Spurs 2018/19


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
… Our transfer business has mostly been a complete cluster feck, with the odd success story. …
Lol … and now I know you're not to be taken seriously. The majority of our first XI are players desired by other top teams - and we've assembled them for relative peanuts.
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Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
As far as I am aware Poch wanted more control of transfers and didn’t want a DOF?
The last thing we need is a DoF. We have a good partnership between Levy and Poch, so if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur
As far as I am aware Poch wanted more control of transfers and didn’t want a DOF?
I am talking about my own preference and opinion, as I think is pretty normal on a forum.

I can't pretend to know what Poch wants in this instance.

Ah the agenda twister this is a slightly different window. Look with Levy and ENIC it’s the way it is, can I ask would u prefer an oligarch? Or a country who’s human rights record is like something from the dark ages? What exactly do you want? The reality is we will be sold to another investment group, probably American, and probably very soon.
The agenda twister? Who is twisting the agenda? I don't want an oligarch running Tottenham but I'm not too sure what that has to do with my post or your post where you were talking about measuring the success of the window on the last week?


New Member
Feb 10, 2017
Northern Ireland
I am talking about my own preference and opinion, as I think is pretty normal on a forum.

I can't pretend to know what Poch wants in this instance.

The agenda twister? Who is twisting the agenda? I don't want an oligarch running Tottenham but I'm not too sure what that has to do with my post or your post where you were talking about measuring the success of the window on the last week?
You can’t compare this transfer window to others, the last week is going to be similar to the last 4 weeks of any other.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur
You can’t compare this transfer window to others, the last week is going to be similar to the last 4 weeks of any other.
The period of time isn't suddenly a lot longer because the window is different. We still have the same number of hours to conclude deals as if it was a week in another transfer window.


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
He is making an analogy. While asking a valid question about who has the final say on transfers at Spurs.

I'm struggling to see the benefit of riling up the Man Utd fans on a thread devoted to Spurs, on a rare occasion that people are mostly actually managing to have an adult discussion.

I'm not at all suggesting that you are the root cause or sole cause of disagreements, you do get a lot of flak but there's just no real need for this tbh.
It was an analogy that had nothing to do with Spurs and the question asked. It was a bit of banter that I took in good spirit and replied in kind.

There's no need to be so po-faced about it ...


New Member
Jul 4, 2018
Lol … and now I know you're not to be taken seriously. The majority of our first XI are players desired by other top teams - and we've assembled then for relative peanuts.
I was clearly referring to the last few seasons, in which aside from a few successes, the majority of our transfers have been a complete mess. Most of our rivals have improved more in that period of time and some of them have caught up and surpassed us as a result. You look at that list and see sensible business? It's been mostly poor for a while, bargain basement style signings which haven't paid off.

Obviously in the past we've done well in the market - the likes of Lloris, Eriksen, Dembele, Vertonghen were fantastic transfers. We've also still managed to find some gems in Trippier, Sanchez, Wanyama etc, but you can't only rely on unearthing players on the cheap, especially with how the market is evolving. The last couple of windows have mostly been terrible with a long list of flops and punts which just didn't work out.

You're the only one not to be taken seriously, so far up Levy's arse that it's impossible to criticise him without you acting as if he's infallible.


New Member
Jul 4, 2018
Ah the agenda twister this is a slightly different window. Look with Levy and ENIC it’s the way it is, can I ask would u prefer an oligarch? Or a country who’s human rights record is like something from the dark ages? What exactly do you want? The reality is we will be sold to another investment group, probably American, and probably very soon.
Here we go. You want the board to back our manager and start bringing in some genuine improvements which address our numerous problems going in to next season? You want oil rich owners. Totally unreasonable.


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
I was clearly referring to the last few seasons, in which aside from a few successes, the majority of our transfers have been a complete mess. Most of our rivals have improved more in that period of time and some of them have caught up and surpassed us as a result. You look at that list and see sensible business? It's been mostly poor for a while, bargain basement style signings which haven't paid off.

