Mass Shooting in Christchurch, NZ Mosque | 14th March 2019


Full Member
Dec 3, 2017
Sounds good to me but I'm not sure if there is a mechanism to get rid of someone unless they have are convicted of a crime that has a potential sentence of over 12 months. So unless he gets convicted of hate speech for this latest outburst (and I don't know what the penalty is even if he were to be) I doubt he can be got rid of.
Yes he should be tried for hate speech atleast, can't it also be for inciting violence?


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
I don't think that is a separate offence in this context.

And our hate speech laws aren't very strong at the federal level and not much stronger (and variable) at the state level. They are mostly designed around an individual complaining about the affect on them of hate speech and in most cases the maximum sentence is a maximum of 6 month I believe.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
Hunting makes you a scum bag? Or are you erroneously conflating trophy hunting endangered animals with people hunting deer, ducks, etc for food? You realize we’re carnivores right? Some of us hunt and eat what we kill. I would tell you what you clearly are, but you strike me as the type to run to a moderator over your hurt feelings.
The vast majority of people who hunt do so because they enjoy shooting animals and not because they are hungry. Unless you are a veggie (or Vegan really) you can't complain that animals are killed and eaten but you can still think people who like killing things are immoral even if they do eat what they kill.

And nobody needs the weaponry the killer legally had simply to put food on your table.


Full Member
Aug 26, 2014
Trying to wrap my head around this post. Care to explain?
I think I understand the point. These idiots think it's a war with Islam and see it as their job to fight back. I am also a little surprised there haven't been more nutters like this coming out of the woodwork.

Anyway, what's with the pixelation of this guy on the news? Why don't they show his face?

Florida Man

Cartoon expert and crap superhero
Jan 24, 2014
Florida, man
I think I understand the point. These idiots think it's a war with Islam and see it as their job to fight back. I am also a little surprised there haven't been more nutters like this coming out of the woodwork.

Anyway, what's with the pixelation of this guy on the news? Why don't they show his face?
They don’t want to make him more famous than he already is I believe.


New Member
Oct 23, 2016

Absolutely disgusting but nothing surprise at all.

When someone from ISIS does a terrorist attack (which all other Muslims despise and hate them), it's immediately called Islam terrorists and Islam the religion of violence, and the entire attack will be on the entire religion.

But now some disgusting newspapers are publishing photos of the murderer with his child, and talking about his life ad calling him angelic boy. Of course they will try to paint it as an individual accident, maybe they will even try to make him the hero who killed the Islam terrorists.

The way the foreign media deal with these accidents is disgusting and trying to manipulate people into thinking what they want about Islam. They are trying to paint ISIS as the real version of Islam, so we have to counter it by killing peaceful prayers in their mosque.

The Muslim in the mosque first action to the murderer was to tell him "hello brother" but it's the religion of violence indeed.

Forever the media will try to paint the terrorist picture as someone with beard and Islam extremist, but murderers like these are called angelic boys and published with their child on the front cover of newspaper.

And the worst thing is some allow this disgusting media to shape their ideas about the world.
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weak willed
Mar 10, 2017
This friend of yours, did he/she grow up in the Heights?

If he/she did, I find it very hard to believe they get mad at the nightlife culture in Uptown. It's been that way forever.

If he/she is a transplant, then they, and all the gentrifiers, can feck off. They recently closed all my favorite hang out spots in the area. Including La Marina. cnuts.
Absolute cnuts.

vidic blood & sand

New Member
Aug 30, 2013
Absolutely disgusting but nothing surprise at all.

When someone from ISIS does a terrorist attack (which all other Muslims despise and hate them), it's immediately called Islam terrorists and Islam the religion of violence, and the entire attack will be on the entire religion.

But now some disgusting newspapers are publishing photos of the murderer with his child, and talking about his life ad calling him angelic boy. Of course they will try to paint it as an individual accident, maybe they will even try to make him the hero who killed the Islam terrorists.

