Mass Shooting in Christchurch, NZ Mosque | 14th March 2019

All the people

Inceldom isn't confined to only white people Steve , trust me.

Yeah I have no idea why people are talking about incels. Most of the people I encountered that were 4chan types were older and married. People need to realize that just as many women are racists as men and racists do pair up and procreate.
I just took that phrase from the poster I quoted. But I just can talk how it is in a country like Germany where all animals that are dangerous for humans or even their farm animals are extinct. There is very controversial opinions in Germany about the wolves that "came back" in some parts of Germany especially because of their killing sprees of sheeps. Or about Bruno the bear that was sighted some years ago in the Alp area.
Ok, I don't understand what this have to do with the shooting, but I've never met anyone who hunts for food in Syria ie, I do think your statement has some ignorance to it, like you think we live in tents in the middle of the desert or something.
Wow, such terrible news. This is why we shouldn’t give those who speak about hate a platform. Having watched the video, the part that really got me was when the first victim said hello brother and he was gun downed. I can’t believe there are people like this who exists. Hopefully, the victims families gets more than just thought and prayers.
I have an aunt who lives in Dunedin and a friend from Seattle who's currently visiting Auckland with a view on moving there next month. They both tell me the feeling in the country is of utter and absolute shock, and many people feel their lives will never be the same again. Its a harsh reality to deal with for those who never thought they'd ever experience anything like this in their country. New Zealand did have two mass shootings in the early and late 90s but this is on another level.
Yeah, you are probably right about that. Unfortunately their shitty "red pilled" personalities prevent any woman ever having interest in these idiots.

This is 100% the reverse of what I have seen in real life. Most of the worst 4chan types either were married or had no problems getting laid. Again there seems to be this weird recent myth there aren't as many women racists as men and that somehow racists don't procreate which is just dead wrong. One town I lived probably had more hardcore female racists than male and the females egged them on.
This is 100% the reverse of what I have seen in real life. Most of the worst 4chan types either were married or had no problems getting laid. Again there seems to be this weird recent myth there aren't as many women racists as men and that somehow racists don't procreate which is just dead wrong. One town I lived probably had more hardcore female racists than male and the females egged them on.
Loads of racist females in S.C. I know that for sure.
Daoud Nabi. 71 year old grandfather. He died a hero throwing himself in front of other worshippers trying to protect them.
It's pathetic. If he was actually sieg-heiling I'd understand that being inspirational. This is just so stupid.

Its not a surprise to me, as the alt right vermin have hijacked that hand sign in recent years and what it stands for.
Bulgarian officials have confirmed that 28-year-old Australian Tarrant was in Bulgaria last November, reports the NZ Herald.
I know that they’re used for recruitment. I seriously doubt me watching it affected that.

You watching no. The link that show that you watched it, and thousands more makes that for example, the most sports newspaper puts it on their newspaper to get clicks and money from the adds

Basically, the popularity of the videos makes it worthwhile to monetize and to spread them more than it should.

I clicked too, so yes, guilty. Even if it was a personal upload at the cloud
You watching no. The link that show that you watched it, and thousands more makes that for example, the most sports newspaper puts it on their newspaper to get clicks and money from the adds

Basically, the popularity of the videos makes it worthwhile to monetize and to spread them more than it should.

I clicked too, so yes, guilty. Even if it was a personal upload at the cloud
I watched it off the original 8chan thread that’s now been taken down by the site, for what it’s worth.
Yeah I have no idea why people are talking about incels. Most of the people I encountered that were 4chan types were older and married. People need to realize that just as many women are racists as men and racists do pair up and procreate.

This is 100% the reverse of what I have seen in real life. Most of the worst 4chan types either were married or had no problems getting laid. Again there seems to be this weird recent myth there aren't as many women racists as men and that somehow racists don't procreate which is just dead wrong. One town I lived probably had more hardcore female racists than male and the females egged them on.

