Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

I'm guessing with manpads of sort.
After positive reports of their role in the Kharkiv offensive I an just waiting for the first confirmed kill by a Gepard, just for the sake of it. :lol:
Sure, I was more interested in the actual systems used - MANPADS, systems like Tor or Osa, or maybe SPAAG like the Gepard? I'm curious how much these systems are currently used near the front.
Would assume manpads, that was one thing the UK and Lithuania were on unbelievably quickly and almost every video now you see multiple of them with each group of troops.
Or trying to feed the discord? I was reading an article yesterday that there's a significant part of the population in eastern Germany (poorer already and hit hardest by the current situation - I know you know, but not everyone might) that wants the German government to stop sending weapons Ukraine and restore its relations with Russia, in order to be able to receive gas again. When winter really starts, these movements may get larger and more serious all over Europe - and they will feel strenghtened by believing that Russia would be ready to restore gas delivery if only the European countries lifted the sanctions (and repaired the Nordstream pipes, I guess).
Nordstream 2 is still operational, only one of two pipelines was damaged, so it could be inmediately used.

And it's not news, it's clear to everyone in Germany that gas imports could be started if we make a deal with Putin. Putin signalling this again might strengthen those protests a little, but there is no indication that the tide will turn so far.
Putin: Ukraine does not exist as a country, it has a false history, it has been part of Russia and we are gonna enforce it become part of Russia again.

Dans from the Caf and a few US fossils (Kissinger, Chomsky et al): The West is to be blamed for the war cause they pushed Ukraine to join NATO (which actually never happened).
That's inaccurate. I merely said it was interesting.
So after failing to find a single nazi during the past 8 months, the narrative shifted towards fighting gay satanists. Wondering what's next in line.
I absolutely adore those quotes from former Western strategists who somehow managed to delude themselves into thinking that Russia didn't do anything wrong before 1996 and only after that they started to turn into this weird hybrid of mafia state with a former empire. They even managed to delude themselves into thinking that this invasion happened because Ukraine was joining NATO without it.

All these "important thinkers" fail to consider that Russia invaded Ukraine exactly because Ukraine did not join NATO! That was the main failure of the West, that Germany and France did not accept Ukraine into NATO. If Ukraine had joined NATO in 2008, we would never have a war, as we did not have a war in the Baltic States that also have a lot of Russians in their population.
Or trying to feed the discord? I was reading an article yesterday that there's a significant part of the population in eastern Germany (poorer already and hit hardest by the current situation - I know you know, but not everyone might) that wants the German government to stop sending weapons Ukraine and restore its relations with Russia, in order to be able to receive gas again. When winter really starts, these movements may get larger and more serious all over Europe - and they will feel strenghtened by believing that Russia would be ready to restore gas delivery if only the European countries lifted the sanctions (and repaired the Nordstream pipes, I guess).

Exactly! The only realistic way for Putin to win this war is discord in the West.

His other realistic plan is to stabilise the front and hope that the war drags out for two more years, and his buddy Trump becomes President again. That's his wet dream, I guess.
Nordstream 2 is still operational, only one of two pipelines was damaged, so it could be inmediately used.
Yeah, I know, and there's also the overland route through Ukraine. That still works as well, right? Just figured I'd mention Nordstream before someone brings it up.
And it's not news, it's clear to everyone in Germany that gas imports could be started if we make a deal with Putin. Putin signalling this again might strengthen those protests a little, but there is no indication that the tide will turn so far.
In principle, yes, but in a time when people's views appear to be constantly reinforced/fueled/misdirected through social media, I suppose frequently stating this explicitly is helpful.
Exactly! The only realistic way for Putin to win this war is discord in the West.

His other realistic plan is to stabilise the front and hope that the war drags out for two more years, and his buddy Trump becomes President again. That's his wet dream, I guess.
He doesn't need to wait that long. In two months the Republicans might control Congress and all he needs is to stop the flow of modern weapons to Ukraine. And high energy prices over the course of the winter could cause a lot of social unrest in countries like Germany or Italy.
Ukraine has been used at least two times as a gate to invade Russia.

