

Member of the Muppet Empire
Jan 14, 2000
My Happy Place - So Don't Be fecking With Me!
What struck me as pretty hard core, Biden almost writing off whomever is left behind after Aug 31 as just the way the end of wars occur

White House Press Conference with Jen Psaki
She clarifies misunderstood information put out earlier, today. The US evacuation operations with not be ending on Friday. They will be continuing until Aug 31
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Il Prete Rosso

Prete, the Italian Pete
Feb 11, 2012
Ospedale della Pietà
What struck me as pretty hard core, Biden almost writing off whomever is left behind after Aug 31 as just the way the end of wars occur
He's between a rock and a hard place. He stays past Aug 31st, it pisses off the Taliban while putting the people you're trying to get out in more danger. You leave people in Afghanistan after that date, you're accused of abandoning or leaving people behind.


Member of the Muppet Empire
Jan 14, 2000
My Happy Place - So Don't Be fecking With Me!
He's between a rock and a hard place. He stays past Aug 31st, it pisses off the Taliban while putting the people you're trying to get out in more danger. You leave people in Afghanistan after that date, you're accused of abandoning or leaving people behind.

I get that...

I'm old enough to recall the phenomenal moron that is Joe Biden, going back to the 1980's. I keep scratching my head wondering how he found his way into the Oval Office as the leader of the free world.
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Oct 12, 2020
I’d never heard of this ISIS-K until Wednesday, I knew ISIS tried setting up shop in Afghanistan but they were mostly pushed out by the Taliban.

Strange how a week or so ago the Taliban were the big evil and some people were saying invade again and take them out , but now we have something worse and people are even asking if we could one day see “western troops working with the Taliban”, that question, even if half hearted, or thought would not have occurred to anyone a week ago.
Oct 12, 2020
He's between a rock and a hard place. He stays past Aug 31st, it pisses off the Taliban while putting the people you're trying to get out in more danger. You leave people in Afghanistan after that date, you're accused of abandoning or leaving people behind.
The Taliban can host them as guest past the 31st due to the suffering from the bombing and that screwing everything up. As guests it’s the Taliban’s duty to insure they are protected and safe, but there’s an armed group the Taliban are fighting to protect law and order so the US troops can keep wearing their uniforms & weapons for safety etc etc this way no one loses face.


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
I’d never heard of this ISIS-K until Wednesday, I knew ISIS tried setting up shop in Afghanistan but they were mostly pushed out by the Taliban.

Strange how a week or so ago the Taliban were the big evil and some people were saying invade again and take them out , but now we have something worse and people are even asking if we could one day see “western troops working with the Taliban”, that question, even if half hearted, or thought would not have occurred to anyone a week ago.
i believe it quietly happened the 1st time ISIS tried to set up there.
May 4, 2021
i believe it quietly happened the 1st time ISIS tried to set up there.
In the early 2000s Yemen was on the US sanctions list because they had opposed the invasion of Kuwait. After 9/11 the President Ali Abdullah Saleh requested that sanctions were lifted as he had an al-Qaeda threat within Yemen. The US started shipping weapons to him, which he sold on to armed groups at great profit. Those groups included the Houthis and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The War on Terror allows pretty much anyone to get weapons from the US if they can show evidence that they are fighting someone scarier than themselves. And obviously any clever dictator figured this out long ago.


Full Member
Nov 8, 2018
I’d never heard of this ISIS-K until Wednesday, I knew ISIS tried setting up shop in Afghanistan but they were mostly pushed out by the Taliban.
Same here!
According to google search reports, Islamic State -Khorasan Province (ISIS-K) was established as a branch of ISIS in January 2015, by disgruntled members of Taliban's Pakistani affiliate and have been a sworn enemy of the Taliban.

Things may look decidedly bad already in this trouble country, but the future for Afghanistan's 38m population its not going to improve anytime soon if ISIS-K are intent on taking over from the Taliban.

Perhaps Trump/Biden did know something after all... goes someway to explaining why so much hardware was let behind for the Taliban?

The Firestarter

Full Member
Apr 8, 2010
I get that...

I'm old enough to recall the phenomenal moron that is Joe Biden, going back to the 1980's. I keep scratching my head wondering how he found his way into the Oval Office as the leader of the free world.
Surely after Trump its pretty much anyone with a shot...


New Member
Feb 9, 2017
Same here!
According to google search reports, Islamic State -Khorasan Province (ISIS-K) was established as a branch of ISIS in January 2015, by disgruntled members of Taliban's Pakistani affiliate and have been a sworn enemy of the Taliban.

Things may look decidedly bad already in this trouble country, but the future for Afghanistan's 38m population its not going to improve anytime soon if ISIS-K are intent on taking over from the Taliban.

Perhaps Trump/Biden did know something after all... goes someway to explaining why so much hardware was let behind for the Taliban?
I think the international community needs to work with the Taliban against this threat, particularly Pakistan and Iran.

The Taliban don't want any armed groups in their country who they cannot control - they'll likely fight the fight, but it'd be easier if they could rely on air support and training etc.

Fighting an insurgency is a who different kettle of fish to COIN.


Full Member
Dec 8, 2020
biden is the worst president in the history of the united states....he's a fuking brainless, spineless, liberal twat who just bends over and has no balls

i'm mean what is going on right now in Afghanistan doesn't just hurt the US it impacts all countries allied to America.....just look at this shit they left behind



Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
biden is the worst president in the history of the united states....he's a fuking brainless, spineless, liberal twat who just bends over and has no balls

i'm mean what is going on right now in Afghanistan doesn't just hurt the US it impacts all countries allied to America.....just look at this shit they left behind

Can't trust the libs with anything these days.


