
Melissa McCarthy is just unbearable.
It looks terrible.

Its not surprising, its a terrible idea, with a terrible cast and a terrible writer.

So, no, it can go feck itself.
He wanted Ghostbusters 3 for years, so maybe he's just happy with anything, even if this might not be what he wanted.

And nothing will be worthy of blame anyway, dubstep Ray Parker Jr. points that way. :cool:
It's certainly a very poor trailer. I don't think it's a particularly bad idea at all though, the two biggest films of last year were soft reboots of beloved franchises, and if you're going to reboot something, at least do it with a new and distinctly different approach...otherwise, whats the point? If you're desperate to see an all male Ghostbusters, watch Ghostbusters, it already exists. It isn't going anywhere.

That said, it has become something of a lightening rod for sexism, and sadly will therefore need to be twice as good to convince many it's even decent...this trailer doesn't help that at all. It looks more like a paranormal riff on Dumb and Dumber To. Barf gags, goo in ya crack gags and happy slapping. Yay??

That said, I hated the trailer for Spy and that turned out to be alright. Trailers are trailers.
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He probably would've been if Eddie Murphy had said yes, tbf..before they gave half his lines to Murray & sidelined Winston so he could do a buddy movie with Nick Nolte.
Social media is going nuts right now, as anyone who has anything negative to say about the trailer seems to be immediately dubbed as a woman-hating misogynist.

I don't hate the trailer because it's an all female cast. I hate the trailer because it looks really shit.

I do quite like Wiig and McKinnon. McCarthy has been pretty good in a few things too (and pretty unbearable in a few other things). I don't know the 4th person. The writers, Feig and Dippold, have been involved in a lot of things I like too. Parks & Recreation, The Office, 30 Rock, Arrested Development. I was optimistic about it given the people involved. But it looks rank.
It would have been better if the black lady was a scientist and a white women was the tough, street-wise New Yorker.

Looks weak but Spy and Bridesmaids were more or less excellent and very funny. Might work out yet.
Looks weak but Spy and Bridesmaids were more or less excellent and very funny. Might work out yet.

Bridesmaids was shit. Spy was surprisingly watchable, although that was largely due to Statham's stupid secret agent character.
Spy was great.

The original Ghostbusters are pretty weak, Murray aside. Nostalgia clouds their legacy.

Also disappointing Feig is making the same mistake with Leslie jones Reitman made with Ernie Hudson in the original.
This doesn't annoy me half as much as the proposed Groundhog day remake with Zac Efron and Kirsten Stewart with Zach Galifanakis as the Groundhog.
Jesus, its not like they're rebooting the Godfather. I love the originals but Ghostbusters 2 is as shameless a cash in as this is.

Dan Aykroyd has been pedlling a new film for years as well with Bill Murray an on-again-off-again participant so its not even like they wanted their two films to remain untouched as a finished saga (as opposed to say Zemeckis with BTTF).

My only concern is the use of CGI - would have liked to go down the route of practical effects.
They look to have gone a bit overboard with the gross out and slapstick humour, I also don't buy them as being scientists (admittedly only judging from this trailer though). The Original Ghostbusters had more of a deadpan humour to it and you believed they were actual scientists, apart from Winston of course. The same issue was prevalent in Prometheus where I didn't really buy the Geologist or the Biologist as actually what they were supposed to be, they were just dickheads clumsily written in to fill a role & so that they could be killed off.

The effects look good though, if a bit too 'neon'. Hopefully this isn't like most comedy trailers and is bucking the trend where the gags shown are the best on offer and there's much better comedy in the film.
Tina Fey writing would've been an excellent idea.

Tina Fey being involved in some way would have improved it for sure. As would Amy Poehler. It probably doesn't help that i'm biased given that I find none of them in this cast funny.

That was the kind of beauty of the original Ghostbusters, it was intelligent funny, sarcastic quick whips (mainly due to Murray). The mix of silly, fun plot with dry, sarcastic humour made it work.
Tina Fey being involved in some way would have improved it for sure. As would Amy Poehler. It probably doesn't help that i'm biased given that I find none of them in this cast funny.

That was the kind of beauty of the original Ghostbusters, it was intelligent funny, sarcastic quick whips (mainly due to Murray). The mix of silly, fun plot with dry, sarcastic humour made it work.
I really don't think the originals are that good. It's an iconic Murray role, has a cool as feck theme, logo but is lacking in almost every other area. Does anyone think Akroyd is funny in it? He's shithouse. Like he was for the rest of the 80s.
Anything with Melissa McCarthy in is going to be unmitigated shit.

Bridesmaids is one of the worst films I've ever sat through.
I really don't think the originals are that good. It's an iconic Murray role, has a cool as feck theme, logo but is lacking in almost every other area. Does anyone think Akroyd is funny in it? He's shithouse. Like he was for the rest of the 80s.


I watched Spies Like Us the other day and enjoyed him and Chase, although the film in itself has dated quite horribly. I think the charm of Aykroyd and Chase carried the film. I like Aykroyd in the excellent Grosse Point Blank, but that was in the late 90's.

I watched Spies Like Us the other day and enjoyed him and Chase, although the film in itself has dated quite horribly. I think the charm of Aykroyd and Chase carried the film. I like Aykroyd in the excellent Grosse Point Blank, but that was in the late 90's.
The Ackroyd of Blues Brothers was quality. After that he was typecast as the buffoon. I know it's not a popular opinion.
Not watched many films? Bridesmaids was one the better mainstream comedies of recent times, although it did create the Mccarthy monster people now love to hate ..... or flock too since she seems to be easy money.

And yeah, agreed with Leach on Ghostbusters just being some typical 80's fest that people are randomly overly nostalgiad up too, and get overly sentimental over. 80's wasn't all that good of a decade for movies, not many of the "classics" have aged all that well. Unlike say the two decades around it.
Never even saw the original, but i watched the trailer just because i expected to hate it as i don't like Melissa McCarthy. I don't know who the others are. I can confirm i hate it and now hate all of them too.

I don't even have a nostalgic attachment to the thing they're supposedly bastardising either. But it would be a lot less easy to hate if the trailer had at least one good line and didn't just adopt stereotypes left, right and centre. Given that the all-female cast is supposed to be a bold move and quite forward thinking, you'd maybe think they'd want to counteract any stereotypical assumptions we'd have about the cast. Just from that, it appears yet again we have the quirky one, the nerdy one, the large loudmouth one, and the sassy, black loudmouth one. Basically they had a really good opportunity to make a film that doesn't enforce these, and they end up making your average chick flick, just with shit CGI.