The Mourinho Thread: Should he stay or go? | Sacked

Is Mourinho’s time as United manager up?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2,296 77.1%
  • No

    Votes: 293 9.8%
  • Not yet - needs more time to see if he can turn it around

    Votes: 388 13.0%

  • Total voters
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Full Member
Jan 11, 2016
José Mourinho safe for now amid business as usual at Manchester United:
Woody deserves all the criticism that comes his way for allowing this shitshow to continue. The fecking payoff is not worth what the club is going through right now FFS. We’re going to end up not in the CL, not attractive enough to potential signings next summer and probably even causing a few of our very few worthwhile players to leave. It’s a complete joke at this point.

I think Woody has done a decent job overall in his time here, but the fact that he allows the Mourinho nonsense to go on is unforgivable.


Full Member
Feb 11, 2014
Honestly I don't believe it's down to them not wanting to spend another €15-20 million when they invested so much in this project under him already.

I firmly believe they either are still believing he can turn it around, or they're without ideas who can replace him and are not willing to appoint McCarrick (credit for this goes to some other Caftard) till the end of the season.
Oh it's definitely the second one. They pretty much seem to be incapable of making a decision, any decision. feck the next one up and we are likely in deep shit, which means they might finally get to face some consequences, more specifically financial consequences. And that's when the heads might roll and the club will take a few years longer to recover in any way.

Either that or they've given up.
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Full Member
Jan 4, 2013
It's almost like many of us the board thought Mourinho would be the panacea for our post-Fergie problems and believed we would be back in 2013 again. Now that that's not happening they don't know what to do as that was the sum total of their plans for us, not unlike those who still think Mou needs more time, money and new signings to turn it around because we are shite. It will continue for a while yet and a complete wasted season is the price we have to pay for the lesson we need to learn on how things need to be done here on out.


Full Member
Sep 15, 2016
Oh it's definitely the second one. They pretty much seem to be incapable of making a decision, any decision. feck the next one up and we are likely in deep shit, which means they might finally get to face some consequences, more specifically financial consequences. And that's when the heads might role and the club will take a few years longer to recover in any way.

Either that or they've given up.
Pretty much spot on.


Full Member
Aug 19, 2015
The biggest threat to this clubs future isn't Jose or the current players form. It's how passive we have become as fans.

Shortly after the Glazers took over, we protested, we flooded the stands with yellow scarfs and we demanded they change things. This was all while still wining trophies. Now we consider fighting for 4th (which I don't think we will achieve this year) as a prize and have endless excuses for the managers and players.

The club listen to fans, they know we are the reason they are biggest sports franchise in the world. WE line their pockets. The minute we collectively start demanding positive change, a certain style of football and no more excuses, then things will go in the right direction.

I don't enjoy calling Jose a failure after spending almost £500m on transfers. I don't enjoy admitting half the players care more about their cars/hair then the club.

But its necessary if we want to get back on top
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Full Member
Dec 19, 2007
The club is so shameless. Time to restart the hype machine.
I can't imagine anyone possibly being excited for the Champions League draw though, so their shameless attempt to sweep yesterday under the carpet won't work.

We're easily the worst team in the competition, we'll be going out to whoever we get.


Full Member
Sep 24, 2013
Not Moskva
We have become a ludicrously expensive version of Moyes’ Everton - dire football, cowardly and counter-productive approach to big away fixtures, battling for 6th but miles off the CL spots...


New Member
Jul 30, 2018
Between last night and Spurs game next year are Cardiff away, Bournemouth and Huddersfield at home and Newcastle away. Perfect run of fixtures to build momentum. If we get anything less than 10 points, Champions league football next season is defo gone.

Random Task

WW Lynchpin
Feb 7, 2010
Woody deserves all the criticism that comes his way for allowing this shitshow to continue. The fecking payoff is not worth what the club is going through right now FFS. We’re going to end up not in the CL, not attractive enough to potential signings next summer and probably even causing a few of our very few worthwhile players to leave. It’s a complete joke at this point.