I think it's because whenever there's a terrorist incident committed in the name of white supremacy, there's often attempts from the media and other public figures to exonerate the perpetrator in some way by asserting that he was failed by society. They'll still condemn the killer, of course, but there's often this tendency to delve deeper into his (or hers) background to paint a picture of someone who was misunderstood and fundamentally decent but let down by the world around them. Typically the idea of the frustrated young man comes up because it has been used as a reason in some cases, and because it fits into wider discussions nicely for conservatives when they want to talk about feminism/masculinity etc.

For what it's worth, I do think there's room for discussion when it comes to the motivations of those who perpetrate acts of evil like this. People like this don't exist in a vacuum and many of them will have perhaps had incidents and traumas that lead to them committing heinous crimes, and sometimes those incidents may be indicative of wider failings of society. But the problem is that such narratives inevitably end up being used as a sort of excuse in a lot of cases (even if it's not said openly), and most notably it's an approach that tends to only ever be applied to those who commit terrorism in the name of white supremacy. And even worse than that, such approaches often end up undermining the victims of such attacks, who really should be the focus of media coverage. There may be worth in exploring the underlying motives of a killer, yes, but it shouldn't be done in a way which most likely distresses the family of victims who end up having to be taunted by the killer becoming a sort of temporary celebrity.
It's not only overt nutters like Alex Jones. People like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson are part of the problem too, helping propogate the idea that the straight, white man is hard done by, and that traditional western values are under attack from leftists and their muslim/immigrant/LGBQT/feminist allies.

The extent to which people are willing to go to not label them as racists while they spread misinformation and hateful rhetoric is just shocking to me. I would never want my kids to be exposed to such opinions. Especially under the guise of free speech.
the whole subsribe to pewdiepie thing is the contemporary version of video game journalism but for people who don't want an Indian youtube channel to win an imaginary war

Yeah this 'imaginary war' has nothing to do with the Youtube channel being Indian and I'm pretty sure you know that
There’s always going to be heroes, whether real or made up. It’s how these things go when reported.
What’s needed now is one more country, NZ in this case at the least, to enact strict gun laws so the chances of this happening again are lessened.

Wtf. Comments by an Australian Senator “the real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place,"

Stark reminder that the Trump phenomenon is not restricted to the US.

Fraser Anning is and has always been a racist piece of shit. He will be gone next time he comes up for election thankfully.
Fraser Anning is and has always been a racist piece of shit. He will be gone next time he comes up for election thankfully.

There shouldn't be a need for an election to kick him out for this. He will still have power before then and therefore will continue to influence politics and people. He should be kicked out immediately.
Don't think links between Christianity and this attack should be discounted if links between Islam and any attack by Muslim extremist in west or elsewhere aren't.
It would only be fair.

We’re always talking about Fox News and right wing tabloids like the Sun, Daily Mail, Bild an so on, and they absolutely share parts of the blame for this situation. But we must start to act against Facebook, Google and all the boards and social media, that willingly spread all this hatred, basically adapted to the minds and interests of children, to get a few more clicks.
There is absolutely no accountability here. The world is just standing around and looking, while every time you log onto YouTube, there are shitloads of right wing videos in the suggestions. This has to stop. That’s how shit like this happens. We’re letting our most vulnerable people consume right wing propaganda daily, in their rooms and everywhere else and nobody gives a shit. As of right now, we completely fecked up the internet.
Great post.
There shouldn't be a need for an election to kick him out for this. He will still have power before then and therefore will continue to influence politics and people. He should be kicked out immediately.

Sounds good to me but I'm not sure if there is a mechanism to get rid of someone unless they have are convicted of a crime that has a potential sentence of over 12 months. So unless he gets convicted of hate speech for this latest outburst (and I don't know what the penalty is even if he were to be) I doubt he can be got rid of.
I'm surprised there haven't been more incidents like this tbh, given the sheer number of Islamist terrorist attacks in the West over the past 20 years.
Trying to wrap my head around this post. Care to explain?