Januzaj on loan to Sunderland?

Sunderland taking a punt on him as a striker for a season seems to be a big risk for them IMO
Wellbeck did well there, they have a decent manager, and I think they will play 433 so Januzaj can do well in one of the 3 attacking roles.
I would have him in my fantasy team tbh if he is going to make this move

Fair post. Where he'll play will be a big selling point.. Left and right wings are sorted with Lens and Johnson (until February, at least). We play 3 CM'S in our 4-3-3 so unless Advocaat is going to tear up the tactics sheet, he's up against Defoe for the central striker position.
He looked under immense pressure last season and I think it got to him, his confidence looked shot and he looked to be trying too hard with nothing coming off for him. A season at Sunderland with the pressure off will do him the world of good and may just bring out that natural talent he has in him and help him regain his confidence. It will be a good move for him and us and hopefully he'll come back a better player.

Spot on. He'd start 30+ games, guaranteed. If he performs well, we'll love him like no-one else can and he goes back to you, full of confidence and proven that he can play in the Premier League. Win-Win-Win.
A loan with Everton, along with selling them Evans as well to sweeten the pot for Stones ?
Would prefer he went to a better club like Everton or Swansea, or even West Ham. He needs to play attacking football. There'll be less pressure on him playing mid-table football most probably. Sunderland are dreadful. Advocaat will probably steer them clear of relegation by a hair, but it will most likely be pretty ugly and I predict they'll be under the kosh most of the season.

Those clubs aren't in need of him. We are. I'll put my neck on the line and say if Advocaat gets to see out the season, we won't be fighting relegation as we have been the last 3 seasons. 10-14th this season.
Hasn't done the players you have sent us before any harm. Evans was our best player for 2 seasons under Keano and Welbeck was integral to a top half finish under Bruce.
I think defensive players, like Evans, are much more likely to benefit from being loaned out to a team in the bottom half of the table because you'd probably have to do a fair bit of defending. I agree those two loan moves worked out well for both clubs.
Fair post. Where he'll play will be a big selling point.. Left and right wings are sorted with Lens and Johnson (until February, at least). We play 3 CM'S in our 4-3-3 so unless Advocaat is going to tear up the tactics sheet, he's up against Defoe for the central striker position.

Don't be surprised to see him displace Johnson.
If we get a new Striker to rotate with Rooney and if Pedro is signed too then maybe it makes sense to send him on loan.
Sunderland currently have Adam Johnson and Seb Larsson on the wings and Fletcher/Defoe as forwards. Adnan should hopefully get a lot of games in that team.
We should send him on a short loan till the Jan transfer window and extend it if he gets enough games

Larsson hasn't played out wide for us in 3 years. Johnson and Lens are the wide players. Giaccherini and Watmore will be behind them as Buckley will leave and Mavrias is well out of favour.
Send him on loan, needs game time and will be a starter there. Not the best club for him in terms of playing style, but the boy needs games in the PL

You haven't got a clue how we're going to be styled this season. As an SAFC fan, neither do I. It's been very cards close to their chest time this summer.
He probably isnt good enough to start over there. Swansea have Montero, Sigurdsson, Ayea, Ki and Stoke have Bojan, Affelay, Arnautovic, Van Ginkel.

Yeah. Sunderland have a Dutch coach who played 4-3-3 despite not having wingers available last year, signed one in Lens and the only other one who would offer competition for Januzaj is going on trial in February. Mavrias and Buckley aren't anything to be scared of.

Assuming another 6 cup games at Sunderland there are 88 winger starts to be had there and really only 3 competitors. The risk there is that they won't have the ball a ton but M'Vila and Cattermole is a potentially decent CM pairing so maybe they will improve a bit there and also they are defensively oriented enough that maybe they will even end up playing a 4-2-3-1 at times.

Bojan played as a 10 and Van Ginkel is a CM, though, and Affelay is always hurt. Moses is apparently back at Chelsea. Walters plays wide too, though. But I think they've got less depth than Swansea. I would back Januzaj to win the RW job with Arnautovic on the left, Diouf up front and Bojan as the 10.

Norwich would have been a decent option before they bought Brady but now they have him and Redmond and while I could see Januzaj as their 10 or even their 9 with him having bulked up and the very real possibility of Cameron Jerome starting the season by going scoreless for 6 or 7 games and getting benched.

Newcastle of course makes a lot of sense (which is why Lingard may go there) with our former Academy coach the manager there and them having no wide talent at all.
I'd imagine the position they were in, it was more needs must football. He had to keep them up. Maybe that is why they let Wickham go. They have Graham and Fletcher there. Adnan could easily score more goals than them. They might play him as a striker.

