Club Sale | It’s done!

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and?? the global fans are the reason we are big.
Back to the same point. Both are important and equally important, but from an financial point of view (the most important in football now) the global fans are more important.
Yeah and if it wasn't for the match going fans I doubt we would even be having this discussion. Respect to our global fanbase who are definitely important but match going fans will always be the heart and soul of any football club.
As Gary Neville said, is it not better to try and integrate these places into the western world and reforms etc will most likely follow? I think it’s pretty likely that will happen in the next 50 years or so.
How is a huge fanbase celebrating them taking over because we might sign Mbappe going to encourage change? Abu Dhabi's human rights record hasn't improved over the last 15 years as City fans have celebrated their success.

I'm sure things will improve in those countries over time but let's be real that part of the reason they're buying football teams is because those reforms haven't happened. A democratic nation wouldn't buy a football team because the public would consider it a vapid waste of money that could be used in better ways to improve their country.
In functional hedging terms, I can't really agree with your reasoning. I think that after the usual run of 'normal' AI (property, gold, whisky, horses, art, coins etc) they look for something else to do with their money which gives 'meaning to the world'. Bear in mind, 60% of their wealth or something is in AI, but sports make up a super tiny fraction of that, and almost always for personal sporting interest and not investment. Unless we're talking Bill Gates, Warren Buffet or Carlos Slim you're running out of theoretical runway. If I had that much money to hedge I'd run my own LP.

Of course we could extend the argument to cash rich companies like Apple, which I don't know a lot about. Perhaps it'd make sense for them.

I would not rule out that this is a factor, that on an individual level could be significant, you definitely make a good point, but I don’t think this investment (it’s large even for them in terms of %s), if it didn’t fit the “profile”.

And in addition, their wealth is so large that it cannot be invest like normal wealth. If normal wealth thinks a stock is a winner, it can invest heavily in it. You can’t invest 5bn in a stock without driving up the price a ton and making it more expensive for you to buy.
The thing is, today, the tv rights for the Nordics alone is worth €20m per team per season, with a pop. of 28m. That is twice as much as the domestic Sky deal paid in 1997. Go back 20 years, and the Nordic TV deal was just worth peanuts.

TV rights in the US have gone from roughly 80m (-2012) to 250m (2013-2016) to the new deal from 2022 that pays 450m per year. That is 22.5m per team per season. What is the pop, 300m?

The entire gigantic Asia/Pacific market (APAC) pays just 450m per season, same as the US. That is with a 2.6bn population. Football is the most popular sport across the APAC region. Of the TV viewers of the PL, every third is in the APAC. That is pretty fantastic. But they only stand for 7.5% of the TV revenue.

This year is the first time the PL earns more money from overseas TV rights than the domestic TV rights. By comparison, in 2010, the overseas rights was just 1/3 of the domestic rights.

There is no reason to — not — expect this extreme income boom from overseas TV rights to continue. If anything, sport rights are becoming more crucial as cable networks lose their grip of the market and linear TV with its monopolistic draw becomes more or less obsolete. The income will not go up steadily with 5-10% per year, but as markets mature and over a 10-20 year period, the average increase will probably be a lot higher. Just like the overseas market is larger than the domestic market, APEC alone could easily dwarf the all other markets combined and then some.
This is largely true but football as a whole is reaching saturation levels, I am in the US, I can watch every PL game live, I can also watch American, German, Italian, Spanish, French and Mexican games live + some I haven't bothered to look for, I can also get all Cl and EL live games + various cup matches in different domestic leagues, I can basically watch football 24/7 if I was minded to
How should we interpret this ? Do you think the Qataris will up their bid to 6 ?

I'm pretty sure Raine would've told the bidders this before they bid.

If this is really the case, none of the bids will go from first stage.
I just cannot understand how anyone can view football this way. It makes a lot of sense that you support the Qatari bid if this is how you view the footballing world.
If I would go by how you view football and stick with our Norwegian manager, we could have been relegated.

Seriously, why do you have this condescending look at foreigner supporters?
If this is true, I do think it’s the Qataris or nothing

They’re the only ones I can see reaching that if they are desperate for the club
If we started winning trophies again then maybe we're worth that much. Certainly not worth that at the moment with the way they've been running things. I think we might end up being stuck with the Glazer's or it drags on for longer than we all want.
Let's face it, it doesn't take much to find things wrong with the Jimbo/Ineos bid.
This. People are conflating the fight against state ownership as meaning the anti/pro-Ratcliffe wagon. That wagon isn't much better when it contains people who think being owned by a local lad should even be anywhere on the list when assessing an issue as serious as our future. Fact is they don't seem capable of meeting the glazers valuation without borrowing billions from hardcore lenders. A fate that takes us to square zero and goes against the entire point of wanting to be sold in the first place, financial freedom. Miss me with that nationalist nonsense when discussing the club. It doesn't on its own make anyone an ideal alternative.
It obviously isn't only about football, so I don't see why we should do that.
I would like to take ethics out and judge who the better owners will be. Yes we can use the bad PR Qatar has as a negative for them being our owners.

