Club Sale | It’s done!

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His posts were nothing like Cantona. Cantona was pure class.

Well yeah, this thread is a dumpster fire but at least he was entertaining. Even thought 90% of the tweets he posted were utter nonsense a part of you hoped it was true.
Agree. Twitter is a cesspit of blue tick wankers with usernames like @MUFCRonaldoMess177786 and they always claim to have ‘inside sources’ :lol:

Muppetiers are the worst though. How anyone over the age of 14 takes them seriously I will never know. And I didn’t even know about them until joining RedCafe. So I blame you lot! ;)

I made the mistake of watching a United Stand video once. I don’t watch Sky Sports News anymore and don’t buy papers and I thought I’d get a quick update on the days transfer rumours. My god. It’s what feels like an hour of talking in circles around a made up headline.
I’m surprised he lasted this long. I just finished from a 3 day forum ban for posting a Qatar flight tracking tweet in here. :eek: Go figure.
The scout in me hopes you learnt a lesson but my inner muppet is well proud of you. I'm conflicted
Came in hoping for this…


And instead got this… on repeat
So we've gone from kane or mbappe yday to kane is now officially too expensive and we're linked with a free transfer for one of a relegated teams worst players. This takeover saga with the glazers sticking around like a very bad fart smell is muppet kryptonite.
Ok well his argument seems disingenuous then and it is just a formality. More daft arguments to contend with.

Any ideas on what this clause pertains to? If the Glazers owned 1% and somebody else owned 99%, they'd still have the voting rights?

The clause exists but it's already been established it wouldnt apply as the specific wording for SJRs bid is "controlling stake". It applies more to the idea an individual Glazer wanted to raise some extra capital rather than just selling their entire share holdings.

It's another of those things some people desperately cling onto.
I made the mistake of watching a United Stand video once. I don’t watch Sky Sports News anymore and don’t buy papers and I thought I’d get a quick update on the days transfer rumours. My god. It’s what feels like an hour of talking in circles around a made up headline.

My thoughts are with you
The scout in me hopes you learnt a lesson but my inner muppet is well proud of you. I'm conflicted
I’d hoped the 3 day break would have done me good but I feel like I’ve come back as an even bigger bellend.
The clause exists but it's already been established it wouldnt apply as the specific wording for SJRs bid is "controlling stake". It applies more to the idea an individual Glazer wanted to raise some extra capital rather than just selling their entire share holdings.

It's another of those things some people desperately cling onto.

Do you still think it’s going to be him?
I made the mistake of watching a United Stand video once. I don’t watch Sky Sports News anymore and don’t buy papers and I thought I’d get a quick update on the days transfer rumours. My god. It’s what feels like an hour of talking in circles around a made up headline.
I love how Utd Stand have these delicious looking thumbnails that suck you in only to spend the next 30 minutes talking in depth about the shite I just read on Twitter!

I find United View much more entertaining. Flex and KG are a hilarious duo.
To be fair Spoons those purchases don't materialize out of thin air. For every share acquired, someone was willing to sell at that price. Swings and roundabouts etc.
Indeed. Some on the buying side betting Qatar. Some selling at a profit of around 9 USD per share if they bought in at the float. Would be interesting to see what the big funds and stakeholders are doing.
I love how Utd Stand have these delicious looking thumbnails that suck you in only to spend the next 30 minutes talking in depth about the shite I just read on Twitter!

I find United View much more entertaining. Flex and KG are a hilarious duo.

I watch a lot of YouTube while working so it’s hard not to get sucked in by a good thumbnail!
Do we? I thought the common consensus was it was most likely Radcliff?

Nah he's the stalking horse for Raine group to push up the price. Qatar is several magnitudes of order richer than SJR - they just don't want to look like mugs.
Do we? I thought the common consensus was it was most likely Radcliff?

It's just the combined muppetry of Twitter so far. So depends on which way the winds blowing whilst a bunch of "in the knows" try to orchestrate some shit.

Honestly you'd see more sense and direction from a gang of blind kittens.
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