Obviously in the past we've done well in the market - the likes of Lloris, Eriksen, Dembele, Vertonghen were fantastic transfers. We've also still managed to find some gems in Trippier, Sanchez, Wanyama etc, but you can't only rely on unearthing players on the cheap, especially with how the market is evolving. The last couple of windows have mostly been terrible with a long list of flops and punts which just didn't work out.

You're the only one not to be taken seriously, so far up Levy's arse that it's impossible to criticise him without you acting as if he's infallible.
The last few seasons?

Sunshine, we finished 2nd two seasons ago, 3rd three seasons ago and 3rd again last season. We've surpassed several of our rivals in that time.

And if you want to watch CL football in London this season, the only action will be taking place in our new stadium.

I've seen Spurs posters like you on forums many times - pre-determined pessimists who suddenly go all quiet as the season unfolds and their doom and gloom evaporates like Scotch mist. And then they pipe up again with a repeat of the same during the transfer window.

I suppose it goes down well on here with oppo fans, because it's just what they want to hear. But unfortunately for you, your revisionist version of our transfer history for the last several seasons doesn't square with the facts.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur
It was an analogy that had nothing to do with Spurs and the question asked. It was a bit of banter that I took in good spirit and replied in kind.

There's no need to be so po-faced about it ...
Fair enough, up to you.


New Member
Feb 10, 2017
Northern Ireland
Here we go. You want the board to back our manager and start bringing in some genuine improvements which address our numerous problems going in to next season? You want oil rich owners. Totally unreasonable.
Do you think we have anywhere near the financial clout of any of the other top 4? Seriously?
May 22, 2017
I’m not a Spurs fan - but just got a birthday card in the post from them, and I didn’t get many others!

Last year I signed up as a member, and as I live in London went to watch them a few times, Utd, Arsenal, Madrid and Juventus. Good games.

If I were a Spurs fan, I wouldn’t be overly concerned about lack of transfers - stability is seriously under-rated and it looks like all their big players will stay - exception might be Toby. Think they will do well.


New Member
Jul 4, 2018
The last few seasons?

Sunshine, we finished 2nd two seasons ago, 3rd three seasons ago and 3rd again last season. We've surpassed several of our rivals in that time.

And if you want to watch CL football in London this season, the only action will be taking place in our new stadium.

I've seen Spurs posters like you on forums many times - pre-determined pessimists who suddenly go all quiet as the season unfolds and their doom and gloom evaporates like Scotch mist. And then they pipe up again with a repeat of the same during the transfer window.

I suppose it goes down well on here with oppo fans, because it's just what they want to hear. But unfortunately for you, your revisionist version of our transfer history for the last several seasons doesn't square with the facts.
Have already stated that I believe we've been doing well because we have a world class manager and an excellent core of players which remain here due to business done many seasons ago. If you're just going to ignore that, then there is no point even debating anything. If all you have to contribute is our slogan on advertising boards in London ... fantastic.

I'm not even that pessimistic, I just don't fondle Levy's balls. I think we have fantastic players and a world class manager who will compete for top four despite a lack of support from the board. My only issues lie in the fact that I believe we've had a crappy summer transfer window (thus far) and that our business in the last couple of seasons has not been good enough to push us up another level. I won't be dissappearing anywhere if we do fantastically well, I'll be the first here delighted with our very talented group of players managing to succeed despite working under difficult circumstances.

I wonder if it'll be you dissappearing if we do end up having a poor start, or will you actually criticize Levy and the board if we miss out on the top four because of a lack of reinforcements? Doubtful. My 'revisionist' version of our transfer history being that the majority of our signings in the last two windows have been complete flops and have done nothing to improve the squad we have, which is undeniably true. Have we done excellent business in the past? Yes, we have. I've never said otherwise. You are making a poor attempt to twist what I've said to make out that I have nothing but criticism for the club. The truth is I've admitted the board have done brilliantly in the past to steady the ship, have done great work off the pitch with the new stadium, and have also done well securing a number of players to new contracts. I just also recognise that of late our strategy in terms of bringing in players has been lacking, we haven't been giving our manager the support he's been asking for, and that has been a dissapointment.