Cash purchase, no loans.
Plans to pay off debts
Plans to renovate stadium and academy
Plans to give us money to spend on transfers
PR of their human rights/ LGBT stance in home country
History of breaking FFP

Fan Centred approach to ownership (what does that mean?)
Local lad
Getting help from US banks to fund this
Bad track record with Nice
Look...if Ratty came in and released the same statement as Qatar did, I think a majority of us would welcome him aboard for obvious reasons. However as it would stand now, the club will still be in debt. He tried to buy Chelsea a few months back so I don't think he's all in on Man Utd, he just wants to own a big club.

Glazrers are going to sell to who offers the most coin. Nothing is going to change the humanitarian aspect of the Middle East if we are bought by Qatar. It's still going to continue Utd owned or not. So we get bought by an actual United supporter, get the debt wiped clean, and funds for upgrades at OT and Carrington. I think it would go a long way if Thani came out said something to the effect of everyone is welcomed in the Utd family sort to speak. They aren't my first choice but it's hard to say no. Glazers give feck all about the supporters, they don't care if we protest Qatar. They will still sell to them. I doubt Al Thani will come in and muck everything up. Who knows how genuine their statement was but I would like to think it was legit. I think it's the right move. We can handle them as owners, feck, we put up with the Glazers for 18 years.
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The thing is, today, the tv rights for the Nordics alone is worth €20m per team per season, with a pop. of 28m. That is twice as much as the domestic Sky deal paid in 1997. Go back 20 years, and the Nordic TV deal was just worth peanuts.

TV rights in the US have gone from roughly 80m (-2012) to 250m (2013-2016) to the new deal from 2022 that pays 450m per year. That is 22.5m per team per season. What is the pop, 300m?

The entire gigantic Asia/Pacific market (APAC) pays just 450m per season, same as the US. That is with a 2.6bn population. Football is the most popular sport across the APAC region. Of the TV viewers of the PL, every third is in the APAC. That is pretty fantastic. But they only stand for 7.5% of the TV revenue.

This year is the first time the PL earns more money from overseas TV rights than the domestic TV rights. By comparison, in 2010, the overseas rights was just 1/3 of the domestic rights.

There is no reason to — not — expect this extreme income boom from overseas TV rights to continue. If anything, sport rights are becoming more crucial as cable networks lose their grip of the market and linear TV with its monopolistic draw becomes more or less obsolete. The income will not go up steadily with 5-10% per year, but as markets mature and over a 10-20 year period, the average increase will probably be a lot higher. Just like the overseas market is larger than the domestic market, APEC alone could easily dwarf the all other markets combined and then some.

But aren't things like every third of viewers being from these countries down to it being so much cheaper there to view football, you can't just endlessly increase the price, particularly in countries with much lower gdp per person.

America is likely to hit a ceiling at some point just because they have so many domestic sports they care more about. Not to mention at a certain point oil clubs might start to view Italian teams as more of an investment rather than an already full English league then you're competing with other leagues for that share of foreign rights. The thing is football really exploded on terms of rights and value, obviously when the Premier league began, but then again when the Internet was really mainstream, broadband in most homes etc, easier transmission across the world, fan forums like this.

I just don't see the next big leap that's going to happen, I think if anything the bubble is likely to pop soon, I know people have been saying this for ages but it will at some point

The sun… but if the leeches refused to leave at this stage surely the protests from fans would be apocalyptic!?

On Sir Jim’s bid, am I the only one who doesn’t understand the “Manchester back in Manchester United” bit? Our global fan base is one of our greatest strengths, what’s to be gained by working against that now?
Ratcliffe has pretty much said plainly that he doesn't agree with the Glazers' valuation of the club, hasn't he? So, they'll be aware of this - and they seemingly haven't told him: "don't bother bidding, then."

As for the Qatari, who knows: it's tempting to say that a few billion is petty cash to them anyway, but it probably doesn't work quite like that.

Not least if they actually have to thread a bit carefully with regard to how this whole package is presented (the nominal owner, this "nine two" thing, future FFP concerns and whatnot).
The sun… but if the leeches refused to leave at this stage surely the protests from fans would be apocalyptic!?
Minority investment that services or clears the debt. They'll make it look good.

On Sir Jim’s bid, am I the only one who doesn’t understand the “Manchester back in Manchester United” bit? Our global fan base is one of our greatest strengths, what’s to be gained by working against that now?
Don't think there's anything wrong there tbh
Yeah and if it wasn't for the match going fans I doubt we would even be having this discussion. Respect to our global fanbase who are definitely important but match going fans will always be the heart and soul of any football club.
I respect your opinion, but I disagree.
And if this true, the Glazers appear to be deliberately pricing themselves out of a sale.

Could just be pressure tactics, they know what they're doing. To actually walk away at this point would be a massive gamble for the Glazers.
Why does Ratcliffe's age matter to some people anyway? Even ignoring that he's a billionaire with access to the best medical care available, he has kids to pass his company down to.

cos they want that sweet sweet oil (or gas) money
Could just be pressure tactics, they know what they're doing. To actually walk away at this point would be a massive gamble for the Glazers.

