Angel Di Maria | £59.7M fee agreed I Maybe tomorrow...or the day after...

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Is it Gaizka Mendieta?
Apr 28, 2008
None of your business mate
The greatest team in history
I'll never understand Real Madrid.

They ship this guy out under the guise of appeasing the fans with a new 'Galactico' signing when it's evident that the fans don't want him to go.

Mental. :wenger:

And yeah I think everyone is in agreement that CB and CM needs addressing more urgently but we definitely do lack a player like this going forward. He's basically the Argentinian Robben.


Statistics Wizard
May 10, 2013
Bielsko Biala, Poland
I'd be surprised if Di Maria's purchase led to a formation change. Van Gaal told the Sundays if he switched to 4-3-3 he'd have to drop RVP or Rooney, which he doesn't want to do.

Di Maria will probably play in centre midfield, as he did for Real Madrid last year. There will obviously be games where Van Gaal changes it and he plays wide. However, I think Di Maria is being bought to give us drive in midfield.
If we want to play him in midfield, we will definitely change the system.


Full Member
Jan 13, 2012
That basically sums up my thinking.

It reminds me a bit of Arsenal buying Ozil last year. They were in dire need of strengthening in 3 or 4 positions, and they ended up buying a world class player in a well-stocked area. It was a huge statement, and it gave them a lift. Ultimately it wasn't enough to improve upon their previous league position.

I'm still very excited by us signing him - who wouldn't be? I'm just not exactly sure it's the most thought-out transfer, especially given that it's unclear where he'll play.
But we are well-stocked with utter shite. It's not a case of Di Maria coming in and adding to the problem LvG keeps banging on about, re: unbalanced squad, six NO.10s etc... surely it's swap Ashley Young for Di Maria, 4-3-3 and all that jazz?


Full Member
Jun 30, 2006
I do worry that Di Maria's performances last season were down to him playing in a unique role which suited his skillset to a tee because we definitely won't be able to recreate that role in our team. In every other season at Madrid he was much more like the player we saw in the World Cup - a constant threat but certainly not a world-beater. No matter what he has qualities that our team is crying out for but when you spend £50m+ on a player you want to be able to get the best out of him and I'm not entirely sure we're going to be able to do that. The thing is with Sir Alex you know that he would've just bought the player regardless and figured out how to slot him into the team after but you'd think van Gaal already has a clear idea of how he fits in so here's hoping. He can play as a wingback, a midfielder and a forward in the 352 or a winger and a midfielder in the 433 so we won't struggled to fit him in but I've no idea where he's going to excel.
Me either. And for the price be talked about I would expect a lot more than that. I'm sorry I know many on he disagree but this seems to have panic buy written all over it.


More full of crap than a curry house toilet
May 7, 2004
J Stand
Apparently he wanted to sign for City. Hope this isn't true.
You couldn't really hold it against him, CL football, better chance of trophies and they certainly could match or better our wages (in theory)...think it's common knowkledge that he wanted to go to PSG so assume he would've fancied City too.


New Member
Apr 24, 2014
The number of fecking moaners in this thread! Di Maria is world class, If this goes through I can't wait to see him to light up Old Trafford.


New Member
Jun 24, 2013
Why are people still saying City turned him down?


If they had no sanctions limiting their spending they would sign him for £60m in a heartbeat.


Full Member
Jan 16, 2010
Football, bloody hell.
That basically sums up my thinking.

It reminds me a bit of Arsenal buying Ozil last year. They were in dire need of strengthening in 3 or 4 positions, and they ended up buying a world class player in a well-stocked area. It was a huge statement, and it gave them a lift. Ultimately it wasn't enough to improve upon their previous league position.

I'm still very excited by us signing him - who wouldn't be? I'm just not exactly sure it's the most thought-out transfer, especially given that it's unclear where he'll play.
In van Gaal's mind, it won't be unclear where he'd play.