The way the foreign media deal with thee accidents is disgusting and trying to manipulate people into thinking hat they want about Islam. They are trying to paint ISIS as the real version of Islam, so we have to counter it by killing peaceful prayers in their mosque.

The Muslim in the mosque first action to the murderer was to tell him "hello brother" but it's the religion of violence indeed.

Forever the media will try to paint the terrorist picture as someone with beard and Islam extremist, but murderers like thee are called angelic boys and published with their child on the front cover of newspaper.

And the worst thing is some allow this disgusting media to shape their ideas about the world.
The headline says that he grew into an *evil* far right. Aren't you over reacting?
The question everyone around the world is asking is, what would cause a person to do something like this?


New Member
Oct 23, 2016
The headline says that he grew into an *evil* far right. Aren't you over reacting?
The question everyone around the world is asking is, what would cause a person to do something like this?
Nope. The answer to your question is in the tweet. No one in the media would have done the same if it's the opposite. Would have been immediately an Islam terrorist from the religion of violence. No one would have published articles about what made him such a thing as they are trying to do it now and giving reason for someone who was an "angelic boy" to make a shift, take his gun and kill peaceful prayers.


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
The way the Mirror and Mail covered it makes me want to cry. I know this is about terrorism but there's no one that can convince me race is not one.


New Member
Mar 26, 2016
Are you watching closely?
Nope. The answer to your question is in the tweet. No one in the media would have done the same if it's the opposite. Would have been immediately an Islam terrorist from the religion of violence. No one would have published articles about what made him such a thing as they are trying to do it now and giving reason for someone who was an "angelic boy" to make a shift, take his gun and kill peaceful prayers.
Yep, would never happen.


vidic blood & sand

New Member
Aug 30, 2013
Nope. The answer to your question is in the tweet. No one in the media would have done the same if it's the opposite. Would have been immediately an Islam terrorist from the religion of violence. No one would have published articles about what made him such a thing as they are trying to do it now and giving reason for someone who was an "angelic boy" to make a shift, take his gun and kill peaceful prayers.
The papers here always show pictures of killers at moments when they seem innocent and harmless.


Everything is fair game in capitalism!
Jan 8, 2014
Dragon of Dojima
The headline says that he grew into an *evil* far right. Aren't you over reacting?
The question everyone around the world is asking is, what would cause a person to do something like this?
How about just calling him out for the piece of shit he is? Why say anything positive about him in the headline?


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur

Absolutely disgusting but nothing surprise at all.

When someone from ISIS does a terrorist attack (which all other Muslims despise and hate them), it's immediately called Islam terrorists and Islam the religion of violence, and the entire attack will be on the entire religion.

But now some disgusting newspapers are publishing photos of the murderer with his child, and talking about his life ad calling him angelic boy. Of course they will try to paint it as an individual accident, maybe they will even try to make him the hero who killed the Islam terrorists.

The way the foreign media deal with these accidents is disgusting and trying to manipulate people into thinking what they want about Islam. They are trying to paint ISIS as the real version of Islam, so we have to counter it by killing peaceful prayers in their mosque.

The Muslim in the mosque first action to the murderer was to tell him "hello brother" but it's the religion of violence indeed.

Forever the media will try to paint the terrorist picture as someone with beard and Islam extremist, but murderers like these are called angelic boys and published with their child on the front cover of newspaper.

And the worst thing is some allow this disgusting media to shape their ideas about the world.
This attack was already horrible enough but these headlines just make me even more sick. These publications are genuinely a fecking cancer to our societies.


