Lukaku : Bulking up with muscle hurt me

The most concerning thing about this clown is how blatant he is with hiding during games. He pretends to play on the shoulder of opponents - rarely RARELY actually dropping in for a pass to feet. Another classical striker hiding tactic is to pretend you're challenging for headers when a long ball is played in, when really you're nowhere near and you know it. We've all had that ONE guy that always shows up to the kickabout that actually has no clue how to play football.

No joke, no exaggeration - we have done amazingly to actually win/draw as many games as we have with him in the lineup. We have literally played with 10 men. 1 imposter. A joke. What's more of a joke is the guy who sees all this and thinks to himself 'yea, this is what I want. I want to see my team struggle.'
He's much better than what he's showing but this is appalling. A rest to get his body back to normal and to get him out of the firing line would be good.

It's so strange to me that Jose thought he could play the role of the typical Jose striker. A huge mistake.
Didn't know it was possible to have insufficient blood to supply both muscles and brain. The simple decision mistakes he makes...
In his defence he never was the sort of player that Jose is using him as. He needs to be fed through balls and be allowed to run into space - look at the difference at the World Cup where he had intelligent players creating chances for him - at United he feeds on two yard passes coming to his feet from a static midfield.
Can we rename this thread the "Casual racism is acceptable" thread?
What a silly thing to say. Just because Lukaku is black we shouldn't talk about his weight issues which he himself has accepted as a reason for his poor game? Rooney got a tough time for being fat, even this season you can see how Luke Shaw got trolled for being overweight.
Would you feel much better if he was being compared to shite fat and white footballers?

He never has been. The lazy and dumb black player stereotype is alive and well in this thread. Now he's getting compared to a big monkey. Where's the banana gifs?

I can't help you with your approval of racist stereotyping I'm just pointing it out. Keep digging that hole.
I have expressed my doubts about Lukaku a long time ago but I feel that people are being extremely harsh with him. We are asking him to play in a way that matches exactly what he can't do, his confidence is probably at its lowest and he gained weight for a reason that can't really be justified. I don't like the type of striker that he is but he is one of our players, he can be useful, so we should support him instead of abusing him.
He never has been. The lazy and dumb black player stereotype is alive and well in this thread. Now he's getting compared to a big monkey. Where's the banana gifs?

I can't help you with your approval of racist stereotyping I'm just pointing it out. Keep digging that hole.

That comment was definitely unacceptable but I wouldn’t say that the entire thread is contaminated with racist remarks - they’re calling him crap because well he just isn’t that good.

@GE I suggest you edit or delete your post. To my mind I’ve never seen you make a racist post before and perhaps you got carried away but it is unacceptable what you wrote there.

@Damien delete the post?
He never has been. The lazy and dumb black player stereotype is alive and well in this thread. Now he's getting compared to a big monkey. Where's the banana gifs?

I can't help you with your approval of racist stereotyping I'm just pointing it out. Keep digging that hole.

Excellent post. Elements of this thread are horrid, and it's clear what is behind such comments.

But I'm not surprised. Not at all.
Shaqiri looks like bodybuilding toddler

:lol: Off topic, but I never get tired of seeing the jokes that get made about Shaqiri. There have been so many hilarious ones over the years. I think my favorite is that he looks like the guy with his boots slung over his shoulder at the pub on a Sunday morning, waiting for his friends to show up for their weekly game of football :lol:
I have expressed my doubts about Lukaku a long time ago but I feel that people are being extremely harsh with him. We are asking him to play in a way that matches exactly what he can't do, his confidence is probably at its lowest and he gained weight for a reason that can't really be justified. I don't like the type of striker that he is but he is one of our players, he can be useful, so we should support him instead of abusing him.
This. Our deluded manager and hopeless medical/fitness people must bear most of the responsibility for his current dire form. Even during his dry spell last season his general play was decent.

His grandiose talk doesn’t exactly help his cause though.
He doesn't even look like an athlete anymore. All this talk of muscle is a smokescreen, he looks chubby. Can't run/ won't run. Extra muscle doesn't affect your ability to trap a ball. Looks like one of those players who fought to get to a good club, and has now given up. He never needs to work again due to the contract, and it doesn't look like he has any motivation to be a top player.

