Richard Arnold secretly filmed whilst speaking to supporters

Is city involved in de Jong deal? I mean barca want bernardo and city will probably charge whatever utd pays to barca for fdj deal. If money is not the problem, then I can see why utd are reluctant to meet barca's demand simply because it will ultimately go to city's pocket.
The idea that our fans were planning to protest near the guys house when he has barely been in the job a few months is too idiotic to believe, fecking bellends.
Relax. Secretly recording him was a twat move but no club can use this clip as any sort of evidence that we actually have 200mil to spend. I'd even go ahead to say it's BS. We have never spent 200mil in s single window and we won't start now. It's going to be 150mil tops and another 50mil in the winter at best.
Woodward spoke to plenty of fans to be honest
In an organized forum, or impromptu like this? I couldn't picture the latter, because in addition to incompetent, he's also incredibly smug and arrogant.
In an organized forum, or impromptu like this? I couldn't picture the latter, because in addition to incompetent, he's also incredibly smug and arrogant.
He did impromptu and didnt get himself recorded
I’m sure some of them do. It’s like this place where you had posters delighted we’d lost a 200m training kit deal and then were moaning about no January signings 6 months later. Anyway, this is the account from one of them arranging the protest outside his house.

What a twat that guy is. And reading some of the responses makes me flipping despair.
Liverpool fans literally showed us how to protest and force your shitbag owners out. Our fans are taking every wrongheaded approach but that.
Well that's no good for negotiations at all. Has this twat recording him fecked our negotiations?
Im sure it has not helped, but why is the clubs CEO telling fans the budget during the transfer window or giving details on active negotiations. H’ed be fired at any top firm for this
Not sure Revealing we have £200m to spend was a wise move.

Barcelona will be rubbing their dicks over this news.
I don't think he did from what I heard, these 'fans' don't have two brain cells to rub together. He was speaking about the costs involved to build a 'best of the best' training facility.

They admitted they are damaging the club, to get rid of the sponsors, in order to get rid of the Glazers, who are damaging the club...
This is really cool but did he give them permission to record him?

He really says all the right things , I'm intrigued to see if he turns it all around or not.
Well that's no good for negotiations at all. Has this twat recording him fecked our negotiations?
It won’t help. That’s for sure.

For all he seems to come across as an okay guy, this video worries me. A serious CEO wouldn’t be trading commercially sensitive information in an environment like this. It makes me worry he’s got the same personality flaw that Woodward had, the need to grandstand even when it has the potential to harm you.
These fans are actively targeting sponsors attempting to get them all to pull out - why would they care what impact this has on our summer budget?
Just proves that them and the 1958 group are complete muppets.

Club would be better off without them trying to saboutage United.
I’m sure some of them do. It’s like this place where you had posters delighted we’d lost a 200m training kit deal and then were moaning about no January signings 6 months later. Anyway, this is the account from one of them arranging the protest outside his house.

You are definitely one of those Priti Patel fans and probably especially love her great anti-protesting law.
I hope he doesn't get fired for this :nervous:
He’s not naive to not expect any of this to get out.
this from the guys twitter feed:
He told it all like a true politician. Waffle, evasivness and PR. He's confirmed the protests are working and relentless pressure and sponsor bashing will only help get rid of the Glazers. So you know what to do, Reds: Bigger and louder.

I don't believe he said that for a second, especially when this guy goes on to say if new owners came in Arnold knows he'd be gone. It's not exactly in his best interests to encourage more protests.
Why. He deserves its for the sheer incompetence

Huh? What are you on about?

He's barely been here for few months, how exactly is he incompetent? Unless you're referring to the fact he talked so candidly to fans in a pub
Fair play to him, he didn't need to speak to these cretins as he doesn't owe them an explanation. Most would have rightly called the Police.
I’m sure some of them do. It’s like this place where you had posters delighted we’d lost a 200m training kit deal and then were moaning about no January signings 6 months later. Anyway, this is the account from one of them arranging the protest outside his house.

What exactly are they expecting a 'protest' at his house to do? This is all about transfers mid June, no doubt riled up by twitter and fan channels which is pretty pathetic.

All the off-field transfer/contract related things that people blame Ole for were actually the responsibility of Woodward and Judge.

There are plenty of other things that Solskjaer got wrong on the pitch without resorting to lying about his involvement in the financial side of things.

The real issue was the toxic environment that the former CEO created by rewarding everyone inflated wages for under-par performances, and packing the dressing room with players who didn't want to be there or put in the effort.

There's a reason why LvG hate Woodward and even names him as the problem. There's also a reason why Mourinho said finishing 2nd was his greatest ever achievement because of what was going on behind the scenes.
Real scummy act to secretly record him and post it online. That sort of thing is a complete deterrent for anyone interacting with fans - and then, when they don't, there'll be complaints about how detached we are from them nowadays.
Bang on, was going to say this as well. I hate how PR heavy the club are but we get an exec being open and frank with supporters in a casual conversation and it's paid back by secretly filming him and potentially getting him in a lot of shit?

As far as I can tell a bunch of "supporters" were going to protest outside the house of someone who is just in the front door, he comes to them and has an honest chat with them, and then they film and release the footage because what he says can be seen as negative towards the Glazers? Bunch of high horse cnuts to be honest.
You don't see the difference between talking about what he said to other people, and filming the entire thing and putting it online?
No, because if you post what he said, which he knew would happen, with a picture to prove he was actually there for example. It’s the same thing.

I guarantee he’s not that bothered, it’s actually done him and the club a favour anyway because he’s come across well.
Huh? What are you on about?

He's barely been here for few months, how exactly is he incompetent? Unless you're referring to the fact he talked so candidly to fans in a pub
Yes and talked about on going active negotiations and budget for the summer with numbers. Thats a sackable offence at any major multi national firm
Fair play to him for having the balls to go and speak to them
Shame on them for secretly filming him, will probably put him off talking to the fans again
No, because if you post what he said, which he knew would happen, with a picture to prove he was actually there for example. It’s the same thing.

I guarantee he’s not that bothered, it’s actually done him and the club a favour anyway because he’s come across well.

How on earth is it the same thing re-telling what he said, with your own words, and filming him and putting it online


What are people going on about - he didn’t confirm anything - he just said things hypothetically - he is talking at the level of the audience in front of him.

Comes across well, wants things to be better, he is not involved with player signings and backs the management that is.

Big non story - he has given away nothing - as if he was going to say we only have £85m to spend this window - ffs - some people.

Already much prefer him to arrogant Woody.