Gentleness adorns everything
Sep 1, 2004

"Someone has just slapped an egg on the back of Australian Senator Fraser Anning's head, who immediately turned around and punched him in the face. @politicsabc @abcnews"


Full Member
Nov 30, 2007

"Someone has just slapped an egg on the back of Australian Senator Fraser Anning's head, who immediately turned around and punched him in the face. @politicsabc @abcnews"
That video doesn't show that, after the kid had been pinned to the ground by two goons, an incredibly brave race warrior kicked the kid. Looking forward to the POS going viral. (16 seconds in)


Full Member
Nov 13, 2018
Personally, I would not have attended the World Cup. At least that’s what I like to think I’d have done.
And obviously, not every player attending is racist.
The sensible decision would be a boycott. I understand those, who don’t, as they face possible legal and professional repercussions due to a boycott. The downside is incredible and I understand why one would refuse a boycott. Also I understand that this event might be something they have worked for basically their whole lives. Stripping them of what could possibly be the crowning achievement of their whole life, is a lot to ask of someone.
So another sensible option would be to attend under protest. To try to shine a light on humanitarian issues while still in the spotlight. To align yourself with those, who’s voices we don’t hear. But yes, silently attending an event like this, having your reputation and celebrity be used as a tool for a regime like this, is problematic.
But actively seeking the friendship and companionship of those responsible for all those issues, is not just problematic. It’s an endorsement of ideology that carries much more weight and consequences. A person deciding to do that, is not just a bit of a coward, but actively demonstrates at best indifference towards cruelty, at worst it’s an ideological alignment.
So I would say there is a huge difference.
Is he actually seeking a friendship and companionship with Kadyrov though? All I ever saw was Kadyrov being opportunistic and latching on to what was arguably one of the best players in the world going into last years world cup as a PR stunt.

I mean has Salah spoken out in support of Kadyrov? I suggest to you that it was simply a propaganda move by the Kadyrov and you've decided to believe it instantly.

You are creating a scenario that simply does not exist, talk of friendships and companionship is creepy as feck and factually untrue. You make it sound like he wants a relationship with him.

To quote the attached:

Salah has undoubtedly been used as a propaganda tool by Kadyrov during his stay in Grozny, with the Chechen leader waking him up at the team hotel to give him a tour of the city, and awarding him “honorary citizenship” at a dinner over the weekend. It makes sense: what leader wouldn’t want to take advantage of the popularity of a sporting icon? Politicians and dictators have done it for as long as there has been sport, from Mussolini to Tony Blair. But that doesn’t mean Salah is comfortable with it. The fact that the Egyptian FA chose Grozny as their base, and has been complicit in promoting the images of Kadyrov and Salah, suggests this is part of their own strategy as much as Kadyrov’s.


New Member
Oct 23, 2016
Is he actually seeking a friendship and companionship with Kadyrov though? All I ever saw was Kadyrov being opportunistic and latching on to what was arguably one of the best players in the world going into last years world cup as a PR stunt.

I mean has Salah spoken out in support of Kadyrov? I suggest to you that it was simply a propaganda move by the Kadyrov and you've decided to believe it instantly.

You are creating a scenario that simply does not exist, talk of friendships and companionship is creepy as feck and factually untrue. You make it sound like he wants a relationship with him.

To quote the attached:
Absolutely right. I'm Egyptian and I'm telling you, Salah was used as a tool by Egyptian FA. He knew feck all about Kadyrov political history.

If you want to blame someone it's Hany Abou Rida. That was the general concept here.


I’m afraid I just blue myself
Sep 18, 2008

"Someone has just slapped an egg on the back of Australian Senator Fraser Anning's head, who immediately turned around and punched him in the face. @politicsabc @abcnews"

Such brave lads pinning down a 16yr old kid.


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)


Full Member
Nov 25, 2015
Nope. The answer to your question is in the tweet. No one in the media would have done the same if it's the opposite. Would have been immediately an Islam terrorist from the religion of violence. No one would have published articles about what made him such a thing as they are trying to do it now and giving reason for someone who was an "angelic boy" to make a shift, take his gun and kill peaceful prayers.
Media mustbe different here. Pretty much none of the Dutch media, except the far right fringe ones blame Islam for Islamic terrorism.