It's you who has an agenda (support Levy and attack anything said against him or the way the club is run like a faithful guard dog) and an extremely one eyed view on the way we go about things. It's extremely annoying and I'm not surprised it's led to people getting frustrated with you in the past.
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New Member
Jul 4, 2018
Oh and yes I am aware the Unite fans are having a good chuckle at us being bitches lol.
Their own fans are mostly annoyed at a lack of business despite bringing in two players, finishing ahead of us last season, and having a deeper squad than we do. From what I've seen in this thread a majority of United fans find it a bit weird than some of us seem content with doing absolutely nothing to fix our problems with such little time to go.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur

Not sure if this has worked properly but Griffiths (a youth striker) has been confirmed by Lyon.

Good luck to him and very interesting that more English youth are continuing to go abroad.

Great for them, due to continued lack of opportunity in the English league and good for these clubs, who will undoubtedly end up selling these players back to English clubs at inflated prices in a few years.


New Member
Feb 10, 2017
Northern Ireland
Does it not bother you Levy has chosen not to invest in his depleted squad?
That’s much to simple a question, would I rather he continue to buy the likes of Sissoko, Janssen or the numberous prospects from the French league or try and focus on improvements? I’d rather we waited for a more sure thing. My main issues with all this talk is that’s it’s based on half stories and BS media. We have no idea what is going on but yet people choose to believe media hacks who print whatever comes into their head. If we haven’t invested when the window closes yes il be dissappointed.


New Member
Jul 4, 2018
Do you think we have anywhere near the financial clout of any of the other top 4? Seriously?
With broadcasting money flowing in, all the money that has come from being in the CL for a number of years in a row, and a complete lack of net spending (lower than clubs like Stoke) for a good period of time, our 'financial clout' should be pretty decent. Especially considering we save an absolute truck load compared to the other big clubs because we pay our players far less than they do. We're far from destitute and are more than capable of signing a few players without going financially bankrupt, let's not give in to the Levy propaganda and believe that it would be irresponsible if we signed a few players.

We don't need to have the spending power of City or United to improve our team, how many times does this have to be stated? Every window we're spending less net than quite a few mid-table sides.


New Member
Feb 10, 2017
Northern Ireland

Not sure if this has worked properly but Griffiths (a youth striker) has been confirmed by Lyon.

Good luck to him and very interesting that more English youth are continuing to go abroad.

Great for them, due to continued lack of opportunity in the English league and good for these clubs, who will undoubtedly end up selling these players back to English clubs at inflated prices in a few years.
I don’t mean to seem like I’m being argumentative but why do u believe he will be a success rather than he isn’t good enough?


New Member
Jul 4, 2018
That’s much to simple a question, would I rather he continue to buy the likes of Sissoko, Janssen or the numberous prospects from the French league or try and focus on improvements? I’d rather we waited for a more sure thing. My main issues with all this talk is that’s it’s based on half stories and BS media. We have no idea what is going on but yet people choose to believe media hacks who print whatever comes into their head. If we haven’t invested when the window closes yes il be dissappointed.
We have nearly a week to go, and teams are less and less likely to want to part with their prize assets the closer it gets to the deadline. They will want time to replace them. So if we're waiting for the 'sure thing' we're going to be waiting a hell of a long time.

By the way, Sissoko was the result of panic after waiting till deadline day and then ending up paying over the odds for an average player because we needed somebody to come in. Janssen was a reasonable risk on a player who could maybe have translated success in the Dutch League to the Prem, doesn't always work but I'm ok with that.


