Alexis Sanchez | Done deal

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New Member
Feb 26, 2013
We got one great year off van persie at 25m. We won the title and he was injury prone and on the decline.

Sanchez we should get 2.5 years minimum off him at 35m. He takes care of his body, less prone to injury deadly on the ball and even if he loses a yard of pace, still has amazing technical ability. I don't expect him to decline that quick. The transfer is a coup and if we win the prem next year with him,35m is worth it. A player like him in this day and age would cost 90m!
I'm not sure we will get 2.5 years out of him, Sanchez is the same age RvP was when we signed him. However, getting one RvP year, say next season, out of him would be worth it if it can drive us to the title. I don't think he has as good technical ability as RvP though, so if he loses his pace he could decline quite quick. His physique does suggest he looks after his body though!


A Key Tool
Apr 16, 2010
This is driving me mad. They haven't even won their first trophy with Pep and there's already a talk about domination in years to come.

What a load of bull.
Well they certainly looked good for that, but United getting Sanchez is massive. It shows United can compete and win against City, which makes us more attractive to other players (as well as our own, e.g. de gea), but Sanchez alone is the kind of game changing player United were missing and getting him means we should now be challenging.

12 points behind if we tomorrow still seems too much, but next year with a fully rested Sanchez and we should be looking good.

Couple more signings in the summer and we really are up there. Sanchez was probably the only feasible signing that meant we could challenge in the here and now, rather than having to plan several years ahead.

Sanchez must know that at United he can make the difference. It’s not as simple as City just picking up titles for the next 5 years. Very few clubs retain the title.

If United get Ozil in summer we’d be looking elite, possibly a chance at Champions League!


likes playing with swords after fantasies
Apr 29, 2014
Signing Sanchez means we have genuine elite class in attack as well as midfield (Pogba) and defence (DDG).


Pochémon Fan Club Chairman
May 8, 2013
Amongst footballing managerial 'Gods'
Manchester city does not need him. He will be a luxury signing for them when you consider the quality they have in their front 3.

Sanchez is a perfect fit for our unaspiring, unimaginative front four. United move makes too much sense. With the possibility of adding another galacticos to our team and if you take into account all those high wages, we will need an ego check every week to stop some these players head from getting to large.


New Member
May 19, 2017
A few more good buys in the summer and we'll be looking very strong indeed. I also have faith that our scouting is going to improve with that appointment we made last year. Feeling good.
For the first time in decades, I can finally see United is showing a sign of intention to improving and strengthening themselves. Our scouting is very brilliant, we signed unknown players like Bailly and Lindelof. We got Bailly for a bargain price when you see Liverpool brought defenders for 75m. Lindelof is adapting but he still improving as it goes. I didn't see United showing the bad progress they made in years so it's all good and will progress to become the stronger team in next few years at least.


Full Member
Jul 17, 2015
I remember when David e̶l̶l̶e̶r̶y̶ (O'Leary) and Leeds were going to dominate English football for 5 years. This was etched in granite. I don't remember a cup or even a second place finish.

Not saying Pep's team won't win much, winning the Abu Dhabi lottery is a big factor, just I wouldn't bank on it. Football can turn pretty quickly.

Won the battle for Lukaku against Chelsea. Took Matic from Chelsea. Signed Pogba despite interest from other top clubs. Signing Sanchez from Arsenal ahead of City.

This is GOOD. This is what will bring us back to the top. I have denied this Sanchez deal all the way but it’s looking very likely now...
Good points. We're supposedly numpties in transfers but if another club managed to pull these off the pundits would be drooling semen.
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Full Member
Mar 25, 2016
The him being a United supporter as a kid not true then?
I had heard of him being a fan of United when he was at Udinese. So I don't think that's fake. Plenty of players don't end up playing for clubs that they supported as a kid. Zaha used to be an Arsenal supporter who moved to United and also considered moving to Spurs or Chelsea. Luke Shaw was a Chelsea supporter and so on.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Olly's & Code's stuff is great. :lol:


