2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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This is pretty good. Both Warren and Sanders closing in.

Warren is going to win the nomination. Unfortunately, in the polls she does worse than both Biden and Sanders against Trump.

She's a strong candidate with a solid message, but her past encounters with Trump suggest she might slide into some of his traps and get caught in silly tit-for-tat games that take away from her general campaign. Whereas I think Bernie would be better when it comes to not getting distracted.
I agree with Cheesy that women just dont have the constitution to stay focused on the task at hand. Just imagine Trump making some detailed analysis of NATO while Elizabeth Warren is making a shopping list in her head and wondering if she recorded that Lifetime movie on DVR. I want a broad to be president as much as the next person but we cant risk it in 2020, we have to defeat Donald Trump.
I agree with Cheesy that women just dont have the constitution to stay focused on the task at hand. Just imagine Trump making some detailed analysis of NATO while Elizabeth Warren is making a shopping list in her head and wondering if she recorded that Lifetime movie on DVR. I want a broad to be president as much as the next person but we cant risk it in 2020, we have to defeat Donald Trump.

Vote biden
This is pretty good. Both Warren and Sanders closing in.

Warren is going to win the nomination. Unfortunately, in the polls she does worse than both Biden and Sanders against Trump.
Who’s to stop her from getting Bernie at VP?
Who’s to stop her from getting Bernie at VP?
Don't see how it would make sense to do so. Bernie voters would vote her anyway, Vermont will vote her, and Bernie is quite old. Some younger politician who might give her a swing state would be a more rational choice (same if Bernie wins the nomination, cannot see him picking Warren).
Who’s to stop her from getting Bernie at VP?

It would also make for a great target for Trump to double down on making the election a referendum about capitalism v socialism, which is precisely what he wants.

She would be wise to go for someone younger.
Don't see how it would make sense to do so. Bernie voters would vote her anyway, Vermont will vote her, and Bernie is quite old. Some younger politician who might give her a swing state would be a more rational choice (same if Bernie wins the nomination, cannot see him picking Warren).

It would also make for a great target for Trump to double down on making the election a referendum about capitalism v socialism, which is precisely what he wants.

She would be wise to go for someone younger.
Good points. I kind of hope either one or the other drop just so we can combine their polling numbers. In a better world, it would be a race between those two and all others won’t come close. God damn you Biden.
Good points. I kind of hope either one or the other drop just so we can combine their polling numbers. In a better world, it would be a race between those two and all others won’t come close. God damn you Biden.

The race would get very interesting if Biden were to implode (which I doubt he will), since we really don't know where his support would go. A lot of pundits think much of it would land with Harris and Pete, but I think a good bit would go to Warren as well.
So basically Biden and Sanders supporters just miss their grandad.

it's a *little* more than that - warren is not far behind in the bernie 2nd choices, while bernie is nowhere in 2nd choices for kamala and pete. i think it points to the fact that in one way, the demographics of bernie and biden are similar - less education, less income, especially compared to the other candidates who get very little traction in that category.

the difference between bernie and biden supporter's demographics is, massively, age - not more than 5-10% of the vote over 50 for bernie, not more than 10-12% of the under-30 vote for biden.
it's a *little* more than that - warren is not far behind in the bernie 2nd choices, while bernie is nowhere in 2nd choices for kamala and pete. i think it points to the fact that in one way, the demographics of bernie and biden are similar - less education, less income, especially compared to the other candidates who get very little traction in that category.

the difference between bernie and biden supporter's demographics is, massively, age - not more than 5-10% of the vote over 50 for bernie, not more than 10-12% of the under-30 vote for biden.
Is it harsh to suggest that another thing Biden and Sanders voters have in common is they haven't heard of anyone who isn't either Biden or Sanders? I guess so, given what you say about Warren being close in Sanders voters second choice, but I think it's a factor worth including.
Is it harsh to suggest that another thing Biden and Sanders voters have in common is they haven't heard of anyone who isn't either Biden or Sanders? I guess so, given what you say about Warren being close in Sanders voters second choice, but I think it's a factor worth including.

i would have thought so at the start but warren has pretty good name recognition by this point.
this is the page, it keeps me occupied a bit.
No. Several different polls have shown that people who have Bernie first are more likely to have Biden second than Warren. If you have some specific reason why the polls are BS, I'm sure we'd like to hear them, but "that's not what I would do" isn't a good enough argument.

tbh I don't trust any of em at this point.
Even those that show Bernie ahead.
Biden is the opposite of what Bernie stands for.
tbh I don't trust any of em at this point.
Even those that show Bernie ahead.
Biden is the opposite of what Bernie stands for.

Absolutely, but a lot of people wouldn't vote Bernie for what he stands for, but for what he is: an old, white guy that they know. That probably accounted for a fair bit of his support against Hillary Clinton (an old, white woman, which is a completely different thing, and a particularly unpopular one at that). Otherwise he would be doing a lot better than now.
Absolutely, but a lot of people wouldn't vote Bernie for what he stands for, but for what he is: an old, white guy that they know. That probably accounted for a fair bit of his support against Hillary Clinton (an old, white woman, which is a completely different thing, and a particularly unpopular one at that). Otherwise he would be doing a lot better than now.

what the heck are you talking about.

People will vote for Bernie in spite of him being an old white guy.

He would be doing a lot better if not for the concerted efforts of the Corporate MSM and the Democratic machinery.
what the heck are you talking about.

People will vote for Bernie in spite of him being an old white guy.

So you think it's pure coincidence that the two highest polled candidates are old, white men? Okay, then scrap the old part. A lot of people have him as second choice because he's well-known after 2016. You don't seriously think all 47% or whatever of Democrats who voted for him in 2016 were in on his revolution? A fair number voted for him as an alternative to an unpopular woman.
So you think it's pure coincidence that the two highest polled candidates are old, white men? Okay, then scrap the old part. A lot of people have him as second choice because he's well-known after 2016. You don't seriously think all 47% or whatever of Democrats who voted for him in 2016 were in on his revolution? A fair number voted for him as an alternative to an unpopular woman.

again. A ridiculous argument.
You are among those who believe people vote for personalities.
That may have been true when there was little difference between the parties. Hillary had nothing to offer except Trump is bad. Same as Biden.

Everyone is jumping on Medicare For All even if with the exception of 3 candidates, the rest are for various forms of Corporate care.

Key? Its Policies. Except most candidates simply lie about what they Really stand for.
If Bernie doesn't win, it might honestly be because his campaign strategists are people like you, true believers and idealists. You're so caught up in what should be the case that you're blind to any alternative explanation.
If Bernie doesn't win, it might honestly be because his campaign strategists are people like you, true believers and idealists. You're so caught up in what should be the case that you're blind to any alternative explanation.

There may be many reasons why Bernie does not win, not least among them the concerted efforts of the Democratic party against his policies.

But IF Trump wins it is because the Democratic Party is not where the voters are and would rather a Corporate stooge win than a man representing the American people.
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