New Member
Feb 10, 2017
Northern Ireland
With broadcasting money flowing in, all the money that has come from being in the CL for a number of years in a row, and a complete lack of net spending (lower than clubs like Stoke) for a good period of time, our 'financial clout' should be pretty decent. Especially considering we save an absolute truck load compared to the other big clubs because we pay our players far less than they do. We're far from destitute and are more than capable of signing a few players without going financially bankrupt, let's not give in to the Levy propaganda and believe that it would be irresponsible if we signed a few players.

We don't need to have the spending power of City or United to improve our team, how many times does this have to be stated? Every window we're spending less net than quite a few mid-table sides.
Yet we are doing better than quite a few mid-table sides? Our argument seems we should spend like mid table sides even thou we’re a top 4 side. We should be picking who we buy very carefully which I believe we do. We spend when we can improve not for the sake of quenching the thirst of some fans.

When we moved for players like Martial and William early in the past what happened?

What really grates my balls is if we do well next week and improve fans like you say *meh I’m just glad it wasn’t done, COYS, wuhu*. The reality in life it’s much harder to have faith than it is to moan and bitch.


New Member
Jul 4, 2018
Yet we are doing better than quite a few mid-table sides? Our argument seems we should spend like mid table sides even thou we’re a top 4 side. We should be picking who we buy very carefully which I believe we do. We spend when we can improve not for the sake of quenching the thirst of some fans.

What really grates my balls is if we do well next week and improve fans like you say *meh I’m just glad it wasn’t done, COYS, wuhu*. The reality in life it’s much harder to have faith than it is to moan and bitch.
Been over all this .. it's the same old argument. We're not doing well because we've been strong in the transfer market the last few seasons. You're also making a ton of assumptions about 'fans like me' (who actually want the board to listen to our current manager) which is pretty ridiculous and to be honest, not worth talking about. Having blind faith is actually very easy, actually looking at where you can improve and making the appropriate criticisms (even a blind man could see we've had a terrible window so far) is much more difficult.

You have your beliefs though... you and Glaston clearly have total faith in Levy. That's fine, but don't act as if other fans are the fools when they have a different perspective, then tell us we're idiots because 'look at how well we're doing!' as if that means we've been perfect in every respect, when in reality it's more a reflection on our brilliant managers ability to harness the potential of the team.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur
I don’t mean to seem like I’m being argumentative but why do u believe he will be a success rather than he isn’t good enough?
Mate, I'm not trying to argue with you or anyone else at all but it does seem like you're trying to be a bit argumentative seeing as I didn't say anything about him being a success! :D

I just said good luck to him, it continues a streak of English youth players going abroad and I am 100% sure that these players will inevitably end up coming back to the English leagues, whether league 2 level or CL and league winning level, for an inflated price so its a good business model for these European clubs. I think it will also overall end up being good for the English national team.

Not making any specific claims about Griffiths or his career.


New Member
Feb 10, 2017
Northern Ireland
Been over all this .. it's the same old argument. We're not doing well because we've been strong in the transfer market the last few seasons. You're also making a ton of assumptions about 'fans like me' (who actually want the board to listen to our current manager) which is pretty ridiculous and to be honest, not worth talking about. Having blind faith is actually very easy, actually looking at where you can improve and making the appropriate criticisms (even a blind man could see we've had a terrible window so far) is much more difficult.

You have your beliefs though... you and Glaston clearly have total faith in Levy. That's fine, but don't act as if other fans are the fools when they have a different perspective, then tell us we're idiots because 'look at how well we're doing!' as if that means we've been perfect in every respect, when in reality it's more a reflection on our brilliant managers ability to harness the potential of the team.
Your again saying that I’m just a levyite, your using one interview to back up all of what u believe. Don’t make me qoute Poch on many more interviews he has given on we aren’t a spending club, and we have to do things differnetly. You know the quotes I’m talking about because I do believe you are an avid fan. Again if we finish this window with nothing I will be dissappointed but it’s not over yet and I believe that for most clubs.