Full Member
Jan 3, 2017
Debatable. Wenger himself said before he thinks Sanchez can be better on the right then the left, but he always had Ozil who was more comfortable on the right and drifting inwards and a few others who could play on the right better. The reason for struggles at Barca was more stylistically (which is weird why Pep wanted him so much now). He's a lot more suited to Mourinho's style rather then Peps. Sanchez likes getting on the ball and doing a lot on his own, twisting and turning and dribbling the ball around. Pep likes pass and move to open space and always unselfish. Sanchez likes to force the game in attack, which IMO is exactly what we need for Mourinho's style. So yeah, not a waste at all. I think it's exactly what we need and will fit in perfectly.
I disagree with Wenger. It was the same at Udinese - far better when moved infield as opposed to playing on the right. So I would be very surprised (pleasantly, of course) to see him come in and perform anywhere near the expectations that folk will have for him from the right hand side. It would solve the team’s big issue but wishing for it to happen won’t make it so and historically he has quite simply failed to produce the quality a player of his calibre should be from that position.

Am pretty sure Lingard would prefer #10, Martial would prefer #9, and I don't think Pogba should be pushed to one side.
Yes, Lingard would ideally like to play no.10, and although he moves and runs everywhere he has a particular affinity for that little pocket of space inside left, and in times where he has not played in that position he has looked better coming off the left side into space (it’s certainly more natural for him shooting).

Martial may prefer no.9 as a starting position, but he most definitely looks to play left-of-centre and drifts into space either deeper or wider - his tendency to favour the left is clear.

Pogba I think just plays more naturally and effectively in the left channel as opposed to the right, not that he can’t play well there in a three or deep and more obviously central and disciplined in a two. Quite a few have spoke about getting the best from Pogba in midfield while accommodating Sanchez on the right, which seems a bit backwards to me because they are not concerned about misusing Alexis.

Do you disagree that we play heavily down the left half of the pitch compared with the right, or that our players generally position themselves more to the left side of the pitch than the right? As a collective, we are grossly unbalanced and although the glaring problem is the tendencies of the right winger, I think it’s very difficult to argue that his position is the only one in the side which is skewed to the left.


Full Member
Jul 16, 2015
I remember when David Ellery and Leeds were going to dominate English football for 5 years. This was etched in granite. I don't remember a cup or even a second place finish.

Not saying Pep's team won't win much, winning the Abu Dhabi lottery is a big factor, just I wouldn't bank on it. Football can turn pretty quickly.
That's the ref. O'Leary was the flavour of the month back then.


New Member
Jan 3, 2014
This makes total sense from United s point of view.

1) coming at sort of peak and can provide 2-3 years of good football. These days players are fitter than ever and he genuinely looks like a guy who looks after himself.
2) With Griezmann most likely off to Barca, provide us with 2nd best alternative. Not a big fan or dybala and we have other areas to address in the summer
3) comes in cheap considering Liverpool just paid 75m for a defender, wage will offset Ibrahimovic once he leaves so no net impact on bottom line
4) has premier league experience and give us some creative which we really lack sometimes


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
In my naivety, I somehow expected football journalists to be better & more balanced than knee-jerk twatty ultramuppets like me. Amazingly, I was wrong.


Full Member
Dec 19, 2007
It's only Utd that seem to be able to make transfers that genuinely anger and upset supposed neutrals on a bizarre moral level.

Remember the fecking drama when we sold Welbeck and got Falcao in on loan?

I have to say the reaction to this possible Sanchez deal has surprised even me, I cannot believe just how offended people appear to be. It's hilarious


career ending
Jun 5, 2010
Has anyone seen this yet? Be warned, the saltiness will completely dry your mouth out...

Also @Olly and @Code-CX
It's like people woke up yesterday and just found out about Man City and where they got to where they are. All this just makes me hate Pep even more, self-righteous twat.

I hope we win the league playing the shittest football ever but winning all our games 1-0. While City whimper in second blasting everyone 5-0 playing amazing football but finishing 1 point behind us. The fecking universe would implode.

Will Singh

Full Member
Jun 19, 2013
Theatre of dreams
Not matter how concrete the source, until he’s holding up the UTD jersey I ain’t getting excited.