Would it though ? The stock price would revert to the mean, but with United once again on the ascendancy and with the prospect of a Super League back in the narrative, why would they cash out now when they could do so for double in a decade or so.
From 2020

Fair point. We should go with the more trustworthy option, a bidder whose net worth is approximately £1bn but has made a bid of £4.5bn that is completely independent and definitely not state backed.
Could just be pressure tactics, they know what they're doing. To actually walk away at this point would be a massive gamble for the Glazers.
Why would it be a gamble?

They are choosing to sell, they don't actually have to sell
Would it though ? The stock price would revert to the mean, but with United once again on the ascendancy and with the prospect of a Super League back in the narrative, why would they cash out now when they could do so for double in a decade or so.
Because nothing is certain and 5b now is better than building on hopes of a supposed "super league".
Would it though ? The stock price would revert to the mean, but with United once again on the ascendancy and with the prospect of a Super League back in the narrative, why would they cash out now when they could do so for double in a decade or so.
No way the value of the club will double, not even with SuperLeague money.
We're in need of a stadium and 200-300 mil in players, plus considering our debt.

Of course the Glazers will say they don't sell when everyone and their dog has put a bid in. They want the most they can get and they will get it.
You can be the acceptable face
Of a brutal, feudal nation state
Newton Heath deserves better than this
Busby Babes better than this
Red Devils you will be missed

But Amnesty if you call me,
You can call me Al
Call me Al Jazeera
OT holds 75k where 65k are season ticket holders?

There are hundreds of millions of dedicated supporters worldwide that live and breathe United on a daily basis hanging on every thread of information and content.

Those who can afford to or are lucky enough to live close enough to see United play live are LUCKY. There are people in the darkest most remote parts of the world using United , watching via dodgy streams at 4am as escapism.

Boils my blood when I hear bullshit like “local fans are more important”.

Sorry I'm from Ireland, and the local fans who are season ticket holders who go to nearly every game are defo the most important and consistent aspect of the club. Can't get around that, constant cash stream direct to the club, way more than any fan anywhere in the world be paying direct to the club.

Obv the collective worldwide appeal generates TV money and that is a huge part of the club as well. But if the TV wasn't their the fans at the games would still be there. You can't get away from that. They the lifeblood of any club to be honest.

I don't know why anyones blood be boiling because someone dared claim their local club is as important or them to the club :lol:

I certainly don't get offended by it and I get to a couple of games a season. More a privilege just to be part of it all.
Because nothing is certain and 5b now is better than building on hopes of a supposed "super league".

The Premier League and by extension all of its clubs are rising in value each year due to TV contracts and general global inflation. Therefore, if they wanted to wait a few years they would walk away with a lot more money, they could.This is why I think they're allegedly raising the bar on the price - they don't have to sell and won't unless they receive an exceptional bid.

Up the bid or get out.

The "soft deadline" bid was 4.5bn from Qatar.
I can see them raising it by another 1bn really. Especially now that they've made their desire public it will be a reputational hit if they don't pursue it.
Our global fan base is one of our greatest strengths, what’s to be gained by working against that now?

He obviously isn't trying to antagonize our global support on purpose. However, the phrase is...I dunno, stupid? MAGA like? Most likely hollow as feck too?

When you see some of the reactions to it, though, it's very obvious that there's a genuine divide between some of our global support and the local, match going fans/the community: I've said this before, but some global fans seem positively disinterested (at best) in the fact that the football club actually has its roots in...Manchester.
Would it though ? The stock price would revert to the mean, but with United once again on the ascendancy and with the prospect of a Super League back in the narrative, why would they cash out now when they could do so for double in a decade or so.

you can a get a 2.5x in 10 years in index funds with way lot less risk and hassle, and no need for a super league for your pay-off
Sorry I'm from Ireland, and the local fans who are season ticket holders who go to nearly every game are defo the most important and consistent aspect of the club. Can't get around that, constant cash stream direct to the club, way more than any fan anywhere in the world be paying direct to the club.

Obv the collective worldwide appeal generates TV money and that is a huge part of the club as well. But if the TV wasn't their the fans at the games would still be there. You can't get away from that. They the lifeblood of any club to be honest.

I don't know why anyones blood be boiling because someone dared claim their local club is as important or them to the club :lol:

I certainly don't get offended by it and I get to a couple of games a season. More a privilege just to be part of it all.
Agreed, I was born in Ireland and lived in London for most of my life and support United because my dad does. I get to maybe 10 games (including the women's team) a year and obviously watch every game I can but the fans who go every week are obviously the most important. They're the ones who are there to cheer the team on and who are part of the community around the club. It doesn't mean that United's fanbase around the world isn't important, it obviously is massively important given what a global brand the club is, but there's a difference between having an empty Old Trafford and having 75,000 fewer people watching on TV or on streams.
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