
It's got McCarthy in it so that automatically means it will likely be utter rubbish. Add to that, the trailer makes it look like a bad B grade movie. Don't think I'll bother to watch this cash grab.
I really do hope it's just a case of it just being a bad trailer, but it does look like it just another Paul Feig movie with a Ghostbusters theme/skin rather than them actually having a crack at making a Ghostbusters movie that's true to the tone and feel of the original erm..'franchise'. You can tell even by the way it's shot in this trailer they're nowhere near that, it's shot like an out & out comedy film but Ghostbusters should be shot tonally like an action/disaster film and have the comedic elements compliment that.

It just doesn't have the look and feel of Ghostbusters as well as having too much of the wrong type of humour to it. The characters seem completely uninteresting too, apart from the blonde one I have to admit, we all know Wiig & McCarthy will be playing the same character they've been playing in every other comedy they've been in and the Black Woman looks to be playing such a run of the mill lazy stereotype it could render any intentions of this film being 'progressive' completely redundant.
Ackroyd and Ramis absolutely nailed the geeky genius scientist characters in the original movies, with Ackroyd in particular being quite brilliant at delivering the tricky science Mumbo jumbo lines.

Will anyone actually believe that the fat woman and skinny woman are brilliant world class scientists when they are delivering "vagina" jokes and "the slime gets in all cracks" gags throughout the whole movie?

Bill Murray still came across intelligent but was the comic relief for the dead pan Ackroyd and Ramis. The new trailer just made the whole team look goofy.
Ackroyd and Ramis absolutely nailed the geeky genius scientist characters in the original movies, with Ackroyd in particular being quite brilliant at delivering the tricky science Mumbo jumbo lines.

Will anyone actually believe that the fat woman and skinny woman are brilliant world class scientists when they are delivering "vagina" jokes and "the slime gets in all cracks" gags throughout the whole movie?

Bill Murray still came across intelligent but was the comic relief for the dead pan Ackroyd and Ramis. The new trailer just made the whole team look goofy.

I'm sure Hawkings loves a Cox joke as much as anyone.

You are right though it's the equivalent of taking the Inbetweeners cast and having them play the Ghostbusters with the same humour.

It's hardly progressive when your portrayal of female scientists is as low brow as they come. Half expect them to hold the beam between their legs and make a penis joke.
I think she'd be a good litmus test and by litmus test I mean IQ test and by IQ test I mean "should you be sterilised?" test.


Hoping the trailer is pretty much the only "gags" they use to that extent, and its a bit smarter and witty during the movie, but not holding my breath. Dont wanna judge it based on the trailer, but saying that, I even thought the Angry Birds trailer was better than this :lol:

The idea of 4 females was a good concept. Just wish / hope its not all full of toilet humour / and its a bit smarter with its quips.

But that is what it's there for.
I'm sure Hawkings loves a Cox joke as much as anyone.

You are right though it's the equivalent of taking the Inbetweeners cast and having them play the Ghostbusters with the same humour.

It's hardly progressive when your portrayal of female scientists is as low brow as they come. Half expect them to hold the beam between their legs and make a penis joke.

That'll probably happen to be fair.
Female scientists are always cracking hotties in other movies so I guess there is some progress here.
Someone has put together a fan edit of all the trailers which pretty much gives away the whole movie. It's here in the spoilers

and yes it's shite sadly.
Not gonna watch that trailer. Likelihood is I will end up going to the cinema to watch it (depending on time) since I got the unlimited card. But there wasnt much in terms of the original trailer that made me think "yes, a reboot". The initial concept did interest me however, just think it will be terrible.

And not so cheesy and corny its fun.
I think the film will be fine. Not good or bad, just in between. It will make money because of the name and people involved but will also be held to a higher standard because it's using the Ghostbusters brand so there won't be another. I might watch it if people I know are going but I'm not too interested in it.

I am however looking forward to the arguments immediately afterward as some leave the cinema and immediately rant about how all the sexist people aren't appreciating that great movie and debate with the others who walk into the cinema already raging. As sad as it sounds, the people who seem most passionate about the film are like that because they love/hate the casting choice. Everybody else seems uninterested.
Someone has put together a fan edit of all the trailers which pretty much gives away the whole movie. It's here in the spoilers

and yes it's shite sadly.

ugh... I couldn't sit through 2 minutes of that crap.

so much cringe.
Though the originals had some small measure of charm, they were still fairly rubbish. I suspect some of you lot to have rose-tinted glasses on thinking about how much of a laff this was back in the day. If it were released today, with no previous memories attached, we'd all call it weak sauce... Well, most of us.