Wickham was let go because our wage bill is close to FFP limits. I'd have kept him. He has the potential to be a very good player but hey-ho. Fletcher is a waste of space. I've grown to like Graham as he's come back and really showed a massive desire to improve and his work-rate is exceptional. He's not a natural goalscorer though (unless they go in off his arse v Everton) and I'm certain Januzaj is a lot, lot better. Essentially going up against Defoe for the central position of a front 3.
I'm all for giving him a loan where he plays first team football consistently week in week out. Not sure if Sunderland is that place, but you'd like to think that LVG has thought this one through.

I'm only assuming that we are bringing in a winger then, because with Di Maria gone and Januzaj potentially going on loan, we may be thin there.

Fans dispute over the Aguero incident apart, we've had a good relationship with you over the years. No reason why LVG hasn't looked at our past history and thought Adnan will succeed at Sunderland.
I would be in favor of this, I think its best for his development and Sunderland aren't blessed with attacking talent so hopefully he would get a lot of game time. It depends also on whether we bring in a new striker, I quite like the idea of Januzaj being back up to Rooney, of course if we can bring in a more proven striker I would go with that option instead.

Januzaj needs to be playing regularly, under Moyes when he got a run of games he was doing really well. Yep I'm happy for him to be loaned to Sunderland.
We are allow to recall him anytime during the loan period right ? If yes, it is a good move

If we pay a loan fee, as we were going to with Fer before he failed his medical, you can't recall him. Nobody would know either way until it happened.
Welbeck and Evans did well at Sunderland, no problems with sending Januzaj there. Advocaat doesn't have the best of relationships with LvG though so it's kind of surprising.

Doesn't he? Genuine interest here. I know they know each other and have done for a long time.
Steve Bruce. And Welbeck is/was a hard-working, athletic player.
This has a lot more risk, and there could well be a managerial change at some point too.

No more of a risk of sending him to any other club outside of the top 6 or 7.
Anywhere but Sunderland no way can them pricks avoid relegation this time.

Why the hatred? We won't be anywhere near the bottom 3 this season. I'm confident enough to stick my neck on the line over that.
Sunderland are a club that are constantly in turmoil and I fully expect them to struggle again this season. Advocat done a good job when he came in but the fact is, their squad is still littered with dross. Out of all their summer signings, I reckon only Lens and possibly Matthews will be worthwhile.

I don't think it would be a good loan move for Januzaj at all. Sunderland have played consistently with no identity for years and often field mish-mash lineups. I have no doubt that Advocat will improve them somewhat, but I can't see them playing any semblance of good football. I feel it would a waste of a year for Adnan playing in a struggling, unbalanced team.

As others have alluded to, a loan to Swansea / Everton or the likes, would suit him much more, but yeah, he would struggle to be a starter at either.

Personally, I think he will get game-time here this season, especially 'if' LvG intends on playing him as a forward and 'if' we don't invest in another striker. He's looked sharp in pre season from what I hear and hopefully if he stays here and gets some chances, he can regain his confidence. He very much strikes me as a confidence player and a loan move to Sunderland has the propensity to be disastrous in that particular respect.

Turmoil? No, we've struggled over parts for the last 3 or 4 years. We've been a Premier League club for nigh on a decade.

The squad is always improving. We're still clearing out the dross your old friend Mr Bruce left us with. Matthews, Coates, Kaboul, Lens, M'Vila and hopefully Adnan would lift us up another level.

So, you either let him move to a club that is improving their squad, under an experienced Dutch manager in the Premier League or you let him stagnate not playing 10% of games for United. I know which I'd rather.
No. I think Sunderland will go down this season. They've been inches away from the drop these past few seasons and their squad doesn't look great. It's not a good environment for him.

Better environment than sitting in the reserves all season, going backwards even further.
Rather him go to Palace to play under Pardew. Good team being built there and pards could bring the best out of Adnan while giving him the game time he needs.

He's not going to get a handful of games ahead of Bolasie, Wickham, Puncheon and Zaha though.
Fully agree. Think of it from a Sunderland fan's point of view... they'll be like "We're signing Adnan freakin Janzuzaj!!!". Unless he does something very wrong in training he'll be played from the outset, and he should indeed prove himself to be better than anyone else they have, and hecne keep the place.
If he fails to impress, then the future is starting to look a bit cloudy for him at United, tbh.

This. If he plays and does well, he'll be loved. He'd never be forgotten. If he doesn't... he won't make it at United.
Newcastle are cnuts too, indeed, that doesn't stop Sunderland also being cnuts. Cnut derby, tbh.....
I've always thought Sunderland were OK, though I fecking hated Poyet a lot. They've got a likeable manager in Advocaat now, though.
Turmoil? No, we've struggled over parts for the last 3 or 4 years. We've been a Premier League club for nigh on a decade.

