Film Justice League


Full Member
May 15, 2007
It's not a problem.

Speaking to a number of comic fans of mine that are black, their perspective is that they would much prefer to develop original black character's that are more interesting and more representative of their identity and background.
Hopefully they like black lightning

Same reason why I don't want an american James Bond. I like the source meterial to be respected, this is just pathetic pandering. If skin colour is what they are doing to try and sell the movie, it will always fail. Just like how I don't want a male Tomb Raider. Larry Croft.
Google Calvin Ellis please
Also you do know there was a black Superman in 1999/2000 comics right, before barrack Obama became president.

Or does that not matter to you for the basis of a point?
Hopefully this isn't a gut punch to you, but there's also an Asian flash and a native american/Indian green Arrow too.

Because that's all Hollywood seem to be doing these days in every movie. Should make Black panther a white guy and see how they react.
Is thet a black Panther with a white guy in the comics since you're all about respecting the source?

The multiverse is a massive part of DC, and has been for years, mainly through the comics and some of the animated stuff.
And tv shows/CW shows. the multi verse is great especially when everything is linked
Confusion will / can happen when there's no link and no plan of linking it. I can see movie goers who aren't geeks like me thinking or wondering why we are having two different Batman's within a year or two


Too Boring For A Funny Tagline
Nov 3, 2011
Because that's all Hollywood seem to be doing these days in every movie. Should make Black panther a white guy and see how they react.
Is that all they’re doing? Or are you whining about something that doesn’t really matter?
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Full Member
May 15, 2007
Is that all they’re doing or are you whining about something that doesn’t really matter?
Reminds me what's happening with Jordan Peele
He was saying there's a lack of movies with black actors as leads
He was told he could do something about it, so he did, he's made two going on to three movies with black leads

And now people are complaining that he won't have a white lead in his movies

It's still a thing in 2021 I guess


Full Member
Oct 19, 2009
Because that's all Hollywood seem to be doing these days in every movie. Should make Black panther a white guy and see how they react.
Well Black Panther has always been portrayed as an African man, part of a long line of native royalty. Being black is part of his identity. Whereas Superman is an alien from another planet that looks human. So long as he continues to look human, I don't care. Nothing about his character says that he needs to be white.


Netflix and avocado, no chill
Sep 24, 2012
Ashwood City FC
I'd watch a film about an expats (they'd be white so not immigrants) kid embracing African culture and becoming the black panther. Could be a fun as feck story.

Also he's called the black panther because black panthers are called black panthers. Mad I know, but means anyone can put on the costumer and be called the black panther.


Full Member
Jun 22, 2020
I wonder if you would say the same thing if Black Panther was portrayed by a white dude. Probably not.
I'm in two minds about this discussion as a whole.

On one hand if James Bond/007 was not a single person but a bit like doctor Who, then I think it would be fair enough and I think it offers more scope to the storylines.

On the other hand I think a new series with another character, 008 etc could offer fresh characters to the franchise. This character could be black, female whatever.

Similarly the concept of Black Panther is not based on his skin colour but his suit, as far as I know. So the person in the suit can be any colour or gender.

The problem here would be the arguments like whitewashing etc, however if, for example, superman can be black then it's no longer an issue. The problem is doing one without the other.

I do think the source material is a valid point to a degree, however I don't think it's that simple either. Basically because we live in a different world than when these characters were produced/introduced. Lets be honest a black superman back in the day doesn't become the hero he became, not only because of racism etc but also the target audience which would have been white lads with money for comics.

Also think that likes of bollywood etc should have played more of a role. Just like James Bond is a character in books originally, there was an author, ibne safi, who wrote the "Imran series" about a spy. My dad was a big fan, especially when the author Safdar Shaheen took over writing the books, think the first guy wrote about 120.

I've read both Bond books and Imran series and would love a hollywood (english) movie of him.


Netflix and avocado, no chill
Sep 24, 2012
Ashwood City FC
I'm in two minds about this discussion as a whole.

On one hand if James Bond/007 was not a single person but a bit like doctor Who, then I think it would be fair enough and I think it offers more scope to the storylines.