New Member
Jul 4, 2018
Anyway I'm gunna stay out of this thread until we (hopefully) sign our first player. At the moment it's the same disagreements and arguments being reycled over and over without any progress, it's just pointless. I don't want to go to war with other Spurs fans on a rivals forum. People will all have different views on what is right for their club, but at the end of the day we all have its best interests at heart and just want the team to succeed. We just disagree on the best way to go about doing that.


New Member
Feb 10, 2017
Northern Ireland
Mate, I'm not trying to argue with you or anyone else at all but it does seem like you're trying to be a bit argumentative seeing as I didn't say anything about him being a success! :D

I just said good luck to him, it continues a streak of English youth players going abroad and I am 100% sure that these players will inevitably end up coming back to the English leagues, whether league 2 level or CL and league winning level, for an inflated price so its a good business model for these European clubs. I think it will also overall end up being good for the English national team.

Not making any specific claims about Griffiths or his career.
Well you did say he would end up being bought back so that would mean he was a success. I wish him well too, but we can’t promote them all.

Random Task

WW Lynchpin
Feb 7, 2010
That’s much to simple a question, would I rather he continue to buy the likes of Sissoko, Janssen or the numberous prospects from the French league or try and focus on improvements? I’d rather we waited for a more sure thing. My main issues with all this talk is that’s it’s based on half stories and BS media. We have no idea what is going on but yet people choose to believe media hacks who print whatever comes into their head. If we haven’t invested when the window closes yes il be dissappointed.
It's hardly a concession on your part to admit your frustration with your club, or more specifically it's owner Daniel Levy. Spurs are at a pivotal stage in their progression, squad additions are an absolute necessity for numerous reasons that need not be mentioned. The lack of activity in the transfer department is quite frankly bizarre.

Don't you think we United fans aren't worried? Believe me, we are. Hypocrite Klopp, who once claimed that he would never spend vast sums of money in the transfer market because that was simply not his way, has spent north of £175 million in the current window - which is set to increase further still if he signs Fekir. With City making various additions over the course of the summer, on top of possessing one of the best teams in the history of the premier league, there is a genuine possibility that we could finish below both them this season. This is the ultimate disaster for any true United fan.

That said, I still believe United are going to win the premier league this year.

Chip Butty

New Member
Sep 7, 2014
That lot
They're leaving it that late, it's either a brilliant and dastardly cunning plan by Poch and Levy, or, it's massive fubar and they'll be counting the days till the winter transfer window opens.


Full Member
Feb 25, 2014
Northern Ireland
Tottenham Hotspur
Anyway I'm gunna stay out of this thread until we (hopefully) sign our first player. At the moment it's the same disagreements and arguments being reycled over and over without any progress, it's just pointless. I don't want to go to war with other Spurs fans on a rivals forum. People will all have different views on what is right for their club, but at the end of the day we all have its best interests at heart and just want the team to succeed. We just disagree on the best way to go about doing that.
It's for the best mate, I tend to stay out of this shit show also.


Also disliked on an Aston Villa forum
Feb 4, 2007
Have already stated that I believe we've been doing well because we have a world class manager and an excellent core of players which remain here due to business done many season ago. If you're just going to ignore that, then there is no point even debating anything. If all you have to contribute is our slogan on advertising boards in London ... fantastic.

I'm not even that pessimistic, I just don't fondle Levy's balls. I think we have fantastic players and a world class manager who will compete for top four despite a lack of support from the board. My only issues lie in the fact that I believe we've had a crappy summer transfer window (thus far) and that our business in the last couple of seasons has not been good enough to push us up another level. I won't be dissappearing anywhere if we do fantastically well, I'll be the first here delighted with our very talented group of players managing to succeed despite working under difficult circumstances.