The squad is always improving. We're still clearing out the dross your old friend Mr Bruce left us with. Matthews, Coates, Kaboul, Lens, M'Vila and hopefully Adnan would lift us up another level.

So, you either let him move to a club that is improving their squad, under an experienced Dutch manager in the Premier League or you let him stagnate not playing 10% of games for United. I know which I'd rather.

Maybe turmoil was too strong, but you's have struggled immensely over the past few seasons and I'm not sure that would do anything positive for Junazaj. I wasn't slagging the club off by any means and have no problem with Sunderland like plenty on here seem to have. As I alluded to, Advocaat will definitely improve things during his time there, but the squad, for me, is still poor. The likes of Mavrias, Roberge and Buckley are far from PL standard. Lens could be a good signing, M'Vila isn't there yet and if he does sign, it could go either way, I don't rate Coates one bit, fwiw.

If Januzaj does move there, then good luck to him and I'll be hoping Advocaat gets the team playing well with Adnan being an integral part. But in case you hadn't noticed, we are extremely light in the forward position and that is where Januzaj played during pre-season. If that situation stays the same by the end of August, then I feel Januzaj will get chances here. He seems very much a confidence player, and if he went to Sunderland and things were going against him / the team, it could have an adverse affect on him.
Agree with others that loan makes sense for his development.

I don't get the 'anywhere but Sunderland' attitude though. They are moving on from the Di Canio/Poyet years and the signing of Lens is a promising indication of how Advocaat wants to play. No issue with the fans aside from the reminders about Sergio's goal. If the aim is to send Januzaj somewhere where he should start regularly in the Premier League, then Sunderland fits the bill almost perfectly. Playing somewhere where he'll have to defend a bit more probably isn't a bad thing either if he wants to gain LVGs confidence.

Good post this. Nice to see some sense. Januzaj would get 30+ games, be loved by us if he succeeds and if he doesn't, is he going to make it at United?

Good luck for the new season!
It would be silly to let him go to those twats over at Sunderland. It's a bloody graveyard. Better off at a place like Swansea or even Stoke at this point. He needs a team that will play attacking football, not one where the fans celebrate defeat. I know... I still can't let that go...

Celebrate defeat??? Pardon my language here but BOLLOCKS! A small portion of our supporters got carried away in one of the greatest ever PL moments. I didn't. I didn't like it. I wanted to see United win the title. You need to let this poznan shite go.

Stoke are fully stocked with Barca players and Swansea won't entertain the idea of loaning in a player who they will 100% not buy.
I think defensive players, like Evans, are much more likely to benefit from being loaned out to a team in the bottom half of the table because you'd probably have to do a fair bit of defending. I agree those two loan moves worked out well for both clubs.

With more attacking talent like Januzaj coming in though, we can be more expressive going forward. It's the chicken and the egg situation.
Don't be surprised to see him displace Johnson.

I'd be surprised. Extremely surprised. Johnson may not get in the likes of United, City and Chelsea's squad but he's a very, very good player for us. It'll be Januzaj and Johnson not either or.
Depends on what position they play him in, and if he will be a regular in the side. If he can get games as a #10, lovely, as I think the lad needs some confidence and the only way he can do that is through constant game time. We saw what an extended run did for him in his debut season (and that was even in a non customary position for him), and what a lack of games and the odd start did for him last season.

This is the real question. Where would we play him? Lens is an Advocaat signing and he WILL play LW. Johnson is our most valuable asset (although not with the current court case hanging over him), has been excellent in pre-season and is an almost certainty to play every game if fit and available. We'll play a 4-3-3 witn CM's I think so Cattermole, M'Vila, Larsson and Rodwell will be challenging for those positions. Which leaves him up against Defoe for the central position of a front 3.
Yeah. Sunderland have a Dutch coach who played 4-3-3 despite not having wingers available last year, signed one in Lens and the only other one who would offer competition for Januzaj is going on trial in February. Mavrias and Buckley aren't anything to be scared of.

Assuming another 6 cup games at Sunderland there are 88 winger starts to be had there and really only 3 competitors. The risk there is that they won't have the ball a ton but M'Vila and Cattermole is a potentially decent CM pairing so maybe they will improve a bit there and also they are defensively oriented enough that maybe they will even end up playing a 4-2-3-1 at times.

Newcastle of course makes a lot of sense (which is why Lingard may go there) with our former Academy coach the manager there and them having no wide talent at all.

Firstly, there's no doubt he'll play. Where, is the issue.. You're spot on too with the statement we may well play 4-2-3-1 at times. We've done it once or twice during games in pre-season with Johnson as the 10. I'd be surprised if we start that way though.

Secondly, no chance will Lingard go to the Mags. Know a couple of people who work for them and it's not going to happen. They ruined their relationship with United over Rossi.