On the other hand I think a new series with another character, 008 etc could offer fresh characters to the franchise. This character could be black, female whatever.

Similarly the concept of Black Panther is not based on his skin colour but his suit, as far as I know. So the person in the suit can be any colour or gender.

The problem here would be the arguments like whitewashing etc, however if, for example, superman can be black then it's no longer an issue. The problem is doing one without the other.

I do think the source material is a valid point to a degree, however I don't think it's that simple either. Basically because we live in a different world than when these characters were produced/introduced. Lets be honest a black superman back in the day doesn't become the hero he became, not only because of racism etc but also the target audience which would have been white lads with money for comics.

Also think that likes of bollywood etc should have played more of a role. Just like James Bond is a character in books originally, there was an author, ibne safi, who wrote the "Imran series" about a spy. My dad was a big fan, especially when the author Safdar Shaheen took over writing the books, think the first guy wrote about 120.

I've read both Bond books and Imran series and would love a hollywood (english) movie of him.
But then it's only white washing if you change T'challa white. Having a fresh character in the suit isn't whitewashing.

Basically you could quite feasibly Miles Morales black panther.
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Full Member
Jun 22, 2020
But then it's only white washing if you change T'challa white. Having a fresh character in the suit isn't whitewashing.

Basically you could quite feasibly Miles Morales.
That is true.

I guess of it was done across the board or to fit a storyline them maybe folk wouldn't be up in arms.

So if the falcon was to become captain america instead of Bucky it wouldn't fit the comic archs, but then I think the movies stray from them anyway, it would make sense. But a black Steve Rogers maybe not so much


Netflix and avocado, no chill
Sep 24, 2012
Ashwood City FC
That is true.

I guess of it was done across the board or to fit a storyline them maybe folk wouldn't be up in arms.

So if the falcon was to become captain america instead of Bucky it wouldn't fit the comic archs, but then I think the movies stray from them anyway, it would make sense. But a black Steve Rogers maybe not so much
Falcon becomes captian America in the comics too, but yes that point still stands. Anyone can take the mantle of captain America, they don't have to be white.

This has always been the case for lots of characters in comics.


Full Member
Aug 17, 2014
My friend often brings up Black Panther when he’s “offended” by typically white characters being played by black actors. I don’t understand this as anyone who knows anything about the character Black Panther knows that being Black is a vital part of the characters back story and culture. There’s also the fact that a large proportion of well known superheroes are white because back in the 40’s - 70’s when most were created, comic media was largely racist at some level. What’s happening now is a correction of something that should never had existed, white bias, so the argument of well they should be also be changing typically black characters to white completely misses the point - there are already too many white superheroes and not enough black ones! It is exactly the same as saying “all lives matter” to me.

I have no issue with superman being black - he’s an alien. Being any colour makes zero difference to his story.

overall I am all for new characters with diverse backgrounds. That’s the best way to move forward


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
I'm pretty sure there's no chance that WB go for a black Superman. They just want a nice successful box office, not a discourse in waiting. Would be great to see though, might make an interesting story for once.


Netflix and avocado, no chill
Sep 24, 2012
Ashwood City FC
It temporarily leaked today. People who put on Tom and Jerry were "treated" to this instead.

If any disgusting pirates got their grubby hands on it make sure you share so we can all collectively report and discuss.


New Member
Oct 23, 2016
It temporarily leaked today. People who put on Tom and Jerry were "treated" to this instead.

If any disgusting pirates got their grubby hands on it make sure you share so we can all collectively report and discuss.
I heard it was the first hour only that was leaked.
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Full Member
Jun 18, 2008
It's hitting Sky Cinema next Thursday for anyone in the UK wanting to check it out.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
I don't wanna get spoiled so I'm not looking stuff up... but is it any good?


Netflix and avocado, no chill
Sep 24, 2012
Ashwood City FC
Final trailer.