This is the worst possible argument for Ukraine being part of Russia, since Ukraine was part of Russia both times that happened. Clearly it didn't help. It's also, incidentally, the argument Russian nationalists use on Poland. Are you in favour of Russia annexing Poland? Maybe that would make you less anxious sitting in your shelter on the opposite side of the planet?
This is the worst possible argument for Ukraine being part of Russia, since Ukraine was part of Russia both times that happened. Clearly it didn't help. It's also, incidentally, the argument Russian nationalists use on Poland. Are you in favour of Russia annexing Poland? Maybe that would make you less anxious sitting in your shelter on the opposite side of the planet?
It's waste of time replying to that poster.
The fact that whole “but what if he uses nukes” argument/mindset exists is the single greatest ‘win’ for Russian propaganda in a long time.
He doesn't need to wait that long. In two months the Republicans might control Congress and all he needs is to stop the flow of modern weapons to Ukraine. And high energy prices over the course of the winter could cause a lot of social unrest in countries like Germany or Italy.
Republicans in congress have overwhelmingly voted in favor of all of the military aid packages to Ukraine. It's Trump winning 2024 which would be the actual risk.
If they were before they certainly aren't now.

This is a hugely relevant point. This war will be talked about for the next hundred years. It will , rightly or wrongly become part of the storyline of good vs evil. I’m not even sure that at this point Putin has any real plans to dominate more than the areas he already holds. I think he wants to weaken his enemy as much as possible so that they come to the negotiating table more willing to compromise.
Republicans in congress have overwhelmingly voted in favor of all of the military aid packages to Ukraine. It's Trump winning 2024 which would be the actual risk.

I really, really hope you’re right. I think you are but I’ve made a few predictions about US politics I’m the last decade that have turned out to be quite wrong,
The fact that whole “but what if he uses nukes” argument/mindset exists is the single greatest ‘win’ for Russian propaganda in a long time.

Built around a simplistic image of maniacal Putin with his finger hovering over a red button. Ignoring the fact that there are various other people involved in the execution of that decision who might have second thoughts and that Putin himself is a brutal bully who has grossly miscalculated rather than a foaming at the mouth lunatic. But, fair play, the idea keeps the useful idiots in the West busy.
He doesn't need to wait that long. In two months the Republicans might control Congress and all he needs is to stop the flow of modern weapons to Ukraine. And high energy prices over the course of the winter could cause a lot of social unrest in countries like Germany or Italy.

The republican leaders in Congress support Ukraine. And you don't need *all* Republicans, you only need a few.

Also, even if Italy and Germany do nothing, USA alone can help Ukraine win. Of course, Poland and other NATO countries will also contribute.

At this point, I think only Trump can help Putin.
Jesus tittyfecking Christ. Ronald Reagan is rolling over in his grave.

I happened to view the comments under an article in Task & Purpose the other day and it's mindboggling how many Americans think Russia is defending itself from oppression. Some posters championed Putin, Kim Jong-un, and Trump as the last standing freedom fighters against globalists.
Anyway, it is a good idea if the West helps Ukraine win this war by next summer. And "win" means kicking Putin out of Ukraine, Crimea included.

There is still a lot that the USA can do to help Ukraine. For example, it can provide F-16s and F-18s (and anyway the plan was to replace F-18s with F-35s).
I happened to view the comments under an article in Task & Purpose the other day and it's mindboggling how many Americans think Russia is defending itself from oppression. Some posters championed Putin, Kim Jong-un, and Trump as the last standing freedom fighters against globalists.

Culture war innit. But social media isn’t a problem. That’s just moral panic.
I bet we will see much more of it soon from the fresh batch of mobilised soldiers with zero training.

Seems that FSB were extremely busy today with plenty of videos of them stopping "planned terrorist attacks" and just dismantling bombs casually, most people unwrap the Christmas gifts more carefully than they disarm "bombs". All of the suspects are of course Ukrainians who came to Russia through Estonia.

Seems that FSB were extremely busy today with plenty of videos of them stopping "planned terrorist attacks" and just dismantling bombs casually, most people unwrap the Christmas gifts more carefully than they disarm "bombs". All of the suspects are of course Ukrainians who came to Russia through Estonia.

So how does this work then, they grab a random civilian for this newsreel? Or actor?