Most of em call it the actions of crazy people who misinterpret the religion. Ironically enough roughly the same as the people saying this guy is misinterpretting pewdiepie. These right wing nuts say pewdiepie is our boy, much as the Isis nuts say Allah is theirs.

People can use anything or anyone to become murderous cnuts. You either blame it on interpretation or the source. I think that the thing all these terrorists have in common is being fecked up beyond repair.
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Full Member
Aug 10, 2011
LVG's notebook
Interesting absence of posts from certain posters in this thread. Usually they're very quick to post anti-muslim rehetoric and misquoted excerpts from the Quran to propagate their hate-filled bigoted right wing agenda.


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
How is this kid getting away with egging which is a criminal offense?
Is it a criminal offense in Australia? Does that offense require him being choked out with 3 people ontop of him after being punched twice and then kicked? Nope.

edit: Just saw previous post :)


Full Member
Aug 7, 2015
Is it a criminal offense in Australia? Does that offense require him being choked out with 3 people ontop of him after being punched twice and then kicked? Nope.

edit: Just saw previous post :)
I don't know about Australia but under some conditions i think it can be a criminal offense. They went way over the top handling the kid, he is 16 after all. Personally, I think that senator's statement yesterday was a complete disgrace and he should have serious consequences (not just an egg) for his callous statement. How he still has a job is beyond me.



Full Member
Nov 13, 2018
Interesting absence of posts from certain posters in this thread. Usually they're very quick to post anti-muslim rehetoric and misquoted excerpts from the Quran to propagate their hate-filled bigoted right wing agenda.
Can't say I've ever seen that on here, has it happened?


New Member
Jul 12, 2016
I know, they never do because he isnt brown or a Muslim.
Yes they never do hence credit should go to the New Zealand Prime Minister and the Australian Prime Minister for being blunt and clear in their statements calling it is a terrorist attack and the guy is a terrorist .


Full Member
Jun 15, 2009
I can't remember why I joined this war.
This is 100% the reverse of what I have seen in real life. Most of the worst 4chan types either were married or had no problems getting laid. Again there seems to be this weird recent myth there aren't as many women racists as men and that somehow racists don't procreate which is just dead wrong. One town I lived probably had more hardcore female racists than male and the females egged them on.
Things have changed a bit since the incels got banned from reddit and somehow found 4chan and 8chan as their new homes. That being said I don't claim the terrorist who did this shooting was an incel, it's just that incels have a history of shooting up people as well. Whenever I read incel threads on there it also seems that they are not only misogynists but racists as well. And let's face it the 4chan from 4-5 years ago is dead. A funny picture board with edgy humor has turned into cesspit of racism, anti-lgbt rhetoric and misogyny that infiltrates every thread on there. The times of trolling people for the lulz are over it's completely mean spirited now and only hides behind memes.


Lucio's #1 Fan
Jul 19, 2014
I listened to a good podcast with the person who started it all.

Gives a pretty good summary of how it ended up where it did, despite having very innocent intentions to begin with.
Remarkable interview. She seems a very decent person, shame her idea was annexed in such bad ways. Some sharp observations, like the one on the "student government problem".

Carolina Red

Nov 7, 2015
South Carolina
Milo has been banned from entering Australia...

Right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos has been banned from entering the country of Australia over his comments on social media about the New Zealand mosque shootings, ABC Australia reported.

Australian Immigration Minister David Coleman said in a statement that Yiannopoulos’s comments regarding the massacre are “appalling and foment hatred and division.”


Full Member
Aug 10, 2011
LVG's notebook
Can't say I've ever seen that on here, has it happened?
Have a read of the Shamima Begum thread or the thread where the Tommy Robinson apologists come crawling out of the woodwork and you’ll see what I mean.

Their silence and lack of outrage when 49 innocent people were killed in cold blood is deafening. When it’s one of their own against the ‘evil Muslims’ I guess it’s fair game.

I’m not going to name them, they know who they are.