Not going to watch the trailer, as I'll agree that this seems at a glance to be a fair bit shitter.
Fallout boy have released the theme tune, as expected it's apparently awful, I'm refusing to listen to it
Can't trust the reviews or reactions because they seem more about enforcing political opinions and narratives on either side. I would gauge from the reviews that the film is moderately decent and not as bad as the trailers made out. I haven't watched the film though.
On one hand I like The Heat and Spy, and the reviews are good. On the other hand, every trailer and tv spot I've seen is atrocious. Think I'll pass, and report those filthy pirates when they start stealing good copies.
Can't trust the reviews or reactions because they seem more about enforcing political opinions and narratives on either side. I would gauge from the reviews that the film is moderately decent and not as bad as the trailers made out. I haven't watched the film though.

I think that's going to be about right. The film will be good (because the cast is good) but not great (because it's a reboot) and many (fans and critics) willl judge it largely on the gender of the cast ("great female role models" vs "forced change").

The second they announced the casting choice, the film became about that as much as anything else.
I've seen it, and would probably back up it's Metacritic score of 64 as a reasonable average. It does enough to sooth the early fears it'd be terrible - particularly in the first half - but not nearly enough to be a classic in it's own right.

None of it's faults are anything to do with having women in the main roles, and rather a far too reverent, fawning, hat tipping attitude to the original if anything. It takes the Jurassic World approach to retro cap dothing, if you will, and them some...And then some more again, for good measure. In fact rather than shit on the memory of the original, as so many neckbearded weirdos decried it would, it actually sucks it's dick so hard and vigorously that it barely has time to craft it's own identity amidst the gleaming pools of nostalgia cum.

It also devolves into a messy CGI nonsense in the 3rd act, but everything does these days, and there are just enough nice moments sprinkled around before that to make it a passable enjoyance.

Likewise there are just enough petty minor annoyances to keep those determined to hate it in permanent outrage, should they so wish...Which I'm sure they do. In that respect it's possibly the most crowd pleasing film of all time, as there's just enough good and bad to keep everyone ideologically invested, feeling suitably smug and justified.
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Maybe it's just me but I find pretty much all the comedies released these days at best watchable but utterly forgettable, I'm guessing this will fall into that category.
Mainstream comedies, sure, but I've a suspicion that was always the case. A lot of the things we consider classics now - including the original Ghostbusters - were not heralded instantly as greats of the genre. The '84 version has only a marginally better rating on Metacritic than this does, for example (67) and most "classics" owe a great deal our nostalgic hagiography of their best bits and dismissive forgiveness of their faults.
Mainstream comedies, sure, but I've a suspicion that was always the case. A lot of the things we consider classics now - including the original Ghostbusters - were not heralded instantly as greats of the genre. The 84 version has only a slightly better rating on Metacritic than this, for example (67) and most "classics" owe a lot to our nostalgic hagiography of their best bits and dismissive forgiveness of their faults.

You've not used hagiography for a long time.
Mainstream comedies, sure, but I've a suspicion that was always the case. A lot of the things we consider classics now - including the original Ghostbusters - were not heralded instantly as greats of the genre. The '84 version has only a marginally better rating on Metacritic than this does, for example (67) and most "classics" owe a great deal our nostalgic hagiography of their best bits and dismissive forgiveness of their faults.

Indeed there is certainly truth in that, I'd say that the globalization of the Hollywood market probably has had a big impact too. I think I'm right in saying that less comedies are now being made and that must be having an affect on how risk averse they can be.
Indeed there is certainly truth in that, I'd say that the globalization of the Hollywood market probably has had a big impact too. I think I'm right in saying that less comedies are now being made and that must be having an affect on how risk averse they can be.

I'm pretty sure movies, much like music, are being churned out in record numbers, it's just the amount with serious mainstream studio backing that are shrinking. But that's not necessarily a bad thing, as mainstream comedies are, by their very nature, the least likely to be daring or original. The mainstream always take their cues from the previous generation's cult. So Porkies becomes American Pie, Spinal Tap becomes half of network television, and Caddyshack becomes countless terrible Sandler/Ferrel vehicles. Mainstream comedy has always been a creative husk, endlessly trying to hitch it's flag to the newest zeitgeist.

Which is part of the problem of remaking Ghostbusters as a mainstream event movie, rather than a quirky, off beat SNL vehicle. The gender bias is neither here nor there, it's the big budget studio approach that's a betrayal of the original.
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Can't wait for the The Crow & Seven Samurai reboots...

Seriously f*ck off with this constant uncreative cesspool.
Its basically as cheesy and corny as the first original was. I thought it was decent, had some funny moments. Wasnt as bad as the trailers made out but not as great as some of the critics are going on about it (some seem a bit scared to actually critique it like they would with normal movies which dont star 4 females recast into the top spots). Saying that, those 4 are fine.

Its a movie about ghost-busting. If anything Ghostbusters 2 from the late 80s was the one that ruined ghostbusters, more so cos it was the exact same plot :lol:
The whole trying to pretend ghosts dont exist after what happened or is happening and first hand accounts is pretty bizarre especially in the age of social media. Hopefully ghostbusters2 remake doesnt go back to the whole "they are frauds" stuff.