Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

Phil Jones Face

Full Member
Apr 23, 2013
Loving seeing Team Dany meltdown over her descent into madness. The tears. :lol: Sure, it's rushed and poor writing and not properly fleshed out (how we badly needed more episodes), but it's been coming for a long time. This isn't sudden or out of the blue. The poster girl always had a horrible streak in her.

Edit: meme on prev page


New Member
Oct 22, 2015
Zagreb, HR
Jon will be a pointless character up until the end wont he?
We all talk about Dany but he's even worse with 'the same face in ever scene' acting. Always has that I'm shocked and surprised face. Just like that Steven Seagal meme. Whatever happens he's the same. Maybe he moves his eyebrows a bit just for kicks.


There once was a kid from Toronto...
Oct 3, 2012
East end / Oot and aboot
I wanna know why she rode arode in circles last episode while her second dragon was picked off and killed with ease but then this episode her dragon is just unstoppable and kills an entire army in a couple of seconds. Why the feck didn't she just do that last time?


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Sep 10, 2010
All in all... that was fecking awful.

The only good thing was the hound v mountain, nothing else was done well at all.


Been caught pooping
Aug 2, 2008
Seriously? She's been liberating slaves and fighting a war, of course she's going to have killed people. Which one of those examples is comparable to razing a city of thousands of innocent people when she has already won the war. Was it the room full of Dothraki who were going to rape/kill her? The House of Undying who had her imprisoned? The wagon train which were y'know... an actual army?

This is the same woman who cried for a farmers dead son that her dragons had killed and locked them up because someone innocent died. The same woman that literally made a speech about how she wasn't going to KL to kill their children/wifes and said she would spare the lives of those who swore fealty to her.

Then when all was said and done and the war was over, her enemy had surrendered... she razes the whole city.

And people are all "derp check out this foreshadowing..."

Nothing foreshadowed that. She went from liberator to tyrant in about 1 hour.

Ffs I'm getting wound up now :lol:


Yaaas Broncos!
Apr 6, 2009
Jon will be a pointless character up until the end wont he?
We all talk about Dany but he's even worse with 'the same face in ever scene' acting. Always has that I'm shocked and surprised face. Just like that Steven Seagal meme. Whatever happens he's the same. Maybe he moves his eyebrows a bit just for kicks.
In fairness this is a good explanation for Dany burning thousands of women and children to death, the writers finally found the perfect use for his one expression.


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
Seriously? She's been liberating slaves and fighting a war, of course she's going to have killed people. Which one of those examples is comparable to razing a city of thousands of innocent people when she has already won the war. Was it the room full of Dothraki who were going to rape/kill her? The House of Undying who had her imprisoned? The wagon train which were y'know... an actual army?

This is the same woman who cried for a farmers dead son that her dragons had killed and locked them up because someone innocent died. The same woman that literally made a speech about how she wasn't going to KL to kill their children/wifes and said she would spare the lives of those who swore fealty to her.

Then when all was said and done and the war was over, her enemy had surrendered... she razes the whole city.

And people are all "derp check out this foreshadowing..."

Nothing foreshadowed that. She went from liberator to tyrant in about 1 hour.

Ffs I'm getting wound up now :lol:
Should have stuck to explaining the 'kinslayer.



New Member
Oct 22, 2015
Zagreb, HR
In fairness this is a good explanation for Dany burning thousands of women and children to death, the writers finally found the perfect use for his one expression.
True, it worked well in this episode. Finally.


New Member
Oct 22, 2015
Zagreb, HR
Seriously? She's been liberating slaves and fighting a war, of course she's going to have killed people. Which one of those examples is comparable to razing a city of thousands of innocent people when she has already won the war. Was it the room full of Dothraki who were going to rape/kill her? The House of Undying who had her imprisoned? The wagon train which were y'know... an actual army?

This is the same woman who cried for a farmers dead son that her dragons had killed and locked them up because someone innocent died. The same woman that literally made a speech about how she wasn't going to KL to kill their children/wifes and said she would spare the lives of those who swore fealty to her.

Then when all was said and done and the war was over, her enemy had surrendered... she razes the whole city.

And people are all "derp check out this foreshadowing..."

Nothing foreshadowed that. She went from liberator to tyrant in about 1 hour.

Ffs I'm getting wound up now :lol:
You have a great tagline. :D


Mediocre Horse Whisperer, s'up wid chew?
Nov 15, 2012
The best bit about the episode was Qyburn's sudden and brutal demise. I can't imagine anyone didn't snigger at that.


Phallic connoisseur, unlike shamans
Feb 20, 2019

Tyrion and Varys have become such parodies of themselves in the last few seasons. Well actually Tyrion was cool enough in this episode by freeing Jaime to save the city although it never made sense why Cersei would surrender before the battle.