Takes pleasure in other people's pain
Jul 4, 2012
If we were singing him I think the concerns would outweigh the benefits, obviously its slightly better United signing him due to lacking that much quality in the first place. If we were offered Di Maria for 40 million or Benatia for 28 million it'd be a no brainer, Benny every time.
Well that's a no-brainer as you already have Hazard. Willian is also much better than what we have (Young/Valencia). It's like us saying we wouldn't have liked Diego Costa because we don't need him, but you guys do. Same way we need Di Maria. Even if we get Vidal we will hardly score more goals due to a lack of pace and a tricky player who can beat a man.


prostate examiner
Jun 27, 2013
When our only pacy wide options are Young and Valencia, we need to sign a world class winger, which is what Di Maria is. Can't believe people think he's a luxury signing. Yes, we need to strengthen the midfield, but our wings have been a problem for years.


Saturday Night Spies
Jan 16, 2012
Under soil heating.
I've dabbled in this thread a bit but after seeing a few slightly odd oppo posts I guess its time to throw my full weight behind a post about this potential signing and what I think about it.

First off he's a world class player, we all should know that, however there seems to be a small divide between the fans here from what I can see.

There's those who have become disillusioned with the way the club has gone in the past few years (despite winning a title) and to whom signing a world class player has become something of an oracle, the idea of signing this player who was one of the best in a Real Madrid side that won the CL is a dream for those, despite the fact he is a world class player he has instantly become in the top 5 in the world to those and money is no object throw whatever they want at them, just sign that world class name.

Then there are those who are a bit more level headed and are concerned about what implications this has for the future.

United have been struggling lately in the transfer market, and almost every signing made has been vastly overpriced. They also have not been selling that well either so not a lot has been coming in, in the future clubs will know they can sell United average or decent players at a premium whilst top players can go for astronomical fees.

Had United bought Vidal and Benatia for say 80 or 90 million, I would have said it was very very good business and actually tip United as comfortable favourites for the top four at least as in the past 3 or more seasons these two areas have been the weakness for United.
I feel personally Di Maria is more of a statement than actually a player United are craving, a way of showing power over building the team in the correct order, this almost always leads to problems.

He will improve the side no doubt, but now it seems the thought is that with this world class player we can plug the other gaps with mediocrity such as De Jong and Blind and that's job done, I'm not so sure.

Its easy to dismiss any rival fan looking negatively upon this transfer as jealousy, which to some it may be, but not to all, there is clearly an element of truth to what some oppos say, in the same way there would be if we were to sign him. Yes he would improve our team too, but when you have the array of attacking mid-fielders we do, by how much?

Plus theres no guarantee he will make the transition quickly or easily and then will people get on his back because of his huge price tag and wage bill?

In short it's a bit of a risk, you pay a lot of money for a luxury player in the hope that the whole team will click better and that he will continue last seasons form seamlessly. Of course it may happen that way, theres no saying it wont, but it might be worth some being a bit more humble and not losing themselves too much, hes a great player but remember its team first then names on paper.
So you're saying we should also plug the gaps in midfield and defence with luxury signings also then? Are we really taking lectures from a Chelsea fan about splashing big dollar on a genuine world class player because it won't help the team click? Wow.


Full Member
Oct 10, 2006
And yeah I think everyone is in agreement that CB and CM needs addressing more urgently but we definitely do lack a player like this going forward. He's basically the Argentinian Robben.
His passing is on a whole another level to Robben though. He is one of the most creative passers in La Liga.


"Ronaldo and trophies > Manchester United football
Sep 21, 2004
You couldn't really hold it against him, CL football, better chance of trophies and they certainly could match or better our wages (in theory)...think it's common knowkledge that he wanted to go to PSG so assume he would've fancied City too.
Don't remember him liking their photos on instagram though :)


Takes pleasure in other people's pain
Jul 4, 2012
I can already see some ppl not crediting Woodward again with this signing by labelling him a "panic buy" but imagine what those same ppl will say if we don't get him!