I wonder if it'll be you dissappearing if we do end up having a poor start, or will you actually criticize Levy and the board if we miss out on the top four because of a lack of reinforcements? Doubtful. My 'revisionist' version of our transfer history being that the majority of our signings in the last two windows have been complete flops and have done nothing to improve the squad we have, which is undeniably true. Have we done excellent business in the past? Yes, we have. I've never said otherwise. You are making a poor attempt to twist what I've said to make out that I have nothing but criticism for the club. The truth is I've admitted the board have done brilliantly in the past to steady the ship, have done great work off the pitch with the new stadium, and have also done well securing a number of players to new contracts. I just also recognise that of late our strategy in terms of bringing in players has been lacking, we haven't been giving our manager the support he's been asking for, and that has been a dissapointment.

It's you who has an agenda (support Levy and attack anything said against him or the way the club is run like a faithful guard dog) and an extremely one eyed view on the way we go about things. It's extremely annoying and I'm not surprised it's led to people getting frustrated with you in the past.
They remain here partly because of the improved contracts we've offered - improved contracts which cost money, money that you're busy complaining we should be spending on signing lots of shiny new players.

And this is your basic problem: you want the money spent on our new stadium complex, the money spent on our new training centre, the money spent on new contracts and lots of money spent on new players. You're like a child, who doesn't care where the money come from, you just want more of it spent on things that you want. And the world is about to fall in if you don't get it.

Well, I'm afraid that Levy - for you - is the "bad" parent who takes adult responsibility and won't send our club the way of Leeds Utd and others in the past. That you see this as "fondling Levy's balls" is no great surprise.

Quite simply, we cannot financially right now do all that we're doing and buy the players that will enable us to compete with City for the title - the "push us up another level" that you're clamouring for.

Will we sign some a new player or two this window? Very probably yes. Will it ever be enough to satisfy your demands? I doubt it.

You engage in this fiction that suddenly Pochettino is unhappy, that he's been misled by Levy. But he's known Levy for the last 4 years. They have a close relationship. He knows what the project is. He knows the finances. And he knows what it is to be brave in footballing terms - indeed, it's the thing that he most talks about.

And he's just signed on for another several years.

So I suggest that you keep the faith and stop squawking like Chicken Little that the sky is about to fall in.


New Member
Jul 4, 2018
They remain here partly because of the improved contracts we've offered - improved contracts which cost money, money that you're busy complaining we should be spending on signing lots of shiny new players.

And this is your basic problem: you want the money spent on our new stadium complex, the money spent on our new training centre, the money spent on new contracts and lots of money spent on new players. You're like a child, who doesn't care where the money come from, you just want more of it spent on things that you want. And the world is about to fall in if you don't get it.

Well, I'm afraid that Levy - for you - is the "bad" parent who takes adult responsibility and won't send our club the way of Leeds Utd and others in the past. That you see this as "fondling Levy's balls" is no great surprise.

Quite simply, we cannot financially right now do all that we're doing and buy the players that will enable us to compete with City for the title - the "push us up another level" that you're clamouring for.

Will we sign some a new player or two this window? Very probably yes. Will it ever be enough to satisfy your demands? I doubt it.

You engage in this fiction that suddenly Pochettino is unhappy, that he's been misled by Levy. But he's known Levy for the last 4 years. They have a close relationship. He knows what the project is. He knows the finances. And he knows what it is to be brave in footballing terms - indeed, it's the thing that he most talks about.

And he's just signed on for another several years.

So I suggest that you keep the faith and stop squawking like Chicken Little that the sky is about to fall in.
:lol: ok then mate.


New Member
Feb 10, 2017
Northern Ireland
It's hardly a concession on your part to admit your frustration with your club, or more specifically it's owner Daniel Levy. Spurs are at a pivotal stage in their progression, squad additions are an absolute necessity for numerous reasons that need not be mentioned. The lack of activity in the transfer department is quite frankly bizarre.

Don't you think we United fans aren't worried? Believe me, we are. Hypocrite Klopp, who once claimed that he would never spend vast sums of money in the transfer market because that was simply not his way, has spent north of £175 million in the current window - which is set to increase further still if he signs Fekir. With City making various additions over the course of the summer, on top of possessing one of the best teams in the history of the premier league, there is a genuine possibility that we could finish below both them this season. This is the ultimate disaster for any true United fan.

