do his England chances much good but that is his problem not ours.
No. Reject it most likely means he‘ll stay until the end of his contract because with no gametime he‘ll be even harder to get rid off next summer. This means 0 transfer fee (instead of the 25*- WHU may offer) AND millions in salary till the end. And all this for a back up to cover up cup games? Nah. Others can do that job.


Full Member
Jun 25, 2013
Give peas a chance.
I don't begrudge a desire to try to stay and fight for your place, you only get to play for United once (or twice - shut up), but the whole situation is rotten, and for his sake he needs to get onto his agent to make a move work that's right for the club and right for him.


Full Member
Aug 6, 2018
Wonder if Spurs might be interested if they get the money for Kane? Maguire might be more interested in them than West Ham.


Doesn't understand sportswashing.
Mar 17, 2008
The CL is a glorified FA Cup set to music
orderly disembarking on planes
I don't begrudge a desire to try to stay and fight for your place, you only get to play for United once (or twice - shut up), but the whole situation is rotten, and for his sake he needs to get onto his agent to make a move work that's right for the club and right for him.
Eh? No he doesn't

His agent needs to do what's right by Harry Maguire. United be damned.

Part 1 of that is ensuring Maguire in 1 way or another gets every cent owed on his contract, whether it's United or another club that pays it.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
Eh? No he doesn't

His agent needs to do what's right by Harry Maguire. United be damned.

Part 1 of that is ensuring Maguire in 1 way or another gets every cent owed on his contract, whether it's United or another club that pays it.
If that's what Maguire wants.


Full Member
Aug 9, 2018
Alabama but always Wales in my heart
No. Reject it most likely means he‘ll stay until the end of his contract because with no gametime he‘ll be even harder to get rid off next summer. This means 0 transfer fee (instead of the 25*- WHU may offer) AND millions in salary till the end. And all this for a back up to cover up cup games? Nah. Others can do that job.
His FFP number is 27M to offset the hit to our books if we let him go. Is it worth selling him for less if that means we don't sign Arambat or wheover Erik's next target is? Lot of moving parts to this but the point stands that we need someone to cover those minutes and if the offer isn't even covering the hit to our books why should we do him or West Ham a favour? His remaining salary is already baked into our accounts moving forward so if he stays he is not a problem to us getting our business done.


Full Member
Oct 7, 2015
If i recall correctly, we had the chuckle brothers or something at the back - Jones and Smalling. We were looking for a more modern defenseman who could hold the ball with confidence and then pass it out reasonably well. Maguire could and still can do those things. It's just when we took it to the next level - high line - he couldn't do it as he doesn't have the pace and maneuverability. Still decent though. Problem is he thinks he's the cat's pajamas. So he's not all that likeable.
You make a good point. If he is a bit of an ego-maniac, then that's his issue, because we have seen that he is decent, but he's no Baresi.


Full Member
Dec 30, 2015
His FFP number is 27M to offset the hit to our books if we let him go. Is it worth selling him for less if that means we don't sign Arambat or wheover Erik's next target is? Lot of moving parts to this but the point stands that we need someone to cover those minutes and if the offer isn't even covering the hit to our books why should we do him or West Ham a favour? His remaining salary is already baked into our accounts moving forward so if he stays he is not a problem to us getting our business done.
I don't understand how FFP works, but if money save from his salary (10m annually ) plus 20m in transfer fee for a total 50m is bad for Utd, then it is what it is.

Devil You Know

New Member
Mar 21, 2023
I think if we sell him, we'd need to spend a decent wedge on a replacement. Given Varane's age, it would need to be someone young who can not only step in this season but also for the longer term.

Selling for £20m would probably mean we have to dip into the Amrabat fund to buy another CB. I don't think we'd be able to afford both. Or even if we could, I wouldn't trust the club to complete the signings of both in time.

Devil You Know

New Member
Mar 21, 2023
Probably not, as people are now clearly exaggerating how useless Maguire is per default and how easy it would be to replace him as a useful squad player.

This is all theory, though. In theory Maguire could be a very useful backup/squad player (because he's actually not a horribly bad player per default).

But in reality he's not an ETH player and he most likely thinks it beneath him to be a sheer backup (what? 4th choice?).

Common sense says: get rid even if it means taking a hit financially (e.g. we lower the transfer fee in order to accommodate a buying club that understandably ain't keen on matching his overblown salary).
Those posters are either sheep following the herd or just not that knowledgable about football.

It can be the right decision to sell Maguire without also believing that Maguire is utterly terrible. Or even believe that he wouldn't be able to contribute as a sub. I think he's our 3rd best defender, although Lindelof did do quite well last season.

The issue, I believe, that his confidence is through the floor and will always remain so as long as he's at United. Anything over £30m should be accepted.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014

If he didn't mind a pay cut he'd be gone by now methinks.
I'm willing to make the same assumption but at the same time in spite of what we think as observers, Maguire like most other professional athletes is an elite athlete with elite mentality. It is possible that he simply wants to prove to United and himself that he is good enough by either fighting for his place at United or joining a club that offers him a similar level of expectations. Now I'm sure money is a factor but it's not necessarily the main one.


career ending
Jun 5, 2010
If this is true I think he’s gone, if not this bid, another will follow.
Yep, West Ham seem to think offering £20m for multiple players they want in this window and with the Rice money is something clubs are just going to say yes to because it's little West Ham. They were always going to come back for Maguire once they got quoted £50m for their 2nd and 3rd choice CB's.


Full Member
Sep 18, 2019
From a Maguire point if view I don't really get why he's still here, he's never getting into the team ahead of Varane. It would be like prime Andy Carroll trying to displace Prime Van persie. That's the gulf of class between them. At this stage of his career it doesn't make sense to sit on the bench either. Is it the wages?