Full Member
Feb 7, 2013
Nah, you have Di Maria on the wing where he is at his best, Mata in a position he has played effectively for Valencia, Chelsea and Spain and Rooney just behind the striker where he has played a lot for United.
Ask any Chelsea fan, they will all tell you Mata is a lot more limited on the wing. Rooney is, tbh, a rubbish CAM. He is not a good enough passer to play there and you lose some of his goals. He is good as either a second striker or an out and out number 9.

Di Maria also played his best stuff last season at CM, so playing a 41212 lets everyone play in their best positions.

I like this. Di Maria and Herrera would provide plenty of energy in the centre, with the former playing as a midfield shuttler with freedom to drift to the left wing, like he's excelled at doing with at Madrid. Rooney, RvP and Mata stay in their best positions. Would definitely need another DM, someone like De Jong would be smart and could make a huge difference.
It almost makes too much sense. Signing De Jong could really complete that team.


Has a slight gambling problem
Nov 9, 2009
So you're saying we should also plug the gaps in midfield and defence with luxury signings also then? Are we really taking lectures from a Chelsea fan about splashing big dollar on a genuine world class player because it won't help the team click? Wow.
No, dont you understand the term luxury? Vidal and Benatia are not luxury signings for United because almost all of Uniteds problems are down to those two areas. Yes theres a lack of pace and wingers are United third ranking problem but not the most vital. Also just because our club does it doesnt mean I agree with it.

Certain luxury signings we made are part of the reason I feel like that, although Im not comparing those signings to ADM.


Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days
I can already see some ppl not crediting Woodward again with this signing by labelling him a "panic buy" but imagine what those same ppl will say if we don't get him!
Aye I can't wait to see what they say, in sure it will be entertaining.

Last 5 transfers:

Mata, Herrera, Shaw, Rojo, Di Maria.

What is there to moan about? That's £165m + wages and I bet we're not finished yet.


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
Zagreb, Hrvatska
I can already see some ppl not crediting Woodward again with this signing by labelling him a "panic buy" but imagine what those same ppl will say if we don't get him!
Exactly, If we'd missed out on him the same people would cry about it. We go and buy Di Maria and they're still not satisfied.

And it's not a panic buy ffs. Stop repeating that people.


Has a slight gambling problem
Nov 9, 2009
Hes not a panic buy a panic buy is when you have 1 days left of the transfer window and sign anyone just for the sake of it with no sense whatsoever.

The thing with ADM is not that its just whether its a justifiable outlay compared to other areas

Fully Fledged

Full Member
May 23, 2013
Midlands UK
I can already see some ppl not crediting Woodward again with this signing by labelling him a "panic buy" but imagine what those same ppl will say if we don't get him!
People will moan no matter what happens. Sky are saying we may sign David Blind and Nigel de Jong in a double bid. If we sign them I can still see people moaning because they wanted Vidal.


Full Member
Sep 30, 2009
Hes not a panic buy a panic buy is when you have 1 days left of the transfer window and sign anyone just for the sake of it with no sense whatsoever.

The thing with ADM is not that its just whether its a justifiable outlay compared to other areas
This must be the 3rd or 4th time you've posted that and you've been shot down every time.


Saturday Night Spies
Jan 16, 2012
Under soil heating.
Hes not a panic buy a panic buy is when you have 1 days left of the transfer window and sign anyone just for the sake of it with no sense whatsoever.

The thing with ADM is not that its just whether its a justifiable outlay compared to other areas
The window isn't over yet. Why not wait to see what else we do before disregarding the logic of this transfer?