Shame Martial wasn't fit - I'm sure he would have been on the bench otherwise. We have a player who other teams laugh at us for having him in our starting 11. We used to laugh at Liverpool for having Heskey, Rosenthal and Carroll in their team - now we have Lukuku and they are wetting themsves.
What do you expect when the fraud Lingard is your main supply source.
Was thinking that during the match. He must be the most passive big centre forward around. How he allows himself to be beaten by cbs is beyond me
A complete inability to get off the ground and challenge in the air was paramount yesterday. Don't think he won one of those long balls, made me miss Zlatan, you know everyone of them would have stuck.
I hate the way he sets himself up to receive the ball. He's always square on, which means he can do feck all with it when he gets it into feet apart from pass right back where it came from.
That comment was definitely unacceptable but I wouldn’t say that the entire thread is contaminated with racist remarks - they’re calling him crap because well he just isn’t that good.

I agree that he's a bit shit - I'm not much of a fan these days. But the undercurrent in much of this thread, and elsewhere, is part of the long standing racial stereotyping that a lot of black players are lazy and dumb.

White players don't get the same amount of accusations of laziness or dumbness levelled at them.

Lukaku is big and black and not playing very well. Therefore he is lazy, dumb and compared to Emile Heskey, Lenny Henry or other big black men as a form of ridicule.
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He never has been. The lazy and dumb black player stereotype is alive and well in this thread. Now he's getting compared to a big monkey. Where's the banana gifs?

I can't help you with your approval of racist stereotyping I'm just pointing it out. Keep digging that hole.
Not really. You want to take on posters calling him a monkey, go ahead and point of them out, no one would care. What grates me is you generalizing everyone in this thread criticizing him for his weight as casual racism. It's really not. Like I have already said, it's not like only Lukaku is getting criticized for being fat even Shaw was trolled at the beginning.
Not really. You want to take on posters calling him a monkey, go ahead and point of them out, no one would care. What grates me is you generalizing everyone in this thread criticizing him for his weight as casual racism. It's really not. Like I have already said, it's not like only Lukaku is getting criticized for being fat even Shaw was trolled at the beginning.

I just have and yes people do rightly care. Not you though and the question is why?

Keep digging fella.
White players don't get the same amount of accusations of laziness or dumbness levelled at them.

Have you seen the threads about Rooney, Shaw, Jones, Lindelöf for example? They have all been absolutely roasted in here as well.
I agree that he's a bit shit - I'm not much of a fan these days. But the undercurrent in much of this thread, and elsewhere, is part of the long standing racial stereotyping that a lot of black players are lazy and dumb.

White players don't get the same amount of accusations of laziness or dumbness levelled at them.

Lukaku is big and black and not playing very well. Therefore he is lazy, dumb and compared to Emile Heskey, Lenny Henry or other big black men as a form of ridicule.

Ironically it's his physical attributes not his brain that are the issues here. He's too lead footed - bad touch, can't work in tight spaces, can't create shooting angles with the ball at his feet, can't use his body well to hold it up.
I agree that he's a bit shit - I'm not much of a fan these days. But the undercurrent in much of this thread, and elsewhere is part of the long standing racial stereotyping that black players are lazy and dumb.

White players don't get the same amount of accusations of laziness or dumbness levelled at them.

Lukaku is big and black and not playing very well. Therefore he is lazy, dumb and compared to Emile Heskey, Lenny Henry or other big black men as a form of ridicule.

That’s just not true. Rooney, Ozil, Berbatov, Arshavin, Bendtner are all white players that come to mind that were branded lazy/challenged. Even Ibrahimovic at Barca got all sorts of abuse thrown at him because he was a big guy. Just because one poster comes out with a genuinely racist post, the PC crowd of course come out and brand the entire thread racist. Ridiculous.
I just have and yes people do rightly care. Not you though and the question is why?

Keep digging fella.
Honestly I phrased my post wrongly, what I meant to say was point out specific racist posts and people would acknowledge them as racist posts but generalizing anyone criticizing a black player as racist is pretty dumb.
Like a lot of the players he needs confidence. His touch will forever be crap but there’s a top goal scorer in there that we can use until we decide to sell him.
That’s just not true. Rooney, Ozil, Berbatov, Arshavin, Bendtner are all white players that come to mind that were branded lazy/challenged. Even Ibrahimovic at Barca got all sorts of abuse thrown at him because he was a big guy. Just because one poster comes out with a genuinely racist post, the PC crowd of course come out and brand the entire thread racist. Ridiculous.

Yes yes some white players get branded as such. We know that and to claim otherwise would be ridiculous. It just happens more to black players.

It's a bit like getting arrested.
Yes yes some white players get branded as such. We know that and to claim otherwise would be ridiculous. It just happens more to black players.

It's a bit like getting arrested.

Can you back that claim up with genuine statistics or are we just going to throw out empty claims?