I think Woody has done a decent job overall in his time here, but the fact that he allows the Mourinho nonsense to go on is unforgivable.
If Jose is still here after the New Year has come and gone, we need to start questioning Woody's motives. The idea of having to suffer Jose Mourinho until the end of the season makes me feel sick.


Full Member
Dec 6, 2018
Salford UK
If we sack Mourinho and keep Pogba, we may as well make Pogba player manager as any new manager is going to have to ask Pogba if he approves of what he is being asked to do for his £290k a week


Full Member
Jan 11, 2016
If Jose is still here after the New Year has come and gone, we need to start questioning Woody's motives. The idea of having to suffer Jose Mourinho until the end of the season makes me feel sick.
I really don’t understand it. I mean, fair enough, the payout is a lot, but the cost to the club, not even in the long term, but in 7 months time in the fecking summer, is going to be far more than the cost of his payout.

It doesn’t make any sense. I refuse to believe that someone who’s gotten to where he has, can be that short sighted. Not only him, but an entire board of people. There’s simply no way that they can’t see how ridiculous that is.


Full Member
Jan 20, 2010
Between last night and Spurs game next year are Cardiff away, Bournemouth and Huddersfield at home and Newcastle away. Perfect run of fixtures to build momentum. If we get anything less than 10 points, Champions league football next season is defo gone.
Don´t do this to yourself it´s well beyond past now.
Nothing to save here, the club should set in motion plans for the future manager and structure as this setup and management is fully tried and test with some shocking results.


Full Member
Jul 16, 2013
We can make massive strides without letting jose go. Thats got to happen regardless but we still need to bring in a DoF. Our biggest issue is Ed will have final say on who he deems right for that. The DoF needs to be in place for me before we spend another penny in the transfer market. Otherwise it's just more shit on the heap. Given how close the Jan window is the fact the appointment is still outstanding shows what a rudderless vehicle we are right now! Sacking the manager yay but replacing him with ZZ (wishful perhaps) whilst still having no clear direction or separation of roles is just condemning more managers to struggle for no apparent reason.


Full Member
Aug 24, 2013
Between last night and Spurs game next year are Cardiff away, Bournemouth and Huddersfield at home and Newcastle away. Perfect run of fixtures to build momentum. If we get anything less than 10 points, Champions league football next season is defo gone.
OMG, you still think we have a chance? Mourinho.. is that you ?


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
Between last night and Spurs game next year are Cardiff away, Bournemouth and Huddersfield at home and Newcastle away. Perfect run of fixtures to build momentum. If we get anything less than 10 points, Champions league football next season is defo gone.
You must be joking. We will struggle against Cardiff away and also Newcastle away. As for Bournemouth at home we will struggle too.


Full Member
Aug 24, 2013
If he is not sacked by Saturday, then losing to Cardiff will be the best thing that happens to Manchester united in the past 6 years.


Full Member
Oct 15, 2012
It says a lot that Pochettino, derided by many Caftards for ‘not having won anything’ is now probably beyond us - anyone think he’d leave Spurs in Jan for us?


Jan 17, 2012
If he is not sacked by Saturday, then losing to Cardiff will be the best thing that happens to Manchester united in the past 6 years.
Won't make a difference. We just got completely humiliated by our biggest rivals and have done nothing :lol:


Full Member
Dec 6, 2018
Salford UK
If my boss asks me to do something in a particular way and I don’t like it, I am happy to tell him that and explain why I think that BUT he is being paid to manage me and so ultimately it is his decision and if we says no I want you to do it this way I respect that and go ahead and get on with it and give it my all.

Pogba seems to think that despite being paid £290k a week to report to Mourinho thinks that he can decide not to do the job properly if he doesn’t like it.

Mourinho is not happy with his managers either. He has stated that he can’t play attacking football until he has a solid defence that he can rely on and has asked them to recruit in certain positions and they have not done so. However, he is still giving his all in terms of commitment despite whether it is working or not.

Maybe things are too far gone and he can’t turn it around but even if that is the case I can’t see us getting exactly who we want right now and so may as well wait for the summer. Mourinho has as good a chance if not better chance as anybody else in getting us in the top four or successful in Europe.