That said, I still believe United are going to win the premier league this year.
All we can do is speculate, I think United fans are being a bit negative simply due to Jose or more the media’s spin on him. It a bit different to us, and I’m not quite sure what is going on. You have far less barriers than us to signing players. Is it the board are starting to worry about Jose’s future, they don’t rate Jose’s wanted players, or they are content with how they are going. You should be able to blow any other domestic club out of the water with history, wages and transfer price. We can’t do that.

Random Task

WW Lynchpin
Feb 7, 2010
All we can do is speculate, I think United fans are being a bit negative simply due to Jose or more the media’s spin on him. It a bit different to us, and I’m not quite sure what is going on. You have far less barriers than us to signing players. Is it the board are starting to worry about Jose’s future, they don’t rate Jose’s wanted players, or they are content with how they are going. You should be able to blow any other domestic club out of the water with history, wages and transfer price. We can’t do that.
I appreciate that, but let's not pretend that Spurs are paupers. I recall Glaston posting figures a while back that suggested Spurs were one of the richest clubs in Europe (in terms of revenue at least) so Levy choosing not to spend a single penny so far is mind-boggling. I would be furious if I were a Spurs fan, at the very least I would be questioning the clubs business model and its level of ambition.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur
Well you did say he would end up being bought back so that would mean he was a success. I wish him well too, but we can’t promote them all.
No I didn't. I said:

Good luck to him and very interesting that more English youth are continuing to go abroad.

This was about him.

Great for them, due to continued lack of opportunity in the English league and good for these clubs, who will undoubtedly end up selling these players back to English clubs at inflated prices in a few years.

Not about him specifically but about English youth players abroad in general, seeing as I used them, these, these and clubs as opposed to him, that, that, club.

This, I think, is what Squishy was talking about. You need to relax a bit, with all due respect. Not everything is an attack on the club or on Levy or Poch.

Literally all I did was post a message about Griffiths going abroad and wishing him well and you've somehow taken this as an attack on the club.


New Member
Feb 10, 2017
Northern Ireland
I appreciate that, but let's not pretend that Spurs are paupers. I recall Glaston posting figures a while back that suggested Spurs were one of the richest clubs in Europe (in terms of revenue at least) so Levy choosing not to spend a single penny so far is mind-boggling. I would be furious if I were a Spurs fan, at the very least I would be questioning the clubs business model and its level of ambition.
Good job you are a United fan then. Look I’ve said wait and see, il be dissappointed if we don’t make a move.


New Member
Feb 10, 2017
Northern Ireland
No I didn't. I said:

Good luck to him and very interesting that more English youth are continuing to go abroad.

This was about him.

Great for them, due to continued lack of opportunity in the English league and good for these clubs, who will undoubtedly end up selling these players back to English clubs at inflated prices in a few years.

Not about him specifically but about English youth players abroad in general, seeing as I used them, these, these and clubs as opposed to him, that, that, club.

This, I think, is what Squishy was talking about. You need to relax a bit, with all due respect. Not everything is an attack on the club or on Levy or Poch.

Literally all I did was post a message about Griffiths going abroad and wishing him well and you've somehow taken this as an attack on the club.
I would agree it’s about time players went abroad it will improve the English game all round, some will fail but some will flurrish. Problem is the ones at more high paying clubs will probably rightly so stay for the wage.


New Member
Feb 10, 2017
Northern Ireland
Kristof Terreur ‏Verified account @HLNinEngeland Jul 31

What if football fans would get as excited from promising youngsters being promoted to the first squad than from new signings?
I would love and FA rule that every club had to promote at least 2 players a season to the first team and retain each for at least a year without a loan option on them. But hey that doesn’t cause hype or sell papers lol, we are so conditioned bu what the media sell us.