Full Member
Dec 8, 2020
you guys out in LA have had it crazy over the past year and a half.....but i see what u did there. cheeky! That video of the cash and amount of weapons is quite shocking


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
you guys out in LA have had it crazy over the past year and a half.....but i see what u did there. cheeky! That video of the cash and amount of weapons is quite shocking
Its not so shocking when you factor in the fact that the Afghan Army of 300,000 troops were armed with mainly US weapons, so whether or not the Taliban would've stumbled upon a cache of weapons from the US, would in the end be small potatoes compared to what they will pick up from the Afghan Army, special forces, and all other armed Afghan security forces.


Full Member
Dec 8, 2020
Its not so shocking when you factor in the fact that the Afghan Army of 300,000 troops were armed with mainly US weapons, so whether or not the Taliban would've stumbled upon a cache of weapons from the US, would in the end be small potatoes compared to what they will pick up from the Afghan Army, special forces, and all other armed Afghan security forces.
agreed but that cash and weapons came from the base that they just evacuated and left open for the Taliban to just walk in and take along with black hawk helicopters

You have to feel badly for the Afghan Army who have put in and sacrificed so much over the past what 20 years just to be abandoned. Taliban will hunt them like dogs now.


Full Member
Nov 8, 2018
You have to feel badly for the Afghan Army who have put in and sacrificed so much over the past what 20 years just to be abandoned.
They say "All's fair in love and War"... as long as you are on the winning side... but there is now't down for the losing side in such a bloody internal conflict, as the Taliban may yet find out!!


Full Member
Dec 8, 2020
They say "All's fair in love and War"... as long as you are on the winning side... but there is now't down for the losing side in such a bloody internal conflict, as the Taliban may yet find out!!
i certainly hope they do find out in a very bloody way and get absolutely demolished


Full Member
Dec 8, 2020
They could have done the normal army thing and fought back. That's what NATO spent 20 years training them to do.
we shall see what their response will be but a bit more difficult than meets the eye considering the ruthlessness in which they fight....they have no problem going after women and children

Carolina Red

Nov 7, 2015
South Carolina
we shall see what their response will be but a bit more difficult than meets the eye considering the ruthlessness in which they fight....they have no problem going after women and children
We shall see what? Their response already happened. They melted and left the road to Kabul wide open.


Made of cheese
Jun 22, 2020
no-one in particular
agreed but that cash and weapons came from the base that they just evacuated and left open for the Taliban to just walk in and take along with black hawk helicopters

You have to feel badly for the Afghan Army who have put in and sacrificed so much over the past what 20 years just to be abandoned. Taliban will hunt them like dogs now.
I was reading that those weapons they got won't be as impactful as it seems. You need ammo to fire guys, and you need technicians to keep them all in working order. Esperanza the helicopters are apparently very sensitive to the conditions in Afghanistan. A lot of this stuff may well have become worthless to the Taliban in a year from now.

Also, if the Taliban learned from the 90s, and given that IS-K is everyone's common enemy, I expect there will be some opening of relations before too long. Then, Afghanistan will 'just' be an another country ruled by Islamic hardliners that 'the west' is friendly with. And nobody complains about Saudi-Arabia or the UAE having US weaponry either.


Full Member
Nov 8, 2018
i certainly hope they do find out in a very bloody way and get absolutely demolished
Taliban are now charged with running the country, including providing for the population, safeguarding essential supplies, re-arming themselves etc. and if reports are true about ISIS-K, having to fight insurgency from the position of defenders. Taliban has proved themselves effective at fighting as insurgents, will they do as well when on the back foot, and tied to defending fixed positions?


Full Member
Dec 8, 2020
They'll be able to buy plenty of ammo from the russians or chinese with the amount of cash that was left behind at the base which is now in the hands of taliban

Don't really know to what extent the black hawk helicopters are serviceable but hopefully they can't do more with them that other taxi them around the base as what was shown

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Anywhere you want it
They'll be able to buy plenty of ammo from the russians or chinese with the amount of cash that was left behind at the base which is now in the hands of taliban

Don't really know to what extent the black hawk helicopters are serviceable but hopefully they can't do more with them that other taxi them around the base as what was shown
China yes, Russia less likely as they prefer a different calibre to 5.56 NATO.


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
Taliban, the US and NATO on the same side. Ronaldo to United. You just can't believe anything these days. Anything can happen.


Member of the Muppet Empire
Jan 14, 2000
My Happy Place - So Don't Be fecking With Me!
Review of events in Afghanistan

Of all the interviews of experts and active heroes contributing to the evacuation, former US Marine and CIA operative Elliot Ackerman was the most credible. His experience and actions leading up to the Afghan exit had been clipped out of this link, as he went on to describe how he tried to reach out to the US pentagon and the White House as early as April of this year begging for leaders to start pulling people out of Afghanistan. His efforts were completely ignored despite his extensive background in Afghanistan

Ackerman also seems to be a successful book writer, I'm definitely going to check out his books

This was the other most revealing depiction of what happened with the Afghan army. As Biden, the US Dept of State, and Pentagon officials try to deflect blame for the rapid collapse of the country. here is VICE News reporter at the conclusion of the surrender of the Kandahar military base. It helps for greater context to view Solomon's previous reports on VICE over the past couple weeks.



Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days
US air strike in Afghanistan a few hours ago apparently. IS target was killed in retaliation for the suicide bombing.