“Nos Vamos En Manchester” if you know you know my pain!


Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
Jan 27, 2009
Editing my own posts.
This is driving me mad. They haven't even won their first trophy with Pep and there's already a talk about domination in years to come.

What a load of bull.
It's maddening. I know this place is a black hole of negativity at the best of times, but seeing the narrative picked up by so many high profile commentators is infuriating. If they'd actually won a treble, or 3 back to back titles, or had any such genuine tangible success, then fair cop, but having to endure this incessant hagiography over half a seasons worth of good football is tiresome as feck.

Well they certainly looked good for that, but United getting Sanchez is massive. It shows United can compete and win against City,
This is a baffling statement. Even since their takeover (which is all of 9 years ago) we've beaten them in virtually every big transfer battle, from Berba to RVP. We're Man Utd. One of the biggest and most fashionable names in the biggest and most fashionable sport. We've been mentioned in The Simpsons FFS...and even Buffy The fecking Vampire Slayer! The majority of the footballing world didn't even know there was another team in Manchester 10 years ago. And even since City's emergence, in our apparently disastrous post-Fergie crisis period, we've still technically won more trophies than them. So in what bonkers Bizarro universe should beating them to a transfer be considered an achievement? I get why City are a much more attractive proposition than they used to be, but I must have missed the part where we went from an elite global powerhouse to an Aston Villa/Notts Forrest-esque has been. When did that happen? Because judging by a lot of fan attitudes it must have done.
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Olly Gunnar Solskjær

Marxist bacon-hating kebab-dodging Tinder rascal
Jan 26, 2008
dreams can't be buy
So I guess from now on any time a player signs for Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea, Tottenham... whoever, any team not in first place at that specific time, all we'll hear is that is was for money or they had no other choice. Hmm, yeah right.


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010

"Have to judge case individually though" :lol:

God I miss the days when everyone recognised as clickbait.


Full Member
May 12, 2016
Seems unlikely that they'd dick around on the website until confirmed. I mean, this would take all of 2 minutes to add and I'm not sure the kid getting paid 20 grand a year to update it would be all the trustworthy.
Maybe Damien Green just started working there.


Full Member
Feb 20, 2012
In my naivety, I somehow expected football journalists to be better & more balanced than knee-jerk twatty ultramuppets like me. Amazingly, I was wrong.
I don't particularly have any hard feelings toward them, they need to reach a certain amount of clicks to generate revenue. It doesn't seem better in other areas of journalism and they're more impactful.


Full Member
Dec 19, 2007
It's like people woke up yesterday and just found out about Man City and where they got to where they are. All this just makes me hate Pep even more, self-righteous twat.

I hope we win the league playing the shittest football ever but winning all our games 1-0. While City whimper in second blasting everyone 5-0 playing amazing football but finishing 1 point behind us. The fecking universe would implode.
Acting like City are the pure bastions of football morality. fecking City!!!???

An absolute no mark of a team that would be yo yoing between the Championship and the lower ends of the Premiership were it not for being funded by an entire fecking nation.

Christ knows what will happen when City and Pep actually win something. There'll be campaigns started to give him a fecking knighthood. And like @Mockney said it's not even City themselves really. It's the media, even experienced hard nosed Journalists are at it.

Rhyme Animal

Thinks Di Zerbi is better than Pep.
Sep 3, 2015
Nonchalantly scoring the winner...
In my naivety, I somehow expected football journalists to be better & more balanced than knee-jerk twatty ultramuppets like me. Amazingly, I was wrong.
A lot of journos are nailing their colours to the tree with this though.

The ABU levels are bordering on surreal.

We've won 3 proper trophies in the last 2 seasons, we're 2nd in the PL and we score a lot of goals.

This level of bias is disgusting, and even against us, is unprecedented.

I guess those oil sheiks must be really kind in their payouts.


Full Member
May 16, 2010
Barca reject? He was Barcas arguably second best player in the season before they sold him.
So why did they let him go?

Perez doesn’t want Barcelona cast offs. Figo, Ronaldo and Neymar are different stories as Barcelona wanted to keep them.
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