If we replace Mourinho in the summer, as Keano pointed out, we are going to need to invest in the defence and so why not get the defenders Mourinho wants and give him a shot at it until the end of the season. If it is confirmed that it is too far gone then replace him in the summer but in my experience, when people who have proven to be exceptional and talented are really up against it, they draw upon their experience and talent to find a solution. Give me the defenders he has asked for and see if he can do that and if all fails at least a new manager will have a better defence to work with who have played together for a while rather than starting again.

Would I rather see a caretaker manager and no signings until the summer or some defenders and Mourinho until the summer - I would stick with Mourinho and be looking for another manager in the background. End of season all options are available for consideration.

EwanI Ted

Full Member
Feb 28, 2018
Between last night and Spurs game next year are Cardiff away, Bournemouth and Huddersfield at home and Newcastle away. Perfect run of fixtures to build momentum. If we get anything less than 10 points, Champions league football next season is defo gone.
Its gone dude. Put it this way, Chelsea are on course for 80 points at the moment. To reach them we'd need to win 17, draw 4 and not lose any of our reamining 21 games, which is a better record than City have so far this season. So, no, its not happening.


Full Member
Oct 15, 2012
I’d love to know Fergie’s thoughts on re-signing Pogba for £90m.

So far, Pog’s gone about proving his original call to get rid of him absolutely correct.

If SAF says so conclusively that someone’s not a United player, maybe he should have been listened to?


Full Member
Nov 2, 2014
If he is not sacked by Saturday, then losing to Cardiff will be the best thing that happens to Manchester united in the past 6 years.
Nah Woodward is incompetent. This result was the perfect chance to pull the trigger.


New Member
Dec 10, 2013
I’d love to know Fergie’s thoughts on re-signing Pogba for £90m.

So far, Pog’s gone about proving his original call to get rid of him absolutely correct.

If SAF says so conclusively that someone’s not a United player, maybe he should have been listened to?
He never said that. Stop making shit up.

Judge Red

Don't Call Me Douglas
Feb 11, 2006
Should we get an open top bus ready for the day when it’s mathematically impossible to qualify for the Champions League? The celebrations will be wild.


Baghdad Bob
Apr 26, 2014
Someone just said on Reddit that they knew Jose was going to be sacked tomorrow and the twitter team are preparing for it. The post was quickly deleted.
He is staying for at least a few more months.
No way will he be sacked, while the severance pay-out is so high.
The Glazers can either pocket the £20M (or whatever figure it is), or give it to Jose as severance pay.
I think it's pretty obvious which option the Glazers are choosing.


Baghdad Bob
Apr 26, 2014
Should we get an open top bus ready for the day when it’s mathematically impossible to qualify for the Champions League? The celebrations will be wild.
That is most likely the day he will be asked to leave, but he may still till the end of the season.
If Moyes/LVG are anything to go by, he'll be gone as soon as it becomes mathematically impossible to get CL for next season.


New Member
Mar 19, 2014
Won't make a difference. We just got completely humiliated by our biggest rivals and have done nothing :lol:
Mourinho is to blame for poor inept tactics, terribly coached, picking fave likes of Valencia, dermian, Jones, smalling, young, matic, fellaini, lukaku, to name just a few, torch lighting with a can of gasoline to prize assets the likes of Shaw in the past, our new RB, Bailly, Fred, pogba, mata, martial and rashford, but? This is the big but, it’s now a boards decision run by the idiot Woodward who allows contracts to run to the very end to save a few penny’s, can you imagine him doing this to prime CR7, not offer the worlds best player a new contract after scoring 40 goals and winning a CL, who won’t sack a manager who is drill Sargent who seems hell bent on either the sack, or actually believes the players and system he plays is how to win trophy’s. But the worst part, they actually believe it will cost them more to sack him now, they gonna lose more than 20 million, CL and even possibly losing the better players. So in all it’s gonna cost the club more then they bargained for, because they want to save has much money has possible, when penny pinching decisions they have made is going to cost them more and they deserve it


Jan 17, 2012
Has there ever been a more despisable character associated with our football club? I can't think of one.
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