Hopefully it doesn't disappoint, the trailer looks really good.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
My friend often brings up Black Panther when he’s “offended” by typically white characters being played by black actors. I don’t understand this as anyone who knows anything about the character Black Panther knows that being Black is a vital part of the characters back story and culture. There’s also the fact that a large proportion of well known superheroes are white because back in the 40’s - 70’s when most were created, comic media was largely racist at some level. What’s happening now is a correction of something that should never had existed, white bias, so the argument of well they should be also be changing typically black characters to white completely misses the point - there are already too many white superheroes and not enough black ones! It is exactly the same as saying “all lives matter” to me.

I have no issue with superman being black - he’s an alien. Being any colour makes zero difference to his story.

overall I am all for new characters with diverse backgrounds. That’s the best way to move forward
It's going too far in many cases though as happens with all good causes - see the bad rap feminism often gets these dates due to a few bad apples. See the Simpsons actor removed from voicing an African American character due to being white. Things like this, only reinforce and cement people's archaic views, sadly.

The solution is to stop being such uncreative morons and come up with new ideas and characters rather than "what if we made superman black?!". Messing with iconic characters rarely works and only does when it's done impeccably well - see different iterations of the Joker. Personally I think an evolution of these characters can work but fixing something that ain't broke seems like a wasteful exercise to undertake.

I had never heard of Black Panther before tbh. And while I thought the movies was alright, fairly good, the character was indeed very cool. More of that rather than female/black/Asian James Bond, for me.


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Dec 13, 2008
Apparently the critics have liked it & WB are thinking about doing JL2 with Snyder. I refuse to believe the hype & still expect an average film.

Dirty Schwein

Has a 'Best of Britney Spears' album
Feb 6, 2012
Miracle World
Luton Town
Who can play the new Superman?

My money lies on one of the below:

Michael B. Jordan - I'd love to see that
Idris Elba - self-proclaimed Black Superman
Aljamaine Sterling - Recent Oscar nominee


Lights on for Luke
Mar 10, 2010
Voted the best city in the world

God I hope this is good. I'm ready!
I tried not to hype myself up but after watching that final trailer and knowing it's out this week :drool:
Who can play the new Superman?

My money lies on one of the below:

Michael B. Jordan - I'd love to see that
Idris Elba - self-proclaimed Black Superman
Aljamaine Sterling - Recent Oscar nominee
Is it confirmed that the next Superman will be a POC? MBJ would be a good shout. As long as it isn't Anthony Mackie :nervous:


Netflix and avocado, no chill
Sep 24, 2012
Ashwood City FC
Apparently the critics have liked it & WB are thinking about doing JL2 with Snyder. I refuse to believe the hype & still expect an average film.
Did the critics respond well to the first justice league initially? Genuine question, feel like they did but I could be making that up
I don't see how it can be bad... it has all the odds stacked in its favour.

Dirty Schwein

Has a 'Best of Britney Spears' album
Feb 6, 2012
Miracle World
Luton Town
Is it confirmed that the next Superman will be a POC? MBJ would be a good shout. As long as it isn't Anthony Mackie :nervous:
Nah nothing confirmed at all. Just speculating. Anthonie Mackie can play Superman's vomit if he wants.

The Corinthian

I will not take Mad Winger's name in vain
Dec 10, 2020
A Free Palestine
Wow - this looks really good.

Kinda hoping the fall out from this Justice League movie is the 'Knightmare' dreamscape we saw in BvS, and that's the premise for JL2.

The holy trinity 68

The disparager
Apr 10, 2016
Wow - this looks really good.

Kinda hoping the fall out from this Justice League movie is the 'Knightmare' dreamscape we saw in BvS, and that's the premise for JL2.
Yeah, I just don't want them to make Superman be the only member of the JL to put up a fight against Darkseid. It will probably happen as Supes is the DC golden boy and they did that in the original JL. All the other members getting their arses handed to them by Steppenwolf then as soon as Superman turns up he beats Steppenwolf within 30 seconds with Steppenwolf not even landing a hit.

I get that Superman is the strongest member of the JL, but is he really 5 other members combined strong? Especially as WW is not even meant to be that much weaker than Superman anyway.