Full Member
Dec 4, 2012
the booth
An incredible episode imo. For me personally, it’s one of the best episodes of the entire series.
How could anyone say that nothing in this was done well?
Those scenes on the streets of King’s Landing were some of the best war scenes ever shot!!

Also how can people seriously say that Daenerys’ change was too sudden. The same people will complain that Jaimie’s character arc was made pointless. Well Daenerys’ arc is now finished and it was there for everyone to see for 8 seasons. How can you be disappointed? This is not sudden at all imo. But it’s simply easy for viewers who liked Daenerys to shut their eyes to it.


Full Member
May 18, 2011
The severity of that change was sudden. It was a few episodes ago she was trying to be best friends with Sansa. She was only burning people who were perceived to be evil.

To go from that to hearing a bell ring and wanting to burn everything in sight is a sudden change imo. It didn't make any sense to me why she was doing that.

Even her father took years to develop into the "burn them all" phase.
She didn't think Dickon and whatever the father was called were evil. It was her anger and struggle to cope with people not bending to her will.

That's been the theme this season and last, she's struggled to cope with the idea of not getting what she sees as her divine right. She realised they don't adore her, she then realised her claim isn't even right. There was no victory for her even when the bells rang because she thinks it's gone.


Unimaginative FC
Aug 23, 2007
Euron and jamie fight seemed forced..why would euron fight anyways ? Just fecking off to his island would make much more sense.


Full Member
Sep 16, 2015

Tyrion and Varys have become such parodies of themselves in the last few seasons. Well actually Tyrion was cool enough in this episode by freeing Jaime to save the city although it never made sense why Cersei would surrender before the battle.
On the bright side the memes are comedy gold...



Phallic connoisseur, unlike shamans
Feb 20, 2019
An incredible episode imo. For me personally, it’s one of the best episodes of the entire series.
How could anyone say that nothing in this was done well?
Those scenes on the streets of King’s Landing were some of the best war scenes ever shot!!

Also how can people seriously say that Daenerys’ change was too sudden. The same people will complain that Jaimie’s character arc was made pointless. Well Daenerys’ arc is now finished and it was there for everyone to see for 8 seasons. How can you be disappointed? This is not sudden at all imo. But it’s simply easy for viewers who liked Daenerys to shut their eyes to it.
It was a good episode imo, but Dany roasting all the city and civilians when she's won the battle and the war? Everything went perfect to plan. And maybe her populace would actually love her and respect if she actually became a just and noble ruler which is what she's been training for since she set her eyes on the iron throne.


Mediocre Horse Whisperer, s'up wid chew?
Nov 15, 2012
I don't understand those that are looking for logic in the acts of a crazy person. She's gone nuts, just like her father, or her ancestor who tried drinking wildfire. The issue is her descent into madness was far too rushed, but we've known everything was going to be rushed to a conclusion long ago.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Mar 22, 2014
I've enjoyed this season overall, but they lost me with that. No logic behind characters actions, forced story arcs, the Jaime and Cersei thing is just dumb, turning Dany mad was only done for shock value. This show lost everything it had going for it, all in the final season too. What a massive, massive shame.


45k posts to finally achieve this tagline
Apr 25, 2007
Djibouti (La terre des braves)
I don't understand those that are looking for logic in the acts of a crazy person. She's gone nuts, just like her father, or her ancestor who tried drinking wildfire. The issue is her descent into madness was far too rushed, but we've known everything was going to be rushed to a conclusion long ago.
That's the key point, I enjoyed the destruction and fire effects on this episode. Focusing too much on the story is a sure way of getting frustrated.


Full Member
Jul 1, 2007
Sunny Manc
The series has gotten a bit lazy this season. Rushing the plot and storylines for these big dramatic episodes and climactic showdowns. It’s gone very pantomime.


Full Member
Sep 16, 2015
I don't understand those that are looking for logic in the acts of a crazy person. She's gone nuts, just like her father, or her ancestor who tried drinking wildfire. The issue is her descent into madness was far too rushed, but we've known everything was going to be rushed to a conclusion long ago.
I actually think perhaps the only arc they got right since they ran out of books was hers. I really don't feel it was rushed. There's been glimpses of the dark side to Dany all along.

Jamie, Briene, Tyrion, Bronn and Bran.... their arcs are beyond pointless. Jon became a extra this season. But Dany has been well built up for this imo.


nasty little twerp with crazy bitter-man opinions
Jun 6, 2011
I'm typing this with my Glock 19 two feet from me
I don't understand those that are looking for logic in the acts of a crazy person. She's gone nuts, just like her father, or her ancestor who tried drinking wildfire. The issue is her descent into madness was far too rushed, but we've known everything was going to be rushed to a conclusion long ago.
Exactly. Shes like a police officer and the poor citizens are the poor citizens. Theres no reason for her to brutalize them but she does anyway.