Asked for his wife's permission before signing up
Mar 5, 2013
Do any of their fans actually prefer James Rodriguez over Di Maria? To me, it just seems like the president has lot the plot.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2012
The idea that Di Maria is a luxury we don't need is just absurd. How many assists have our wingers chipped in with in the last 2-3 seasons? Probably 10-15 between Nani, Valencia and Young when Di Maria made 17 La Liga assists last season alone. More than any player in any other league. United fans are tired of seeing Young and Valencia afraid to take on their man and always defaulting to passing the ball back to the fullback/CM. It's an area of the pitch we are desperate for world class talent in. Januzaj is still learning how to affect games on a regular basis and despite being the only player who had the confidence to regularly carry the ball past people last week against Swansea, he didn't create one single chance. I love watching him, I hope he stays in the team and he will get better and better (I think in a few years he will potentially be one of the best players in the world) but at the same time we need someone to affect games right now, and Di Maria fits that bill perfectly. The issue here is that the squad is still bloated but we will have to offload players eventually. I don't care about the fee. One minute you have fans criticising Woodward that he talks a good game but doesn't back it up, then when he does you get people criticising him for being fleeced and overpaying. Just accept that we have added a world class player to help us achieve our targets and let Woodward worry about balancing the books. Personally I don't see the point in us bragging about making record deals, record income, being valued at £xxbn if we cant use that to strengthen ourselves. Every summer won't be like this but it is quite obvious the board recognise the importance of backing LvG financially if we want to get the club back to where it belongs.


Aug 9, 2013
the other Santa Teresa
'Panic buy' 'Woodward has overpaid massively' etc. :lol:
he is a panic buy. He is available for weeks, so why buy him that late, if you were after him all along? If thats not a reaction to the lost match, LvG and Ed are dumb as feck. This transfer wouldnt have happened if the team would have won the first match convincingly. Furthermore €70m is pretty damn steep.
Still I prefer overpaying for a player that is actually desperately needed than settling with some medium budget makeshift. He is quality and other than Mata or Felaini he fits into almost any tactics.


Full Member
Oct 30, 2013

The objective of Louis van Gaal's team is to achieve balance, he acknowledges he needs some key players but also he wants players that might not be a big name but will perform a specific role excellently.

Louis van Gaal has not once said he will sign mediocrity but only if it improves his selection, he has also implied if a player fits his profile then it does not matter whether his name is De Jong or Blind or whether it's something else.

The reality is that it matters only what Louis van Gaal thinks. And there is a fundamental difference between him and many other managers, he always plans for the long term and it is his intention to leave behind a very strong basis in Manchester.

We do not know his plan for Angel di Maria however one thing we do know is that he has a plan. For all we know his addition might help reduce the weaknesses Louis van Gaal has observed.
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Full Member
Jun 6, 2012
Do any of their fans actually prefer James Rodriguez over Di Maria? To me, it just seems like the president has lot the plot.
I think there was a poll on Marca and 84% of the Madrid fans said they prefer Di Maria.

Kill 'em all

Pastor of Muppets
Sep 15, 2012
Hes not a panic buy a panic buy is when you have 1 days left of the transfer window and sign anyone just for the sake of it with no sense whatsoever.

The thing with ADM is not that its just whether its a justifiable outlay compared to other areas
van Gaal said we can't play 4-3-3 because we don't have wingers of the level of Di Maria, he specifically mentioned Di Maria. Our options of Ashley Young or Valencia on that right side are just not good enough which really makes Di Maria as much of a priority as any other position except for maybe central midfield. Also, why do you assume that signing Di Maria would stop us from signing another CM? I'm sure that if a top quality CM who would fit into van Gaal's philosophy was available, we would have done our best to sign him. It was always the intention of van Gaal to balance out the squad and signing Di Maria will give us back the strength out wide we have lacked since Ronaldo left and Giggs got older.

he is a panic buy. He is available for weeks, so why buy him that late, if you were after him all along? If thats not a reaction to the lost match, LvG and Ed are dumb as feck. This transfer wouldnt have happened if the team would have won the first match convincingly. Furthermore €70m is pretty damn steep.
Still I prefer overpaying for a player that is actually desperately needed than settling with some medium budget makeshift. He is quality and other than Mata or Felaini he fits into almost any tactics.
How is a name van Gaal specifically mentioned in a press conference considered a panic buy? You also forget that van Gaal has told Robben that he's free to join us if he wants, that shows we've been looking for an excellent winger for quite a while now.
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